Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 8 - Title Here

As Shuri sent her mother into her room, she came back into the lab. She was sad. Her aunt had passed away. She didn't want to blame the outsiders like the rest of her family.

She looked up some footage and was sure that the new Hero was trying to do her best. But still, she was anxious, sad & angry because of her Aunt's death.

Sad and Angry because of losing her relative. And Anxious because she knew it meant War.

Wakanda didn't take kindly to those who had Royals Blood on hand.

Shuri came back into the lab, looking at the cub. He was now healthy. She was a little hesitant as Zuke wasn't here. She wanted to approach the Cub. Pet it.

As Shuri was approaching the Cub. The Cub stood up. But not in fright just curious what it would do. Well, Max was doing his beast stopping himself from jumping on her.

Shuri touched its head. And gave a little rub. The Cub actually purred at that. Shuri then went near petted it some more.

She then thought of something and left.

'Fuuu, That was a close one. Hey, don't try to jump on humans, Boy. They will not like it.' Max said in his mind. He was actually speaking with the Cub. As the Cub was not named, he just used 'Boy'.

'But. Me. Not. Like. Here. Want. Go. Forest.' The panther Cub plead.

'Yeah… yeah… I will take you when it's the right time. So don't worry.' Max thought. If this was Wakanda, he knew the moment he was an Alien was discovered. His life would end short. So the moment things go south he would make a run for it.

Soon Shuri came to them with a plate full of Meat. Max and the Panther gulped at the same time feeling the tickle on their nose from the aroma the Meat was giving.

The Panther Cub jumped on the prey(roasted meat) and was gulping it down.

'Hey didn't you want to go to the forest?'

'No. Good. Place. Better. Home.' Max didn't say anything at his host Shamelessness just enjoyed the food.

Shuri had brought a big plat almost the size of the Cub, full of meat.

But now she was surprised to see that the full plate was gone. And what was even weirder. There were no bones left.

'Was that common for panther cubs to eat that much… Even though cooked meat is tender and all but shouldn't bone be hard?' she had a few questions but shrugged it off. She had seen her fair share of a weirdo in life.

After finishing the meal the Panther gave a satisfied face. And Unconsciously burped…

Shuri smiled, but Max felt a little embarrassed nonetheless.

Shuri then removed the cuffs that were holding down the panther and with that the machinery attached to the panther's body detached by itself.

But the Cub was a little heavy for her slender body. It was comical to see her trying to walk with shaking legs. So she put the cub down.

"Ahem… that was embarrassing. Follow me." She said. Not looking back she went out of the lab. "Come this way."

The Panther followed.

'Was this girl for real. This is a freaking wild panther not a Husky.' Max thought as he told the Panther to follow her. And it did.

After a few minutes, they seem to be in front of an elevator. And they went in. Soon the Panther & Shuri was outside.

Shuri was looking at the panther with an anxious look.

Max could tell what she was thinking. 'She probably doesn't want a caged bird or a Panther I guess… well I half want to run wild. But it's best to stay beside her. I mean… this is a tech paradise.'

And like any Tech Nerd with riotous belief, Max stood tall looking at Shuri.

After a minute or two, Shuri smiled widely. "Well, I guess. You will stay." She then proceeded to walk, Max only followed.

As Max was following he couldn't help but be amazed seeing the traditional yet futuristic design that was on the buildings. This kind of tech was by far a hundred years advanced to earth standards.

Soon Shuri was in her room with the Panther Cub. As she jumped on her bed. She looked back at the Cub.

"Hmm… You don't have a name, do you? Okay, ah… Bayak. Yes, Bayak is a good name. It means Brave & Strong." She said. "Even though you don't look the part… but I am sure you have room for growth."

A tick mark appeared on the Panther's head.

Max sighed internally, 'Well, from now on, you are Bayak. I am still keeping my name Max'

Max and his new host was still needed some time to fully heal their wounds so, he needed rest. Taking a good position on Shuri's bed, he got into a comfortable position and drafted to sleep.

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