Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 9 - Tirp to the Pits

It's been a week already. It was really hard for Max, who was bonded with Bayak the Panther Cub, to find a free space to train his Symbiotic ability.

He didn't want to turn Fully Symbiotic unless he was sure that no one was watching him. And with that came the problem the Whole place was under-surveillance via drones or Security Cameras.

So he only could practice now preying eyes were looking. Wakanda is built near the Meter that crashed into Earth, giving it a huge deposit of Vibranium.

And with that Magical Metal, Wakanda was the most powerful country in the world.

'Even though turning half-Venom is fun and all. But I want to experience the full thing.' Max thought as his tail suddenly became more black than usual and started getting longer, turning the tail's endpoint to a comb-like pattern. And started to scratch his head & Neck with it.

'Sigh, It's hard to find a place where you don't see any drones.' Many of the drones weren't just in the Wakanda main city. They were also flying around outside the city. But it was they were advanced enough to have invisibility clocking technology.

'If it weren't for my minor Spider-sense. I wouldn't have guessed it. You have to look really hard to find those suckers.' Max thought. Grateful for this ability, he wasn't just ready to get experimented on.

Yes, Max found out that one of his non-combat abilities is to sense dangers. But it wasn't as strong as Spider-Man's Spider-Sense Ability. Or rather, he theorized that it was different from Spider-sense entirely, maybe a Danger Sense skill? He didn't know.

Usually, Symbiotes don't have this ability if they or their parents didn't bond to Spider-Man. But in the MCU, Venom & Riot both showed this ability.

But he had to wait and maybe bond with Peter to find it out.

'This must be an innate ability of the Symbiote race in this universe.' Max thought. As this universe was more similar to the MCU rather than the 616. Many things were different from the Comics.

'Bayak, you sure there won't be any Big Flies in that place?' Max asked. It was that even animals such as Panthers could pick up the vibrations that the Drones gave.

And they didn't like that. So they usually tried to hide from it. And giving the term 'Big Files' to the advanced drones.

Another one of his abilities was checking his Host's memories freely to get any information.

He checked out Bayak's memories and found a Mutated Animal. It lived near the Pits. It was a Gorilla.

Or A Giant Gorilla, he should say, as it was over 8 feet long. And it was dubbed the new King of the Pits.

The Pits are the place where the Vibranium has been fully mined, making it only a dense Underground Cave area. It was near the city. So Max could get back before the day ended.

And the best thing was as it is Underground, there wouldn't be any Drones to look out for.

It only took him a few minutes to get there, even though it was a few Kilometers away, even without fully taking his Symbiote from they could run at great speeds.

'Now let's start the test, shall we…' he thought cheerfully as his Panther body was enveloped in Blackish liquid with some Red tendrils along with it. As its body started to grow, muscles bulking. Claws getting longer…

Two Eyes splits opened larger than ever, enveloping in a Coma Shape Pattern. Sharp teeth each longer than 4 inches shaper than any dagger.

Max was now almost 5 feet standing on all four, his arms thick as logs, claws long as Daggers. His body was 7 feet Long.

Yet he was hard to see; it was as if the darkness was a part of him hiding his menacing yet large body.

Max inspected his new Fully Symbiote body and wanted to know his limits by doing several tests of strength, speed, and Stamina. But that had to wait.

There was a pool of water nearby; he saw his body. 'Hmm, I look charming as ever. You know, when I was little, this wasn't the Hero appearance I was dreaming of.' Max chuckled, opening his mouth showing his teeth or rather fangs.

'Demon. Run. Hide. Mum.' Bayak said in his mind. As he tried to take a step back. Only for his body to shake awkwardly.

'Da...f.u.c.k, Bayak. This is you; this is me. WE ARE…' Max paused, thinking. 'Yeah, I need a hero name Venom & Carnage is already taken. This Full Symbiote form is great, though.' as he felt a sudden rush of energy.

'Bayak, my boy, how does it feel?' Max asked.

'Strong. Like. Yellow. Skins.' Bayak said, still afraid with his new look & excited with his newly gained power.

'Yellow Skin? Meaning Lions? Don't Underestimate yourself, Boy.' Max grumbled. But he was also excited, so he didn't argue anymore.

'OK, let's give a test ride...' Bayak said, jumping out of the cave.

Even though Underground The Sunlight was Scarce, There was a huge amount of plant life here.

The trees that need sunlight grew just as tall without it, even bigger. But some having alteration as blue leaves.

Most of the trees carried poison, so there was a very few amounts of creature that could live here. 'If it weren't for Bayak's memories, I would have tried those Red Mango like fruits.' Max thought sadly.

He wanted to test out if he had any poison resistance skills or anything. But he wasn't stupid enough to try it now, not before knowing his limits.

As Max ran around with all fours, he became a blur. He jumped out, trying to run on walls, and surprisingly he could. It wasn't Wall Climbing as rather; it was just sprinting at high speed to reduce the effects of gravity as much as possible.

'This is Awesome. Woo-hoo.' Max shouted in his mind. Even Bayak was excited. As the Wind was almost their own. Circling them, maxing out his speed & darkness, hiding them from any praying eyes.

[3 more chaps till Black Panther Arc. And I will add some Original Villains to spice things up.]

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