Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 80 - [35]

Sorry guys my house is still renovating. I will try to upload every day. But it may get delayed.


Max took out most of the Hand ninjas, but few of them still managed to leave. But, he wasn't going to chase them or anything as he wanted to leave his own message. A message that there was a new punisher in town, that he was not afraid to cross the line, if he needed to that is.

He would have loved to make a hand out of their corpseses. But he was sadly interrupted.

"We are not done yet." Max heard a growling voice from behind.

"I was going to give you a nasty look, but I see you already have one." Max said turning around. Looking forward, he saw 'the Gorgon' taking position with two swords in front, his eyeglass removed. Both of his eyes gouged out; there was still dry blood around it, making him not so pleasant to look at.

"Your eyes are a piece of art you know." Max said as he tossed his eyes in the air, juggling them. "You should have ran when you still had the time."

"Not that I would have let you." He said, catching the two eyes absorbing them inside. When Max gave him the spinning kick, he had scooped out his eyeballs. It was too dangerous to let Gorgon have his eyes, as he was a mutant who could turn you into stone if you looked at him. He didn't know if his symbiotic nature would counter its effect as Max. As in general, Max didn't have any eyes to begin with; he could see from his whole body. But he wasn't going to take any chances.

"And also your mental abilities don't work on me." Max said, smiling. "You used your telepathic ability to riot Luke's emotions into attacking you, didn't you? And also you read people's attack pattern this way."

"A great way to use mental abilities I suppose. But I am so-so sorry that it won't work against someone like me, Tomi Shishido" Max said, flashing a cruel smile on his face. Max didn't need any abilities to see that Tomi had lost it by now.

Max had already prepared for high-class telepaths like Professor X and Emma Frost, and Tomi was just a low class one.

Tomi Shishido a.k.a the Gorgon, didn't know why this person in front knew everything about him. Several questions occurred in his mind, as to what the identity of the new individual was. Giving out a battle cry he ran towards Max; his gut was still healing from Max's previous attack.

"It's fun. You know letting loose that is." Max said as he too crouched forward, dashing towards the incoming enemy. As the two swords clashed midway, giving out sparks. Using both their fighting skills to their maximum, they countered the other's strike. Metal clanking, sparks flying, each one of their swords were shining silver and black.

Max was getting the upper-hand as he was physically more robust, faster with each strike Tomi countered. Tomi's bones shook, cracked and muscle fibers ripped as the battle continued. He had a healing factor but doubted it would last with so much damage.

Soon the battle ended as two swords were stuck inside Tommy's c.h.e.s.t. Landing the killing blow. Max separated his upper body from his down.

"Any last words… Oh, sorry I should have asked you earlier." Max said scratching the back of his head, smiling wearily.

Standing tall victoriously, he felt… hunger. Apparently, he had worked up an appetite. Looking at Tomi Shishido's body he shrugged.

Max 'consumed' the dead mutant's body, giving himself something akin to a midnight snack. He wasn't going to let the man be reincarnated; there was still some blood spilled around the battlefield. But with so much blood mixed, he doubted that Tomi Shishido would reincarnate any time soon.

Feeling satisfied, he pulled out a few grenades from inside, tossing them in different directions. Before jumping out of the ship, as it blew up, causing a massive explosion.


Max got back invisible seeing Black Cat and Iron-Fist panting and the Hand ninjas retreating. There were small wounds on their bodies. At the same time, Danny was trying to support Luke Cage. Felicia was constantly looking back at the ship that exploded not too long ago.

"Yo, what did I miss?" Max asked, smiling as he appeared nearby, walking towards them with his carefree attitude as he folded his arms on the back of his head. They flinched at the voice and looked back, seeing Max; Felicia gave a small sigh before flashing a small smiling. Apparently, she looked troubled, but seeing him made her sigh in relief.

"Where were you?" she asked.

"You were worried?" Max asked, holding a hand over his mouth. "How cute!"

Felicia's eyebrows twitched at the response as she looked away, crossing her arms. But she couldn't hide a small smile appearing on her face.

"I thank you for helping us." Said Danny giving a small bow.

"You're welcome. How's our patient?" Max asked.

"Barely conscious." Danny sighed. "His arrogance almost cost him his life."

Max nodded as he touched both Felicia and Danny, as their open wounds gave steam. Visibly healing in seconds.

"You have my utmost gratitude." Danny said as he felt refreshed as if he had woken up from a long night's sleep

"Hmm, I can fix him if you want" Max said. "Just be careful from next time on, and also I need a favour from you." Max said as he took Luke's hand bandaged in white cloth from Danny, unwrapped it, and did the same for his forearm. He positioned them just right, while covering the cut off parts with his palms.

"And done." Max said, satisfied, throwing away the bandages. "Good as new."

Danny's, even Felicia's eyes opened wide. They didn't expect Max could rejoin Luke's hand, and so quick at that.

"Wh…what are you?" Felicia asked, stuttering.

Max just smiled, smuggling. He looked at his wrist that had no watch, "We can still catch up on that date you know?" He said. "A normal one."

------------ (A/N)-------------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. Currently 23 chapter ahead.

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Change the '0' to 'o'

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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