Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 81 - [36] A late date

"You know… If you act like that. I don't know if our relationship would work out." Max sighed.

Felicia snickered as she stuck out her tongue, acting cute. She pushed her empty plate towards Max as if silently asking for more. Wearing black pajamas, and a gray white she looked rather adorable. She also had removed her hair product, making her a blonde bombshell.

"What are you, woman?!" Max hissed. "That's the fifth serving. The Fifth! And no, your puppy eyes won't work on me." He said crossing his arms.

"But they are so good." She said. "And in my defense, I haven't had a home-cooked meal since… Forever!" she emotionally pleaded as she held out her empty plate.

Max dangerously narrowed his eyes, meeting the girl's green ones. He sighed, rubbing his forehead, frustrated. Taking the plate from her, he got up from his chair, moving towards the kitchen as he filled it up with freshly barbecued meat.

"This is the last one, I tell you." Max said as he sat down, opposite to Felicia handing her plate.

"Hou cun dis be sho goood" she said while chewing the juicy piece of meat, as the different flavors tickled her taste buds, she was in absolute bliss.

"Please don't talk with food in your mouth." Max said. "You know... You are taking advantage of my generosity."

She smiled, gulped down her food, tapping her lips lightly with her napkin. Coughing to ease the atmosphere, "Thank you for the meal." She said, a bit embarrassed.

"You're welcome." Max said as he sliced his meat with a knife, using his fork to eat it. Unlike the glutton over there, he liked to follow table manners. "So, now's the part where we get to know each other."

Felicia smiled, leaning forward on the table, as she got close to Max. Their faces inches away from each other. "And how well would you like to know me..?" She purred.

Max was about to say something when she suddenly backed off as she bit on something. He frowned, hastily looking at his plate only to see that his Meat steak was gone. "Why you…"

She giggled as she went off from her chair. Escaping to her room. They were in Felicia's apartment, for a thief she lived in a rather nice one. It wasn't anything fancy, and with the relatively simple furniture, it felt elegant and cozy at the same time.

Max felt frustrated but was glad that at least she kept the house clean. Unlike the two nerds he knew, who liked living in dumpsters, she was rather refreshing.

Max didn't know what she was doing in her room, and even hoped a little she would invite him inside. But maybe lady luck wasn't kind towards him. He sighed, getting up and taking the two plates, into the kitchen sink. Washing them, he didn't know what else he should do.

After dealing with hero stuff earlier that night, Max continued his date with Felicia. But they didn't know what to do or where to go, as it was pretty late after the 'drug cartel' incident.

So, Felicia invited him home with a rather harsh warning. She wasn't ready for anything intimate, and he wasn't hungry for it. So, it ended with Max cooking when he saw the dumpster filled with instant noodles packets.

He was almost finished drying the plates off with a towel, when the girl sneaked up on him, "Booo!" she said near his ear trying to get a reaction from Max.

"Oh… wow, I am so surprised." Max said flatly, rolling his eyes.

"You're no fun." She said in a dejected manner, pouting. "Take this." She said, holding a box. Not just any box but a chocolate box, he might add.

Max was pleasantly surprised this time. "You didn't have to." He said not before taking the box into his greedy hands.

"That's my return gift," she said, smiling. "I even shoplifted it... just for you."

Max narrowed his eyes at the last comment.

"What? He was looking at my butt!" She shrugged. "So, I just charged him for it."

"By stealing it from his shop?" Max asked, as the girl nodded as if she did the praise worthy thing. "You're a rather honest one." Max said as he opened the box. Taking one piece out, throwing it in his mouth.

She giggled. "Well, honesty is the best policy." She finished.


After some time, Max stood in front of the warehouse; he would renovate this place and use it as a base. So, he was 'collecting' some materials from the local gangs to do that.

Getting in, he stood in front of a small door. He had hidden it and set up alarms for this particular room. Opening it with his techno-organic powers, he got in, fl.i.c.k.i.n.g on the light switch.

The room was small, actually, as one could hardly fit a car in here. The walls were relatively clean; unlike the rest of the warehouse, it didn't have any mold growing on them. But the odd thing about the room was that it was cold. As Max breathed, a gust of fog came out each time from his mouth.

There were only two things inside the small room. Two glass capsule containers, containing two different Symbiotes.

It had only been ten days or so sinceMax acquired the Symbiotes from the Life Foundation Building.

It was the first thing he built after he could separate from Peter. It was because of his Storage related ability, which he called Symbiote-Storage.

When he stored something inside himself, it felt weird, as if he had overeaten. It didn't hamper any of his abilities in any way. But it felt bizarre nonetheless.

When his powers started to change and evolve, especially when he gained his negative form, it resulted in his symbiotic-storage ability to greatly weaken. His Symbiote-Storage ability becomes vastly reduced each time he activities his negative form; he had to make a visible effort not to throw up.

So, if Max was going to use his Negative form in battle, he had to free his Symbiote-Storage. He didn't want it to flare up mid-battle. It was why he had built this cold chamber for them.

Max wasn't that worried about the symbiotes. If someone did discover this place, it would go 'boom'.

Getting near, Max opened one of the capsules, as a Blue-Symbiote came crawling out. Unlike how he was aggressive when they first met, the symbiote was rather timid now.

Hunger has its way of taming things; Max gave it some food, as the little blue symbiote found some strength.

Max produced a thin tendril from his finger as it connected to the symbiote, creating a mind link. This was the best way he could communicate with this thing.

'Now, do you have a name?' Max asked; this was the first time he was trying to communicate with it.

'Phage.' It said with a weak growl.

'Are you… Is Venom your parent?' Max asked.

'Yes,' it hissed at the mention of Venom.

'Why the hate?' Max asked, curious.

'He isn't as strong as Riot…he's weak and a fool.' It said.

'Oh, so Riot is also your brother?' Max asked. 'How many siblings do you have?'

'A few.' It said. 'But most of 'em are dead. Only the strong survive. Riot and I were strong enough to.'

'Hmm, do you know any symbiote called Carnage? I mean is it one of your siblings?' Max asked; he was curious about the red psychopath.

'No.' It said.

Max hummed, 'Okay, now be a good boy and stay inside.'

The symbiote hesitantly agreed as it started crawling back into the capsule.

'Oh, By the way, why is this one so… calm?' Max asked, pointing at the yellow Symbiote, that was kept in the other capsule.

'It's a new born.' Phage said. 'It's Riot's child.' He said, eying the new symbiote.

'So, it should be more powerful than Riot?' Max said, as every next generation of symbiotes were stronger than the previous one.

'No, it's weak. Riot wanted to kill it because of that.' Phage hissed. 'Just kill that damn thing.'

'Sure, get inside your capsule.' Max said, rolling his eyes. After storing Phage inside the symbiote capsule, Max moved towards the next one.

Opening the second capsule, containing the yellow symbiote, he tried to communicate with it as he did with Phage but was left disappointed. Phage wasn't lying about it being newborn, as it hadn't even learned how to communicate yet.

'So, this one is similar to when Toxin was born. A baby symbiote that didn't know what's good or bad.' Max thought. It was more of a puppy, rather than anything. As when Max came, opening the capsule it started acting like one. Max patted it, gave it some food. 

He was happy and worried at the same time. As this new symbiote needed attention, Max could hardly make out time for Felicia, and babysitting a symbiote wasn't an easy task.

Since he didn't know what to do, he just stored it along with Phage. He would think about it later.


Toxin is another symbiote, that was from Carnage. And it was vastly powerful, then both Venom and Carnage. But as a kid, just like a newborn, it didn't know what was good or bad. You can google info about him, or read the Toxin comics. It's a fun read.

-------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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