Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 91 - [46.1]

(An hour earlier)

With Peter Parker,

Peter woke up before the break of dawn; it was his usual time for morning training. Max had already created some pieces of equipment that he could use for his enhanced strength. But today, he also had to train Tandy, who was sleeping next door.

"I don't know why Max puts me in this type of situation," mumbled Peter. He would have loved to help Steve in freeing the Avengers, but no, Max declined the idea even before he could think about it. 'Well, you can't have everything in life.' He sighed.

Peter freshened up, dressing up in his red and blue spider-suit. Tapping the spider-logo, it shrunk the suit to his size, activating Karen, the suit's AI in the process. "Good Morning, Peter!" she said with a sweet female voice.

"Good morning, Karen." Peter said as he started preparing his bed, more like messing it up. He began to arrange his pillows in the middle of the bed before covering it with a blanket. It was so, if Tandy or anyone ever gets in his room, they would think he is in sleep. He also plugged in the mini-speaker before putting it inside the blanket. This speaker was connected with his suit, so if someone calls him from the other side of the locked door. He or Karen would be able to respond.

Jumping over his bed with a back-flip, he landed on the other side, adjusting his boxers underneath his skin-tight suit. "Hmm, baby power does half of my job." He hummed, squatting for the last time, adjusting.

Opening the window, he activated one of his suit's functions. As the spider-face-mask came out of the suit covering his face. The suit made him invisible; peaking out of the window, he latched on to the nearby wall. Crawling his way to the roof, "Call Tandy." He said while crawling.

"Sure Peter," replied Karen, the female AI.

After several calls, she finally received the phone.

"Do we really have to train?" she asked. "It's so cold outside and…"

"And here I thought I was famous enough not to get ignored." Peter said, jumping on to the roof.

"The suns not even out yet," she w.h.i.n.ed.

"Ah…ah… No excuses." Spider-Man cut her off. 'How does Max say that? I haven't started, yet I am feeling guilty.' Peter thought. "Come up to the roof. I leave in five minutes, with or without you." He said.

"Fine," she responded with a tired sigh.

Before long, Tandy came back in her new white costume, but she also had a white long-overcoat covering her. It would feel weird running on skin-tight clothes alone. "This thing is actually warm, and here I was thinking this was just a normal spandex. Guess, I won't have to suffer from the cold." She said as her breath stinging from the frosty morning air, rubbing her arms to get warm.

"Yeah, well—we need to start. Maybe a light jog to the warehouse will warm you up." Peter said, jumping on to the building's railing. Among the two new hero recruiters, as Max liked to call them, Tandy was the lazy one. This was also the reason Max, didn't give her a break. He would rather break their bones himself, rather than letting some street thugs harm him. In a way Max reminded Peter of a stingy older brother, who had everything figured out.

"Then why did you make me climb up to the tenth floor, the lift is broken." She retorted, glaring at him.

Spider-Man smiled behind his mask. 'I take it back, it's satisfying in a weird way.' Peter was about to shoot his webs to the nearest building when Karen interrupted.

"Peter there's an emergency in the 7443 W. Marconi St." Karen said. "It's a local gang-war."

Peter's shoulder slouched down, hearing that. After the infamous King Pin was taken down, New York was in a frenzy; various small-time criminals started gathering up, wanting to get their own hands-on New York. It was still unknown who took out King Pin, but he not being here, messed things up for the ground level criminal organization.

There wasn't any unity anymore, with the new power-gap, everyone wanted to claim their own land. In a way it was a good thing as unorganized criminals were easy to catch, but it created more work for the police department as well as any super-powered vigilantes or heroes that worked here. Many people died in these local gang wars that took place; almost all of them were criminals.

But for Peter, every life was equal; no matter who it was, police or criminals, Peter valued each life equally. And he was going to stop this bloodshed.

Apparently, Max didn't tell Peter he was the one who took down King Pin.

"Training canceled," Peter said as the girl beamed with joy. "For now… Go to the warehouse,— I have to a case on Marconi St, another gangwar for the stupid power struggle." He finished sighing as the girl felt dejected.

"Do we really need to stop them?" She said, frowning as she brushed her blonde hair back with her slender fingers. "Criminals are taking out criminals, what more could you want?" she shrugged.

"That's just morally wrong." Spider-Man retorted, looking at her. "I am on my own, If I don't stop them someone may get hurt because someone once said, with great power comes great responsibility."

Tandy looked at New York's rising hero, she appreciated his way of thinking, but sometimes even she found flaws in it. "Wait, let me come. It's better if I tag along." Tandy said. "At least I could give you a hand if you need it."

"No! Absolutely not." Peter rejected her immediately. "You don't have training for this yet…" Spider-Man finished jumping off the building as he swung his way through the buildings of New York.

"Yeah, right like that would stop me." She hissed as she went for the satires; she would follow the web-slinging hero even if she had to get out in the cold weather. "Where was the place again… oh yeah, Marconi St.," She said, growling her way through the stairs.

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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