Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 92 - [46.2]

The Marconi St was an old abandoned junkyard, mostly used by low time drug dealers or petty criminals. It was an old n rusty place, but today this place was brimming with people— but not the friendly type. When Spider-Man got there, he saw at least a hundred people shooting at each other, with heavily armed firearms and molotov c.o.c.ktail.

He wondered where the criminals got their funding from. Several police cops were retreating from the crossfires they got from both sides. One side was led by a short, obese man shot from laser gun from time to time, while the other was a leaderless group. But Peter found something odd, as no criminals were getting injured, and the skirmishes was a little to organized.

'Maybe it's a trap.' Peter though, he felt relieved that he was still in his invisible form, hiding from the goons and looking at the situation. Peter should have run off, but the police couldn't actually retreat with their injured comrades as the villain groups were targeting them, not letting them escape.

"Is it me or are criminalsgetting up early." Shooting a web towards the nearest hostile, he unarming him in the process. While dropping a few web-grenades at the groped people. Now all the attention was him, and the police officers took the opportunity to retreat. "Now, now, we all just need to breathe and calm down. No need to fight between each other."

"Good point." One of the goons said. "Light 'em up boys."

Suddenly Peter's spider-sense went off, as he did a massive back-flip avoiding the electric blast. The place where he stood before was now destroyed due to the high-voltage current.

Looking at the person who fired it, Peter recognized the villain immediately. "Hey, I know you… you're that villain…" he said, pondering, "Yes, you're the villian Vibrator, Right?" Peter said as he made an 'Ah—ha' expression. Making the said yellow costumed villain almost vomit blood.

"It's Shocker! You insect." The yellow costumed villain shouted, firing at the wall-crawler. Spider-Man smoothly rolled back, dodging the blast with ease.

"Hey that's not nice. Spider's are Arachnids." Spider-man protested as he dodged the incoming bullets as well as shockers electric blasts. It didn't take a genius to know this was mostly a set up, at least the criminals were getting smart. It was boring fighting low-level street thugs, with even lower of an IQ.

Yet again his spider-sense flared up, making the boy jump forward in a roll avoiding a dangerous attack, from upwards. Looking back, Spider-Man saw a winged villain.

It was Vulture, his first known super-villain. "Come on birdy, you are better than this." Spider-Man said, his nervousness fading away, throwing a few jokes around always did calm down his nerves.

It wasn't that he was in a tough position or anything, but fighting them did bring back memories, memories that ended up with a few broken bones most of the time. 'Clam down Peter, you trained for this.' He said to himself looking at the goons.

"Remember me, bitch!" said a voice coming from behind, looking back he saw a mechanical Rhino. Spider-Man sighed, he was in a tough position. Being cornered by goons wasn't what he was used to, and Max would have lectured until his ears bleed out if he was here.

"You seem like you need help," said a feminine voice as suddenly a few explosives were thrown at the Vulture, the bird-villain tried to avoid it at the last second, only to damage one of his mechanical wings. It was enough for him to fly him in the air, but the balance was a little off. All eyes were on a black-costumed female figure who stood on a nearby building. Peter recognized her, it was Felicia, more famously known as Black Cat, a criminal turned vigilantly.

"Of course he does," said another feminine voice this time several light constructs hit the nearby goons, exploding on contact, knocking them away. This time it was Tandy, in her new white costume. She also had a bird mask on her face.

Peter was now a little relieved, seeing a few helping hands.

"No, no, no." Shouted a little grunt sized man, his height wasn't enough to compete with a middle school kid, fat as his stomach was blotting out of his tight shirt and with a bald head and patchy gray beard. "This isn't suppose to happen." He shouted.

'Judging by how he looks and reacts, he must have planned all of this. Two extra punches to you pal' mainly for the spider-trap,' Peter glared at the overweight midget, because he also recognized him, he was a notorious serial killer, that hunted down single moms.

Brutely beating them before death. This was the times where Peter wanted to let loose like Max and kill this bastard, but his morals wouldn't let him bent in front of his anger. The courts can think of a punishment for this man, but he would beat the midget to an inch of death himself before handing him over. Max did teach him some certain skills

"Calm down boss." Said Shocker, firing at the white female vigilante making her hide behind a concrete pillar. "We can still take on this bug, even with these bitches around." He said as Vulture started shooting small-missiles at Black Cat, who also had to run to avoid them. "It couldn't get any worse right!"

"I usually don't say this but I think you jiinxed it." Spider-man laughed as he dashed towards Rhino, who was shooting at him.

"Jinxing is for superheroes only." Said the short man as he fired from his giant laser handheld cannon. Before the red laser beam could hurt Peter, suddenly a black shadow appeared in the middle, s.u.c.k.i.n.g it in.

The black shadow increased in size before fading away, leaving behind a group of people in the middle.

"You gotta be shitting me!" The little man shouted, horrified as blood ran out of his face, looking at the group of individuals.

"Avengers Assemble!"

(Guys I going to post an Auxiliary chapters describing Max's current and future (patre0n) powers.

------- (A/N) ---------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n.

Change the '0' to 'o'

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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