It wasn't

until Wanda appeared behind him, leaned into his ear and muttered two words.

"Chen Xi, I don't know why a lot of demons suddenly appeared all over the country, they looked extremely ferocious, and they were no less than those ogres. They constantly attack mutants and ordinary humans, and many times even a few mutants can't deal with a demon-"

Chen Xi quickly followed Wanda and left after hearing this.

It's a very tough battle.

Unlike the apocalypse, the number of enemies is very large, and this number is even joining in an endless stream.

These numbers add up to far more than the numbers of humans and mutants on Earth combined.

These evil existences are all headed by Loki.

Constantly helping Loki's army and the forces under him become stronger and stronger, more and more mutants directly join the evil side because they can't stand it.

Chen Xi did not find this situation very interesting, but also followed a very hard confrontation.

The world is getting chaotic, and it's getting messier.

"God is really vicious to me."

When he finally rested for a short while, Chen Xi looked at the black and boundless mid-air, and slowly spit out such a sentence.

Over time, the situation did not stabilize.

Chen Xi was very sure that if he didn't think of a countermeasure as soon as possible, then the ordinary humans in this world would all be wiped out, and in the end, only some of the more powerful mutants remained, and their chances of survival would always be a little higher than those ordinary humans.

But he was already prepared, and when the worst happened, those plans could come true.

Chen Xi watched everything quietly, waiting for something to happen.

Wanda knew that Chen Xi had a plan, and was the only one of the women around him who knew.

She asked Chen Xi: "In the end, when should the time be, which moment is the worst?"

"When Loki is defeated, or even killed, by Thor, the dragons are leaderless."

"Obviously, I felt that you wanted to personally attack Loki before, why did you still want Thor to make a move in the end?"

"It is not necessary to let Thor make his own move, as long as it is the people around him, the people of Asgard, then it is enough."

If there is an optimal plan, then why use the worst?

After all, his Chen Xi's existence and Asga's existence had different status in the mind of Thor God.

It was as if his woman was far better than anyone in this world.

"I see."

Wanda felt as if she understood something, but there were many things he didn't quite understand.

So she could only frown slightly at this moment, and then quickly loosened her brows.

Although she didn't understand some things, after listening carefully to what Chen Xi said, and then thinking about it seriously, maybe she would be able to figure it out.

Chen Xi and Wanda had been patiently waiting for the results, and they soon waited.

When Thor, who had no eye, appeared, Wanda stood beside Chen Xi and watched, and couldn't help but feel very surprised.

Thor actually lost an eye, and such a scene is simply unbelievable.

"You look really embarrassed, what happened?"

Chen Xi looked at Thor's embarrassed appearance, his expression did not change much, but he still asked how his situation at this time was made.

"I will have such a scene now, because of my ego and my cowardice."

Thor was very upset.

The people of Asgard sacrificed more than half.

Although they also tried hard to eliminate Loki and the others, the price paid was too heavy.

And because of Loki's death, the demons, ogres and death warriors who were still attacking in an orderly manner in the human world also began to become leaderless, disorganized, and scurrying around.

It has also caused more harm to the human world.

This scene made Thor feel very sorry, if he had trapped or eliminated Loki earlier, then this scene today may never have happened.

He took all his mistakes on himself, and the pain became more intense.

"So you came to me specifically to tell me this, or do you actually have something else you want to do?"

Chen Xi's tone was very calm, but there was already a bit of impatience in his words, and it was obvious that he did not like such things.

Thor knew that if he delayed a little longer, his human life would be more threatened, he hesitated, and finally said his purpose: "I hope you can help me." "

We're in a very bad situation right now."

Before Chen Xi could speak, Wanda over there was already very dissatisfied.

She felt that Thor was really a little cheeky, how could he ask Chen Xi to help him so naturally?

If this happened to her, she would be ashamed of her.

Maybe the skin of a man or the face of these Asgardian gods is always much thicker.

"I know my request may be excessive, but I can't think of a second person who can ask me other than you."

God the Father gave him the fate of Asgard, but he was unable to lead the people of Asgard to prosperity together, and even dragged them down to this point.

He felt that one day he would have the opportunity to meet the Father.

He was ashamed in any world, of course, these were the best expectations, in fact, there was no way for him to continue to live, he sensed that his death was not long after.

"Let's not talk nonsense, let's talk about what you want to ask me for."

Having said so much, but not getting to the point from beginning to end, is really unbearable.

Thor opened his mouth, he also knew that he was indeed roundabout and it was a waste of time not to say it directly.

But this is not what he is willing to do, if he can say his requirements normally, if it is not because his own requirements are really excessive....

"I hope you can help me manage Asgard."

Thor said seriously.

"Give Asgard to a human?"

Wanda is unbelievable, does this king of Asgard have a brain problem?

In order to be able to fight Loki, Thor traded one of his own eyes for the Fountain of Wisdom.

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