Through the future, he saw many futures.

Most of these results lead to very bad endings, and Thor keeps sifting through them, and finally he locks on Chen Xi's body.

Although he couldn't see farther away, he saw Chen Xi's stubbornness and wisdom, and even persistence, from those futures.

"I don't worry about who I give Asgard to, but if it were you, you would definitely be able to shelter everyone in Asgard."

Speaking of this, Thor thanked Chen Xi very seriously: "Thank you very much for saving Gardel and Amora, if it weren't for you, the two of them might also have suffered misfortune." "

Asgard's losses are already very heavy, and Thor doesn't want something worse to happen again.

"I can grant your request."

It seemed that after thinking for a long time, Chen Xi suddenly said this.

In fact, all this is just Chen Xi's plan, and now that his plan has been achieved, it is time to close the net.

Thor didn't know the plan in Chen Xi's heart at all, nor did he know what he was thinking now, but he only knew that Chen Xi had agreed to his request, and he was extremely happy.

"Thank you, really thank you!"

After saying this, he stumbled away under Chen Xi's signal.

Not long after he left, Wanda turned sideways again and asked Chen Xi: "Should we act?"

"Of course."

Chen Xi smiled, he was looking forward to this moment, he had been looking forward to it for a long time.

When Franklin came into the world, he was already making plans.

While leaving Susan to deal with Franklin, he took the new universe created by Franklin for himself.

Even he had to watch carefully to avoid Franklin creating a spirit in his new universe, thankfully nothing.

Chen Xi took Franklin's ability for himself, and since this new universe has also taken shape.

So when the action officially began, the rest of the people fell into despair, but suddenly found that the existence that had made them feel painful and desperate had all disappeared in an instant.

Only a few destroyed buildings and some bloody corpses remained on the streets, while the corpses of ogres who had been defeated by them, and even the corpses of demons, were gone.

If it weren't for the mess around them, they would even think that what they had experienced before was just a nightmare.

"What happened, and why have all those evil beings disappeared?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything."

"Who did this, and who in the world can do this?"

"Who else can there be besides the leader Chen Xi?"

"Look, it's time magic."

"Oh my God, such a big world magic?"

Everyone watched in disbelief as the scene in front of them happened, and even those who died got up from the ground one by one.

They are still impressed by their memories of their deaths.

They kept touching their bodies.

"I obviously remember that I was crushed by a demon, and now I'm alive, I'm not a spirit body?"

"I remember being clicked twice by an ogre and swallowed whole, but I'm still alive."

With a snap, one of them slapped him twice in the face.

The pain in their cheeks made them deeply aware that they were not dreaming at all, but the truth.

"This thing must have been done by Chen Xi, how powerful Chen Xi is!"

"Honey, are you all right?"

Everyone knew that the person who caused such a scene must be Chen Xi.

Gwen was so worried that he landed in front of Chen Xi with almost a few quick jumps, and asked him softly if there was anything wrong.

"I don't have something to do, I'm feeling really good right now."

Chen Xi said lightly, after all, he relied on the energy of another universe, and he didn't spend much strength.

If he had anything to say at the moment, he could only say that he was very grateful for Franklin's death.

Because of the magic of time, everything is back to the pre-war situation.

The people of Asgard found Chen Xi in front of him.

"If you can use time magic, will you be able to keep our companions alive too?"

"My time magic can only be used on things that already exist in this world. Don't you see that those demons and ogres didn't come back to life when they died?

Chen Xi's faint opening directly interrupted the delusions of these Asgardian people, and these Asgardian people were not a dimensional existence with him at all.

Not everything can use time magic.

Then no matter which world it is, it is already out of order.

The reason why he can use it is also because he has prepared in advance, and the use of time magic is also very demanding.

The people of Asgard actually didn't have much hope, they also knew that Chen Xi was just a human after all, even if there were some things he could do, there were some things that he might not be able to do.

It's just because I have an expectation, so I can't help Chen Xi's body.

"I'm sorry, we went too far."

Xi Fu bowed cautiously to Chen Xi and apologized to him.

"It doesn't matter, you guys just raised this point, there is no big problem."

What the other party asked him to do, he didn't have to do, and he wasn't stupid.

At least in terms of stupidity, he definitely won't learn like Thor, the god of thunder.

"How's Thor doing?"

Chen Xi didn't want to continue discussing this issue, so he asked about Sifthor's situation.

"Thor's situation is a little bad, but he has already arranged the next arrangements." Sif couldn't help but frown when she said this: "He put all of us in your hands, we know about this matter, so what orders can be said later, and besides, he also asked me to tell you something..."

"Asgard and Loki are all guided by a voice that is a more powerful being, he is very fond of you, and even wants to disintegrate the entire mutant... This time the attack was unsuccessful, I believe that soon the next wave of attacks will follow..."

As Xifu said this, Chen Xi once again felt a line of sight fall on him.

Chen Xi, who this line of sight belonged to, could not be determined, but it must be one of the five gods of a higher dimension, which Chen Xi was sure of.

"It doesn't matter, just let them let the horses come!"

Chen Xi smiled, and even had a faint sense of pride in his voice.

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