Gao gradually stayed upstairs bored for a while, and Pepper really came.

Moreover, Little Pepper was still holding a boxy gift box in her hand, and Gao Wanli couldn’t help but guess in her heart that maybe it contained the old model Ark reactor that she helped replace before.

Pepper hurriedly said hello to Gao Wanli, went to the kitchen to prepare a cup of freshly ground coffee for Tony, and then went downstairs.

Let’s just say that the kitchen of Tony’s house makes Gao Wanli feel strange, and it is a coffee machine and various things, and she doesn’t understand many of them, only knowing the most basic kitchenware.

Not long after, Pepper returned upstairs and greeted Gao excitedly: “Okay, Mr. Tony has approved a sum of money for us, we can spend it well.” ”

Tony is not only rich, but also generous, which can make Pepper so happy, and obviously the amount of money is not small.

Gao Wanli didn’t ask how much, since this money was for Pepper to dispose, she just needed to consciously buy a few clothes.

“By the way, buy some more ingredients for the evening, I said I would invite you and Mr. Tony to dinner,” Gao gradually forgot his second mission, and he could get up to one million bonus points, which was already a lot of money.

Of course, Gao doesn’t dare to guarantee the final result, and God knows if her preparation will be satisfied with Tony.

In this way, the two women walked out of the door of Tony’s villa and prepared to go to the city to buy a lot.

After coming outdoors, Gao gradually left a long lazy waist: “So comfortable sunshine, feel warm, full of strength.” ”

Perhaps she forgot another way for Superman to become stronger, Superman can increase his strength by basking in sunlight, provided that it is a normal Superman, if it is the opposite of Superman in the opposite world, golden sunlight is a deadly toxin.

However, because the superhuman bloodline level of the high gradual departure is too low, and the body is wrapped in the American military uniform, the effect of sunlight is greatly reduced, and the power of promotion is also weak.

“Let’s go,” Pepper got into a car at some point, and the person in the driver’s seat was Happi, who was also responsible for Pepper’s driver when Tony wasn’t out or not in the driver.

He had sent Pepper before, but now he hasn’t left, just in time to take the two women to shopping.


Without saying a word, Harpy drove to the busiest commercial street in New York City, and finally asked the two women: “Do you want me to help you carry things?” ”

“No need,” Gao said first, “Don’t look at me like this, I have a lot of strength.” ”

Saying that, she also clenched her fists and showed her arms, of course, there were no muscles, and the small arms wrapped in military uniforms were thin, without the slightest sense of strength.

Harpy shook his head with a smile and gestured to Pepper with his eyes again.

Pepper shrugged: “Let’s go around first, and we’ll find you when we can’t mention it, Harpy.” ”

Harpy then agreed: “Okay, I’ll go find a parking space nearby, call me if something happens.” ”

The two women said yes, pushed the car door and walked to the commercial street in front.

The so-called most luxurious commercial street means that the things sold in the surrounding shops are all luxury goods, and the level is the most high-end, even the clothes sold are no longer just a piece of clothing, what fabric is exquisite, the style is exquisite, which master handmade and so on, as well as the world’s limited editions and the like.

In short, don’t look at the road under your feet is not paved with gold bricks, but this is indeed a place for drunken gold fans.

Seriously, a bottle of mineral water can buy three thousand knives, and Gao Wanli is already scared.

What mineral water, what is procured from volcanoes, isn’t that mineral water?

It’s a bunch of stinky things.

“What clothes do you fancy?” Pepper asked Gao to fade away.

Gao gradually returned with a wry smile: “I want to go to the hospital, my liver hurts.” What’s the situation here, a piece of clothing can easily cost tens of thousands of knives, a bottle of water can be sold for 3,000 knives, and the money is blown by the wind? ”

Little Pepper blinked, didn’t hold back the ‘poof’ smile for a while, and explained: “Don’t say that, those clothes are all famous brands, and many stars flock to them.” ”

“Forget it,” Gao Wanli shook his head: “I haven’t worn such high-end clothes, and I don’t understand those brands, if you buy clothes for me, let’s go to a more ordinary department store to find them.” ”

Little Pepper looked at Gao Wanli a little unexpectedly, generally girls encounter this kind of good thing, will definitely pick those brand-name clothes, but also will make their own decisions and pick a few brand-name bags, watches and whatnot.

But Gao Wanli was not the same at all, and when she looked at those beautiful dresses, she could only see boredom and disgust on her face.

Little Pepper didn’t know that Gao Wanli’s heart was cursing those damn designers at this time, those dresses were either open-chested or backless, how could she possibly look at them.

“Speaking of which, isn’t Tony going to give you a dress for your birthday? Why don’t you pick one,” suddenly Gao gradually thought about it, and couldn’t come with her nature, in case Pepper had clothes she liked.

Pepper felt strange: “How do you know?” Did Tony say that to you? Actually, I’ve already bought it, but I didn’t buy it here, and I think the things here are too expensive. ”

Saying that, Pepper also winked at Gao, and the two laughed together.

So before the two were halfway there, they turned around and called Harpy on the phone.

“Finished so soon?” Harpy was surprised by the speed of the two, and the girl’s trouble buying things would definitely not be lost to a war.

Little Pepper had to explain to Harpy that Gao Wanli felt that it was too expensive here, so he wanted to change to a more ordinary department store.

Harpy looked at Gao unexpectedly, and also felt that this girl was different from the girl Tony brought home before.

At least Gao Wanli is not a glamorous product.

Whether it is Pepper or Harpy, they are obviously biased towards Tony, so Gao Wanli accidentally left a good impression on the two.

Because the lot in the vicinity was expensive, it took Happi a lot of time to find the ordinary department store that Gao Wanli said.

The so-called department store means everything, it is a huge shopping mall with everything from clothing, to fruits and vegetables, to tobacco, alcohol, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea, you can always buy what you want.

In the clothing section, Gao bought ten sets of clothes in one go, but only ten pairs of jeans, ten short sleeves, and at most three coats.

If it weren’t for Pepper’s insistence, she would even have bought ten pairs of the same pants and ten of the same short sleeves.

“Are you sure that’s all right?” Pepper asked Gao with a smile.

Gao Wanli nodded in determination, she only needed that.

“What about underwear?” Pepper reminded Gao that she hadn’t bought lingerie yet.

Gao Wanli responded helplessly: “I have underwear, don’t worry.” ”

Her underwear comes with her combat uniform, giving her an unparalleled sense of security without worrying about unexpected run-out during the battle.

And as a combat uniform, it itself will not be dirty, so it is no problem not to change it.

Well, after all, it is the ultimate combat suit, the highest level is already, if you don’t even have this function, it is surprising.

“Okay, let’s buy the clothes here first, let’s go buy the ingredients for the evening first,” Gao Wanli obviously cared more about the task.

However, Pepper still chose several sets of pajamas for her on the way.

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