Because today’s dinner is gradually leaving, she is going to challenge herself with a hot pot for her second task, so she begins to purposefully search for a goal.

But unfortunately, although the goods of this department store are very comprehensive, after all, it is for American customers, unless you go to some special areas such as Chinatown to buy something more suitable for the taste of the Celestial Empire.

For example, the indispensable shabu mutton and mutton rolls in the hot pot are completely absent, and Gao Wanli can only buy a piece of about ten pounds of mutton, intending to show his knife skills again after going back.

Only one thing worries her, this is a piece of mutton she bought casually, where does the best part of shabu lamb come from?

Forget it, so be it.

Then Gao gradually bought a large piece of beef, as well as some vegetables, fungi and other ingredients suitable for cooking together in a hot pot.

Before they knew it, the purchase car was almost full, and Pepper took the time to call Harpy over, since he said earlier that he could help them carry things, then wait a minute, really ask him to help.


When the group returned to Tony’s house, Tony, who came out to observe the situation, was startled, each of the three people was carrying two large bags of things, Harpy was in charge of beef and mutton, Gao Wanli was carrying a large bag of clothes stuffed into a pocket in his left hand, and carrying various bottles and cans in his right hand, which looked like condiments?

Little Pepper’s hands are not idle, and there are a large number of vegetables in each hand.

“What is the situation?” Tony asked.

Pepper and Harpy both shrugged, meaning to let Gao drift away to explain, and they took their things to the kitchen, temporarily sorted them and put them in the refrigerator.

“Didn’t you go shopping for clothes?” Tony asked while looking at the things on her hands, and when he saw that the clothes on one of her hands were squeezed out of shape, and he knew that it was not a high-end brand, he couldn’t help frowning: “The money I gave should be enough.” ”

Gao Wanli shook his head, driving his long brilliant white-blonde hair to flutter back and forth together, looking very beautiful.

It’s a pity that she didn’t realize it herself, although Tony was a little surprised, but he also knew that this girl didn’t mean that to him, and called him uncle.

“You forgot what I said yesterday? I said I’m going to make a big meal today to thank you and Pepper, so stay tuned,” he said, and Gao Wanli also carried his things to the kitchen.

Tony looked like he didn’t know what to say, but since Gao was so insistent, he accepted her kindness.

So Tony stopped bothering and turned around and went back to the studio downstairs.

His work completed a stage breakthrough, and even completed the design and manufacture of some parts of the limbs, and then he only had time to experiment.


In the afternoon, Gao was finally able to change out of her military uniform, and before going to the kitchen to prepare, she went back to the room she had prepared upstairs to change her clothes.

Because of the relationship between the combat clothes inside, the live broadcast screen played all the scenes of her changing clothes.

Barrage: “Wow, good foul combat uniform. ”

Someone is complaining that the Superman combat suit on Gao Wanli is simply foul.

Just like Gao Wanli said, the small short skirt does not play the role of clothes at all, and it is possible to walk away with every move.

There is also a small shirt on the upper body that also sets off the tall and detached figure better.

Gao Wanli sighed helplessly, there was no way to do anything about the live broadcast system, he could only get dressed as quickly as possible.

After changing into new clothes, she wore a pair of beige jeans that fit tightly to her body, and a white sleeveless short sleeve on her upper body, and her combat uniform was worn by her again.

Because the shoes attached to the combat suit under the feet were too comfortable, the shoes that were still wearing the combat suit were still high.


Gao got himself right and went straight to the kitchen downstairs to get everything ready before dinner.

In order to better cut the beef and mutton into suitable slices, Gao Wanli first put the two pieces of meat into the freezer and froze, and took the vegetables and fungi and other ingredients on the side to get busy.

When she has all the dishes in order, two pieces of meat can be cut.

After busy until the evening, everything was finally ready, and then it was time to prepare the bottom of the pot.

Since he didn’t buy the dipping sauce, Gao Wanli planned to work on the bottom of the pot.

Depending on the region, hot pot also comes in a variety of flavors, but Gao used to eat the bottom of the clear soup pot and adjust the dipping sauce according to his taste.

But now it can only be reversed, without dipping, but directly on the bottom of the pot to adjust the taste.

“Fortunately, there is an old godmother,” Gao Wanli took out five bottles of old godmother’s chili oil from the bottles and jars in the bag containing the seasoning, opened them with his bare hands, and poured them into the pot that had been prepared next to him in one go.

The pot has already filled a lot of water, and Gao gradually threw some salty salt into it, just waiting for the water to be grilled, and a pot of the simplest version of the red oil hot pot is good.

I have been silently watching the audience in the live broadcast room where Gao Wanli is about to pass by: “…, it’s too brief, right?” Can this be eaten? It’s all an old godmother’s taste. ”

“There’s no way, after all, this is the time background in 2008, it’s not easy to find the old godmother,” some people are crying for Gao Wanli, after all, this is in the United States, the taste must be different from the Celestial Empire, it is not easy to find the old godmother, and unlike ten years later, you can see more things with Celestial Empire elements in foreign countries.

“But today’s live broadcast content is so boring, you can see the number of people online, there are only 10 million people left,” suddenly a barrage complained.

Perhaps because of the novelty at the beginning, and in addition to going out to buy something today, Gao has been staying in the kitchen today, and such live broadcast content really cannot attract the audience.

Someone said: “Even if you go and talk to Tony, or isn’t Pepper upstairs, no matter what the live content is, it’s better than watching you cut meat…. ”

Because the meat slices are prepared for hot pot, they are thinner than before, which wastes a lot of time.

This makes many viewers feel bored, who like to watch people cut meat when they have nothing to do.

And Gao is not the type who will interact with the audience anytime, anywhere, after all, she is not an experienced anchor.

In the face of the barrage’s complaint, Gao Wanli just shrugged lightly: “I don’t eat by live broadcasting, whatever.” ”

Barrage: “But can’t we also increase reward points by sending flowers?” Is it really good to not care so much about the audience? ”

Uh…, yes, she seems to care too much about the reward points given by the task, but ignores that the audience in the live broadcast room can give her flowers in exchange for reward points.

“But I can’t help it, I can only focus on the immediate goal,” Gao Wanli sighed, sent the hot pot and induction cooker to the dining table outside, and then shouted without raising his head: “Mr. Jarvis, please help me inform Tony and Pepper that it is ready to eat.” ”

Jarvis: “Okay. ”

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