Stark Building.

After deciding to set off from the battleship, in a split second, Gao gradually left.

Tony in the back had completely lost his trace, and soon received news from Jarvis and Friday, the former said very sadly: “Mr. Stark, your daughter has reached the end, and you haven’t started yet, maybe you’re really old.” ”

Tony had a black line: “Shut up.” ”

Friday was more polite: “I’m sorry, my boss has won.” ”

Tony sighed: “She’s getting stronger, I don’t need to protect her anymore, but she wants to protect me.” ”

This sense of déjà vu of having a daughter growing up in the family makes Tony really feel a sense of frustration, is he really old?

No way.

Tony shook his head, he wasn’t old enough to retire, so of course he had to keep fighting.

So Tony began to rush after the defeat and chased him to the Stark Building.

On the other side, the height of the Stark Building faded away from the roof of the building, and sure enough, he saw Loki.

“You’re so daring, you dare to come to my house to make trouble,” Gao came to Loki with an unhappy face.

Loki smiled proudly at Gao Wanli: “I know, you’re Tony. Stark’s adopted daughter is the same as I am the adopted son of the Odinson family. Actually, I was thinking, why don’t you take the opportunity to get rid of your adoptive father and get his entire estate? You should know that if he has a child of his own, you will lose all favor. ”

“Are you a child?” Gao looked at Loki speechlessly: “What do you think I want?” Money? What use do I want that thing? What I need is affection, what I need is family. Loki, you’ve been blinded, so you can’t see how much Odin cares about you, you can’t see Thor’s sadness about being so willing to fall for you, and how sad your departure makes Friga, you’re so naïve. ”

“You know what,” Loki was instead disturbed by Gao Wanli and roared uncontrollably, “They only favor Thor, what am I?” I’m nothing more than a pawn that Odin is ready to use against the Frost Giant. ”

“Don’t be too arrogant ah smelly boy, with the strength of the Odinson family, and the strength of Asgard, it is still not too difficult to destroy the frost giant who lost the treasure (that ice box),” Gao Wanli also shouted at Loki.

“Loki,” Gao looked at Loki with a complicated look, “you should be glad that you met a father, a ruler, not a conqueror, and not a ruthless enemy. ”

So he survived, and Odin adopted Loki, who was abandoned in the Frosty Lands, when he was weak.

If it weren’t for the careful care of Odin and Friga, Loki would have died a long time ago.

“You know what,” Loki still insisted.

Gao gradually left but sneered: “It’s better to say that you and I are confidants, but I spurn you because you don’t know how to be grateful, you are just a smelly boy who keeps asking and never knows satisfaction.” If you still have even the slightest bit of kindness and conscience, surrender and let the Odinson family at least retain a little face. ”

Loki spread his hands: “How?” Have you started thinking about the Odinson family? You’re not really fancying that Thor guy, are you? ”

Gao closed her eyes, she really wanted to save this guy, but he her off.


Without warning, Gao Wanli struck and kicked Loki away, causing the latter to fly high and hit the wall next to the balcony, almost falling.

Looking at Loki, who fell to the ground and screamed in pain, Gao gradually left the expression and said coldly: “The Odinson family is my friends, I just feel that they helped me, I am different from you ruthless guy.” ”

Loki squinted at Gao Wanli, and this kick almost made his internal organs shift, and he felt that his bones were moaning.

“It’s late,” Loki sneered spontaneously, “It’s late, my army is about to come to Earth to conquer this world for me, and I will become the king who rules everything.” ”

As if confirming Loki’s words, on the roof of the Stark Building on the higher floor, a dazzling blue light shot straight into the sky.

Gao Wanli knew what it was, and it seemed that Eric had successfully researched a device to activate the space gem and opened the wormhole portal.

Above New York, the originally clear sky suddenly opened a huge void, and on the other side of the portal, the army of the Chitauri, who had been waiting for a long time, took action at the first time.

A terrifying army of troops is ready to move through the wormhole, and first countless minions pilot a single flying machine through the portal and reach the skies over New York City.

“I won,” Loki smiled triumphantly.

Gao Wanli snorted coldly, and walked over to beat this bastard violently.

Loki shrunk his neck, remembering that this goddess of war in front of him who was in the battlefield of the Nine Kingdoms, killing a famous goddess, it was really not difficult to kill him.

Just then, Tony was finally belated.

Looking up at the sky, Tony gasped: “How so?” How many armies did this bastard prepare? ”

“It’s okay,” Gao Wanli didn’t care at all: “When I was fighting in the Nine Kingdoms, I encountered a bigger scene than now. ”

Of course, this is just to comfort Tony, in fact, I really haven’t encountered it, the army of the Chitari hidden behind the wormhole, it can be said that the whole army is dispatched, and Thanos handed over the entire army of the Zitari to Loki.

But it doesn’t matter.

Gao gradually squeezed her fist, she had just upgraded the Superhuman bloodline to the Silver Age before this, and she could feel that the power that had far surpassed Odin had become stronger, although the corresponding ability may not be mastered yet, it doesn’t matter, slowly adapt to it in battle.

“Go change your suit,” Gao reminded Tony, who was not immediately in the sky, but was protecting Tony.

Tony himself is just an ordinary person, and all his combat power comes from his Iron Man suit, so Gao gradually left to guard against it, and only after Tony was dressed neatly, she could leave with confidence.

Tony also knew that the situation was urgent now, and quickly rushed to the building, where he also prepared a combat suit, just to deal with emergencies.

Mark seven generations, Tony has developed the seventh generation of the suit, wearing has become more convenient and efficient.

And the seventh-generation suit is equipped with more and more advanced weapons, and can even fly automatically, and wear it when you meet Tony.

This laid the foundation for future suits.

Moreover, the seventh-generation suit is a heavy armor specially prepared for battle, with higher defense and stronger attack.

“The battle begins,” Tony, who had finished dressing, came to Gao Wanli and prepared for battle.

Gao Wanli nodded, suddenly reached out and tore open the tights borrowed from Natasha, and drew a delicate longsword from his personal space.

Tony was grinned at her dashing gesture of tearing her clothes.

No father would want to see his daughter show so much white flesh….

“Follow me,” Gao Wanli greeted, and ‘whoosh’ flew into the sky, rushing towards the army of the Chitauri who had rushed out of the wormhole.

Tony naturally followed.

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