By the time the plot reaches this point, Loki is no longer important, and the army of heaven is the primary target.

So Gao Wanli and Tony flew into the sky left and right, and collided head-on with the Zetari vanguard army that had come to Earth through the portal.

The number and threat of the vanguard force cannot be underestimated, but I saw that the sky was densely packed with enemies fighting alone, and they were riding a small flying machine, and their movements were very flexible.

The Mark VII suit carries more weapons, this suit sacrifices part of the lightness and flexibility, and appears in front of the world in the form of a heavy armor, which is specially developed for large-scale battles.

At this time, Tony immediately opened the weapon carrier on both shoulders and released two rows of self-guided small missiles.

It seems that each missile is the size of a finger joint, but when they catch up with the enemy and explode, the power is terrifying.

Flying not far away, Gao gradually left and did not show weakness, holding a long sword in her hand, she first released a bright blue laser laser from her eyes to attack the enemy, and every target hit could not resist, and it was penetrated through the body in an instant.

With the laser laser laser that was used in high gradient or off or continuously, the enemy was killed and wounded at once.

This is not over, when Gao gradually meets more enemies soon, she wields the magic longsword that Odin created for her, or swings out a large dazzling electric light, easily taking away a piece of enemies, or spewing out a curtain of fire to burn the enemies to death, sometimes simply attached wind attribute magic to the front of the sword, cutting out a huge sword qi-like wind blade, any enemy who is hit will be killed in everything.

The two fathers and daughters who broke into the enemy position were not dangerous at all, as if they were in no man’s land, only a few enemy troops bypassed them from a distance and ran to pick Loki away, while many more enemies were killed and wounded.

At this moment, the enemy sent a new lineup, and in addition to the individual soldiers riding the flying machine, two huge monsters flew over.

Those two monsters looked like aquatic creatures, but they had the ability to fly, obviously without wings, but flew in the sky in a flying way.

The monsters’ bodies were huge, each of them the size of S.H.I.E.L.D. battleship, and possibly even larger.

And when the monster approached the ground, countless land troops of the Chitari people emerged from both sides of the monster’s body.

It seems that the monster is not only a threat in itself, but can also carry troops and function as a transport aircraft.

“Hmph,” Gao snorted coldly, and a monster came towards her, opening its huge blood basin and mouth, as if intending to devour her.

“Be careful,” Tony had been paying attention to Gao’s every move while fighting, and couldn’t help shouting quickly when he saw that his daughter was in danger.

Gao Wanli shook his head: “Leave me alone.” ”

Saying that, she greeted it without retreating, flew to a higher place and landed on the monster’s head.

“Open it for me.”

With a coquettish cry in his mouth, Gao gradually clenched his fist and smashed it down fiercely.

Obviously, she is so petite, but the power contained in her body is extremely terrifying.

I only heard the monster let out an overwhelmed wail, and then his whole head suddenly exploded, and he was actually punched by Gao Wanli.

Tony, who was just about to fly this way, was dumbfounded, and sure enough, his daughter became more and more terrifying.

Especially Gao gradually left the momentum of killing and decisive, Tony finally believed that she was no longer the child who was frightened by her own ruthlessness and had a psychological shadow, and even cried to him and Pepper, but a heroic female general, and even a goddess of war.

“Be careful,” suddenly Gao Wanli shouted at Tony.

Tony came back to his senses and noticed that the other monster had taken aim at him at some point, and had opened its blood basin to swallow it.

At this urgent moment, Gao Wanli appeared behind Tony in an instant, holding a sword in one hand and a fist in the other, and passed Tony and went straight to the monster.


Gao Wanli’s fist slammed into the monster’s forehead, and with a thunderous bang, Tony saw that the monster collapsed as a whole, worse than the previous monster who was headshot.

“Don’t be distracted,” Gao walked away from Tony’s side and complained angrily, “This is in the battlefield, Daddy.” ”

Tony said apologetically, “Sorry, I’m scared by you.” ”

Gao Wanli shrugged: “After all, I have been fighting on the battlefield of the Nine Kingdoms for more than a year in the past year. And this is my choice, I should grow up, I can’t keep looking for you and Pepper to cry nose. ”

It seems that she also remembers the original blow.

And after the baptism of the battlefield of the Nine Kingdoms, Gao gradually became more ruthless, but she would never hesitate again.

“Tony, Kogao, can you hear me? What’s going on? “Just then, the two heard Steve’s voice at the same time, they were still in a radio channel, although it was actually a bug….

“You’re too slow, we’re all done fighting,” Tony complained.

Natasha’s voice sounded on the radio again, and she said helplessly: “We don’t have the speed of your two fathers and daughters, you have at least exceeded the speed of sound, and you are more flexible.” ”

Single flight is definitely faster than the plane, and the aircraft must have a process from start to acceleration, as well as adjustments in all aspects, as well as the process of deceleration, etc., which is certainly not as flexible as a single flight.

So although they set off together, they ended up lagging behind a lot of time, and it was only now belated.

“What is the situation now? I saw Xiao Gao burst two monsters, what was that? It seems that there are also the functions of a transport aircraft? Steve continued, desperately needing to know the situation.

“They are the Chitari people, this monster is indeed their usual means of transport, and on the other side of the wormhole portal, there is an even larger army,” Gao said what he knew.

“These monsters are handed over to me, you better quickly set up a defensive lineup on the ground, and evacuate the surrounding people, and firmly control the battlefield on the surrounding streets,” Gao continued, she had a clear idea: “After you stabilize your position, the enemies behind the portal will be handed over to me to deal with.” ”

She raised her head to look at the portal, and looked at the headquarters of the army of the Chitari people through the portal, and a cruel sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth: “Since you came to spy on the earth, then don’t think of escaping, the Chitari people will be history from today onwards.” ”

Even when his companions heard Gao’s words, they couldn’t help but fight a cold war.

She is not laughing, let alone bragging, but really has the strength, and the determination, to completely eliminate the Zitari race.

Unless the Chitari and other tribesmen are on other planets, they are already doomed.

(PS: Thanks to the ‘Demon Breath Emperor’ for your tipping support.) )

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