This sudden war continues, and the first to be affected are ordinary citizens on the ground.

Gao is right, they need to move the people to a safe place first, and ensure that the battlefield is locked within these few streets, so as not to make the scope of the impact larger.

However, this requires more strength, and Fury’s role finally becomes apparent, and he contacts military and police personnel into the battlefield, helping to fight and help evacuate people.

“Need help?”

It wasn’t long before even the lost Thor and Banner arrived with news.

Banner changed back to his normal appearance, seemingly containing his anger.

But everyone knows that he can turn into the Hulk again at any time, as long as he needs to.

In the sky, Gao Wanli and Tony are still the first line of the battlefield, and the first blow that the Chitari who pass through the wormhole portal will face is the blow from them.

Especially Gao Wanli, with her, the monsters of the Zitari will no longer be a threat, as long as there is a monster figure, Gao Wanli will take the initiative to meet it, she has already killed more than two monsters.

The Zitari certainly noticed this beautiful girl, and they also wanted to solve her, but their attacks were not a threat to Gao Wanli at all, not even hurting at all.

On the contrary, it is a high gradual counterattack, whether it is the magic of activating the magic sword or the laser laser released from the eye, it can easily destroy a large area of enemies.

The power of Gao Wanli and Tony relieved a lot of pressure on the ground, but there were too many Zitari people, and even if most of the enemies were destroyed, there were still too many enemies rushing to the surface, leaving the other Avengers exhausted to fight everywhere.

“Xiao Gao, we have the ground situation under control, it’s time to carry out your plan,” Steve had to shout over the radio, and if it continued, sooner or later they would not be able to hold on.

Gao Wanli glanced condescendingly at his companions and found that everyone was fighting hard, and indeed briefly controlled the battle situation on the ground.

“Then I’ll leave it to you here,” Gao Wanli promised, decisively flying towards the wormhole portal in the sky.

“Be careful,” Tony instructed Gao as he drifted away.

Gao gradually left the ‘um’, facing the attack of the Chitari people, penetrated the lineup of the Chitari people all the way unimpeded, and jumped through the wormhole portal to the other end of the universe.

This is a distant space not many light years away from Earth, this is outer space without air, but high gradient can survive in space for a long time.

Just opposite her, a large army of the Chitauri was stationed there, and countless more armies were coming towards the portal.

At this moment, even the audience in the live broadcast room involuntarily stopped the barrage, and everyone was nervously watching the battlefield picture that came from the live broadcast, pinching a cold sweat for Gao Wanli.

Can she do it? Can it really single-handedly annihilate such a large army of the Zetari?

The answer is, of course, no problem.

Before this, Gao gradually separated and finally made the bloodline reach the silver age, as we all know, Superman at this time is the strongest, and the thinking superman is another level of existence, but the thinking superman is also composed of silver superman.

It can be said that the high gradient at this time is the strongest time, and as she continues to absorb the sun’s rays, it will only get stronger and stronger.

Looking at the army of the Chitari people in front of him, Gao gradually left his sword in both hands and flew towards the largest space battleship among them.

The Zitari were already attacking Gao Wanli, but their attack could not even stop Gao Wanli, although the battleship’s shelling bloomed when it hit Gao Wanli, but the real damage was not at all.

Finally, Gao gradually left the battleship of the Zitari people, and then she exerted the power of the magic sword with all her strength, while quickly penetrating the battleship, while frantically destroying everything on the battleship, when she entered from this end and came out from the other end, the battleship had been completely scrapped, and the entire battleship was collapsing and exploding.

Gao gradually turned his gaze to the other warships, destroying one after another.

She didn’t have to use her body to crash the battleship, and even grabbed a battleship and turned it like a toy to other battleships.

In the face of her terrifying power, these battleships are simply like bubbles, and they are not a problem.

In this cosmic starry sky, Gao gradually exerted her power to the fullest, she didn’t need to worry at all, she didn’t need any reservations, she was here to destroy.

The army of the Zitari people was not so unbearable, and there was no problem in attacking the Nova Legion of Shandar Star.

However, they encountered unreasonable Superman, and they were immediately defeated, and they didn’t even have a chance to escape.

The speed of high fading is too fast, already exceeding the speed of light, whenever she notices that a battleship wants to open the wormhole technology to escape, she will first go over and shoot the wormhole apart, and then beat the battleship into half crippled.

She said that since she dared to come and peek at the earth, then none of them wanted to escape, and she would wipe out all the Zitari people gathered here today, leaving no one behind.

Otherwise, will it be necessary to leave a complete army for Thanos?

Knowing that Thanos will definitely come to Earth because of collecting Infinity Stones, and there will definitely be another big war in the future, Gao Wanli obviously will not leave such a fierce army to Thanos.

So in the end, between this brilliant starry sky, the army of the Chitauri people was completely wiped out.

Unless there are still Chitari on other planets, this race has been single-handedly eliminated by Gao Wanli, and there is no trace of the Chitari people in the future.

After doing all this, Gao gradually passed through the wormhole space door and returned to the sky of the earth.

Looking condescendingly at the Earth’s surface, he found that the battle on Earth had ended, most of the Chitauri had been killed by the Avengers, and some had stopped their operations for some reason.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Gao gradually left the main formation of the army of the Zetari?

“Win,” everyone was exhausted, and everyone spontaneously gathered together, panting and looking at each other’s embarrassed appearances, laughing weakly.

In any case, this victory belongs to them.

“One more thing don’t forget to deal with,” Gao Wanli reminded the crowd, “Where’s that Loki guy?” Don’t let him run. ”

“Just upstairs,” Tony pointed to the Stark Building, “Jarvis recorded the Hulk beating Loki, I’ll give you a copy when it’s okay.” ”

“Hulk,” Hulk on the side became excited when he heard Tony call his name.

At present, only Gao Wanli and Tony can distinguish Hulk and Banner, and others will always call Banner.

“Hulk, you’re going to apologize to me,” Gao shouted at Hulk.

Hulk scratched his head and turned to the side, kicked a car and muttered, “Hulk.” ”

God knows what he was muttering.

(PS: I started writing around eight o’clock in the morning, and finally finished the book first, and then all five chapters were sent, which is a happier form?。。。 Let’s see what the situation is next month’s subscription ratio, the double open is really tired, if this book is more powerful, it can probably send eight, nine, ten chapters a day… )

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