Suddenly, another Tony, Steve and Ant-Man Scott appeared in front of Gao Wanli.

This Tony is even older, and he looks more than half a hundred years old.

Steve didn’t change much, because the serum he injected slowed him down.

As for Ant-Man, it stands to reason that the plot of Ant-Man has not yet arrived, and he should be in prison.

What’s going on?

Gao Wanli knew what was going on, and the audience in the live broadcast room also knew what was happening.

“Avengers Four Squad?”

The barrage said what situation Gao was encountering now.

“They came from the future, it should be 2012 now, they came from 2023,” there is a barrage for Gao to smooth out the time, in fact, it is not needed, Gao gradually leaves and remembers the plot.

“Why are you here?” Gao Wanli looked at the three people in front of him in disbelief: “Why?” Why are you here? The Mind Gem has been hidden by me, can it be said that I haven’t hit that purple potato essence in the future? ”

She is struggling with this, she is ready to face Thanos, and the Mind Gem is in her hands, if Thanos wants to collect all the Infinity Stones, he must fight her.

And now she is not only the strongest superman in the Silver Age, but also absorbed the sunshine for so many years, and also went to the battlefield of the Nine Kingdoms to train for more than a year.

Is that all there is to say, she also did not fight Thanos?

“What do you seem to know? But we don’t know you, who the hell are you? Tony looked at Gao with a skeptical look.

Steve also said: “I don’t know why you appeared on this battlefield, and it seems that you are familiar with us here, even the outcome of this battle has become different, but child, we need the Mind Gem in your hand.” ”

Now is not the time to dwell on these things, they are here to collect the Infinity Stones.

In the future Avengers timeline, the Infinity Stones have been destroyed, and Thanos uses the power of the Infinity Stones to destroy the Infinity Stones, after he collects the Infinity Stones and snaps his fingers to take half of the life of the universe.

The heroes, and the whole world, were depressed for five years, and then with Scott’s return from the quantum realm, they thought of a new way.

Travel to the timeline of the past through the quantum realm, then bring the Infinity Stones of the past back to the future and make the Infinity Gauntlet snap their fingers, a plan they call the Space-Time Hijacking Program.

“That means we have to take the Mind Gem from your hand,” Tony said after some explanation.

Gao Wanli shrugged his shoulders and casually took out the Mind Gem: “It doesn’t matter. However, I still have to make sure, you say you don’t know me? That is, in your world, I never appeared, right? ”

She seemed to have figured out something.

“That’s right,” Steve never lied, even if the Mind Gem was in the girl’s hands, he would tell the truth, “So we wonder, who are you?” ”

“You seem to know me?” Tony looked away: “And it’s familiar, I mean me in this world, but I’m sure I’ve never seen you.” ”

Gao looked at Tony and sighed, “I know what’s going on.” Maybe from the beginning, from the beginning when I appeared in this world, or from the time I spoiled it to you, everything became different, this is no longer the original world you know, but a world with me, here for you, it is equivalent to a parallel universe. As for me and Tony of this world, he is my adoptive father. ”

Tony’s eyes widened: “You mean, you’re my daughter?” ”

“Adopted daughter,” Gao faded away from correcting Tony’s words.

Tony shrugged, the expression on his face seemed to be very happy: “I really want to introduce my future daughter to you, you sisters may get along well.” ”

“That’s exactly what I mean,” Suddenly, Gao gradually grabbed the Mind Gem and retracted into his personal space.

Tony and Steve both looked at her in surprise, why didn’t they plan to give them the gems?

“I’m going to go with you,” Gao said suddenly.

“Why?” Tony felt strange.

“To save you,” Gao looked deeply at Tony, “That abominable juggler’s bastard is calculating you, Tony, the only way to win is on you, and when you create the Infinity Gauntlet, only you can snatch the gems on the Infinity Gauntlet in an instant, because you created it.” And in order to win, you will have to fight to the death to snap your fingers. ”

Tony watched Gao drift away stunned.

Steve and Scott were also stunned.

“Really fake?” Scott felt incredulous after reacting: “Aren’t you in the past? You’re from this world, it’s 2012, how do you know what’s going to happen? ”

Gao Wanli knew that she had slipped her mouth, but she had no scruples, because she had determined that these three people were from another parallel universe, perhaps that was the main universe world, because there was no her, there was a development according to the plot she was familiar with, and it had developed to the plot of Avengers IV.

And she was destined to return to this universe, so she was not afraid to say too much, so she said: “Just when I come back from a more distant future, I came to save my own father.” ”

“So you’re Morgan when you grow up?” Tony could only think of this: “If I am destined to die, how will you become my adopted daughter in the future?” So you’re my daughter Morgan? ”

This damn mess plot….

Gao gradually felt a headache, do you have to entangle her identity?

“Whatever, just because I am, if you have to have an identity for me, I’ve already taken my life anyway, and I don’t want to get entangled anymore,” Gao gradually surrendered completely, facing Tony, who would always turn her into a daughter no matter what world.

As for why this is so, it is also related to Gao Wanli’s unreasonable kindness towards Tony, Tony has to wonder why such a girl would be kind to herself and care about herself for no reason and without scruples, and there is no other explanation except her family, right?

And with the age difference between Gao and him, if it is a family, it is generally a father-daughter relationship, right?

This is due to the fact that her appearance conforms to all human aesthetics, and her hair is blonde, and it is not far-fetched to say that she is the daughter of two white people.

“But guys, we only have one-way tickets now, can’t we take her with us,” Scott reminded.

The main means of their space-time hijacking plan comes from the Pym particle, without which it would be difficult to pass quantum channels.

And Gao gradually left without corresponding combat uniforms.

“It’s okay,” Gao Wanli didn’t mind at all: “Now I can actually turn back time by my own power, but I have never dared to try.” If it’s a quantum channel, there should be no problem. ”

She is already a silver superman, of course, she can be fearless.

In fact, there is another more important thing to pay attention to: “Speaking of which, I have already given the space gem to Thor to take to Asgard, aren’t you here to collect the gem?” What to do? Do you want me to chase Asgard to get it back? Or is there already a space gem? ”

Tony and Steve looked at each other, “If you can get it, of course it’s great.” ”

Gao Wanli nodded: “Wait for me.” ”

Saying that, Gao gradually disappeared with a burst of colored light.

Is that… Teleportation of the Rainbow Bridge.

After being exposed to the power of space gems and riding the Rainbow Bridge teleportation technique twice, she didn’t know when she had mastered this technique.

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