Silver Superman is just unreasonable, when Gao gradually saw the power of space gems, and she also personally experienced the teleportation technique of the Rainbow Bridge twice, which made her master the teleportation technique of the Rainbow Bridge at some point.

So Gao quickly arrived in Asgard, just in time for Odin to try Loki.

“Why are you here?” Thor greeted the high and faded away.

Gao Wanli opened his hand and said, “Lend me the Space Gem first, and I’ll come back in a few minutes to return it to you.” ”

Thor looked back at Odin, who nodded.

With the relationship between Asgard and Gao Fade, plus the Space Gem is also brought back by Gao Fade, there is naturally no possibility of refusal.

So Gao gradually left and immediately returned to New York with the space gem, in front of the Tony three in the alley.

“Let’s go,” gesturing to the space gem, Gao urged as he threw it into his personal space as well.

“Let me remind you one last time, this is not a child’s play,” Scott warned Gao again worriedly, crossing quantum channels is not so simple, and even he had experimented, and the result was almost tossed to death, one moment into old age, the other into youth, and even once into a baby state.

“That’s you,” Gao Wanli complained unceremoniously, “Don’t compare you to me, Scott, if I knew the coordinates, I could even tear the time barrier by myself.” I can even play the sun as a basketball now, do you want to see it? ”

Scott fought a cold war, and subconsciously turned his head to Tony to complain: “I am for her good, take care of your daughter.” ”

“Morgan,” Tony actually got into the play, calling his daughter’s name without saying anything.

Gao Wanli pulled his hair hard: “What is Morgan, my name is Gao Wanli.” Can we still go? ”

“Are you sure it’s okay?” Steve made the final confirmation that his character was like that.

Gao nodded heavily: “I can’t sit idly by knowing that Tony will die.” ”

Not to mention that she herself is a fan of Tony, now she and Tony, at least Tony in this world is family, even if she doesn’t want to admit it, but in her heart she still admits Tony as a competent father, naturally it is impossible to watch Tony die, even if it is Tony in another world.


“Your world is also a parallel universe for me, so I won’t change the future of my world, I’m just helping you, but when I come back, I still face my future, so nothing happens,” Gao said sharply.

The premise is that the Thanos who sent to death is not from her universe….

“Then let’s go,” Steve no longer hesitated, “Maybe Banner’s side has succeeded, everyone is still waiting for us, can’t continue to hesitate.” ”

Tony sighed, “I really don’t want Pepper to be sad.” ”

It means that he really doesn’t want to take Gao Wanli, but she is so insistent, she can’t fight with this girl who is suspected to be her future daughter, right?

Or in other words, secretly seeing them who are too high and gradually playing may not be able to fight….

They didn’t just arrive, but when the portal opened, they were wondering who this girl was, and they had witnessed her power, so they didn’t dare to act.

When Tony secretly checked the situation outside the building, he was still discovered by Gao Wanli.

In this way, Tony, Steve, and Scott formed a circle to surround Gao Wanli in the middle.

“When you enter the quantum channel, I’ll follow,” Gao assured the trio.

She wasn’t lying, she wasn’t bragging, after becoming Silver Superman, she did have initial contact with the time field, and when she pushed her speed to the limit, she could tear the time barrier, although she had never really experimented, but she knew that it was not an illusion.

Since even the time barrier can be torn apart, the quantum field is certainly not a problem.

“You must keep up,” Tony admonished tirelessly after several instructions, “I don’t want to lose my daughter, or get lost in the quantum realm or the realm of time.” ”

Gao Wanli knew that he cared about himself, and even if he was impatient, he could only nod and agree.

Finally, after repeated confirmation, the three people from the future Avengers Four space-time activated the device and immediately entered the quantum realm.

Gao gradually saw everything in her eyes, and almost at the same time, her body suddenly began to shrink, and finally entered the quantum realm with them.

I have to say that Silver Superman is a BUG, almost every moment there are new abilities born, after seeing the shrinking effect of the Pym particle, even mastering the skill of shrinking, and it is still quantum level.

And the defense of Silver Superman is also terrifying, when following Tony and them through time and space, even the turbulence of time cannot affect the high drift, otherwise she will be the same as when Scott experimented, or reduced in age, or become older.

However, when she appeared at the Avengers base in Avengers in Avengers and stood on the quantum channel to form a circle with other superheroes, she had no effect at all.

“It worked,” the returning Avengers looked at each other, unable to hide their inner excitement.

“Wait a minute, who is she?” Finally, someone noticed Gao’s departure.

“She’s my daughter,” Tony introduced Gao with a weird look, “Uh… My daughter from the past, maybe she came from a much further future, because she seems to know a lot of things. ”

“You can’t do that, Tony,” Banner shouted with an angry look.

“Hulk?” Gao gradually interrupted Banner’s rebuke of Tony and looked at Banner speechlessly, which can also be said to be Hulk.

Since Avengers III, first the Hulk lost, and then Banner also lost, which allowed the two of them to finally meet honestly and complete the fusion of personalities, which also allowed Banner to enter the Hulk state but maintain his own consciousness.


“What’s going on? What about Hulk’s personality? Bastard, that guy is my friend,” Gao gradually looked at Banner angrily, she had complained when she used to watch movies, because she felt that in this way, Hulk’s personality was as if it had been erased by Banner, couldn’t she maintain one side alone? Banner as his Doctor, Hulk as his Warrior.

“And you look disgusting, and you’re still a weak one,” Gao noticed that when the Hulk became less unscrupulous and acted on reason, his power was no longer so strong.

Of course, the power of fear is not enough.

“What about Natasha? Clinton? ”

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