Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 3: Mesopotamia, 5000 BCE (1)

The domo is now floating in front of a cliff as the non-fighters watch the fighters fight the first deviants that we encounter, it was interesting to say the least, I saw these real powers in my own eyes, I saw Ikaris shoot lasers from his eyes, Kingo shooting energy balls from his fingers,  Thena conjuring weapons, Gilgamesh smashing the deviants using his strength, and Makkari using his speed creatively.

“It makes you envy them a bit, doesn’t it?” Sprite suddenly commented beside me.

I shrugged as I heard her. “Making an illusion is cool too.”

The girl stared at me for a second before continuing. “You haven’t told us about your powers yet.” She pointed out.

“Ajak preferred that I should stay silent about it until I can use it.” I spoke.

“Why? Are you a fighter?”

“I’m… special I guess.”

“And the rest of us aren’t?” she snorted. “Come on, just tell me.”

“I can’t show you now little girl.” I chuckled. “We haven’t got a corpse yet.”

“A corpse?” She questioned, more confused than ever.

I sighed, preparing myself. “You’ll see soon enough.”

“They’ve finished.” Phastos suddenly commented. “We should go down.”

“Let’s go down then.” Ajak answered. She then turned towards me. “Remember, gather the data.”

“I understand Ajak.” I calmly said.

All of us then prepare to go down using Phastos’s control over the Domo. We went down the domo using this golden disk, courtesy of Phastos. I saw from the corner of my eyes that Sprite is nowhere to be seen, she probably used an illusion to make herself disappear. As we neared the ground, Phastos used his disks on himself to help him go down, he didn’t help the others though, the rest had to jump from the disk, he probably did it on purpose, I just know it.

Then, I saw the humans getting hostile to us, and I saw Druig controlling their minds to calm them down, really cool.

“It’s a handy power to have.” I commented beside him.

He shrugged. “Probably won’t have much use when fighting the deviants.”

“I’m sure we figured something out.” I reassured. Sersi then walked up to the humans and grabbed a flint knife that was laying on the ground, she then transmuted the knife into a golden knife, which shocked the humans.

Humans are easily impressed man, they probably regarded us as gods by now.

“Pluto.” Ajak suddenly called me, which made me turn to her. “You can do your thing now.”

“Very well Ajak.” I calmly said. Then, as Sersi began to help the humans, I walked to one of the corpses of the deviant. The corpses smell awful by the way, I almost threw up to be honest.

The others looked at me with confusion, the Humans and the Eternals alike, except Ajak of course, she already knows about my powers.

“Let’s see what I can actually do.” On top of my hand, I suddenly conjured a golden circle, and my eyes probably glowed golden as well as I felt my eyes heating up.

I pointed the circle to the corpse, and out of the pores of the Deviant, golden energy suddenly came out, and the energy slowly entered the circle that I conjured.

The corpse quickly wither as I did this, like I just sucked every life force from it. It’s not wrong though, technically I am absorbing the remaining ‘life force’ of the corpse.

To simply put, I absorb the little cosmic energy they have in their body. It includes memories, but because Deviants are not sentient, it’s not really useful, as well as experience, knowledge if the ones I absorbed are sentient, and many more.

And I could turn them into cosmic energy constructs, capable of basic commands, and fighting of course. It’s like Thena with her weapon construct, but I can make semi-sentient creatures/constructs.

My slave basically. They don’t have free will. ironic, isn’t it? I want to be free from the Celestial, but my power is to enslave people. They’re dead though, so that doesn’t count right?

It is a scary power, I know, as more corpses pile up, I become more powerful.

I can do it on humans as well, but I’m not allowed to do it, as it disturbs the emergence because the cosmic energy humans produce is for the baby Celestial.

It is also tied to my special mission. The mission is that I must gather data from the deviants. To simply put, absorb as many deviants as possible, and bring the data once the emergence happened.

But I won’t do that, I will rebel, and I will gain my freedom.

I continued to enlarge the circle I made and absorb the remaining deviant’s energy.

I’m probably smiling like a madman right now. I closed the circle, and tried to summon the construct. And I conjured three of them, the flying deviant, the lizard deviant, and the half spider half dog deviant.

They don’t have corporeal bodies, just golden runes and lines, their bodies are transparent, and if they are killed, I can just summon them again.

I stroked the three constructs, and it reacted to me, recognizing me as their owner.

I grinned at this.

One small step towards freedom.

“Pluto, enough, you’re scaring everyone.” I turned around to see Ajak, who was giving me a death stare like a mother scolding her child.

“I apologize.” I bowed to everyone and absorbed back the construct. I saw the humans looking at me in fear, that’s probably not a good thing, right?

I walked back to the rest of the group, and Gilgamesh whispered to me. “Your powers are creepy dude. Not to mention your smile while you’re absorbing it.” I felt Gilgamesh shiver, which made me chuckle.

“You have to get used to it I guess.” I commented.

“Not looking forward to that.” He murmured, which made me roll my eyes. I then turned to Thena, who is besides Gilgamesh, damn though, I can’t seem to take my eyes off this woman, I mean, it’s Angelina Jolie, what more do you expect?

“I saw what you did to the corpse there, my lady.” I respectfully bowed to the greatest warrior of ‘Olympia’. “Fine work.”

“Thank you.” She smiled weakly, fucking hell, Gilgamesh is lucky as fuck. Should I approach her instead? “Interesting power you have, perfect for our mission.” She continued.

“I’ve been specifically chosen to do this mission Thena.” I answered nonchalantly.

Thena and Gilgamesh raised their eyebrows. “You didn’t volunteer?”

“I did not.” I shook my head, although technically everyone didn’t volunteer, cause we’re engineers and all… “I have another mission to fulfil in this place.”

“And what is that mission I may ask?” Questioned Thena.

“Gathering the data of the Deviants mostly.” I spoke the truth, no one really told me to shut up about it, except the emergence part of course.

“Then why did you hide your powers back then?” Gilgamesh questioned.

I shrugged. “Technically I can’t show you then for obvious reasons, and it’s hard to explain. Ajak told me to not tell the details about my powers also, although she doesn’t tell me to shut up about the mission.”

“Then I’m looking forward to fighting alongside you.” Thena added.

“I thought I already said that back in the Domo…” I mumbled. “Anyway, I’m looking forward to fighting alongside you as well.”

Then we spread out, the two continued to help the gathered humans, while Ajak called me to have a private chat.

“Good work out there Pluto.” She complimented me, that felt nice.

“Thank you Ajak.” I bowed.

“But remember, don’t lose your sight.” She sternly reminded me. “It is true that you will be more powerful as time goes on, remember, we are here to protect the seed.”

I frowned at this, and Ajak noticed this. “Are we really like this Ajak? It is a suicide mission, and we’re raising these humans like food.” I questioned.

“Never doubt Arishem’s Grand Plan, Pluto.” She sharply said. “I trust Arishem’s plan, and you will do so as well.”

I sighed, it seems it’s too early to put the seed of doubt to Ajak. “I understand Ajak.” I bowed again to show respect.

“Good.” She patted my shoulder, healing my fatigue, not that I’m tired or anything. “For now, you should scout the area, eliminate all the Deviants in the vicinity, and don’t forget to absorb them. Oh, bring one or two of your family as well.”

“Very well.” I turned around and started to walk to the other Eternals, they were helping humans heal their wounded, and fixing their homes.

“Anybody wants to come with me? I need to search and kill the deviants in the vicinity, so these humans could prosper safely.” I announced to the eternals, and the place turned silent. The humans in the vicinity looked at me with respect and fear, a lot of them wouldn’t even dare to look at me for some reason, that’s a problem.

“I’ll go.” Kingo volunteered. “Just in the vicinity, right?”

“Yes…” I answered. “But are you sure?”

“Are you mocking me, Pluto?” He’s offended apparently.

“What? No… I just thought you wanted to stay here.”

“It’s fine, I’ve got nothing to do anyway.” He waved it off. “Being a builder is not my thing you know?”

I shrugged at his words. “Fine, suit yourself.”

“I will also go.” Thena also volunteered, which made me frown. “It’s fine Thena, you can rest here.”

“Eternals don’t rest.” She stated. “And I didn’t volunteer for this mission to be idle.”

I sighed. “Fine.” I Snapped my fingers, and three of my constructs are conjured, making the humans step back out of fear.

“You don’t have to summon it here you know?” Kingo commented. “Look at them, they’re scared.”

“From the looks of it, I am already feared, Kingo.” I pointed out. “Possibly because of my display of powers.”

He snorted. “Yeah, no kidding, your grin gave chills.”

“I think your smile is quite charming.” Thena complimented, surprising the two of us. “But it’s still… strange nonetheless.”

“I don’t even know if you’re mocking me or complimenting me Thena.” I chuckled as I stroked the winged construct. “Choose your ride.”

“You can ride these things?” Kingo questioned excitedly. “That’s really cool… I’ll take the one with the wings.”

“I’ll take the six-legged deviant.” Thena stated as she jumped to the back of one of the constructs.

“Guess I got you.” I mumbled, looking at the lizard construct. I jumped to the back of the Lizard and spoke again. “The construct will move on its own, it’ll hunt their former brethren for you.”

“That’s demented.” Kingo commented. “Pitting kin against kin.”

“Getting attached to the monster now?” Thena spoke with an elegant flare. “We just landed.”

“I’m not attached to these hideous things!” he refuted. “I’m just saying.”

“Whatever Kingo.” I rolled my eyes. “Let’s go now, don’t forget to bring the corpse.”

My three constructs then instantly moved through the human encampment and towards the surrounding area, splitting up.

I and Thena went south, scouring the Tigris River, while Kingo went north to the Euphrates River, the rivers weren’t named yet though, I just remember that the Rivers near Mesopotamia are named Tigris and Euphrates in my previous world, or is it Tegris? I forgot, oh well, I didn’t really pay attention during history class.

My Lizard construct started to move, and it looks like it already found its prey. I can’t really fight… so my lizard’s the one who will fight. Man, now that I think about it, without my constructs, I’m useless… I need to have a weapon on my own…

A couple hours of riding the lizard, it finally found its prey, a group of deviants chilling around at the coast. Man, I felt bad disturbing their rest time.

“Go.” I jumped from the lizard to the ground. If I wasn't an eternal, my bones would’ve probably been broken after I jumped… Thank One-Above-All I am an eternal.

The lizard then pounces on one of the chilling deviants, instantly ripping its neck. The other deviants are instantly alert and attack my construct. The lizard is struggling as it is gang banged by the other deviants, thankfully it can’t die, so all good.

I walked to the recently dead Deviant and started to absorb its remaining cosmic energy, and instantly summoned it. It was a big dog construct, and I commanded it to help the lizard.

The dog instantly moved and attacked the other deviants, supporting the lizard. The dog jumped from the back of the lizard and pounced on a flying deviant, grounding it, and tore its wings off, effectively immobilizing it.

“I feel useless right now…” I murmured to myself. “It’s boring to only watch…”

I walked nearer to the battlefield as the lizard and the dog continued to fight, I absorbed the recently dead, and conjured it instantly, and the tables have turned, now the deviants are the one who is overwhelmed.

About a couple minutes later, all the deviants that were chilling on the coast were dead, and I absorbed them all. In total, there are 4 new constructs, that’s already good. One winged, two dogs, and one six-legged.

Overall, not a bad haul.

“Help the others.” I commanded the construct, and they followed my command, instantly dispersing to find Thena and Kingo.

I then sat on a rock, enjoying the sunset view of this coast. Damn, If I could take a picture of the sunset right now using my phone…

“I miss my phone already…” I murmured to myself. “7000 years… I need to wait for 7000 years… or I could ask Phastos about it… but there won’t be any internet… So what's the point of asking him…”

I sighed at this. I climbed one of my construct, and left the area, planning on supporting the others.

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