Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 4: Mesopotamia, 5000 BCE (2)

I soon arrived at Thena’s location, and the sight was definitely brutal. I saw my construct fighting alongside her, and she is literally covered in deviant blood.

She also had a wide smile on her face.

I don’t know if I should like this or not to be honest. But I quickly got rid of the thought as I commanded my construct to support her. As me and my construct was getting nearer, I jumped from the construct and landed near the location of the dead Deviants. I quickly absorbed their cosmic energy and memories, and conjured them to help us fight the rest of it.

As I conjured them, I was hit by a sudden brute force from behind me, it was a deviant headbutting me, and I was thrown to the air, groaning in pain.

“Fucking hell that hurts.” I commented, even if I’m immortal, it still hurts… my eyes glowed, and I quickly commanded one of the dog constructs to attack the deviant who hurt me. The construct quickly dashed to the deviant, and attacked its neck, ripping it apart.

I quickly absorbed the dead deviant, and commanded the rest of my constructs to help Thena, as I saw that she was getting occupied.

“Took you long enough.” She commented while stabbing her spear through a deviant’s head, killing it instantly.

“I’m new to this okay? I’m not like you.” I refuted, which made her snort.

“I thought you’re specifically chosen for this mission?”

“That doesn’t mean I’m experienced.”

Thena then continued to slaughter the rest of the deviants in the vicinity, while I just watched my construct, and they fought for me… yes, I realize that I look like a burden right now.

As the last deviant is killed, Thena is standing on a corpse of the deviant, and she spoke to me. “Good job for your first fight.”

“Technically it isn’t my first.” I pointed out as I helped her go down the corpse, offering my hand to her. “And I didn’t do anything, my construct did all the work.”

She smiled as she took my hand and jumped down the corpse. “Still, good work.”

“Well, thank you.” I appreciate the compliment. “You should go back to the others.”

“What about Kingo?” She asked me.

“I’ll help him, you can’t fly anyway, better to clean up.” I said as I pointed at the deviant blood on her body.

“I’m used to blood.” She insisted.

“A lot of people aren’t.” I refuted.

She sighed and relented. “Very well, I will go back.”

“Thank you for understanding.” I smiled at her, to which she smiled back.

“It is a good first mission with you.” She pointed out. “I look forward to the next one.”

“I look forward to the next one too.” I repeated. Thena then jumped to one of my constructs, and quickly bolted off to the human encampment, returning early.

I quickly absorb the remaining dead deviants, and summon one of the flying deviants. I hopped on it, and flew to where Kingo is.

A couple of hours later, the sky is now getting darker and darker, and I’ve just arrived at where Kingo is.

It was a cool sight to be honest.

I saw Kingo riding one of my flying constructs and shooting his cosmic energy ball from the sky. My construct is dodging the attacks of other flying deviants, while Kingo is shooting them down.

“Need any help?” I asked as I flew by him.

“Of course, I need help! These things are really annoying.” He shouted in annoyance to me, chill out man.

“Alright, no need to shout.” I commanded my other flying constructs to attack the deviants. Mine dove down too, and my construct that I am riding slammed itself on one of the deviants, and they are currently fighting midair.

As they fight, I jumped from the construct, and landed on one of the flying deviants that is attacking Kingo.

I finally got some action.

Using my Eternals strength, I pulled the deviant’s neck to the back, and disoriented it. I guided the flying deviant to the other flying deviant, making them hit each other and fell to the ground.

I jumped from the falling deviant, and landed on one of my constructs.

“That was cool man!” Kingo complimented me. “I want to do that too now!”

“Focus on the bloody deviant Kingo!” I shouted. “That was just lucky.”

“Fine, but I will try it later.” He refuted, and he continued to shoot down all the flying deviants that were in our area.

A couple of minutes later, all the deviants around us are eradicated as they are overwhelmed by my ever-growing legion of constructs. Of course, I added the dead deviants to my collection too.

That was an amazing fight though, I got to jump around in the sky, the adrenaline is addicting.

But all things need to come to an end.

“You okay man?” Kingo asked me.

“I’m good.” I answered as I lay down on the back of my construct. “That was amazing.”

“Tell me about it.” He said excitedly as he jumped to my construct midair. “This counts as a success, right?”

“I’d say it’s a pretty good success for a first mission.” I nodded as I looked at the corpses of the deviants below us. “Let’s go back.”

Kingo nodded, and both of us quickly flew to the direction of the Domo, intending to go back to the others.

About an hour of flying, we finally arrived, and we saw that Phastos had already given the humans some new tech to improve their lives.

The humans became alert as me and Kingo landed in the middle of settlement, which freaked the humans out.

“Can you not scare them?” Sersi suddenly appeared near us, scolding me.

I shrugged. “I don’t like scaring them either, but humans need a good dose of fear of us, otherwise they will scheme against you.”

“They wouldn’t do that, you’re imagining things.” Sersi shook her head as me and Kingo got off the construct.

“He has a point, you know Sersi?” Kingo added. “It’s what makes them human in the first place, overtime, they will envy us, and possibly try to kill us.”

“Our mission is to protect humans, not make them fear us.” Sersi insisted.

“Fear is a way to control humans indirectly.” I added. “So they don’t do stupid things.”

“They will also do stupid things if they fear us.” Sersi refuted. “If they are scared of us, they will see us as a threat, thus making us a target.”

“True…” I mumbled. “Anyway, save the ideology talk for later, where’s Ajak?”

“In the Domo.” Sersi informed me. “Are you really done killing the deviants around us? Thena came back saying so… but that is really quick.”

“It’s true…” Kingo said. “Or at least we thought we killed the deviants around us, we probably have to check it again later.”

I sighed. “That was probably supposed to be like 1 yearlong work…”

“Your powers are useful; we might even go back to Olympia faster than we thought.” Kingo shrugged. Ooph, it must’ve hurt when they knew that Olympia didn’t exist…

“Right, see you guys later, I need to clean myself, I smell like Olympia’s sewer system...” He spoke.

I just hummed, and Kingo walked away from me and Sersi.

“What are you doing now?” I asked Sersi.

“Nothing really…” she answered.

“Want to accompany me to Ajak?” I asked, I wanted to talk to her anyway.

“Um… Sure, why not…”

The two of us then walked through the rows of human tents that looked new.

“These tents look new, did you give it to them?” I asked Sersi.

“It was Phastos.” She answered. “I just help set it up.”

“You just gave it to them?”

“Of course not, Phastos taught them how to make it so it will hold up for a long time. And they made it in an instant.”

“That’s great.” I spoke. Then, a couple of children walked past us, one even crashed into me, making him fall down to the ground.

I looked at Sersi, who just shrugged. I sighed, and kneel down in front of the boy. I helped the boy up, and smiled at him, although that’s probably the wrong move as I just realized that my face is quite threatening.

The boy jolted up and looked afraid. He ran away from us instantly.

Seeing this, Sersi giggled beside me. “Probably shouldn’t have smiled…”

“Well, if I don’t smile, I look even more threatening.” I grumbled.

“True…” She muttered, and finally sighed. “They’re afraid of you.”

“Really? Haven’t noticed.” I spoke sarcastically, it’s obvious that they’re afraid of me.

“It’s your own fault.” She pointed out. “If you just didn’t summon your constructs in the middle of the settlements, they’ll probably still like you.”

“They’re afraid of me because of my powers, Sersi.” I refuted. “Imagine seeing a person absorbing a dead body until it rots. If I was human with no powers, I’d be scared too.”

“Still, you are feeding the fear.” She said,

“It’s on purpose at this point.” I answered, surprising Sersi as we walked again. “I tend to be the villain in this group, so the humans won’t take advantage of your kindness.”

“How come you know it’ll happen?” She questioned me.

I sighed. “Let’s just say I have experience with it.” I’ve seen humans back in my previous world, I was human myself, so I know that at least one of them will take advantage.

“I thought this was your first mission?” She questioned me again, confused.

“It is.” I answered. “But being ‘human’ is a universal thing, in a way, they are like us, they just want to survive, and that includes getting more power to solidify their position as an apex predator, so no one will threaten them. And what happens when a sudden apex predator pops up?”

“With humans being sentient… they will probably plan to get rid of them…” She muttered. “But if we treat them with kindness, they will never do that, they will never see us as apex predators.”

“There will always be someone who has ambition, Sersi.” I spoke, I sound like an old man now. “Remember that.”

Sersi went silent after that, I chuckled and continued. “Well, at least we have Druig if they ever cross that line.”

Sersi instantly frowned. “Then why are you making them fear us in the first place?”

“Prevention is better than cure Sersi.” I stated as we arrived at the Domo. “You want to come in? or are you going to the settlement again?”

“I’ll come in.” she shrugged. “The work’s finished for the day anyway.”

I hummed, and both of us entered the Domo. We appeared in a hallway in the Domo, and we continued to walk towards Ajak’s location.

“Have you learned their language yet?” I asked Sersi once again.

“I haven’t.” she answered. “Phastos is working on a translator first, then we can learn their language.”

“Phastos is a handyman indeed.” I murmured. After that, we arrived at the hall where Ajak is in. When we entered the hall, I also saw Thena, Ikaris, Sprite, and Phastos inside, and I greeted the Prime Eternal. Sersi however, talking to Ikaris, I can see the flowers blooming within the two.

“I’ve finished it.” I said to Ajak. “But just in case I’ll patrol again tomorrow.”

“Good job.” She nodded and smiled.

“That’s probably one year's worth of work, so we can focus on developing the settlement right here for a while.” I informed.

“I’m in the process of making a portable tracker for the deviants.” Phastos added. “So you don’t have to check again next time.”

“Well, thank you.” I said. “Say, can you make a weapon for me?”

“You already have your powers Pluto… What more do you want?” I heard Sprite grumble.

“It’s boring if I just look at my constructs fighting, I want to get in the action.” I flatly replied. “Jealous, Sprite?” I teased her, that’s it, I will tease her with this for the next 7000 years, along with her small body of course.

The young girl frowned, she raised her hand, and cast an illusion on me, and I saw the group laughed at me, especially Thena.

“What did you do to me?” I raised my eyebrows to the grinning Sprite. She didn’t answer it, but Thena’s the one who answered it.

“You have dog ears and a tail.” Thena giggled, answering me.

“Oh, Ha Ha Sprite, cancel your Illusion.” I rolled my eyes.

“You have to say please first.” She added, still Grinning.

“Please.” I grumbled, and the girl cancel the illusion, I’m going to torture her for the next 7000 years. “Anyway, can you Phastos?”

“I don’t know man; I have to test how well your cosmic energy manipulation is first.” He answered.

“In case you didn’t notice, I can make a semi-sentient construct, I’d say that’s good enough.” I pointed out to Phastos.

“Still, I need to see what weapon would suit you the most.” He answered. “But I’m a bit preoccupied right now, so see me around… 10 years.”

“Are you serious?” I raised my eyebrow, not believing his words.

“I am.” He said in an innocent look.

“Are you sure that you’re not delaying it because you’re a pacifist and afraid of me hurting the humans?”

“I am sure.” He said with an innocent look, again.

I sighed. “Fine, whatever.”

No wonder Druig and the others didn’t have weapons on their own…

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