" Sebastian, take the trash out and you guys leave, " Joshua said like he was annoyed.

The board directors leave the office hurriedly and they leave a finger behind.

Sebastian dialed some numbers with the office phone. 

Some people came in, dressed in black clothing.

These people were from the 100 men force that Sebastian assembled for him. These men have a very simple job and that is to do all odd jobs which can not be done for example kidnapping, murder, protection e.t.c.

These men were professional in every sense. They are highly trained assassins and mercenaries. 

They don't know for whom they work. They just got a call and then they have to do it.

In the last year, they have kidnapped a 100's of people, killed people in the worst way possible, and also they have done RApes too at their employer's orders. 

The people were all who were present there.

So they don't suspect Sebastian or Joshua as their owner, nor do they think that he is someone who knows for whom they work. But that too is not a certainty.

They only know how to do their work.

They cleaned the office of any evidence and assured that tomorrow Petrick will die in his house.

When they were done only Sebastian and Joshua were there in the office. Joshua was looking through the window glass.

" The trash is taken out, Young master. Do you need anything else? "

" Yes, Sebastian I would like the report on our media venture. " Joshua asked because this media is one of his weapons in this war.

" well, we are still the number one newspaper in the country. Our total worth is 50 million US dollars this month. 

Many of the big names in politics wanted to associate with us but we are declining them.

According to our survey, 23 percent of people believe in us.  

Our newspaper is rapidly growing with our 5 magazines which are in the top 10 already.

Also, we have gotten down our news channel broadcasting right, and as you said we are completely free. 

Our news channel T.R.P. was 2 percent last week. Which is great considering we just started our news channel?

Also, we are working on the entertainment channel too, and sooner that too will be on Air.

As for the movie production house. We have finished one movie whose script you provided. 

The distributors all over the world are going crazy. 

And if my estimate is correct then we would be at least 200 million rich after the movie release.

Also as per your instructions, we bought the Terminator Rights also we are a major shareholder of Pixar Studios. " Sebastian presented his reports.

" great Sebastian. You did great.

Now tell me about the pharmaceutical license. "

"Well, we are trying our best sir. But there are still some problems. "

" I wanted the pharmaceutical industry running by next month Sebastian. 

Do what you deem necessary but give me results. Give them a bribe, threaten them, blackmail them, do anything but I wanted that license. "

The thing is that Joshua has also made a photoshop app and a computer all this time. So it is very easy for them to blackmail people.

" You will get it by next week Young master. " Sebastian knew it was important. Actually most important after the media venture. 

His young master wanted it; he will do so.

" Also what about that telecom industry which we were going to buy." 

Aah telecom industry according to his master it is a very risky project and they will need a lot of money for it but in the future, it will be their biggest weapon against the ruling ones.

His master called those people ruling once who are in power and are maintaining this world.

" it will take around one year to complete that project, sir.

We have to break various deals. We have to lay the lines and even have to give a lot of bribes to people.

So it is taking some time. "

" Also what happens to that hospital in New york." 

His young master Wanted to open a multi-specialty hospital in New York. This hospital will be free for everyone. 

The reason is that it will be easy for them to uncover the mutants once they visit the hospital.

" some people were creating the problems but I took care of them, Young master.

Some gangs think they can intimidate us. But I took care of them. Now everyone knows what happens when they go against us. "

Sebastian made the New York streets red in color. He killed 13 Gangs in 3 weeks. Everyone knows who did this but they don't have any proof and rumors done the job.

" Thanks, Sebastian. That's it for now. 

Also Sebastian I asked for the missing reports of the persons who went missing last year. " 

"They will be on your table by the evening, Young master.

But why do you need them? "

" Tell me something Sebastian have you ever heard about the Vampires."


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