" V.. Va…. Vampire, " Sebastian could not believe what he was hearing. 

What did he mean by Vampires? 

" yes, The Vampires. Tell me Sebastian what do you know about them." Joshua said with a smile on his face.

" I don't understand young masters.

I just know that Vampires are a myth. They were the reason and a way to fool people. Like Lincoln did. Apparently, they were made up because the Church wanted to expand its influence and wanted more people to convert. 

What I am confused about is why are you asking about it. " Sebastian answered. 

He was really confused. What do Vampires have to do with those missing peoples? Then he met Joshua's gaze and he was scared by what he saw.

Joshua was smiling at him like a fool.

'wait… Young Master can see things. ' Sebastian thought and his eyes widened more than a saucer. 

He started shaking. He knows if that was true then other things would also be true. What was next to that Gods were Aliens who came here to party.

The implications of this simple fact were far more devious than he can think of.

Joshua looked at his father figure standing there shivering.

" looks like you caught on my friend," he said smiling.

" well, you see Sebastian those stories were not just stories. They are real tales.

Vampires are real. They go by many names like Bloodsuckers, Bloodbiters, children of the night, creatures of the night, The Undead. " 

" The Dracula is real Sebastian as his bloody wars and destruction of towns.

He sleeps for centuries and then when he awakes he creates chaos. "

" A normal Vampire has strength equal to 10 humans. And if talking about their higher-ups they can destroy the battalions.

These blood-sucking leeches have a nearly infinite lifespan. They plunder from humans and then kill them.

They have various abilities and can use dimensional energy as naturally as they drink blood. "

With every word that Joshua said Sebastian was shivering. He controls himself. He is not a normal human, he is a steel man ( a funny nickname given by his master ). If these creatures really do exist and his young master has some plans for them. He would comply no doubt, no questions asked.

Sebastian gets a firm look in his eyes and controls his emotions.

Sebastian is not a normal defenseless human. He is bloody high alpha. His muscles are as hard as stainless steel and with bulletproof skin. His top speed is 150 miles per hour and he can go for at least 2 days nonstop. His punches are around as heavy as 70 tons. His nails coming out and forming a claw which can tear apart Tungsten. His eyes are as sharp as an Eagle.

If even with these all powers he can not protect his Young master then he should just die.

He looked toward Joshua and again reminded himself why he lives 'just to serve My young master. '

" What do these missing people have to do with Vampires, Young master? " Sebastian asked. 

" Everything Sebastian. The vampires have everything to do with them." Joshua happily provided the answer.

" You see Sebastian. After the 2nd world war, they came in front of the Government officials of various countries.

With their vast wealth, they bought those officials. It was decided that they will be granted normal human Identities. They have to keep themself hidden from the normal public's eyes. They will not be hunted by the hunters and If someone hunted them they will be put behind the wars in return they would be provided with blood bags.

They signed the treaties. Thus they became the honorable citizens of the Elite class. "  Joshua said with venom in his voice.

" But, How can once a noble race drink from blood bags? 

So they abducted people. They abducted these peoples with the help of the Human Trafficking Mafia and these shady night clubs that they own. " Joshua looked towards Sebastian who was now shivering in anger.

" And do you know the interesting part Sebastian the Government officials know that they are violating the treaty.

But they don't care. According to them, these peoples are sc.u.ms of society and they are just cleaning the TRASH of society. "  Joshua finished.

*Glass shattering sound.* 

Sebastian punched the glass table. His skin turned black and his eyes were red.

Sebastian was beyond angry. He was ready to go kill those damn rulers.

'How dare they do this to them. They discriminate with mutants but make deals with actual monsters.

They go on the hunt for the innocent mutant kids but deliver their own kind for slaughter.

They need to die. Their death needs to be slow and agonizing. Their deaths need to be a reminder for everyone. 

He shall give it to them for his Young Master.' These were the thoughts running through his mind.

He looked toward his Young Master.

" calm down Sebastian. I promise everyone will pay for what they have done. " Joshua said as a matter of fact.

" What are my orders, My Lord? " Sebastian asked.

" For now just wait till I find out their main stronghold. You just have to prepare a lot of custom made silver-plated bullets with cross design and also we will need a lot of holy water so talk with a legit priest or better asks someone from the Vatican City. "

" By the way did you find out about those Mutant kids that I asked for. Joshua asked him about Charles ' little mutant gang.

" Yes, they will be attending Bayville High school this year and also there is a new high school principal as you anticipated. "

" Good, I will be joining them next year, for now, I have work to do."

A/n: Hello my lovely readers. You will be knowing more about the vampires in the next chapters. Also, there are going to be some religious things in the upcoming chapters so don't get offended.

Here is a lovely riddle for you guys 

What looks like a half apple.

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