" Hello New York," Joshua said, and with that, the stadium erupted in cheering and rooting. 

Joshua smiles seeing it and said

" I don't know what to say or from where to start.

I can maybe start with how I am so grateful for your love and support. How you guys defended my honor and all that shit. But do you know one thing I don't feel gratitude toward you guys? 

I don't feel gratitude to the people who burned someone's business down. I don't feel gratitude toward those who throw stones at people and I don't feel grateful to those unfaithful cunts who just need a reason to burn the city. The same city that feeds them. " Joshua said with anger in his voice and the crowd's jaw hit the ground at his abusive language and his rant. They don't know what to say or do now. Tony Stark who was flirting with some girl before after hearing the first few sentences blew a whistle. Many people like the Military chief, political figures, city mayor, and many in the crowd nod at this. They too feel that a protest should be like a protest, it should not be turned violent. 

" I am sorry for the use of such inappropriate language but my anger now knows no bounds. 

You know what let me start from the very beginning. Let me tell you about my life from the very beginning. 

Tell me, people, what do you think my life was like with my parents. Do you think I was treated like a prince, I got everything before that I desire, don't you. 

Let me tell you the truth, I never liked my parents, I hated them from the moment I remember.

I was a genius child. I was able to speak fluently when I was one year old. My father notices my Intellect. What do you think he did? Was he happy or what. He doesn't show any of those emotions and neither does my mother. They just looked at me as they expected it.

I was homeschooled from the age of 1.5 years. I was beaten by my father when I slacked. 

I have a strict schedule for playing or any less important thing as they say. 

I was doing high school math by the age of 5. One day I played outside when I was 4 and didn't study. The man known as my father that day beat me with the belt and do you know what that wrench woman that was my mother did? She didn't do anything. She didn't even say anything and there was not even an iota of emotions on her face. 

That was my childhood. 

It was not a fairy tale but more like a horrible nightmare. "  Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/marvel-exilir-rise-of-the-mutant-empire_17155755305669105/chapter-55_50930107216358347">/book/marvel-exilir-rise-of-the-mutant-empire_17155755305669105/chapter-55_50930107216358347</a> for visiting.

Everyone presented their gasps. They never thought that the boy has this kind of childhood. Joshua's eyes were also becoming wet. 

Of course, it was all a big fat lie. Joshua's parents were cold but they never abused him. It was he who asked for homeschooling as he has memories of his past life but these people don't need to know that. 

"  I hate them, I always wished that they somehow disappeared from my life. And do you know they made me learn everything from business tactics to highly advanced science subjects, even philosophy, and psychology? 

I once have a friend as they take me to the park on Sunday so that I can know how to behave with people. I made a friend there and my luck doesn't even let me have that friend. I will talk about this story some other time when I will be ready.

Let's come to my parents. So when you live in that kind of environment you mature pretty fast. 

Then the fortunate day comes. They left for the party and never come back. I was the happiest guy. I didn't even know what to do. I cooked my favorite meal and all the things that could make me happy I did and I cried tears of happiness. 

Then after a week a letter come by. It was from my parents, I was afraid of receiving the letter from the man. I tore the envelope with trembling hands and read the content of the letter I would like to tell you guys. 

The letter says

" My dear son Joshua,

I don't know what to say to you. I know that you hate me and your mum and you have every right to do so. We didn't do anything for you after all except making your life hell.  But so you know we too do hate ourselves. 

I just wanted to say sorry, my son.

My son, I was never a good person. My hands were stained with the blood of people. I wanted to tell you why I treat you like that. You know my son you were my angel, the sunshine of mine and your mother's dark lives. 

We were working with some shady people, who did practically every illegal work. We couldn't let them know that you were our weakness because if they know they would have used you against us and that would have endangered your life. We know that they were keeping an eye on us so we treat you like that and I was a coward who doesn't have any courage to go against them. 

And even right now I am not asking for your forgiveness. I know what I did is not forgivable. I just want to let you know that whatever that I made you learn was to prepare you for the world outside. 

I wanted to tell you that you are young but prepared and when you will go outside, they will not suspect you and you would strike hard. We just take from the people and never give them anything back. We destroyed many people's lives. I know I am in no position to ask you this Joshua but if you could find it in yourself to help people who are in need. 

I want to tell you that you are young, but destined for great things. Make the most of your opportunities; use them to give back to the peoples who have given us so much, to change the lives of millions of people. Do not be frivolous with the wealth; please do not waste it all on fast cars and outrageous clothes, and the pursuit of a destructive lifestyle. Treat your people like family; watch over them, and use this money to safeguard them from forces beyond their control. My deepest regret is I will not see you grow into the good man I know you will become. And finally, my son, I ask that you never abandon the people to fate. You have lived through dark days; there's no doubt there are more to come. But it is the good and great men who stand up for humanity when others turn and run. In death, I will love you forever. ( ripped from the Batman Arkham knight )

I also want to tell you that I and your mother have committed suicide and want to warn you once people know that you have this much talent they will come for you, so be ready to respond with some force. " 

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