The whole stadium again becomes silent. Many people's faces looked shocked at what they heard. Peggy and Pierce were running their mind at top speeds to know which organization was behind the Foley couple's death. 

Many people were looking at Joshua with sympathy. For them, it was even hard to imagine what the young boy had gone through.

Joshua to stop for a moment and let his story sink in their minds. He controlled his lacrimal gland to show some tears. He wiped them and again looked at the public. 

" I didn't know what to do at that moment. I saw the letter and it has some wear marks on it. 

There were thousands of thoughts running through my mind. What kind of sick pay was this? Is the letter true? Did they even love me? And many more. 

I cried for the whole day and night thinking of what to do and all that. I was also asking questions to myself, were they right or wrong? I was having an existential crisis. 

Then I remember I don't care what they did or for what they did, I can't forgive them but the gifts I possed which are honed since the day one will not go waste. I will not become a punk with a sky-high ego."  Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/marvel-exilir-rise-of-the-mutant-empire_17155755305669105/chapter-56_50954281708212657">/book/marvel-exilir-rise-of-the-mutant-empire_17155755305669105/chapter-56_50954281708212657</a> for visiting.

Joshua's voice was very aggressive and the people were looking at the boy, no not the boy but a survivor in a different light. 

" After one week, I found the bodies of my parents. Apparently, they both shot themselves in the head and I burned them as they wanted. 

I didn't let the news come out because of the fear of people who were after them. " 

" No matter what they did to me or how much I hated them, they did indeed ready me for the world outside, and for that, I am thankful for them. " 

" For a whole month, I visited a different part of New York. I see how people live, I saw the struggle that a family made to just live in this city. I saw the ugly side of the city. 

And then I remember what my friend once said to me. She said, " society is like this because people with the capability are selfish and don't think about others. " Yeah, she was a wise girl. 

On that day, I decided that I will do what My parents and Martha would have liked me to do. 

I will rise and with me the people. " 

" I used my limited wealth and opened a news agency. In one year I made that number one. I researched day and night for various drugs and medicines. I forgot to sleep, food, and all those necessities.

And with that When I turned 16, 6 months ago, I launched the medicine at the price that people can afford and raised my wealth. 

And now I am here, and I just wanted to say one thing to everyone who is listening


The crowd was silent for a moment and then someone started to clap and slowly the whole stadium was filled with the sounds of clapping and rooting. People have tears in their eyes but their hands were clapping and their mouths were rooting for the boy. 

" I am ready to give back everything that people have given me. I am ready to face the challenges. I am ready for those who will come after me. 

But the question is will they be ready because believe me I have too much hate inside me and I will release everything upon you if you come between me and my people, you have already seen the trailer of what I can do. 

I am not a saint or hero who will allow you to go scot-free, I will destroy you from your very roots if you come after me. And this is not a threat It is a n.a.k.e.d warning." 

" And to you guys, I am not doing it because I feel bad for your conditions or anything. I am helping you because it helps neutralize my hatred. I love seeing happy faces and for these selfish reasons, I am doing it." 

" I know that I can't make everyone happy and help everyone, that's delusional, and I am not delusional but I will do what I can. 

And the start is from this city where I am born. From the city which is bleeding because of people's greed. 

And this is my gift to the city " 

The screen behind Joshua lit up and shows a logo of a mother feeding his child and under it, there was some text written " Martha's Communal Kitchen " 

" It is not a normal Communal Kitchen organization that I am just funding or anything like that.

This is an organization that will work as a company. But there will be no product for you to buy.

I have bought a lot of property in New York in the past 6 months in every part of New York. And this organization will be opening its 650 communal kitchens all around New York today and they will work 24x7. 

And the best part is that they are free. And every single one of them can serve 1000 people at a time. 

From this day no one will sleep with an empty stomach. " 

" I know what I did make a lot of people lose their jobs. So here we are hiring 4000 people for every kind of skill set. And don't worry about it being a social service and that. You will be paid accordingly, you are an employee, not a social worker here." 

Joshua said and with every word of his the background pictures were changing and then he shows the food department certificates that shows 4 stars. Joshua practically opened 650 free Eateries and the Crowd erupted in cheer.

A/n: hey guys. I am 8 chapters ahead on Patron if you want to you can but it there. look I am uploading 2 to 3 chapters there every day so you don't have to worry about purchasing a bigger tier. and I will appreciate it if you guys can support this work. 

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