A/n: Please read the authour note at the end of the chapter.

When Walter saw Joshua beating the man he didn't say anything to him for quite some time. He let the boy beat the bastard.

After sometime when Joshua tired of beating him, Walter walked to him and Said

" Satisfied. " 

Joshua turns his head to Walter and eyed his attire and frowned. 

" Was sleeping when my subordinate informed me and I came here in a hurry. "  Walter said shrugging seeing Joshua frowning. 

" Oh, sorry to disturb your sleep but as you see it was quite a big party. " Joshua said. 

" I can see that. " Walter said eyeing the heap of bodies. 

" Any idea who they are or who sends them after you. " Walter asked but inside he knew the answer to that question. 

" No idea who they are or who sends them after me neither does this matter. " Joshua replied without any emotions in his voice.  Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/marvel-exilir-rise-of-the-mutant-empire_17155755305669105/chapter-59_51004677529066159">/book/marvel-exilir-rise-of-the-mutant-empire_17155755305669105/chapter-59_51004677529066159</a> for visiting.

Walter nodded at that and eyed the man who was getting beaten by Joshua

" And him, did he tell anything. " ( W )

" Nope, not even a sound. I will not be surprised if he is deaf and dumb. " ( J )

" You need not worry about it, Mr. Foley. We at NYPD are experts in making dumb people speak. "  Walter said with a reassuring smile. 

" Then he is yours. Do as you wish. " ( J )

" We will do our best to make sure that the people behind this get caught. " Walter said with a resolution. 

" Say, Mr. Walter, how would you like it if I donated another 1 million dollars to your department? "  Joshua asked Walter and Walter's eyes narrowed at this. 

" What do you want? " Walter asked in a threatening voice. 

' Did this boy try to bribe me? ' Walter thoughts. 

" what I want is that you investigate this case as an informal case. Meaning no mention of this case on any paper, you didn't come here, you didn't arrest this man here. You didn't see anything here, the call was just a prank. " Joshua said to Walter with a very serious tone. 

Walters's eyes widened at these demands. 

" Why? " Walter asked in a shocking voice.

" Do I need to tell you why? You yourself have studied economics what do think will happen once the news of this attack comes out.

This country is already bleeding and I want to heal it, not the other way around. " Joshua said to him. 

Walters understands from where Joshua's reasoning was coming. People burned the city when they defame Joshua and right now after that meeting Joshua was nothing less than a Messiah in their eyes. If they even got the news of this attack then he can't even imagine what will happen and to not only New York but to the whole of the country. The stock market will completely crash and people will be out on the streets once more but this time in a lot more number and anger. It would be like a civil war In America. 

Walter looks at the boy in a new light. The boy in front of him has thought of everything and he is ready to suffer alone for the wellbeing of people.

" You already know who is behind this attack, don't you. " Walter asked Joshua in an understanding tone. 

Joshua didn't say anything but his eyes gave every answer that Walter needed to know. Walter nodded for a moment and then he walked toward the only alive member of the assassins. He looked at the man who was withering in pain. 

Walter takes out his Gun from his robes and then shoots the man. 


Every police officer comes running to where Walter was and they saw him standing near the assailant's body who was alive a moment before. 

" S. Sir? " Arnold asked Walter about what he did in a shaky voice. 

" Listen, officers, we got a prank call from someone. There was no attack, we didn't find anything, we didn't see anything suspicious here. " Walter ordered his officers. They all understand what Walter means and they all nod. 

Then Walter looked at Joshua with a look that said ' Go get those bastards '. 

" I am sorry to disturb your night Mr. Foley. Looks like it was a prank call. " (W)

" No need to apologize, sir. It's all okay. " Joshua replied with a smile. 

And then the police cars left the estate.


Alexandra Reid's House

Alexandra Reid the head of The Hand organization was chilling in her house.

She was drinking red wine and was waiting for the death of the news of that little cunt's death. 

" I am ready, my foot. " She said to herself. The boy was also a thorn on her side. She was also having losses in her business here. 

But then the boy bought the Warehouses in queens where she wanted to establish her base of operation.

" Even if those rich bastards don't have contacted Hand seven then the boy would have died today but he at least makes up for my loss. " 

Alexandra was lost in her thoughts when the phone started ringing.

She picked the phone and speak

" Hello, who is this. " 

" Hello, Miss Reid or should I say Angelica Fletcher or Albert Davis or Abigail King or do you go by Audrey Thompson. " 

Alexandra's eyes widened, her face became white like someone had drained all the blood out of it. She was shocked to the core. These were all the names and allies that she used in the past. 

" Who are you? " she asked in a threatening voice. 

" Oh, Come on. At least remember my name after all you send your 20 lousy Ninja's to kill me who were not even able to reach my mansion. I am really disappointed with you Miss middle finger of the Hand." The voice on the other end replied. 

" Joshua " She finds out the true identity of the voice but despite giving her any kind of reassurance it further added more worry for her. 

" Bingo. The one n only. By the way, do tell me what's your fascination with the letter A. " Joshua asked in a cheerful voice. 

" What do you want from me? " She asked. 

" Oh, Nothing just to tell you that all of your assassins are dead, that you already know as I am talking to you now and to tell you that you had your chance and you missed now it's my turn so RUN BITCH RUN because I will not miss and I cut the head of the snake. " and with that Joshua cut the call. 

A/n: I don't know why I am uploading this chapter. the thing is I am sad due to some family problems and I don't know the only thing that comes to my mind was to upload a chapter.

the thing is that in my 20 years of life I have gone through some very difficult phases of life that I don't wish anyone has to go through. during that time I wished that It would be good that If I die suddenly. I don't want to talk more about that. you just need to know that thhat phase made me to make people happy in some way and sometimes to kill them.

The only reason I started writing the fanfics was to get away from the real world and take solace here. I wasn't going to continue any of them. I even left this book for a month but what I didn't expect was that some of you bastards namely quenton and ssjbrowly, loki and many more even gave this crappy book powerstones for a full month even when I was not uploading. I want to ask why. quenton and loki even cmnt on chapters in 2 or 3 days.

then one day I thought to hell with this lets upload another crappy chapter and these bastards will go away. you guys didn't. on that day I realise that I have one thing that various people don't have and that is a loyal redear base. you guys never let me quit. you guys shower me with love at every moment no matter how Shitty the content was.

this book might not be in top 20 or anything like that but who the fcuk cares. I have you. I donxt when or how It happens but the day that you accept me even after doing so.much bad things I vowed to make this shitty Idea which was just my escape from reality a fic that you readears... no not readears my other family deserves.

quenton still asks on discord that why don't I edit the first chapters as they have a lot of mistakes and all. this is the reason because those chapters make me remember my vow to family. those chapters gave me the people that I have today. so I will never edit them. may be I will not get more readears because of that because many readears read first few chapters and left but who the f cares. if they can't accept me at my worse they don't deserve me at my best. they now have some sentimental value.

I might never meet you and say this personally to you guys but

Thank you.

thank you, you giys are the best thing that happened to me in 2020. this author note too will have many mistakes and they are because my eyes are sweating.

I would have released more chapters as a thank you but that would have been unfair to my ******* users.

and if you wanted to become one of my ******* user because I can litteraly use a dollar or 2. so here is the link


change The o.

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