And the moment Joshua cut the call, Alexandra heard the sound of cars stopping In front of her house. 

She readied herself for a battle. She circulates the chi through her body and readied herself for the battle. She signals her Hand guards to be in position. The ninjas cut down the power supply of the place and merged into the darkness, ready to kill. 

Alexandra was waiting for Joshua's people to enter. And then in that dark, she suddenly realizes something and runs toward the window. She breaks the glass with her punch and jumped out of the window and before the guards could even ponder on what was happening they hear a very sharp *pshhhh* sound and then 


The whole house was blasted. There was nothing left in the place of the house but the burning debris. 

What happened here was that Joshua strictly said not to engage in close combat. Because he doesn't want the people to know of his force's supernatural abilities that they get after bonding with Elysium. 

So they were strictly limited to use only long-range weapons. So the Hyena's used rocket launchers. These rocket launchers were specially made by Joshua; they were 100 times more powerful and accurate than any rocket launcher present on the planet. So once they fired it there was no chance of anyone living. Even Alexandra feels the burns of the explosion after all she was not that far from the explosion. And just to be sure the Hyena's fire, not one but 10 rockets. Alexandra died there. 

The Hyena's left the place after firing the last one. Now if Alexandra was a normal person she would have been burned to the ashes but she was an old chi practitioner so she survives the blast and as her head was not cut off, she becomes alive again. 

Now don't even for a second thought that Joshua made a mistake by not cutting her head. No, she was alive because Joshua wanted her alive. It was like in medieval times how pirates killed everyone but left one person alive to tell the tale. Joshua wanted to establish an image of himself and for that tales of his cruelty need to be told. 

Also, Joshua wants the Hand under him. But he doesn't know where the other members are except Alexandra but now Alexandra will go back to the other fingers and talk about the Problem that is called Joshua and the Hand will strike again and at that time by killing the leaders he will take over Hand. And by acquiring Hand he will also acquire the whole of Asia as Hand is one of the most powerful organizations which rules the underworld in Asia. 

Tonight the only living member of the Hand was Alexandra as all other bases were too hit by Joshua's forces and the ninjas there were not so lucky. He burned them to death. The police too only reached the place after the locations were completely burned down because of the police chief's indirect orders.

The next day the police chief said that it was the result of a gang war and the police are doing everything to get the guilty people behind the bars. 

And when the news reporters asked why the police take so much time to reach the crime scenes he replied that the police get a false call from an anonymous person telling them that there has been a murder at Foley estate so they have to go there for the investigation which creates the delay in the command channel of the force. 

And by the evening police do catch a gang and put the blame on them.

And then the next day when people heard about what happened a new rumor started to spread that Joshua was behind these attacks and the police department was in his pocket. He killed people because they attacked him and he retaliated. But not many people believe it. 

But the upper echelon of New York knows that it was the truth. These people were shitting in their pants when they heard that Joshua survived and in one day he disseminated a whole organization from their very roots. 

They knew that he was not spewing nonsense but was instead telling them the cold hard truth. And the truth was that New York was already worshipping the very ground he was walking on. 

Joshua made a very twisted kind of image in the mind of people. For the middle and lower class, he was a god but for the people who were against him and were at the top for them, he was a devil. 

And with destroying this organization he told the whole world that now he is of New York and New York is his. 

And due to this image, the people of New York didn't lash out at the Police force instead they were praising them for giving Joshua such importance. 

Joshua also received a 500 million paycheck during this time from the military. And Joshua also introduced various medicines in the market and once again the market was in an uproar. But the biggest surprise came when Joshua announced that 25 percent of the profit generated from this medicine will be donated to various schools and colleges and he also announced a scholarship program for the kids who can not afford to pay for college. 

His sales skyrocketed. His film studio also released another movie which earns him around 200 million dollars. 

So his total wealth even after donating most of it still rises to 4 billion dollars. 

A/N: what you thought this will be an epic battle and all that. Sorry, bro but I always take a gun to a sword fight unless the swordsman is Mihawk then I am already screwed. 

Hey, Guys just so you know I am thankful to you. 

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