Tony and Major Kelly received the conversation from Julie at the same time, and then the two watched the data transmitted by Julie through the glasses.

  When Julie notified the two of them, she had already transmitted the data. Tony and Major Kelly didn't have to look down at their tiny satellite computers, they were able to reflect the data from their glasses.

  Tony and Major Kelly had observed that there would be a fork in the road ahead without Julie telling them, and before the data had been transmitted, because the cars were constantly changing formations.

  Tony felt that it was about to reach a fork in the road, should he attack them? If he didn't attack them at this time, then it was very likely that they would escape. Tony just thought so.Ding.

Chapter 233

  Chapter 232 Guessing

  But I still need to ask Murphy's opinion. I don't know if Murphy thinks the same as I think. If Murphy thinks that he can't be a thug, he can't indulge easily.

  "What? Just now Julie reported that there is a fork in the road ahead. These cars are still changing their formations. I suspect that they will split at this fork in a while. Should we continue to work or attack them."

  Murphy heard Tony's report to himself, and knew that Tony couldn't arrange it now, and he wanted to launch an attack. If he didn't launch an attack now, these vehicles would probably run away.

  But Murphy felt that it was not the right time to launch an attack. After all, he didn't know what kind of people these vehicles were made of. If the Hulk was sitting, then Tony and Major Kelly would not be given to him at all. opportunity to attack them.

  If this car is sitting on Renijester, then if these cars are attacked, Reinigester will have those biochemical poisons on him at any time, maybe what kind of impact will be caused.

  Murphy is still more worried about Tony and Major Kelly's comfort. After all, if these biochemical poisons were born illegitimately, they would be corrosive to a certain extent, causing danger to both of them.

  But judging from this situation, there should be no Hulk and Reinigester on these vehicles. If there were Hulk Reinigester, it would not be so simple. There must be planes in the sky. followed.

  Before I came here, I had strafed the sky many times, but I didn't find any planes in the sky at all. If there were planes, Esquillett might have encountered them.

  Even if the hidden technology is good, it will be discovered. Murphy feels that the protection he has done in the field of the air is still very good. After coming here for so long, he never found a plane flying in the sky. .

  Therefore, it is still not possible to act rashly, if it is to act rashly.

  It may be a surprise, but Murphy feels that according to his prediction, there will be absolutely no Hulk and Renijester in this car.

  If Hulk and Reinigester were in these cars, then the protection work would be very simple, and it would be easy for people to be vigilant if it was not as strict as it is now.

  "Tony, don't act rashly, I don't think Hulk and Xiaomei are in these cars, it's just a cover. If Hulk and Renijester are in this car, it will definitely be simpler than this, not so-called so. strict."

  Tony thinks that Murphy's analysis is also quite reasonable, after all, it is still very strict to look at these vehicles now.

  The more strict it is, the more likely it is that there is no result that you want. If it is not strict, you will find a way to take a look, but at this level, there is no need to take that risk.

  "Okay, I understand. Xiaoben told us just now that we will soon reach a fork in the road. We will be careful. You can rest assured that you can concentrate on seeing that place."

  "If you can't deal with that ferocious beast, you can call me at any time. I can assign it to you, and I can give you Majorelle to deal with that ferocious beast."

  "But I'm sure Murphy you won't be able to use us."

  Tony is starting to be playful here again, that's what Tony is like, so there's nothing serious about talking and then.

  Anyway, Murphy is not surprised now, and he thinks it is normal for Tony to look like this, because Tony has always been like this.

  Murphy quickly came to this place to the east of Xiaobei, and had already seen ferocious beasts on the opposite hillside, all lying there on that hillside.

  But now it's the daytime, why are these ferocious beasts right there, and they're all gathered there, aren't these ferocious beasts afraid of this light?This place is facing the sun.

  Murphy also expressed incomprehension now, and then looked at these ferocious beasts and felt that these ferocious beasts seemed to have evolved, otherwise they would not appear in this place at this time, and the sun is so abundant now.

  According to Murphy's own research, I felt that these ferocious beasts should not appear in this place, because it was found that these ferocious beasts would disappear automatically as soon as they reached the white point, and disappeared without a trace...  

  But now it's different. These pleural monsters are still in this place, and they seem to be enjoying it very much. The sun here is generally lying there and resting.

  Murphy knew that these ferocious beasts had begun to evolve and were no longer afraid of the sun.

  Murphy came to another hillside of the ferocious beast. Murphy sprayed himself with odor-eliminating agents along the way, so that these odors disappeared without leaving any traces.

  If these ferocious beasts smell their own scent, they are likely to attack themselves, but through observation, these ferocious beasts are not likely to attack when they are resting, but they are still Be careful.

  "Julie sent me the location here again. Let me see that this place is different from my current location. I want to overlap it."

  Murphy came to these ferocious beasts

  Then he took out his computer, because he didn't scan this place when he was at the base, whether there was an invisible base, and then Murphy decided to come to this place and take a computer to observe it here.

  "Okay, receive 1.2, and I'll send it to you right away."

  Julie and Murphy are operating on both sides at the same time, because they must be connected on the satellite, otherwise how can the data be transmitted?

  Murphy, please debug if the connection is interrupted. I have already sorted it out here, and I am about to send it to you, but it shows that the connection is interrupted on your side. You can check there.

  Murphy looked at his microcomputer, and there was no connection interruption displayed on it, but how could Julie's side show the interruption?

  Maybe there is a mistake on my own side, first look for it to see if there is any mistake, and then talk about it, if it is not on my side, then it must be on Julie's side, maybe he is not familiar with the present contact information. .

Chapter 234

  Chapter 233 Sudden Explosion

  Murphy checked it carefully and found that there was no problem on his side. Maybe the problem was now on Julie's side, and he had already checked it very carefully on his own side.

  I didn't find any problem at all. Could it be that there is a problem at the base?Murphy hurriedly checked the equipment on the network to see if there was any danger around the base, otherwise how could the network be interrupted, and then Murphy checked it carefully and found that there was no problem. Put your heart down.

  Today is really a thrilling day. The two bombs just now made me worry about the safety of Tony and Major. Now there is a problem with the network. I thought there was a problem on the base. Murphy found out This is really the first time for so many people, and there are only three of them every time they go out on a mission.

  The three of them never worried about each other, but now that there are more Majorelle and Julie, there are more and more things to worry about. In fact, it's not that women are troublesome, it's just that they think more.

  Maybe this is the psychology of men. No matter how strong women are, 12 still feels that women are a weak group in their hearts.

  I can't say that I have prejudice against women. It's just that most men probably think like this. No matter how strong she is, she is still a woman who needs to be protected.

  After all, Julie is not like the woman of Major, who does not need protection at all, and she is both civil and military, proficient in everything, but Julie is different. Julie is ok in terms of literature, but drugs It's all about revival.

  Julie's three-legged cat kung fu is all about being able to fool herself. It's really a waste to deal with others, especially in this place in the Callus Mountains where all the elites come, how could he not be right?

  "Okay, this side has been shown to be connected. Just now, the network on my side was interrupted. It may be that the wind was too strong, which affected the signal transmitted in the middle. Now the wind at the base is particularly strong."

  Even in the base, Julie could feel that the wind was very strong outside, and the sound was very scary, whirring.

  "Okay, then you quickly transmit this to me, and then you have to keep an eye on what's going on with Tony and Major Kelly. I'm busy with other things here. If there's anything going on there, let me know. I."

  Murphy still had to specifically explain to Julie, for fear of what kind of mistakes Julie might make in this middle. After all, today is also the first time Julie has cooperated with everyone, and there are still other places that may still need to be adjusted slowly. OK.

  After all, everything is there. For the first time, Murphy felt that Julie had already done this, and it was already very good, and also found a lot of wrong information from the middle, perfectly avoided the wrong information, and left useful information.

  Tony and Major Keili have been following these things. These vehicles are still interspersed in front of them, and they are about to reach the fork in the road. At this time, Tony and Major Keili are both very nervous, and they are paying attention. High concentration, after all, if there is no concentration at all, these vehicles will be lost by themselves.

  Tony can't tell which car is occupied and which car is empty. Now he can only follow in this way. Although there is a fork in front of him, there are only three roads at that fork, so choose any two. Either way is okay, but that way can only be given up.

  It is impossible for the enemy to transport his own people from one road to the outside. Even if there are three roads, there will definitely be two roads to transport his own people, and one road without his own people, although this probability is easy for others to discover.

  But this probability can also protect their own people. If the enemy suddenly chooses the vehicle with their own outfit and has important people, wouldn't that mean the entire army was wiped out at once?

  That's why everyone would choose Tony that way, as long as either he or Majorelle chose the right one, or both of them chose the right one, and only one of them was wrong. This error is a matter of probability.

  Just before the fork in the road, suddenly three of these vehicles sat side by side. Tony and Major Kelly looked at the three vehicles for no reason. Why could these three vehicles be able to? M&A in a row?On such a crowded road, there is a cliff next to it.

  Just when Tony and Major Keili were thinking about this, the fire suddenly burst into the sky, and the three vehicles burst into flames, and the explosion sound was so loud and the fire burst into the sky.

  They didn't give Tony and Majorelle a chance to reflect. The three vehicles exploded right in front of them. Fortunately, Tony and Majorelle had the experience of previous bombs and managed to dodge them, and they didn't follow these vehicles. It is very close, but it is difficult to be shortlisted for these three vehicles.

  Murphy heard the sound of the explosion on the other side of the mountain. The sound of the explosion resounded throughout the Callus Mountains. The sound was so loud that it showed how powerful the 290 explosion was.

  Murphy stood up quickly, regardless of whether he could be found or not, stood up straight, took out the high-powered binoculars and looked at the other side of the mountain, hoping to see something there, but saw nothing. , only saw black smoke rising into the sky.

  "Tony, can you hear me? Please answer."

  Murphy hurriedly asked about Tony and Major Kelly. After all, the sound of the explosion was so loud that it had resounded throughout the Calrus Mountains. It can be seen that this power is simply too amazing. How much explosives are needed? capable of such power.

  Murphy instantly became nervous. After all, Tony and Major Kelly were both there. How could Murphy not worry about what if something happened?

  Since Tony and Major Kelly were not too far away from the two cars, the sound of the explosion made their ears rumble, and Murphy's call was not heard.

  Murphy began to get nervous, Tony would not hear his call, did something happen, and then hurriedly picked up his flight computer, trying to search for Tony's trace. .

Chapter 235

  After all, when everyone comes out to do the task, they all have positioning instruments on their bodies, which can determine their specific location, and they also display vital signs, whether there is any kind of life danger.

  Murphy can't take care of that much anymore. He is looking at his computer, but concentrates on finding the vital signs of Tony and Major Kelly. Are they still alive?

  Murphy hurriedly switched pages on his computer, where he searched for Tony and Majorelle's vital signs circuit map.

  The sound of the explosion was so loud that Tony and Major Kelly's ears were buzzing. Can't hear anything.

  Tony and Major Kelly waited for a few seconds before they could hear each other's words. They had encountered the sound of explosions before, but they had never encountered such a strong sound of explosions.

  Maybe there was no preparation at all, so the sound of the explosion also affected my experience. I used to protect my ears in advance when I knew it would explode.

  Murphy switched to observing the vital signs of Tony and Xiaohua, and found that the vital signs of Tony and Majorelle were still normal, which proved that they had no problem, and Murphy was relieved instantly.

  If you want to change it to another place, Murphy won't worry about you Tony and Major Kelly. After all, this place in the Calrus Mountains itself is particularly dangerous, and everything, as well as the Hulk and the Renegester two outlaws.

  In particular, Hulk is very cunning. If Hulk was not so cunning, he would have caught him long ago. Would it take so long?

  Just when the huge explosion sounded just now, Murphy thought for a moment, if it was because of the person who caught Hulk, if he was injured or if his life was in danger, he would not let the Hulk go. of.

  It will make Hulk die particularly miserable, and the date will slowly torture him, let him know that he is not easy to mess with, especially if his own people are injured or some lives are in danger.

  Murphy has this characteristic, that is, he loves the people in his team, no matter what the people in his team are, he will not allow others to hurt.

  Although I don't know why the sound of the explosion was so loud just now, but the vital signs of Tony and Majorelle are normal, it proves that there is no injury, then there is no problem. judgment.

  As long as they are not in danger, Murphy continues to be busy with his own affairs. After all, he has to scan this place to see if there is an underground base. If there is an underground base, then it must be their hiding place.

  When Tony and Major Kelly were about to choose a route, and then passed over these vehicles, when they tracked the vehicles in front, they didn't even notice that the snow on the snowy mountain was moving, and the two of them took it too seriously.

  At this moment, there was a rumbling sound, Tony and Major Kelly were still there studying the route, and the rumbling sound was getting closer and closer to them.

  Tony and Major Kelly raised their heads to see the avalanche on the mountain, and finally understood why the three vehicles exploded here together, and what did the two bombs thrown before mean?

  Julie has been observing the images of Tony and Majorelle here. At this moment, the computer screen is shaking. This is observing the earthquake. There is no earthquake here, how can there be a vibration response?Has there been an avalanche?

  No separate living, operating on the computer, I want to find out where I have been, and when he finds this place, he finds that it is where Tony and Xiaohuhua are, and it is very close to them. .

  "Tony Major, leave there quickly, the two of you, now there's an avalanche, and there's already a shocking reaction on my side, hurry up and leave. ¨."

  When Julie finished saying this, there was no waiting for Tony and Major Kelly to answer.

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