Without waiting for Tony and Major Keili's answers, Julie became nervous, were the two of them buried by an avalanche?

  The voice of Julie came to mind on the walkie-talkie. Tony and Major did not reply to what Major said, but hurriedly chose to escape.

  After all, avalanches are not a joke, and the snow shell of the Carlus Mountains is very thick. If this avalanche is formed and buried here, it will definitely die.

  It turned out that the previous bomb and the current vehicle explosion were all ambushed by this avalanche. It turned out that they may have already discovered it and been tracked, so they came to create such trouble and did not directly shoot them to death.

  They just wanted Xuefeng to be buried alive. They didn't want to fly a bullet to kill Major Kelly and Tony. They were simply too hateful.

  But how it was discovered in the end is still unknown. After all, the stealth work done is also very good, how could it be discovered?Which link went wrong, and now Tony and Majorelle don't have a chance to think about this forever.

  Now the two of them can only jump off the cliff. After all, there are countless things to hide from this aggressive student. Tony and Major Kelly came to the edge of the cliff. The two looked at each other and quickly came to the edge of the cliff. The individuals nodded to each other, all feeling that it was time to jump off the cliff.

  This cliff is the deepest cliff in the Carlus Mountains. The cliff is so deep that you can't see you, it's all white (Leno's), and it's impossible to estimate how deep this cliff is. It's just that when Murphy first came Do a calculation.

  Fortunately, when I came out, I put the safety bag that Murphy gave me on my back. Tony thought what kind of skydiving should he use in this place. What is the use of this skydiving?

  Now it's completely useful. Fortunately, this time the school flower has this safety package. If it doesn't match, it will be a big trouble.

  Then your own life may be buried in this Carlus Mountains. Avalanche is not a joke. This is the power of nature. If it is buried under the snow, then there is still a little bit of survival. tedious.

  For ordinary people, there will be no life, but for them, it is still possible and there is room for survival. After all, the safety bag they carry is not a joke. .

Chapter 236

  Chapter 235 Skydiving

  Julie didn't call Tony and Major here, but the vital signs were normal, but the heartbeat was fast, nothing else was special, but she was still worried, I don't know what they met In special circumstances, they did not reply to their own words in a timely manner.

  What Julie has been observing, the situation on the computer guides the blood pump to happen now, and it will get bigger and bigger. There is the abyss cliff over there. I don't know if they can hide in time. Julie very worried.

  Now this moment is a very urgent moment. I don't know their situation now, and Julie doesn't know what to do now. After all, Murphy is also very dangerous there now, if you want to inform Murphy.

  If Murphy rushes over, what will happen to Murphy's side?The Callus Mountains don't know what to do now, but after thinking about it, they still need to tell Murphy about it.

  At this moment, Murphy is concentratingly scanning the east of the Carlus Mountains, for fear of missing a little clue. If there is a little clue, it will be very troublesome long ago. These ferocious creatures are in It was just around the corner, because it was getting late now.

  Murphy knew that these swift and fierce beasts should come out at 290 at night, and now they have to scan quickly. If they can scan them before dark, that is the most concerned thing. After all, there is no need to take this risk here. risk.

  Murphy didn't even know that there was an avalanche there. He didn't pay attention to the situation there at all. He only knew about the vehicles that Tony and Major Keili had been tracking. At present, there was not much danger to him, but he concentrated on research. Looking at the avalanche here, I didn't feel it.

  Just when Murphy heard Julie and contacted Tony and Major Kelly again, Tony didn't think there was anything, just thought that Julie might have found something, and told them the clues of his own discovery were not the same. I didn't think they were in any danger.

  Tony and Major Kelly quickly fell to the bottom of the cliff. Tony quickly opened his umbrella. After Tony opened his umbrella, due to the dispersing force, Tony's body was quickly carried back up by the wind. , but the avalanche behind was already huge, and Tony successfully jumped over the edge of the avalanche.

  Although they have successfully jumped from the side of the avalanche, they still need to get to the bottom of the cliff. After all, their parachute does not have the function of ascending, only the function of descending and ascending, and they did not expect to be able to use it in this place. superior.

  Tony quickly adjusted his knowledge and avoided the avalanche with ease, but Tony thought of Majorelle, and when she looked back for Majorelle, Majorelle had disappeared.

  Tony instantly became tense, and it was obvious that Major Keili jumped off the cliff with him, and opened the flash, why did Major Keili disappear?I was thinking about the umbrella on my body just now, and I didn't notice Majorelle at all.

  At this moment, the avalanche and the snowballs that have occurred are still falling, and there is no tendency to decrease at all. The thickness of the snow in the Carlus Mountains shows how amazing it is.

  There is snow here all the year round, and the snow is blown very tightly by the wind and sand, and when it falls, it is also in large pieces. Tony thinks that Major Kelly must not open the umbrella, otherwise it will not be like this. .

  Tony began to quickly search for the traces of Majorelle, wondering if Majorelle was buried under this cliff?Or was it buried in the snow, I don't know what happened now.

  Tony didn't have time to notify Murphy now. He felt that he would inform Murphy, and now Murphy couldn't make it, so he might as well hurry up and find Meijerkel. There will be a ray of vitality, and Tony quickly falls.

  I just want to go down quickly. Although the avalanche has not stopped, the snow is still falling, but Tony feels that he needs to find a stable place to wait, and then go down to find the clues of Major Kelly, and then he can still see Take a look at what appears on Majorelle's Vital Recorder.

  Tony knows that he must be able to remain calm now, and only by being calm can he make a correct judgment and Major Kelly can get his own rescue.

  "Murphy, Murphy, I'm Julie, please answer if you hear me."

  Julie asked Murphy anxiously. After all, Tony and Major hadn't replied to her yet. The two people she tried to contact by radio just now hadn't replied to her yet, so she thought of getting in touch quickly. Murphy.

  But Murphy didn't reply to herself again, and Julie was even more nervous. She didn't know what to do now. She had tried to contact Murphy, but Murphy didn't hear it. She didn't know what happened to Murphy. .

  Murphy here didn't hear Julie calling him at all. Murphy was busy with his own affairs, so he didn't have time to pay attention to things here, and his walkie-talkie was interrupted for some reason. .

  Since Murphy needs to be quiet, he has cut off all the bugging devices on his body. Occasionally, if the device on his body makes a sound, it is easy to reveal his position.

  After all, the vehicles found today all came out of this place. There must be something in this place. If there is nothing, how could these cars come here?This is a very remote place in the Carlus Mountains, and these living creatures are here.

  This is enough to prove that there must be a discovery here, but what Murphy does not know yet, but there must be a result.

  At this moment, Murphy is also very excited. After all, he has been looking for Hulk for so long, and finally has a little news. He is also very excited. He doesn't notice anything else at all, and feels that they can control themselves. comfort, and will protect yourself.

  Murphy didn't put the bombs on his body at all. He felt that the bombs were not enough to hurt Tony and Major Kelly, and he never expected such a thing as an avalanche. .

Chapter 237

  Chapter 236 Lost Contact

  If he knew that an avalanche would happen, how could Murphy let the two of them continue to track?

  At this moment, Julie is in a hurry in the base, because the three of them can't get in touch themselves, and I don't know what happened to the three of them. Tony and Major Kelly have never been in contact. But Murphy has been in contact with him all the time, why did he suddenly not answer what he said?

  Murphy just got up suddenly. If she didn't answer her own words, Julie was even more nervous. Could it be that they encountered danger at the same time, so what should she do now?Are you going out to find them?If you want to go out to find them, what will you do if you try your best?

  Julie walked downstairs and decided to find them out of the base. Later, Julie thought about it and felt that she might go out and cause them trouble. Maybe they were not in any danger. trouble.

  Julie decided to go back to the monitoring room by herself, and then thought of a way to try to contact Murphy again.

  After Julie returned to the monitoring room, she called Tony and Major again, but Tony and Major still did not reply to Julie, calling.

  Julie knew that Tony and Major must have been in trouble. If they didn't get into trouble, they wouldn't answer what she said. Although the monitor didn't show that the two were in danger, the magnetic field in this place was affected. It was influenced by human beings. I wonder if his monitor was also affected by the magnetic field of the Carlus Mountains. It was no longer usable.

  Now all of this is my own conjecture, and it has not been confirmed, but if it is not confirmed, that is, if the good things are confirmed, then maybe Tony and Major Kelly are now in danger of life. I don't want this. Things happen ~ happen.

  Julie felt that she had just come to this place in the Callus Mountains. Could it be that Tony and Major Kelly would never see them again after this mission?It took a long time for me to form a friendship with May-Jackey.

  In this cold place in the Callus Mountains, someone suddenly began to care about her, and her heart was a warm Julie. When she thought of Majorelle caring about her, Julie was very moved.

  Julie prayed silently in her heart that nothing would happen to Tony and Major, and she must return safely. After all, she still wanted to watch them compete there.

  Julie observed on the computer and found that the movement of the avalanche was still continuing, but it was a little smaller than before, but what effect would it have to make it smaller?An avalanche is like a snowball, it keeps getting bigger and bigger.

  "Call Murphy, call Murphy, call Murphy." Julie heard the sound from the sensor, and Julie heard that the voice was from Escherett. Could it be Escherlet's side? What happened?

  Escherett also called several times, Murphy Murphy did not reply to himself, and then tried to call Tony, Tony did not reply to himself, Escherlet did not know what happened to them, Just keep calling them.

  Escheret has successfully left the skies of the Carlus Mountains. Everything on the plane is now normal, and the instruments have returned to normal numbers. This has proved that the plane is now immune to the magnetic field of the Carlus Mountains. Affected, fully recovered.

  Esquilette just wanted to report this matter to Murphy, and told Murphy that he had come out intact, and the Callus Mountains did not find anything unusual in the air, nor did he find any patrol aircraft or It is a stealth fighter or something, and it has not been found in the sky.

  I observed very carefully, and I didn't find the enemy's fighter plane in the sky. That doesn't mean it's a good thing. It may be a bad thing. Nowhere was found where they were hiding.

  Escherlet tried to contact several times, but couldn't get in touch, and he didn't know what happened to them. Just when Escherlet was about to contact Murphy again, he heard Julie's answer. .

· · Flowers · ·

  "Aeschylet, I'm Julie, are you calling Murphy too? I'm calling Murphy, but Murphy didn't answer me, and Tony and Majorelle also contacted No, I found out there was an avalanche over Tony and Majorelle, and it was a really big avalanche."

  Julie felt that she should tell Esquire about this matter first. Maybe Esquire will have a solution, so isn't this a good thing?

  Escheret heard Julie say something, saying that Avalanche Escherett felt as if she had heard it wrong.

  "What did you say, Julie? Did you just say Avalanche? You said Tony and Majorelle met Avalanche."


  Aschret knows that avalanches are very dangerous, and sometimes they are buried under the snow before they can escape. This is a dangerous natural phenomenon, but it is different from floods and fires. , the snow is buried below, and there will be no breathing in an instant, and it will also affect all the organs in his body.

  "Yes, but I don't know if Tony and Major have encountered an avalanche, but there is an avalanche in that place, and then Tony and Major can't get in touch, but their lives Signs are normal."

  Anina Jolie told Esquilet everything she knew, and now she only knows this, she has already told Esquilette completely, and wants Esquilet to think of a way, Then contact Murphy.

  After all, I just came to the base of the Calrus Mountains, and I am not very familiar with many things in the Murphy base, and I don’t know how to use it. After all, everyone’s equipment is different, so I want to Ask Esqilet for help, and let Esqilet find a way to contact Murphy.

  I can only turn to Esqilet, who is very familiar with this place. Now Esqilet is my only hope. Although he is very busy performing this task outside, there is nothing he can do.Ding.

Chapter 238

  Chapter 237 Nervous mood

  Julie didn't know if she was doing it right or wrong. She told Chiret about it and made Chiret worry outside, but she couldn't do anything about it. She couldn't contact Murphy or Tony, He Meijie. Although Kelly looked at the life detector on the life detector, there was no danger to their lives.

  But I don't know whether the data on these life detectors is true or not, and they also said before that the magnetic field is very large and easily affected in the Callus Mountains, or that their life detectors appear. It's impossible to say where it made a mistake or where it fell.

  Julie thought of a lot of bad things in her mind, and then demonstrated these bad things one by one in her mind. Julie instantly felt that her heart was very nervous, for fear that these bad things would happen now.

  It's not long since I came to the Carlus Mountains, did these bad things happen?Did you bring them bad luck consumption, and felt that the alarm system was destroyed on the first day of your arrival.

  After that, I discovered so many bad things, but I felt that I had destroyed the alarm system, and I would have made up for it. If I hadn't destroyed it, Murphy would not have discovered the loophole.

  Before she came to the Carlus Mountains, Julie always felt that she was very powerful in computer technology and monitoring technology, but after coming to the Carlus Mountains, she felt that Murphy had completely wiped out her skills.

  Because Murphy is simply too much better than himself. After arriving here, I have never seen or used a lot of equipment. I just thought that I should use it up, and then I started to use it myself. I found that I didn't ask Murphy about a lot of things, or I could find them with these things.

  Julie really thinks that she may have been too confident before, so that she is too self-blame for her current situation. She must learn these equipments after Murphy returns. If there is any danger, she will There will be no rush.

  Usually I'm very calm, how come I'm not calm at all at this time, and I can't seem to forget a lot of things in an instant. Maybe I feel that my good friend is in danger outside, and my mood is also changed. Follow the influence.

  Chiret had already flown out of the Calrus Mountains, but Chiret was very nervous after hearing what Julie said to him. I don't know why Murphy couldn't contact Tony and Major Kelly. If you encounter an avalanche, or if you encounter danger, it is normal to be unable to contact, but how can Murphy be unable to contact?

  Murphy can be contacted anytime, anywhere, why can't he be contacted at this moment?Moreover, the emergency equipment on Murphy's body, and the multi-party contact equipment are particularly powerful, how can they not be contacted?

  These problems are all affecting Chiret. Chiret replayed it over and over again in his mind, how could he not be able to contact the pony, and he also failed to contact Murphy through many parties. Could it be that Murphy encountered any danger? ?

  "Julie find me the nearest route near me. I'm going back to the Carlus Mountains."

  Chiret knew that the current moment was very urgent. After all, Murphy could not be contacted. Tony and Major Keili also met the avalanche. Now everyone needs help. Julie is alone at the base. Although there is no danger, But Julie has a lot of things she can't.

  Julie can't save them by herself, she can only go back by herself. Although her task is imminent and anxious, for them, this is nothing, and the transaction can be terminated completely.

  Chiret felt that even if Murphy knew that he had terminated the deal, and that he was going back to save them, he would not say anything. Can't get in touch anymore, isn't this the most severe moment?

  Chiret felt that his decision must be right. After all, everyone is in danger now, but he is also deeply suspicious. If there is any action over there, will it also affect it?

  After making a difficult choice, Chiret felt that he should return to the Carlus Mountains. After all, his own talents are the most important, but he doesn't care about others, because they can't find their eternal life, so he said It's not too much of a problem to do it yourself...

  Still thinking about how to go back to study. It will take a while for them to get themselves back. During this time, can Murphy be able to get in touch?This Murphy didn't know what happened today, why he couldn't get in touch all of a sudden.

  The Carlus Mountains is a very mysterious place. Sometimes there are some weather phenomena that I have never seen before, and sometimes the magnetic field that suddenly appears is sometimes very strong, and sometimes it is very weak. This is what gets everyone in a hurry.

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