Everyone has been wasting a long time in this place in the Carlus Mountains, and they have not found any trace of Hulk, and do not know where the Hulk is hiding, only know that the Hulk will definitely be in the Carlus Mountains. place.

  The Callus Mountains are simply too good for people to hide here. There is no trace at all, and the wind and snow are particularly heavy. If there are traces of 1.2, it would have been buried by the wind and snow for a while. Nowhere to look, and sometimes electronics are compromised here.

  This task is simply too challenging. If it were another task, maybe I would have completed it long ago, and there is no need to spend so long here, putting everyone in danger of life, go out and do it before The task has never been so severe.

  In this place in the Carlus Mountains, we are not only fighting against people, but also against the weather. The weather and people are changing at any time, and everyone is a top-class figure in the world, so the equipment used They are all top-notch, and everyone is constantly updating. .

Chapter 239

  Chapter 238 Alternatives

  Their own equipment is looking for each other. Although Hulk is hiding, he is also constantly looking for Murphy. The two of them are looking for each other, just want whoever finds each other first, and then kills each other. , in order to facilitate their own safety in the future.

  Julie thinks she heard right, Chilet wants to go back to the Karlus Mountains, but isn't Chilet going on his mission?How could he come back all of a sudden?Is it right to do so?Julie felt that Chiret should not come back, after all, there is a dangerous existence.

  Chiret went out to do the mission, but Julie didn't know what the mission was. She only knew that Chiret had something important to do. She wanted to go out to the Callus Mountains. If Chiret gave up this important task. If the matter comes back, will it also anger the other party?Then transfer the harm to this place.

  Julie thought for a while and felt that Chilet should not come back at this time. After all, everyone has a daunting task at this time. If Chilet came back so rashly, I believe Murphy would not agree.

  Julie thinks it's better to let Chiret try other methods to contact Murphy, maybe other methods can contact Murphy, so Chiret doesn't have to come back, and finally flew out of the Callus Mountains, now Isn't it a waste of time to come back?

  After all, it would be very difficult to fly out of the Callus Mountains. It was also very difficult for me when I came to this place, but I jumped from the parachute and drifted in the wind, and Chiret was flying the plane. Shaking in the sky, how is that possible?What a goal.

  If it is discovered, the danger is everywhere, and I can't let Chilet do this, let Chilet think of some other ways, and then try to contact Murphy.

  There must be other ways between them, otherwise it is this simple way between them, which is not feasible at all. Murphy will definitely have a backup plan, and now we can only let Chiret think about it. Program.

  Now Chilet must be too nervous when he heard that Tony and Major Kelly met the avalanche and Chilet couldn't get in touch, so he was nervous and forgot that it was necessary for him to remind Chilet.

  Think of the backup method, after all, I feel that there must be a backup method, because when I go out to do something, I always have a backup method for emergencies.

  I believe that there is also a backup contact method between them. When there is a signal disconnection or something dangerous, there is a special backup contact method.

  "Chilet, I don't know what kind of mission you are going out to complete, but I think it's wrong for you to come back at this moment. Although the three of them may be in danger, I believe that the three of them will solve it well. Yes, it's just a matter of time."

  "If you come back now, the mission is interrupted, will that place come to trouble us, then we will be even more in danger, although I know they may not be able to find our place, but wait for us It would also be troublesome to go out to the Carlus Mountains."

  It's not that Chiret doesn't know what Julie said, and he's gone through all these troubles in his mind, but he still thinks he should go back, because these troubles are easy to solve, but Murphy and the other three Personal life is imminent.

  "Julie, I know your concerns, but at this moment, I have to go back, otherwise what will happen to the three of them, and Murphy will agree to do so."

  Julie knew that Chiret's determination to come back was very firm. No matter what troubles she encountered, she must save her partner. After all, Tony Chiret and the three of them had been together for a long time. The relationship also came out, and the feelings were more intimate than their own brothers and sisters.

  Not brothers are better than brothers together, and the three of them cooperate very well. Although Julie has not been here for a long time, she can see the tacit understanding between the three of them, and you can know what the other party wants with just one look. what is.

  But this look is not very good. After all, there are emotions mixed in. If there is any danger, the relationship between the three of them will easily be exposed, which is also a weakness.

  Those who do things like them must have no feelings, and they must be cruel. If they have feelings and are not cruel, then they can't do this thing, but now it seems that the three of them are seen by outsiders. I think the three of them are very unfamiliar, but look at yourself, the three of them are very close.

  "By the way, Chiret, do you have any backup plan? If the signal is interrupted, there must be an alternative way of contacting between the two of you. If there is no alternative way, then you will Isn't it the same 300 when you come back?"

  "Alternative contact method." Chiret muttered, thinking of something in his mind before Murphy told the two of them that the alternate contact method between each other, as long as you enter a password on your device, This alternative method will come out, and it will be able to connect with each other without any signal connection.

  Chiret wondered how he had forgotten such an important matter. If Julie didn't remind her, she would definitely go back, and it was a waste of time in the Callus Mountains.

  If Julie didn't remind herself and really forgot about it and didn't remember it at all, it might be that things were too tense.

  "Thank you, Julie, for your reminder. There is really a way to get in touch. I completely forgot about it. I blame myself for being too nervous."

  Chiret felt that he was laughing at himself a little bit. When did he start to look like this now, he became nervous when he encountered things, and he would never be nervous.

  I actually forgot such important things in the back of my mind, I must reflect on myself when I go back, how could I forget such an important thing. .

Chapter 240

  Chapter 239

  Murphy looked at the equipment on his computer, and he had shot it carefully, but he had not found anything important, and the bodies of those ferocious beasts were simply too heavy on that hillside.

  Those ferocious beasts, the original body temperature covered the hillside, and Murphy could not be searched under the hillside. I felt that these ferocious beasts could only find out if they had any bases in the remaining mountains when they left?

  Murphy felt that the problem would definitely arise under those ferocious beasts, because after all, it was daytime, and these ferocious beasts had been lying here all the time, there must be this problem if they didn't go out.

  Everything has to wait until after Hei Tian. If the ferocious monsters like Hei Tian leave, then he will be able to enter the hillside and scan the bottom together with his own computer.

  See below to see if there is anything you want to get.

  At this moment, the sky is gusting, and it interferes with my signal again. I don't know what happened today. The wind is simply too strong, and it is all in bursts, with wind and no wind, and then it is always interfering. With my heart, I have turned off all the contact methods, and I can use it reluctantly.

  It’s really the power of nature that can’t be competed. No matter how good the equipment is under nature, it will be controlled by nature. Otherwise, I will definitely complete the task now and go back. Now I still need to wait. Here are the results awaiting.

  Murphy felt that it was necessary to capture this ferocious beast, after all, the body that was captured before had not evolved.

  But from the outside, these beasts have not evolved, but I don't know to what extent they have evolved internally, and whether their antidote can solve the toxicity in their bodies.

  It is inevitable that there will be injured Murphy outside. I think it is better to be careful. After all, they do not mean that their bodies can stop anything when they do this task. These ferocious beasts are simply too brave. If you accidentally get hurt by him, you can easily die.

  I thought that the Geely suit I designed was already very thick, but I didn't expect that the ferocious beast would scratch Tony's base suit with one palm, and Tony was also injured, and there was toxicity in his body, although he had already The antidote has come out, but at this time, I don't know if Renijester will evolve them.

  However, Renijester once again purifies the toxicity of their bodies, which means that the antidote of his own has begun to fail, and it is no longer useful. We still need to get a new antidote. It has been a long time recently. Without encountering this ferocious beast, it is possible that these beasts have already begun to evolve as they thought.

  At this moment, Murphy was still thinking about these questions, and he didn't notice that he hadn't contacted Tony and Major Kelly and Julie with the base for a long time.

  Because he is not worried that Chilet has followed his plan, Chilet has already gone out to the Karlus Mountains, as long as it is safe to go out to the Karlus Mountains.

  As long as Chiret goes out, the Karlus Mountains can play freely outside, and there is no need to live in the Karlus Mountains at all.

  After all, the Karlus Mountains are not conducive to hiding, and the local wind and snow are particularly heavy.

  As long as you walk on the snow, it will be easy to be found, and even if you have an invisibility cloak, you may be strafed by the opponent. These are all problems, so it is safest to say that Chiret goes out to this place in the Carlus Mountains.

  Murphy was still thinking about how to study these ferocious beasts, and he didn't think of other people's affairs at all, but these things in his mind felt that they were all safe, and he didn't need to worry about them, but at the moment they are now are in danger.

  Chiret was thinking about Murphy as he was driving the plane. He told them before that there was a backup emergency contact method. If other contact methods could not be reached, this backup emergency contact method would be used.

  Chiret, I put the aircraft in the endurance mode so that I can easily operate my display screen. On the display screen is a miniature computer display instrument, and this miniature display instrument can check everything on it.

  But what Murphy said to himself earlier in his mind, Murphy said that this backup contact method requires the use of this radio, and this radio can contact everyone as long as you enter the password, but now Tony and Major Kelly I don't have this wireless device with me.

  Because the equipment they have already worn on their bodies is already very heavy, it will be very troublesome to bring this wireless equipment, so it is said that the two of them do not have this equipment when they leave the base.

  Only Murphy was equipped with this device when he went out. After all, if there was anything to do, you must contact Murphy first and let Murphy think of a way.

  Chiret thought of this, and then began to enter a string of passwords on the computer, and wanted to use this string of passwords to connect to the radio, and then looked for Murphy, as long as he found Murphy, it would be easy. There are some operating skins in the base.

  After all, Zhu Li can't do some operations in the base alone. After all, there is a tacit understanding between the three of them, but Zhu Li doesn't, and Zhu Li also joined them later, so many things (good ones) are not known. , is also normal.

  Julie is very anxious here. Why is there no sound from Chilet, what should I do?

  After contacting Chilet just now, now Chilet has no voice again.

  ".¨Call Chiret, what are you doing? Can you contact them? Why are you silent now? I still can't show them here. Is there anything in your base? I can use the spare equipment, or I can query them.¨."

  Julie is already very anxious now. Julie feels that she can't help anything now. Although she just came to this base, she is not familiar with some things, and she is very angry now.

  You should be familiar with this place, and let Murphy go out because you are not familiar with it. .

Chapter 241

  Chapter 240 Emergency Contact Information

  So the current process is delayed.

  If I didn't rest first when I first came here, but came to understand this with Murphy, and Murphy and the others have a very secret system, if I contacted Murphy and actually learned this, how could it appear now? What about such a situation?

  Julie felt that she was waiting here like a fool, and she couldn't do anything to help herself. What's the use of coming to this place by herself?I feel that I am still useless, so I might as well go back, I can't make a big difference here.

  Originally, I thought I was very capable, but after I came here, I felt that I was really worthless, and I still had a lot of things to learn. , but after here, this confidence was defeated by this neat.

  "Julie, don't worry, I'm also looking for it here, I know you're in a hurry now, you have to calm down before you can think of a better way, I'm trying to contact Murphy now, so you need to Stay there and watch the Callus Mountains. 300"

  Chiret listened to Julie's anxious voice coming from the microphone, and knew that Julie must be very anxious now. This girl is still in a hurry, and even if she is in a hurry, she can't solve the problem.

  The more anxious a person is, the more likely they are to make mistakes, and the less they can think of the best way, and only after calming themselves down can they come up with a better way.

  Chiret tried to comfort Julie and calm her down. Don't be so anxious. Chiret can understand that Julie has just arrived at this base, and some things are not very familiar. After all, Murphy's system is different from other people's systems. They're all different, and they're all very different.

  When I first got together with Murphy, I used Murphy's equipment and thought it was very simple, but since I got started, my self-confidence has been completely destroyed. Murphy's equipment is not ordinary people. Can be caught.

  "Okay, I get it, then you hurry up and get in touch. I don't know what happened to Tony and Majorelle. Although the vital signs are all normal, I think there is something wrong with Majorelle's. ."

  "Majorelle's numbers have always remained at those numbers, and they were very stable, as if she wasn't exercising, and her heartbeat was always at the same number. I think Majorelle has encountered a problem, hurry up. ."

  Julie detected from the life monitor that there was something wrong with Julie, because Tony has been exercising, sometimes his heartbeat is fast, and sometimes his heartbeat is slow, which is normal.

  Because it's always like this when exercising, but it's not the case with Majorelle. Majorelle has always maintained a number there, and it hasn't changed at all.

  This is enough to prove what kind of danger Julie may be in now, if there is no danger, it is that Major Kelly is waiting for Tony in place.

  It's impossible for this situation to happen. After all, the vehicles they were tracking just now, how could Major Kelly stay in place?These are all questions in Julie's mind, and now they can only wait quietly.

  Chiret has been busy here, and there has been listening to Julie chasing her words, and Julie has been chattering on her own.

  Chiret knew that Julie must be nervous, otherwise it would be impossible to be like this, where he kept urging himself, he also wanted to contact Murphy quickly, and he didn't know what Murphy was doing at this time. , Cao Ma has never been like this.

  No matter when, Murphy will be contacted. How could Murphy keep everyone from being contacted this time? Chiret still thinks it is quite strange. Did Murphy encounter any danger?

  Finally, at this time, Chiret finally found the contact information of the backup device, and then began to contact Murphy with the backup device, and then told Murphy that Tony and Major Keili met Avalanche.

  "Julie, don't worry, I have found an alternate contact method, you are monitoring in the base now, if Murphy contacts you, if you need any data, you must transfer it to him quickly, you must keep yourself Calm down, don't let yourself go on like this."

  Chiret began to comfort Julie, telling Julie that she had found a device to contact Murphy, and that she must calm down. If she didn't calm down, how could she do a good job?

  When Julie heard what Chiret said to her fire, her heart finally settled in her stomach. Her heartbeat was too fast just now, and now she can finally calm down.

  Murphy is like their reassurance. As long as Murphy is contacted, he feels that Murphy can solve everything, and there is no need to worry at all.

  "Murphy, Murphy, please answer if you hear me, please answer my contact quickly."

  Chiret called Murphy over and over again in the emergency backup equipment, thinking that this will definitely be able to contact Murphy, after all, this is the last way, if this can't contact Murphy, he should go back. .

  Chiret is also very nervous. If Murphy can't be contacted, is there something wrong with Murphy?If you can't get in touch, then you really can't stand here.

  Murphy was still there studying his own things, and suddenly heard Chilet calling him, could it be that Chilet had some trouble?How to use the emergency equipment calling myself.

  "Chiret, I heard you, how did you start contacting me with this emergency device? Did you encounter some kind of trouble?"

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