Murphy also debugged his own device and found that he had turned off the contact device at some point, otherwise Chilet would not have used this emergency device to contact him.

  Not knowing when he turned off the device, Murphy urgently turned on the contact device.

  Maybe it was because I was afraid of being disturbed, so I turned off the contact device, and then I forgot to turn it on for a while. .

Chapter 242

  Chapter 241 Nervous emotions are comforted

  Chiret can be regarded as contacting Murphy. Chiret's heart has always been nervous. Since contacting Murphy, he heard Murphy's voice over there, and he began to feel as if his heart was Putting it down, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

  Chiret has always felt that as long as he contacts Murphy, everything can be solved, and he doesn't have to worry about it at all. Murphy can't be said to be omnipotent to himself, but it's almost the same.

  Usually, I have always relied on Murphy. Some things can be solved by Murphy, and I don't have to do anything at all. Murphy has already solved all these things.

  Ever since Julie called herself that she couldn't contact Murphy, she had been nervous in her heart, and she didn't let go of her breath.

  I have been worried about their safety all the time, I don't know what they are like, I am far away from them and I have no way to save them in the Callus Mountains, and I don't know if they should get my own rescue. , but his heart is still very worried.

  Now that the worry that I have been worrying about can finally be put down, and I can complete the task with peace of mind, I no longer need to worry about what happens here, I feel regret for not feeling it in time.

  "Murphy, Julie contacted me just now and said that I can't reach you, and Tony and Major Kelly can't get in touch either."

  Murphy felt as if he had just cut off the contact information. Why couldn't Tony and Majorelle be able to get in touch with so many things he missed?Aren't the two of them tracking those vehicles?

  It's impossible to lose contact with those vehicles, because those vehicles are only responsible for tracking. Tell them not to approach those vehicles. No matter what troubles you encounter, you must report to yourself in time, but you just cut them off. Why? Can't get in touch all of a sudden?

  What Murphy doesn't know is that a lot of things happened in the middle, especially the avalanche thing, Murphy doesn't know at all, and now Murphy still doesn't know, always think Tony and Major Kelly's system may be possible. There is a problem.

  I couldn't get in touch, and Julie couldn't solve it. After all, Julie just came to the Karlus Mountains, and some of the techniques are still unfamiliar, so it is understandable. Maybe it's where Julie came across. , shut down Tony and Major Kelly all of a sudden, so I can't get in touch.

  These are all possible things, Murphy didn't think about the bad, only knew that Julie couldn't get in touch, and he became anxious, so he contacted Chiret.

  Let Chilet find himself. Chilet can contact him or use this urgent method. Maybe Chilet can't contact him, and Murphy feels nervous.

  I really ignored these just now, so I can make everyone nervous. I must pay attention in the future. I will never let him happen in such a thing. After all, everyone is nervous about themselves.

  Did you miss a lot of things in just a few minutes?These things must be very serious, otherwise Chilet wouldn't be so nervous and contact himself in this passive way.

  "Chiret, you said that Tony and Major Kelly couldn't get in touch either. I got in touch with them about [-] minutes ago. How can I not get in touch with them?"

  Murphy estimated the time he had been in contact with Tony and Major Kelly just now, and was still in contact with them about twenty minutes ago, telling them not to attack those vehicles impulsively.

  Just keep following, there is no need to conflict with them, after all, there is no one they are looking for on those vehicles.

  How could it be possible to suddenly lose contact?Murphy looked at his device and found that there was no problem with the network on the device. Did they encounter any kind of danger?

  "Yeah, that's what Julie told me. I asked Julie to build their signs of life on the computer and found that their lives were all right, but I just couldn't get in touch with them."

· · Flowers · ·

  "By the way, Julie also said that there was an avalanche there, and the avalanche lasted for a long time. It was after Tony and Majorelle's position that Tony and Majorelle couldn't get in touch."

  "I know these things, so Julie started to get anxious, and then contacted me. If it wasn't for Julie to remind me, I would have forgotten all about it. I have backup contact information, and I have to go back."

  Murphy finally understood what it was like. It turned out that Julie couldn't contact her, and then Julie started to contact Chiret, and then let Chiret find her.

  There are so many troublesome things, I can't get in touch for such a short time, there are so many things, I am really too careless.

... 0 0

  After I closed that connection, everyone started to contact me, and I couldn't reach me. This happened. I felt a little embarrassed. If they had contacted me, I would have been able to respond earlier.

  "Okay, I see. I'll contact Julie now. Go and complete your task. Remember to contact me after completing the task. I'll keep it open at any time now."

  "Remember that no matter what happens here, you just need to complete your task. Contact Julie when you come back, and Julie will give you a channel."

  "Also, I will send you all the modified tools in a while, so you don't need to contact me, just follow your own ideas."

  "This is avoided. If you can't contact me, you can't make your own judgment. You can judge by yourself."

  Murphy felt that it was necessary to do this now. After all, Chiret was doing things outside and could only make up his own mind. Now he should go to Tony and Major Kelly wholeheartedly.

  I don't know what happened to the two of them after all, but now I'm just worried that the two of them have an accident.

  "Okay, I know Murphy, you can rest assured, leave these things to me." Ding.

Chapter 243

  Chapter 242

  Chiret is very reassuring to Murphy, and feels that Chiret's head is turning very fast, and everything can be resolved quickly.

  I don't need to worry at all, after all, after leaving the Callus Mountains, Chiret can handle it alone, unlike the Callus Mountains.

  This place in the Carlus Mountains not only has to fight against people, but also against nature, so this place is still very dangerous. It is not like the place that went out of the Carlus Mountains. There are only human beings, so it is all about easy to deal with.

  I don't need to worry about Chiret's safety at all. As long as I go out to this place in the Callus Mountains, I don't need to worry about Chiret.

  Murphy felt that it was necessary to contact Julie now, not knowing that Julie must be in a hurry now.

  Whenever one of Murphy's Julie, Chiret waited for Murphy's reply, he had already started to tell Julie, and felt that Julie couldn't be worried.

  "Julie, I have contacted Murphy with a spare device, so you don't have to worry, you can just wait for Murphy to contact you."

  Julie has been looking for a way here, trying to contact Tony and Major Kelly, but he couldn't find it. Just as he was searching, Chiret's voice suddenly came from here.

  Telling herself that she had contacted Murphy, Julie heard this voice, and she was so excited and nervous that she completely let go.

  Feeling that my tense nerves were suddenly released, the muscles that were tense in the moment of relaxation were also loosened, and Julie slumped in her own position.

  The heart that has been nervous is finally put in the stomach, and it is placed in the stomach safely, and there is nothing to disturb my heart.

  Julie felt that she had never experienced any storms, but she was so nervous at this moment, she had never felt this way before.

  I don't know what happened to me, I never knew that I was worried about others, unless it was my parents, I never cared about the life and death of others.

  When I cooperated with others before, I would break up immediately after the cooperation was over. There was no emotion at all, and everyone would not give emotion.

  But Julie felt that it was different here. Although she came here for a short time, she had feelings for this place, and she didn't know what happened.

  I don't worry about others, I just worry about this Major, because after I came here, Major has given me a lot of relationships.

  I felt that Major Carey took care of herself very much. She never felt care from others. Only after coming here, everyone took care of themselves, especially Major Carey.

  Julie was very nervous after she couldn't get in touch with her, so she was always nervous, especially when she couldn't get in touch with Murphy anymore. She knew that Murphy could save them, but Murphy couldn't get in touch. Even more nervous.

  "Julie, I'm Murphy, send me the geographic data of the avalanche, what their vital signs look like."

  "Okay, I'll send it to you now. Their vital signs are normal, but I don't know if this is true." Julie expressed her doubts.

  Murphy heard Julie's doubts and felt that Julie's doubts were normal, and put two life monitors on them.

  All Julie can see is one of them, it's normal to see them all, but the other Julie can't.

  Because that was also a spare Julie, I didn't know that there was this spare, only Murphy and the others knew about it, because Julie didn't know about these devices not long after she arrived.

  "Also, Tony's has always had a lot of activity, but Majorelle's has not. It has always maintained its original state."

  "It is now suspected that Majorelle is in trouble."

  "Okay, I know, just leave everything to me, and wait for my call at any time."

  Julie told Murphy what Murphy had observed, and watched the data transmitted by Julie from her computer. Judging from the data, Tony was always active, but Major Kelly did not. . .

  This data can't explain anything yet, you still need to find the spare one by yourself, and see if there is any difference on it, and you will know if Major Kelly has encountered any kind of danger.


  Tony began to fly down slowly along the cliff, trying to find Major Kelly, but he could not find any trace of Major.

  At this moment, the whole mountain is white, and it is completely unclear. What exactly is underneath Tony turned on his infrared scanner, if there is a little heat on Major Kelly, he can see clearly through this.

  The snow on the mountain continued to slide down, but Tony didn't find any trace of Major Kelly, and he was still sliding down slowly. Only in this way could he find Major Kelly, and then in his pager He kept calling Major Kelly, but Tony didn't realize that his pager was now out of order.

  After Tony called twice, he felt that there was no sound from the opposite side. Tony looked at his instrument and found that his instrument was damaged because of the emergency action just now.

  Angrily, Tony took the calling device from his ear and dropped it. He felt that this thing was so broken. Now he can't contact 1.2 and the others at all.

  Tony didn't know what kind of danger Major Kelly had encountered after all. He was just flashing for a moment, and he didn't notice Major, and Major just disappeared in front of him.

  What kind of thing is this?Tony still didn't understand how Major Kelly disappeared from his eyes, didn't his umbrella open?If it is not opened, he will be buried under the cliff by the avalanche, so the chance of survival is small.

  When Tony was slowly descending on the parachute, he suddenly saw a shiny thing. Tony decided to get close to this thing to see what it was after all, and see if he could find Mejkke along this thing. Korea. .

Chapter 244

  Chapter 243 Tony's Search

  Tony felt that there was only this shiny thing. If Major Kelly stayed, then there would be a trail to follow, and he would know the direction of Major.

  Tony slowly landed to this place, but he tentatively touched the slope with his feet, but just as he was about to put his feet on it, he suddenly sank in, because the snow that appeared in the avalanche was in a hurry.

  But the snow is very soft after it reaches the bottom, and I can't get close to it at all. As long as I get close to it, my body will sink completely, and I will put myself in danger.

  Tony felt that he couldn't do this now, so he could only think of other ways. Tony reversed the direction of his parachute, trying to make his parachute float with the wind and not land in this place.

  Because this place is simply too unsuitable for landing, Murphy has adjusted his parachute in the direction of the wind, and the parachute has also risen with the wind. Tony can only stay away from the 12 shiny things now.

  Although he didn't see what that thing was, Tony felt that there was another way to approach him, and Tony took out a pistol from his backpack.

  This pistol has a net inside. This net can hold what you want as long as the gun is aimed. This pistol feels useless, but now it suddenly comes in handy.

  Tony thinks this is really not worth buying. Before, he thought that these things took up a lot of space, and he persuaded Murphy not to put these things in it, and it was also very heavy to carry.

  But Murphy just felt that these things would definitely come in handy, and now it's alright, it's finally coming in handy, or listening to Murphy's words is not wrong, Murphy's thinking is always ahead of his time.

  At this moment, the attacking wind from the Callus Mountains is still very strong. Tony's body is shaking, and he confesses that he tries his best to control his parachute, not to let his parachute swing with the wind, and not to let his parachute be blown. too far.

  If it is blown too far, no matter how capable you are, you will not be able to reach this thing. This shiny thing has been reflecting light and can't see what it is. Although I wear glasses, the glasses can't work. worked.

  Tony tried to shoot the first shot, but this shot deviates from the direction, because the wind speed was too high, the net pocket that was shot was blown away by the strong wind, and did not directly cover the shiny thing, but landed on it. next to it.

  Tony thinks that Murphy may not have thought that this pistol was used in such a windy place, it was bounced back, and it landed in the wrong place. Murphy did not think that his weapon would appear one day. Mistakes, because Murphy's weapons never came out wrong.

  It was also the first time Tony had seen it. This time, he really let himself see Murphy's mistakes, especially the mistakes in weapons. This was the first time.

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