Fortunately, Tony and Major Kelly didn't get too close to them, they just met Avalanche. If they were close to their wife, it wouldn't be so troublesome for Avalanche, maybe they would have been injured by these explosives.

  Julie thinks this is really a fortune among misfortunes. Although the two of them have lost contact now, they will definitely bless them. There is no problem. I believe they will protect themselves and there will be no problems.

... 0 ......

  Julie prayed secretly over and over again in her heart, thinking that her prayers could come true and let them return to this base safely.

  Tony is constantly descending now, the equipment on his body has now lost contact, and he can't contact Murphy. He can only rely on his own strength to find Major Kelly.

  Tony felt that Murphy must be looking for his own way now, because according to his own time, Murphy now knew that they were in danger.

  Murphy's distance is not too far from them, but if an avalanche occurs, it will be difficult to travel here, and many roads that can be walked can no longer be walked. Murphy needs time to come here, when Murphy comes here At the time, Tony felt that he had reached the bottom of the cliff.

  Tony felt that he was okay, and kept his hand, so that when Murphy came to him, he could know that he was already under the cliff.

  At the moment when Tony just opened the parachute, his body rose rapidly.

  Throwing his recording pen on top, I believe that Murphy will use the detector to detect the recording device. Murphy will know his specific location and quickly respond to find himself.Ding.

Chapter 248

  Chapter 247 Blocking the way

  Murphy was moving in the direction of Tony and Major Kelly at his fastest speed, but suddenly there was a situation ahead that blocked Murphy's progress.

  At this moment, a huge stone has blocked the way ahead. This huge stone may have been the avalanche just now. After the snow fell on the mountain, I brought the stone to the stone below, blocking my progress. way to go.

  If you flip through this stone, you will be able to reach the position that Tony and Major Kelly showed before, and it will take a lot of time if you want to do it right.

  Murphy didn't know what to make now. If he said that if he blasted the stone, would there be a new situation? He still has no way to judge. If he takes a detour, he may delay himself to save Tony. Time with Majorelle.

  When he got to the stone immediately, Murphy decided to see if the stone could explode, and if it did, would it affect the situation next to him.

  After all, when the avalanche happened, many things beside it were buried by the snow. I don't know if the snow next to the rock would go down after the rock exploded, and it would form a new blockage, which would be difficult to handle.

  When Murphy was thinking about this in his mind, there was a sudden explosion from above. Murphy could hear the explosion. It was the sound of a bomb. Why is there a bomb at this time? Is there any other nearby? the presence of others.

  Murphy quickly activated the stealth function. This is the only way it can be at this time. After all, it cannot be exposed to the outside. If it is exposed, it is easy for people to find out. Function.

  Where did this explosion sound come from? Murphy looked up at the black smoke Murphy that appeared above. Knowing that it was coming from above, Murphy took out his high-powered lens and looked at what was going on there and why Is there an explosion sound at this time?

  Murphy quickly hid, and then looked at the direction above. Murphy swept infrared rays and found that there was no hot image. If there was a hot image, then it proved that there was a human presence in this place, but it was fundamentally If there is no fever image, it means that there is no one in this place.

  How can no one make the sound of exploding, how can this bomb detonate by itself, Murphy decided to take a look ahead and find out, now he must figure out all these things, if not, Blindly trying to save Tony and Major on your own will bring trouble.

  If someone follows him, then if Tony Major Kelly is not in danger, he will bring them to both of them. If it is dangerous, Murphy decided to find out.

  Murphy quickly moved up the mountain to see what was going on. When Murphy came to the place where the black smoke started, Murphy saw a huge pothole on the ground, next to the hole was the wreckage of the car .

  This place has the wreckage of a car. Could it be that the car exploded and affected the place, and then there was an avalanche. Murphy thought about such a thing in his mind, and remembered that what Julie reported to himself turned out to be like this.

  They used the car and blew up the avalanche formed after the car was blown up. The bomb didn't burn, but the wreckage of the car didn't burn cleanly just now. Said that the sound of the explosion occurred.

  Murphy felt that there was no danger next to him. After all, the people in this car were already in ashes, and there was no value to study, and the bomb had no power. After all, it had already exploded. No biochemical toxicity.

  Because Murphy can smell this gas, and there is no pungent odor in the gas, it means that this gas is not toxic. Murphy's nose is very sensitive, as long as it has a little toxicity.

  Murphy could clearly tell the difference. Murphy sprayed the isolated gas in his nose. This gas can block a little bit of toxicity, but this little bit of toxicity can take Murphy's reaction time. , will not ingest a large amount of toxicity, thus minimizing your own dangers...  

  Only Murphy devoured this thing now, because this is still in the experiment, I have not used it for everyone, and I don't know if it is harmful to the body.

  Murphy decided to use his own body as an experiment, and waited until the experiment was successful before using Murphy for them. This is what Murphy is like. Do everything by yourself first. The experiment can't be brought to everyone. After the danger Just for everyone to experience.

  Murphy ran his fingers over the memories on the wreckage and sniffed them.

  As long as Murphy smells it with his nose, he can smell the power of the explosives on it. How mighty it is. After Murphy finished tattooing, he secretly thought that this Hulk was too cruel, and actually used Such a powerful explosive, this explosive is enough to blow up this mountain.

  But these people didn't use the proof, so they only blew the snow off the mountain for hundreds of years, and did not move the mountain. The people in the car ignited, indicating that it is still not used well.

  If you use it well, even life within a radius of ten miles will be damaged by this explosive. Fortunately, the person in the car did not use this explosive well. If you use it well, then the consequences can be imagined. .

  This power is simply too huge 1.2. I never thought of using such a powerful explosive to deal with them. I just wanted to catch and live. I didn't expect that they would use such an explosive to deal with myself. Murphy secretly He made up his mind and decided not to leave them alive, and let them disappear in the Karlus Mountains.

  There will never be a trace of affection. I used to think that Renijester was just blinded by you to deal with him. Now even Renijester himself has decided not to let it go.

  Although he is also one of the best in the biochemical world, he is considered a talent. He originally wanted to let him go, but now he doesn't think so. If he were to let him go, he would also think of ways to deal with him. Might as well let him go with the Hulk. .

Chapter 249

  Chapter 248 Disappearing Together

  Disappearing in this place in the Carlus Mountains together like this, and then let yourself have no worries, so as not to go out to this place and bring trouble to yourself, it is better to just disappear here together.

  I originally thought that through this matter, I would have a good fight with Renijester, let Renijester defeat his own disadvantage, and then let Renijester blame myself, and merge myself and Reinigester. .

  Then there are only two of them in the world who can be called the top figures in the biochemical world. No one can compare with the two of them. Now it seems that Renijest also wants to die.

  When I first came to the Carlus Mountains, the bombs I bought with Chiret were only one-tenth of the power of these explosives. I wanted them to die, but I just wanted them to hurt myself. In order to arrest them and bring them back, I have never thought about it, so I want to be so ruthless.

  Now it seems that they really want to deal with themselves and let themselves die in the Carlus Mountains, so now let's start the real contest between myself and the Hulk. Murphy feels that this is really just the beginning.

  Murphy quickly left the wreckage of the 12 car, and even the wreckage of the car, which Murphy observed, was able to bypass the huge stone, so that he could pass the stone effortlessly.

  But it was found that there was a huge hole there. As you can imagine, this hole is also caused by this explosive. If you want to cross this hole, it is also a very troublesome thing. I didn’t expect a stone to block there. I thought it was enough for the stone to explode, but I didn't expect that the stone would pass by itself, and there would still be such a big hole after it went.

  Murphy took out his scanning instrument and decided that he wanted to jump to the sensation. He looked to see if there was any relay on the opposite side, and then jumped over his fixed rope, and then he could just grope through the rope.

  If it is to detour, it will take a lot of time. Originally, a stone has already delayed the time. Now it seems that this void is the place that delays the most of my time.

  Finally, after a lot of trouble, Murphy finally crossed this hole. After crossing this hole, he came to Tony and Major Kelly. The last place, this place, Murphy looked down, and there was a cliff below. This cliff is basically filled with blood, and it is no longer visible that the cliff is below.

  "Julie take a look at my location, is this the location after Tony and Majorelle in the end, this location is now full of snow, I can't tell the difference, I'm showing the correct location here, but it's not Do you agree with me?"

  Murphy felt that it was still necessary to confirm with Julie, after all, this is a very serious issue, and it is impossible to miss the time to rescue them because of their own mistakes.

  "Murphy's display on my side is not wrong, these are all consistent with the last position sent by Tony and Major Kelly, but I found one thing, there is a signal 200 meters ahead of you, this signal I I don't know what sent it, but there was a signal."

  Julie observed a signal, but she didn't know what it was. After all, she had never been in contact with it. It wasn't the two Hulk points at all. One of the two Hulk points was moving and the other was still in place.

  But I don't know what this signal is, where is its specific location, and it's always moving, I can't book a position at all, and I don't know what went wrong, or is it that he is floating in the sky , which affects the positioning.

  Don't care about this for now, quickly solve the problem of this signal, and tell Murphy to ask Murphy to inquire. After all, he can't help much in the base, and can only inquire about the signal or something, or find it. If there is anything next to it, I will notify Murphy again.

  Julie told herself that there is a signal 200 meters ahead, what is this signal?Murphy looked forward and found that there was nothing, and what was the signal sent by it.

  Since Murphy was not at the base, did not see what the signal looked like, and did not know what it was, Murphy had to move forward.

  "Julie, send me this, I'll see what it is, I can't rush forward now, if the explosives are buried there, it may cause a second blood crash, I looked at the snow on the mountain It's also crumbling."

  Murphy thinks it's better to be cautious. After all, an avalanche happened before, and those enemies may come back to create a second avalanche, so he wants to block this road. If this road is blocked, no one else can enter. Here, if you want to come to this place to explore the Carlus Mountains.

  Then seeing the avalanche in this place, everyone will not come here, indicating that there must be some kind of situation here, they want to use the avalanche to block, and now they use the avalanche to block themselves, they have already discovered them purpose, then you will have a trace of 310.

  Maybe Hulk didn't think that he had meticulously designed it so that he could figure it out. Hulk is all about calculation, but sometimes the calculation is too much, and it will make him fall into trouble.

  "Okay, Murphy, I'll send it to you, but it doesn't look like a bomb to me. If it was a bomb, it wouldn't be able to send out such a signal, and if it was an iron item, the signal would not be like this. "

  After all, the bomb is made of iron, and the signal sent by the iron juice is not like this at all. Julie still has confidence, but the signal is still very strange. Let Murphy see it for himself. Is there something? What kind of new discovery?

  Murphy moved forward slowly, and then received the signal from Julie. Murphy finally knew what the signal was. It turned out that the signal was Tony's item and that recording pen.

  This voice recorder can send out an emergency signal, but the emergency signal displayed on it is not a signal, it just shows an ordinary signal, so Julie can't tell the difference.

  This also needs to be used as a cover. After all, when it is not dangerous, if the emergency signal is used, the enemy may find that the signal needs to be hidden. .

Chapter 250

  Chapter 249 Found the signal

  Murphy thought this discovery was great. After all, this discovery proved that Tony was not buried in the snow at that time, but opened the skydive on himself, so that he could have the opportunity to drop the recorder and leave a signal for himself.

  This is enough to prove that they are now safe Murphy, and he feels that his heart is relieved, and he no longer has to worry about their lives being in danger, but Murphy thinks again in a blink of an eye, now there is just a signal moving, then What happened to the other signal?

  I still need to continue to find out if I don't know whether the moving signal is from Tony or Major, because the two signals are the same, and I can't tell who the two of them are. Can only continue to look down, go down.

  Because there is Julie in the base, Murphy didn't bring so much equipment with him when he came out of the base. He felt that as long as Julie was at the base, he could contact him at any time, and then let Julie do the logistical work at the base, after all Carrying so much equipment with you can easily affect your speed.

  In addition, when encountering danger, these things on my body can be regarded as a burden. This is the reason why Julie is at the base. Otherwise, I would not let Julie join my team to find the Hulk. of.

  This is the reason why Julie came here. After all, I can't help everyone find what they want at any time. Julie stays at the base, and everyone can contact Julie at any time.

  You don't have to do everything yourself. After all, your brain is also limited, and the things you can accommodate are also limited. Doing things yourself also needs to be done with concentration, but if everyone finds themselves to ask questions, It is also possible that I was distracted, and with Julie there, I don't have to worry about these things at all.

  Although Julie had just arrived in the Carluth Mountains, there were still many unfamiliar places. When she went back, she had to tell Julie a lot of things to pay attention to.

  There is also a secret code function for their own things. These secret code functions also need to be familiar to Julie. After all, Tony and Chiret sometimes use code words. When using code words, Julie must be able to understand if you don't understand it. If so, mistakes can easily occur.

  This will delay things. After all, sometimes when you go out to do a task, everyone is afraid that there will be a bad person around you, and the bad person can hear what he says clearly, and the bad person will not know what he is talking about by using code words. It is also a way to hide without noticing yourself.

  Murphy followed the positioning sent by Julie, and then walked [-] meters in front of him and there was the signal. Murphy took out the detection equipment and moved forward step by step. After all, this signal still needs to be located by himself. Yes, only accurate positioning can be found because it is buried in the snow.

  I don't know how deep the snow is. I can only tentatively move forward, and then look for the thing that Tony left behind. Only by finding this thing, I can know Tony's current situation, and also know them. How are the two of them now?

  At this moment, the sky is slowly getting darker. The nights are longer and the days are shorter in the Callus Mountains. At this time, if it is outside the Callus Mountains, the sky outside is still very bright, but in the Callus Mountains, the sky is still very bright. The mountain range has begun to darken.

  Murphy needs to hurry up. After all, there will be many unsafe factors in the Carlus Mountains when it gets dark, and Renegester and the others have made that ferocious beast start its activities at night. Moreover, that ferocious beast has the function of infinite replication, which is difficult to deal with, and it is still on such a soft snow.

  If you don't control well before entering the snow, then it will be very difficult to get out and let those ferocious beasts have a chance. This is absolutely impossible, but now it is getting late, and I am still Without news of them, Murphy looked at the sky and knew it was time to hurry.

  If you don't hurry up, it's easy to put everyone in danger, and at this time in the Carlus Mountains, the weather will snow, and there will be strong winds, and the temperature will drop suddenly.

  Murphy walked to the location where Julie sent her, but Murphy was damaged in a circle and did not find the recorder, and then Murphy began to probe, thinking that the recorder might be buried under the snow.

  After all, when the avalanche just happened, the snow fell very fast. If Tony wanted to throw the recorder on it, the blood on it would be covered. I hope the snow wasn't covered deep enough.

  If the coverage is deep, you still need to spend a little time to dig this thing. After all, this thing is buried under the snow, and the thickness of the snow can be imagined. The snow on the entire mountain fell down. The cliffs below are almost being filled up, and you can imagine how thick the snow is on the peak of the Carlus Mountains.

  The snow in the Carlus Mountains can’t be measured by a few meters. It should be measured by a thickness of a few hundred meters. After all, snow is accumulated all year round, especially at night, it will be windy and snowy, and the Carlus Mountains will be windy and snowy. One side is snow, the other side is tropical, and when the tropical air (good) alternates with the cold air, there will be more snow.

  All of these were taken by Julie herself before she came to the Carluth Mountains. Only then did she know why the weather in the Carluth Mountains was always windy and snowy, and it was all at night. At night, when the time difference alternates, there will be a lot of wind and snow here at night.

  Finally, Murphy determined the specific location of the recorder. The recorder was under the snow. Murphy tried to scratch it with his hands a few times and found that there was no recorder. Murphy knew that it must be pressed. down below.

  Now I need to get this out in a hurry. If I don't get this out, it will be getting late.

  Murphy took a lot of effort and finally got the recorder out. Murphy picked up the recording and listened to the sound inside. .

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