Chapter 251

  Chapter 250 Major Carey's Worries

  The sound of the wind and snow in there was a loud rumbling sound, the sound of the avalanche, and Tony's voice came from inside.

  Tony told himself that he had already reached the bottom of this cliff, and asked himself to go to the bottom of the cliff to find him, saying that he was separated from Majorelle, and that he didn’t know where Majorelle went. is gone.

  This time, Murphy finally knew who the moving signal was, and that moving signal was Tony, but Tony now showed that he had not landed, and had been fluttering.

  And the signal of Major Keili has not been moving, and the vital signs are normal, what kind of thing is this?Could it be that when Major Kelly was in danger, the instrument for this test was broken? This is a very likely thing to happen.

  Murphy felt that the monitoring equipment of Major must not be on Major's body, but had fallen somewhere, and such a situation would only occur if there was a malfunction. Now we can judge that Major must be It's because they are in danger, and Major Kelly hasn't contacted them yet. How is this happening?

  Murphy, I know that the polar suit worn by Major Kaili can be contacted, but the contact information on this polar suit, Murphy can't contact Xiaohua now, which means that the polar suit on Major Kelly Not on the body either.

  Murphy's cart, if the skydive is on, the skydive will take Majorelle to float in the sky and won't damage the polar suit.

  This is enough to prove that Major Kelly did not parachute on herself, but fell under the cliff, and the polar suit on her body may have been damaged.

  Now is not the time to infer this, I still need to figure out a way to go down and find Tony, as long as I meet Tony, everything will be easy.

  "Murphy, I found that Tony and Majorelle are positioned together. They were separated just now. Now they are together. Are the two of them reunited?"

  Julie has been monitoring the signal here, and quickly reported what she observed to Murphy to let Murphy know about the situation, and then make a correct judgment.

  Murphy thinks this is unlikely. Tony, who will definitely not be with Tony, can now decide that it is safe, but Major can't judge yet.

  Now Julie told herself that the two of them had rendezvous, so the chance was simply too small. After all, judging from the scene, Meijerai did not open her skydive, but fell directly to the bottom of the cliff. The bottom of the cliff is now almost filled with snow.

  How could there not be a little thing about Majorelle?This is completely impossible. There is only one possibility, that is, Tony discovered the positioning device that Major Kelly left behind, so this is the only way to explain it. After all, there is nothing else to do. Passable explanation.

  What a miracle that is. There is no problem with Majorelle, and there is no problem with the life display device. This is impossible to happen. The danger that Majorelle is facing now is still very difficult.

  Julie is very excited here. After all, seeing that the two Hulk points have converged, Julie feels that both of them have nothing to do, so Major Kelly is safe.

  Julie was very comforted. After all, her friend in the Carlus Mountains was not in danger of this life, and Julie was very happy.

  Without waiting for Julie to be happy for a while, Murphy suddenly said something, which brought Julie's original happy mood to the bottom, and her mood suddenly returned to its previous state.

  "It doesn't mean that Tony and Majorelle are together now. You made such a blind decision, a bit too hasty, and now we can be sure that Tony is safe, but Majorelle doesn't know anything about it. We still need to find out more.”


  Major Kelly stayed in this cave, and it was getting colder and colder in this cave now, and Major Kelly tried to ignite the pile of firewood, but Major Kelly tried many times without success.

  Major Kelly felt that the temperature of her body was dropping little by little, and the hole here was blocked, and the air was a little bit hard to get in. Major Kelly felt that she might die here, but she Still have to hold on.

  After all, Majorelle still has confidence in Murphy, knowing that Murphy and Tony will definitely come and find themselves, and they must not just give up on themselves.

  Major Kelly knows what the current situation is like. Now the blood has buried the entrance of the cave. The cave is in the middle of the cliff. The snow has already arrived here, which can prove that there is still deep snow on it. .

  I blocked this place, and I don't know if Murphy's equipment could shoot into it. I found myself walking into the hole, and there was no way to get out there. Let’s dig a little bit, it is very difficult to dig, but you can’t dig it with your bare hands.

  A lot of bad images began to appear in Major Kelly's mind. Could it be that when she came to the Callus Mountains, her life was going to stay here?I didn't die in the war, but was suffocated here to die.

  Majorelle felt very unwilling. If she was shot and lost in the war, then she felt that she was quite a hero, and she was trapped in this hole to die. Majorelle felt very sad. It's frustrating.

  I just came to this place in the Callus Mountains, and I haven't experienced any kind of real battle for so long. I feel that it is too unworthy to come here with such a fate. I blame Trontus for deceiving myself into this place.

  Although I don't like this place very much, I met these people after I came to the Carlus Mountains. Although Tony was always arguing with himself, Tony was still okay at a critical moment.

  Moreover, Murphy is so capable. He has just established a good connection with Julie. Chiret is not very talkative, but he is also a very capable person.

  Major Kelly began to worry that she would not be able to survive in this cave, so she would not be able to see them. .

Chapter 252

  Chapter 251 Useful Things

  Major Kelly decided that she couldn't just wait here to save herself. Although there is nothing here to let her go out of this place, she still has to think of a way to stay here. The temperature is getting hotter now. It was getting lower and lower, and the ghillie suit on Major Kelly's body had been torn, and it was not on her body.

  When it fell, the impact was too great, and the sturdy clothes were scratched. I still feel very lucky that I fell into this hole.

  If it falls, then I must be crushed to pieces now, but luckily I met such a big branch.

  If the polar land is lying on you, then you are not afraid at all. In this, the polar blessing has a good function of keeping warm, and it can make your body warm up-.

  I have a set of clothes on my body, and my auspicious clothes are also scratched. I have stayed outside and now the temperature on my body is getting lower and lower. This way, I will immediately lose consciousness and put myself on the verge of danger.

  Major Kelly immediately stood up and started to move her body. She started exercising in this small space to warm up her body, although there was still some air here.

  But it is also very thin, and there is no way to stop myself from exercising.

  If you don't let yourself exercise, then your body will get colder and colder. How can there be more air? Major Kaili tried to go to the hole and fiddle with the snow. Although the snow is very is fluffy.

  But if I were to dig, how long would I have to dig, and I didn’t have any tools in my hands. After thinking about it, I decided to try and dig it myself to see how far I could go, so that I could know better. Looks like you can get out.

  Can't just wait like this, if they didn't find this cave, wouldn't they have to wait here to die?

  "No, you must find a way to save yourself."

  It's better to work hard on your own, try hard yourself, it's better than waiting here like this.

  Major Kelly felt that someone had been in this cave, so there must be something left. Although the cave was not dug to the bottom, the cave showed signs that someone had been there, so there would definitely be something useful.

  Majorelle decided to look around to see if she could find something useful to her that could come in handy. Majorelle walked in the direction of the cave again. It was found that it was pitch black there, because there was no light or flame to illuminate it.

  Although there are some woods there, Major Kelly knew that they could not be ignited. If they were ignited, the air would become more and more dense, and she would be unable to breathe because of the burning of these woods.

  Although your body is hot and you can't breathe, that's not enough, you can't do anything without it, especially if you don't breathe.

  Majorelle could only move forward in the dark.

  Using her own perception to find something useful to herself, Major Kaili was groping around to find something useful to her. Although this is an abandoned hole, this abandoned dig also needs tools.

  Once again, Major came to the inside of the hole, which was the end, and Major tried to fumble to see if there was anything she could use.

  I groped for the surrounding walls and found these walls. These walls smell of explosives. The smell of these explosives is what opened up this cave. So since there are explosives here, will there be a little bit of it left?

  If you stay, then you can save yourself. Put these explosives in the blood outside to open a hole, can't you get out?If you still can't get out, you can also sense the vibration and let them know your location.

  Major searched everywhere, but couldn't find anything useful. Major was furious. She had such a bad idea today, and she actually encountered such a ghost place, alas, I don't know what I am. Such ghost luck.

  I'm very angry in my heart, but what's the use of being angry? Now that it has reached this point, although Major Kelly is still very confident in them, she can't just wait like this.

· · Flowers · ·

  Major stood up and decided to continue searching. Just as Major stood up, because the air was thinner, Major collapsed to the ground at once, but this fainting had a new discovery, Major Kelly groped for something made of iron, and in the darkness Major Kelly knew it was a transmitter.

  At this moment, Majorelle's heart is very happy, this transmitter can transmit the signal, so that everyone can connect with herself.

  Fortunately, this transmitter is manual, and does not require electricity at all. If you need electricity, then you will be busy working in vain.

... 0th

  This gave Majorelle a lot of strength. Majorelle quickly walked to the entrance of the hole. Only then did Majorica realize that the transmitter was broken, but Majorelle felt that she could still fix it. , still have to try it.

  At this moment, Tony has fallen to the bottom of the cliff. He has drifted all the way to the bottom and found nothing. He just found that there is nothing left of the positioning instrument of Major Kaili, and this is a vast expanse of white, and he has nothing. Find.

  It's possible that Major was really buried under the snow, then it would be difficult. Now that the avalanche has passed for a long time, it seems that Major is more fortunate.

  But I can't give up the search now. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I still need to look for it. I don't know how this Major, but the parachute couldn't be fixed properly, and it didn't open.

  A man who couldn't take care of Majorie made such a big mistake, sigh, in his heart, although Majorelle is always arguing with him, but his ability is still good, how can it happen at this time What about a mistake?

  Tony felt that this mistake was too low-level, and the low-level mistakes could not be more low-level mistakes actually happened to Major Kelly. Originally, he had never thought that Major Kelly could make such a low-level mistake.

  Tony didn't think about the nature factor at all.Ding.

Chapter 253

  Chapter 252 Agreed

  I feel that there is one aspect to the natural factors, but Major Kelly's wrong judgment is also the direct cause of this matter.

  Now that he has reached the cliff, he only found Major Kelly's positioning device, and found nothing, and there is no trace at all. Tony sat there angrily, and then took off his umbrella, These are no longer useful, and have reached the bottom so far.

  I thought I could find something, but I found nothing, only this positioning instrument, this positioning instrument can't explain anything.

  It just proves that Major Kelly is under this, but under the snow, or somewhere.

  I can't figure it out now. After all, the equipment on my body that can search and rescue Major Kelly is limited, so I can only search from top to bottom.

  Moreover, a university with such a large area of ​​​​the cliff has basically covered the cliff, and he still needs to walk along the cliff for a while, looking at the front, there is still a way to go.

  Look for the trace of Meijerkai from this road. It is possible that Meijerkai could have followed this snow to the bottom. These are all possible occurrences. Slippery, you can slide down this snow to the bottom.

  As long as it is not covered by the snow, Majorelle will float on the top and follow the snow to the bottom. Maybe Majorelle wants to find a place to climb up. This is all possible. matter.

  Tony feels that at this moment, he can only do what he can think of. It is not a way to wait here and wait in place. Now Murphy has not found himself, although he has shed words for Murphy and told Murphy Fay was at the bottom of the cliff herself and went looking for Major Kelly.

  But Murphy hasn't contacted himself yet, and he doesn't know what happened. Is there danger on Murphy's side?Tony also has a faint worry in his heart.

  Tony looked up at the sky above, and it was getting darker now. This was the most dangerous moment in the Carlus Mountains. The later the weather, the more dangerous the Carlus Mountains at this moment, and those ferocious beasts would appear.

  After all, since I came to the Carlus Mountains, I have encountered those ferocious beasts every time I go out at night. Those ferocious beasts, I don't know what to do, as if I know where they are, as long as they appear, they will These ferocious beasts appeared.

  Everyone has hidden themselves well, but you can still meet them. I don't know how many they are, but today I looked at the whole hillside from that hillside. Big, how can they be encountered everywhere, or do they automatically replicate and multiply at night, and then increase indefinitely?

  Don't think about these things now, and hurry up to find Major Kaili. These things will be discussed later. The most important thing now is to find Major Kaylee.

  Time has passed by one minute and one second, and now is the most dangerous moment in the Carluth Mountains. There is no news of Major Keili, and I don't know how Major Keili is now.

  Tony decided to follow the road left by the snow and start looking forward to see if he found anything. After all, there is still a deep valley below this cliff, and there are many hiding places. Where.

  Murphy tried to contact Tony again, but couldn't get in touch again. It seems that Tony's equipment has been completely destroyed, and there is no way to contact him. Now he can only go down to find them.

  Murphy didn't dare to move forward rashly now, because he couldn't tell which was the edge of the cliff. After all, the blood under the cliff was almost level with the edge of the cliff.

  If you can't step on one of your feet, you will easily fall into the blood pit. If you want to come out, it will be very difficult, and you will need to do some struggle.

  If you can't get out, the only one who can save yourself now is Julie. Julie is still not familiar with the terrain here, and Aschret is still on a mission outside, so everyone will be in trouble, Murphy Carefully look for other directions to reach the following...  

  Murphy continued to slide forward, and finally found a place where he could see the boundary. Murphy opened his parachute and jumped down in the direction of the wind.

  At this time, ski equipment cannot be used. After all, the avalanche has just happened. If the snow is still very soft, ski equipment will be trapped in it, and if you are not familiar with the terrain, you should parachute down.

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