But what Tony and Murphy didn't know was that the two of them actually went in the same direction as if they had an appointment. Although they couldn't get in touch, they both moved in the same direction as if they were sensing. .

  Murphy quickly opened his parachute and slid down. When Murphy slid down again, he was still trying to wait and look to see if he found anything.

  When Murphy slid down, he turned on the magnetic device on his body. This magnetic device can find any iron product, as long as it has a little body, it can be sensed by Murphy's device, just like sesame seeds. That big iron is also possible.

  This is newly developed by Murphy. Murphy thinks this is also very useful. After all, sometimes the enemy is hidden deep, and the equipment on the gun or on the body will have 1.2 of iron products.

  If it is not scanned, this thing can also come in handy. As long as this thing sends a signal, it means that there is something in there.

  And it can tell if it is a useful iron product. If it is like those scraps, this will not be displayed. Murphy has set up a program with many material samples of iron products.

  This thing was a whim when Murphy was out on a mission, and he felt that this thing would be very useful. Then he returned to the base and started to develop it. Finally, it was successfully developed. This time, this thing was used for the first time.

  The magnetic sensor is still very accurate in terms of its sensing ability. I was going to take it out for testing this time. I didn't expect it to come in handy now. I hope it can bring me some good luck. .

Chapter 254

  Chapter 253 Discovery Signal

  Murphy put the magnetic sensor on his chest, which is the best position. After all, his front is facing the cliff wall, because the cliff wall has now been buried by heavy snow. , there may be some kind of discovery under the snow, this location is the best.

  Murphy went down the wind. The wind is not strong now, because it has not yet reached the real night. If it is the real night, the wind here is very strong, and the parachute will not be under its control, maybe it will be Where to scrape.

  So take advantage of this time to open your parachute, the wind can be controlled now, and at this time, you must hurry to find Tony and Major Kelly.

  If after this time, if you want to go under the cliff, then you have to find another way, you can only go back to the base first, and then try to drive the plane out and use the plane to find it, although the plane The goal is big, but there is no way.

  After all, Tony and Major Kelly are in danger when they leave the country. They cannot be allowed to spend a long dark night outside. This dark night is also very dangerous, especially those ferocious beasts.

  There are still things I don't know. After all, Xiaowei is a very mysterious place. Maybe there are other things. These are all uncertain things, and I don't dare to return to the base rashly.

  Then come back and delay the time, maybe what kind of danger will be encountered, Murphy feels that this time is the best and the wind is not particularly big, and it is completely under his control.

  Murphy was gliding above the sky, and the magnetic sensor on his body was also playing its role, but Murphy's hands were controlling the parachute and there was no way to observe it.

  This magnetic sensor can only look at the specific place where it is difficult to see if it is down, and then judge whether it should focus on which place to look for.

  What is certain now is that Tony is not in danger. As long as Tony is not in danger, then he will have a helper. Finding Major Kelly is not a problem. As long as one of the two of them is not in danger, half of his heart will be put down.

  In fact, everyone has a selfish Murphy, but in his heart, as long as Tony is not a particularly big threat, there will be nothing. After all, although Major Kelly is not his own.

  But he also came here through Trontus, and he wanted to ensure his safety, but compared to Tony and Xiao Hua, in Murphy's heart, he still didn't want anything to happen to Tony.

  After all, Tony and Asclet Murphy have already established a relationship. After all, the three of them are too familiar with each other, and everyone knows each other very well, although the three of them are not very good when they are not on the mission. Too connected.

  As long as there is a task, everyone can know what the other person looks like with just one look. Murphy doesn't think it's selfish to look like this.

  Everyone will have weight in their hearts, compared to comparison, but if Tony and Major Kelly are faced with difficulties at the same time, and then let themselves decide, then they will definitely choose the less injured one to treat first, which means Nothing can be done.

  Life is like this, sometimes you have to make a choice, and sometimes the choice will be difficult but you have to make a choice.

  At this moment, Murphy is drifting with the wind. He can't let himself fall so fast. He just swayed left and right to control his body, and let himself drift here as much as possible. Only such a large amount of drift here, Only in this way can the magnetic sensor sense more places, so that you can get more information for yourself.

  Murphy swayed as much as possible in the air. After all, he had to control the parachute, and he had to move at the speed of the wind, and he had to swing a lot. Murphy was also very difficult to do these actions.

  Julie is in the base, and now she doesn't know what she should be able to do, just observe that the Hulk point has been moving.

  Murphy is floating in the air at the moment, Murphy's signal, and Julie, who is also displayed here, has been staring at this signal, for fear of what kind of mistakes Murphy will make again. After all, Murphy is the core of this. Let Murphy go a little wrong.

  If something happens to Murphy, then everyone doesn't know how to continue. Escillet is not in the base now, it would be nice if Escherett was there.

  Julie began to pray, hoping that Escherett would quickly complete the task and return to the Callus Mountains. If Escherett was there, he could come up with some ideas. The truth is calm.

  Julie is still very optimistic about Esquire, and now she can't contact Esqilet rashly, because Esqilet is trading outside, and she doesn't know how much it is now, nor Can disturb Asclete.

  If the transaction is interrupted because of one's own mistakes, then how should I explain it to them? Don't do these things.

  After all, Julie is relatively young, and she can't help but panic when she encounters things. After all, under the protection of her father, she has been living a carefree life.

  It was only after arriving here that Julie came into contact with these things.

  Julie wouldn't be very nervous if she hadn't encountered such a thing in her own environment, but she was unfamiliar in the Karlus Mountains, and the power of nature in the Karlus Mountains was immeasurable. , So Julie is not so calm when she encounters things.

  Suddenly, one thing was discovered, and that was that Murphy's signal was getting closer and closer to that signal, and the directions of both movements were the same.

  Julie decided to tell Murphy about this matter, let Murphy have his own judgment, and don't let Murphy miss this model. After all, there is no way to contact the communication. This is the only way to get in touch. If you miss it again If so, it will be hard to find.

  Unless they return to the base on their own, they can find it after they both return to the base and meet in the base. Otherwise, the Callus Mountains is such a big place that it would be very difficult to communicate. .

Chapter 255

  Chapter 254 Convergence

  "Murphy, can you hear me?" Julie first tested her call function to see if she could get in touch with Murphy, after all Murphy is now on a paraglider.

  "Julie, I can hear you, have you found anything?"

  Murphy's first reaction was to ask Julie if she had found anything. After all, if she didn't find anything, Julie would not have contacted her so easily.

  Julie is also afraid that the signal will be intercepted. After all, it is not only the people who consume this place, but also the people like Hulk. It is easy to intercept the signal, and everyone can hear what happened to them, and where they are. .

  Although Murphy and the others have not been able to intercept the transmission signals of the Hulk and the others, it is not necessarily. This proves that the Hulk and the others cannot do such things, and they cannot think that they cannot do things. can't do it.

  In this matter, it is better to be cautious. After all, you can't be too careless. There are often many things that happen when you are careless. You must be careful.

  "What I observe here is your current position, getting closer and closer to the position of the two signals, and you are all moving in one direction, the wind direction is now opposite to you, I hope you control Well, if you go with the wind, you'll be farther and farther away from them."

  Murphy's parachute followed the wind, and now the wind suddenly changed, and Julie could observe the change there, if Murphy was not against the wind, but with the wind.

  Then it will be farther and farther away from these two signals. If you want to meet again, it will be very difficult. After all, if the wind is so strong, it may blow somewhere and land. Everyone is so far away, why not? Can you get in touch?

  Murphy also felt that the wind direction was changing at the moment, and now he had to step up the speed to descend. If he did not step up the speed of the landing, it would be easy to move in the opposite direction as Julie said.

  Now that Julie has told herself that she is getting closer and closer to those two models, she can only choose to land on the spot. You will miss the chance to meet.

  "Okay, I know. I'll go in and out now, and then I can find Tony's signal. You can observe the weather changes here, and whether there is any danger nearby. ¨."

  The danger that Murphy is referring to is those ferocious beasts, those ferocious beasts, and they have set up unique observations. If these ferocious beasts are lost, they will be displayed on the computer monitor, and the number can also be displayed. It shows that in which direction, these Murphys are prepared.

  After all, you have to be prepared when danger does not appear. If danger appears, prepare again, then everything is too late. What is the use of preparing again?

  What things must be measured in advance, this is the amount in advance. Murphy is still doing a lot of preparations. When it is useful, Murphy will show them one by one.

  Just like this magnetic sensor, Murphy didn't want to bring it with him when he came out today, but later felt that it might be useful to carry it, and this magnetic sensor is also very small, it doesn't take up much space, and it doesn't cost much. What kind of strength, you can carry it on your body like that, wouldn't it come in handy?It's working fine now.

  Murphy felt that it was fortunate that he brought this thing with him, and it was still useful to bring this thing.

  Tony has been walking along the bottom of the cliff, constantly looking for signs of Major Kelly, or footprints, although finding footprints is a very difficult thing, after all, the wind and snow are blowing quickly here. The footprints will be covered, but for now this is the only hope.

  When Murphy was 500 meters away from the ground, he saw something moving on the ground. Although the wind was blowing and the snow was still falling, Murphy thought it must be Tony. Give yourself a signal, this can't be someone else.

  Although the polar suits they wear have the function of invisibility, Murphy has special handling, and only they can see them. Although they are invisible, he is his own induction and the glasses will reflect their appearance. , so they will not admit their mistakes, it must be Tony.

  Tony searched for a while and felt that there was not much hope, then looked up at the sky and saw that there was a parachute in the sky, Tony knew that Murphy would definitely be able to find him, this must be Murphy.

  Tony turned off the stealth function to show himself, so that Murphy could see his position more clearly and land right next to him.

  Tony waved his arms to the sky, and Murphy also saw Tony who had turned off the stealth function waving to each other, and Murphy landed right next to Tony.

  Tony helped Murphy unload all the parachute backpacks on his body. After all, carrying this backpack is useless now, and he can't take off, and it is too heavy to carry on his body.

  After Murphy took off the equipment on his body, the two gave each other a hug after meeting each other. Neither of them said a word. They glanced at each other and knew that the other party had nothing to do. That's good.

  ". ¨Murphy, you have successfully met (good), how are Tony and Major Kelly?" Julie asked anxiously.

  "Sorry, Julie, there's only Tony Major Kelly here, lost contact during the avalanche just now, and haven't found it yet."

  What Murphy said to herself, she had always thought in her heart that it must be Major Kelly missing, and this time it just verified her judgment.

  It cannot be said that Toni has a wealth of experience in the snowy mountains, but he has much more experience than Major Kelly. After all, Major Kelly told himself before that he had never been in contact with the snowy mountains, but only skied in the ski resorts, and Snow mountain avalanche incident, I have never been in contact with it.

  Sister Mei, Kelly was not well prepared, and was buried by these theories. This also means that something may happen, and the situation is too urgent, and the ability to respond at that time will be limited. .

Chapter 256

  Chapter 255 Traces

  Julie secretly prayed in her heart, praying, everyone can come back safely and also praying that Tony and Murphy can find Major Kelly safely is the best thing.

  Julie thinks that Majorelle will be safe. After all, Majorelle's own abilities are very strong. This time, she must not have performed well, and she is not affected by the power of nature, so it is like this. Majorelle herself will save herself.

  But I still hope that Tony and Murphy will find Major Kelly quickly. After all, it is very late now, and there will be many unstable factors around, if Tony and Murphy do not find Major Kelly in time.

  Then the two of them have to withdraw back to the base. After all, they don't have many weapons on them, and if they encounter any trouble, the two of them will not be able to deal with the bad guys.

  After all, the weapons on his body are not enough to fight against them for a long time.In order to reduce the weight of his body, Tony has lost two weapons. Murphy did not have a particularly capable weapon when he went out, and the 313 was equipped with some self-defense, and he was able to find the Hulk hiding place. equipment, and did not carry those weapons that could fight the opponent for a long time.

  These Julies knew in their hearts that, after all, when they went out, they all knew about the weapons they carried, and they were all deeply remembered in their heads. Murphy was also very anxious to go out when they went out.

  Not to mention Tony and Major, now that Major is nowhere to be found, only Tony is alone, and Tony's weapons are limited. If he fights with them for a long time, he will definitely suffer.

  At present, I can't do anything, and I can't help them. I can only implement the situation here and report useful information to them in a timely manner. I hope this information can provide them with some help.

  Although their big help may not be helpful, at least it can't cause them trouble, which is the best thing.

  "Tony, did you get hurt anywhere? What happened? How could it be that Major Kelly was gone? Haven't you two been together all the time?"

  Murphy didn't know what was going on when he came here, not even Julie and Esquire didn't know what was going on, it was just that Julie couldn't get in touch, after Tony and Major Kelly, then tried He contacted Murphy, but did not contact Murphy in time when Murphy turned off the contact device at that time.

  Julie started to get nervous, and then she found Escherett, and asked Escherlet to use emergency equipment to contact herself. Only then did she know that Tony and Major Kelly met an avalanche, so she hurried to this place. The place came, and the rest of the things I knew nothing about.

  I don't know what happened to them. On the way back, I just saw the wreckage of those cars and I could see how powerful the explosion was. I originally judged that these vehicles were not important people.

  Now it seems that there are really no important people, but they just want to create some avalanches, and then cut off this place from the outside world. This place still has traces left by them, otherwise they would not have very few people. come here.

  After all, the writing here has become soft, even skiers will not come here, and some scientific expedition personnel saw an avalanche here.

  Everyone will not come this way. After all, this moment is the most dangerous, and the cliff next to it is so deep, maybe one of them will stumble and fall below the cliff. These are all possible things. Cut off the road here.

  There must be their secrets hidden here, otherwise they wouldn't do it like this. What kind of characters are they doing on the car?To be able to do such a thing is to sacrifice one's own people.

  It seems that they are also a ruthless character. Murphy judged that they used two bombs, and there was no avalanche, and they did not let the perennial snow fall off the mountain, causing an avalanche, and then began to use these vehicles bomb.

  Blow up these two cars. The power of these two cars is 10 times that of the two bombs. Otherwise, they will not smash all the savings of these decades. Now the mountain has exposed its original Appearance as it should be.

  Murphy smoothed out the process of all this in his mind. These must be passed through in his mind, and some details cannot be missed, so that he can sort them out when he goes back.

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