Then I came to the east of the Carlus Mountains again to find the answer. After all, this place interrupted my search due to an emergency, but I still have to return to this place. You can see from these two car bombs. I want to separate this place from the outside world, and there must be something confidential.

  If there is no secret thing, the self who will not do such strict things will still have to come back here to investigate, and only when they are clear can they find their traces.

  Maybe this is their hiding place, this is a possible thing that can't be missed, a little bit of hope, missed opportunities.

  Tony recalled what happened at that time, he and Xiaohua had been following these vehicles, Murphy would not allow himself to face these vehicles, animals could not conflict with them, and just followed behind them.

  And he and Major Keili also kept a safe distance from these vehicles. After these two vehicles dropped two bombs, they kept a further distance.

  When they were about to reach the fork, the vehicles were suddenly going to separate. At that time, I told Major Kelly that the vehicles were about to fork, and it was designated that they would separate. Now they have only two people and can only choose two roads. Can go, so the two of them must make a decision, when a decision is made.

  Suddenly, the two cars behind exploded, and then there was a loud noise on the mountain. The avalanche happened very fast, and there was no chance to react at all. The two were already on the edge of the cliff at this moment, and the two were ready to I was skydiving, and after I opened the parachute, I didn't see Major Kelly again, and Major Kelly was always by my side.

  He just lowered his head and opened the skydive, then with the force of the umbrella opening, his body rose with a bang and then Major Kelly disappeared. .

Chapter 257

  Chapter 256 Life is in danger

  At this time, he has quickly got the bottom of the cliff.

  Without giving himself a chance to react at all, he could no longer see Major, and then tried to contact Major, but couldn't get in touch, Murphy, and base, not to mention .

  Murphy couldn't get in touch not far from them, so far away from the base, let alone contact, and then checked the equipment on his body and found that he was damaged by the sound of the explosion just now.

  Although I couldn't get in touch with Murphy, I knew that Murphy would definitely come to them, so I threw the recorder on it, so that when Murphy came to look for it, I could find the recorder and tell Murphy to come Searched under the cliff.Because he and Majorelle are separated from the same place. Majorelle must be here, or that Majorelle slid down the snow, or that Majorelle was buried under the snow. .

  If Major Kelly is buried under the snow, then it may be more fortunate.

  Tony felt that whether it was whether Major Kaylee's life was threatened or not, or that Major Kaylee's life had come to an end, he wanted to bring Major Kaylee back.

  You can't leave Majorelle in this place. Even if you get rid of all the snow here, you have to take Majorelle back. After all, Majorelle is also her partner, so she can't be in this place.

  Moreover, he also helped Major to bring him to the Calrus Mountains. Although he did not find him by himself, he also entered the Calrus Mountains with him, and he was also obliged to bring him out. Carlus ~ Mountains.

  Although two people usually despise each other, and two people are always quarreling, hurting each other, and they are both mutually exclusive, but the friendship between the two people is in this place-.

  After all, Tony felt that he had rescued Major once, and this time he was able to rescue Major, bring him back, and walk out of the Calrus-Mountain safely.

  No one wants bad things to happen, but it has already happened, so I still have to face it calmly. Tony knows that Major Kelly doesn't like this place in the Calrus Mountains.

  Because Major Kelly was wearing a skirt on the day she came, she thought it was a tropical place, but she didn't expect to be tricked into coming. This is a very cold place. Tony all remembered it. Is it because he didn't like this place Keep your life here?

  Although it is normal for them to sacrifice their own lives in their line of work, it would be a pity if Majorelle's life was at risk here.

  After all, it would be a shame to sacrifice her life here when she reluctantly came to this place in the Callus Mountains. I felt that Major Kelly was very pitiful.

  It can be seen how strong the impact was when the avalanche occurred, and the positioning items that Major Kaili was wearing on her hand had already fallen, and it was also in her own hand.

  Tony shook his head and brought himself back from the thoughts just now. He had been thinking about what happened just now, and he forgot to reply to what Murphy said to himself, and Murphy has been waiting for his answer now.

  Murphy didn't rush himself to answer it. Tony knew that Murphy must know that he was thinking about what happened just now, and he didn't bother himself to let himself recall what happened at that time.

  "The two of us have been together for a long time, and then we met a fork in the road. We were choosing which fork to go to when an explosion occurred, and then an avalanche started. When the two of us were about to skydive, I turned around and found Major Kelly is gone, and now Major Kelly's positioning system is in my hands, and they are all worn around my neck, which shows how powerful it was just now."

  Tony took out the positioning system that was in his pocket and showed Murphy.

  "Look, this is what I just found, it's on top of the snow, and I took it back. I tried to contact you, but I couldn't get in touch, and then I couldn't get in touch with the base. I found that the equipment on my body was stabbed. broken."

  Tony fell on the ground while avoiding the bomb, and then the flyer flew in front of him, damaging the equipment on the body.

  I didn't expect that the time could fly to my contact device in such an inch. This is what happened today, and everything seems to be arranged.

· · Flowers · ·

  "Then it seems that Major Kelly must have been swept down by the heavy snow before she could open the parachute. It seems that it should be more fortunate than fortune. You can imagine how powerful this power is. It is worn on the wrist. Can destroy."

  Tony and Murphy have a heavy heart. After all, how can one person fight against nature?This cliff is so high and the snow is so heavy, how could a person survive in this place?

  Murphy finally knew what happened at the time. It seemed as he thought, Major Kelly must have been under the impact of the time and did not turn on the skydiving equipment on her body. The impact fell off.

... . . .

  This cliff is still quite deep, but it might be possible to avoid it with the skills of Major. .

  But Murphy felt that even if Major Kelly's skills were fast and agile, they couldn't resist the speed of the blood falling. Murphy rejected his idea again in his heart. The idea was rejected.

  I thought the same thing as you before, the impact was simply too great, otherwise it wouldn't be like this, and Major Kelly was in front and I was behind, and the avalanche happened in front of him.

  At that time, Tony was also for the protection of Major. He was behind Major. Tony felt that he could still observe the situation behind him. If there is any danger in front of me, I can also help Major Kaili to protect her after she breaks.

  No matter what, after all, Majorelle is also a woman, and some things still need a man to protect, and a woman can't be hurt, but what I didn't expect is that an avalanche happened, and this is not something anyone can do controllable.Ding.

Chapter 258

  Chapter 257 Threatened

  When I came to the Callus Mountains, I felt that the Callus Mountains were covered with snow all the year round and were prone to avalanches, but I did not expect that I would meet the avalanches so quickly.

  And he also let his teammates disappear. This meeting ceremony is simply too bad. If I let myself watch this avalanche, I must feel that the power of nature is simply too powerful, and it can actually take the snow of the whole mountain to follow. Down below, I must have felt very shocked, but now I feel that this kind of shock is simply too bad.

  Now I don't know if Major Kelly is dead or alive, but I still figured out a solution. Tony feels like his head is about to blow up now, because the sound of the explosion just now has affected him, and the sound is simply It was so huge that Zhende's ears seemed to be going deaf.

  Although I have been protecting myself, this protection has not played a big role, and it cannot be said that it has not worked, but it has played a small role, otherwise I would not have heard what Murphy said to myself, but I am right. The damage to his head is quite large, and now his head is particularly painful, after all, the distance of the explosion is very close.

  Tony still had a headache, shaking his head, Murphy looked at Tony, frowned, and touched his head with one hand, and then his head kept shaking, and he didn't know what happened to Tony.

  "Tony, what's wrong with you?" Murphy asked Tony with concern.

  "Affected by the explosion just now, my head is very painful now. Maybe it's too close to the center of the explosion. Fortunately, my ears have not been seriously injured, or I will even hear your voice now. Can't hear it."

  Murphy took out a white bottle from his backpack and handed it to Tony and told Tony to eat the contents, and his head would be healed without pain.

  If Tony's head continues to hurt, it will easily delay the current progress, and now the sky is getting darker.

  After Tony ate what Murphy gave him, his head seemed to be relieved in an instant, and then it got better little by little. Otherwise, Murphy has studied these things so well, and actually developed such a useful thing, let himself Instant recovery of physical strength.

  "Murphy is amazing. It's actually so easy to use. Now that the employee has symptoms, I have just walked here along this gap and found nothing. Let's just walk forward. Maybe we find something?"

  Tony told Murphy of his own route just now, and the two of them should look for a section ahead. If they don't find it again, then they will think of other ways. After all, it can only be like this now.

  "Wait first, I brought it just now. The magnetic sensor can sense the iron products inside. After all, Major Kelly is also carrying a weapon. Let's see if we can find the trace of Major Kelly through this."

  Tony knew that this was another new design by Murphy. He had never seen this one before, and it was the first time he saw it today. No matter what it is, as long as it can be used, it is a good thing. Now is not the time to study it. , I can't wait here, I'd better go forward and take a look.

  "Okay Murphy, then I'll go ahead and take a look. I won't go far. After all, if we go a little further, the two of us won't be able to connect. Now the sky is dark."

  Tony's equipment has been destroyed. Murphy gave Tony his answering machine. This answering machine has a distance limit, and Tony can't go too far. After all, there are not many things in his hand. If you go too far, There is no way to solve the problem when you encounter it, and it will make the current situation even worse.

  "Okay, then you can walk forward and see if you find anything."

  Tony walked forward, and Murphy stayed where he was, looking for the field equipment and transferring it to his computer to see if he had covered the place just now, and whether there was an iron object.

  This place will definitely not be shielded by others. As long as it is not shielded, the rice here is a nailed iron product, and you can get less of it.

  Tony looked forward for a while, and suddenly found a silver-white thing in the ground. Tony picked it up. Isn't this the same material as his clothes?

  Then this is enough to show that this thing belongs to Major. After all, only me and Major Murphy are kind and kind. Murphy's body here is intact, and his body is also intact. Yes, then this is Major Kelly's Tony, quickly take this thing and turn it back...  

  "Look, Murphy, now there is a new discovery. This is the base suit of Major Kaili. It seems that the Geely suit on Major Kaili has been destroyed."

  Murphy took it over and looked at the traces on it, "This is not caused by the impact, this is like it was scratched by something."

  A picture appeared in Murphy's mind, that is, did Major Kayle touch something, and then the dress was scratched, if it was scratched, then it means that Major Kaylee has a resistance point, this The point of resistance will keep Major from falling directly under the cliff.

  "Tony's discovery is really good. It can show that Major Kelly did not fall directly. As long as there are a few cases, I believe that Xiaohua's skills will definitely find the starting point and descend to the bottom of this cliff."

  Tony was also very excited when he heard the news. Fortunately, he insisted on going forward and didn't stay where he was before he found this. If he didn't find this, 1.2, he would still feel that Major Kelly was alive now. in danger.

  "Murphy, what have you discovered about this magnetic sensor, has it helped us?"

  "Tony, look at the distribution above, this place is covered with snow all year round, and no one comes here, so there will be no iron products. The thing that exploded the car just now is still some distance away from the edge of this cliff, so it won't be at all. Falling under this cliff, so it can be ignored."

  "Major Kelly came out with only four weapons on her body, and these three weapons are not made of iron, they are all light equipment, so they can be ignored."

  Who came out with what kind of weapon, Murphy's heart is clear at a glance, after all, he still has a few things. .

Chapter 259

  Chapter 258 Subtle Signals

  I also know what kind of material I use. Since iron things are heavier, Murphy rarely uses them.

  "Only one piece is made of iron. Now there are only three points on this cliff. These three points have iron juice. We must only focus on finding these three points, but I found one special, this place. The echoes are particularly strong, indicating that the iron products in this place are very large."

  But Murphy doesn't know how big this is, but he still needs to look for it. Maybe this gun is on Major Kelly's body, and through this, he can find Major Kelly.

  "Then let's start looking for the first point now. This first point is very close to us, so what equipment do we use to dig it out? Or how to do it."

  Since the snow is very thick, it is impossible to plan it with bare hands. If you plan it with your hands, it will take a lot of work. If you use explosives, then it is easy to injure Major Kelly. .

  "Don't you have a fire bucket on your body? The firepower of this fire bucket can penetrate more than ten meters deep. When you want to get close, you can close it, and then we will search for it artificially. Isn't it over? Your head Was it injured?"

  Murphy felt that Tony's current reaction ability was so slow, and he didn't know how to use the weapons on his body, and he was still thinking about these things here.

  Tony didn't speak, and felt that what Murphy said was also very right. His head may have been blown up to be like this. The two started to move towards the first point.


  Major Kelly has been studying this transmitter in the cave. Although the transmitter is broken, she still finds a way to repair it, as long as the transmitter can send out a little signal.

  Then they can let them find themselves and know that they are still here. The air is getting thinner and thinner now, but they must also control their own will. Don't let them fall asleep immediately. But really can't get out of this place.

  Then it is really sealed in this cave forever, no one will find themselves and no one will come to this place again, after all, this snow will not melt away.

  The air here in the Carlus Mountains is cold all the year round, how can it melt the snow?As long as this cave is not exposed, no one will find out.

  Although this transmitter is very old-fashioned, Major Kelly felt that as long as she had a little hope, she had to try it, and she couldn't let herself fail if she didn't do it. This is definitely not her character.

  Don't allow yourself to be so cowardly, just wait for the arrival of people in this place, and let yourself leave your life in the cold place of the Callus Mountains.

  Major Kelly knew that Tony and Murphy, as well as the people in the base, would never give up and were looking for their own. Even if they didn't give up and were looking for themselves, how could they just give up like this.

  As long as there is a silver lining, you still need to try.

  This transmitter is still very simple for Major Kelly. Although it is manual, it can also transmit signals. As long as you keep shaking it, and think of a way to connect the broken parts, this is also A very good transmission device, you must make good use of it.

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