"Look, Murphy, there's a hole in this place, it's about to be opened."

  Tony's side dug a hole first, and this small hole was black. Tony knew that it must have been dug through. As long as he dug down this small hole, he would be able to see Major. Kelly.

  "Hurry up, let's hurry up, it's been so long now, Majorelle must have appeared in a state of hypoxia. If there was no hypoxia, we would definitely hear our voices to answer us. of."

  Murphy was just judging that Majorelle must be in a state of hypoxia. The sound of Tinder was so loud just now, and her calculated distance from herself was already very close to where Majorelle was staying. .

  But Majorelle didn't reply to them. As long as she shouted loudly, they could hear each other's words, but Majorelle didn't reply, which means that Majorelle is now in hypoxia. status.

  Now we need to hurry up, otherwise, Major Kaylee will be in danger, because while looking for this Majorelle, time has passed, and it is not easy for Major Kaylee to persist until now.

  The two were lying on the ground and struggling to dig this hole, and they wanted to dig him out quickly, and let Major Kali come out to have a good look at the state of Major Kaili, and finally the two made unremitting efforts. Under the circumstances, the hole was dug up.

  Murphy jumped in first, and after Murphy jumped in, Murphy saw that Major Kelly fell to the ground, and Major Kelly had now lost consciousness.

  Then Tony jumped in and saw Major who was lying on the ground. The two of them worked together to move Major to the edge of the hole. There was air in this place. can be alleviated.

  In a stupefied state, Major Kelly felt a cold wind blowing towards her, and she could feel that the wind was blowing on her face, and someone was moving her body.

  But Major Kelly's body seemed to be out of control, she couldn't move at all, she couldn't be manipulated by herself, she wanted to raise her hand but couldn't, she wanted to open her eyes and found that her eyelids were very heavy, Can't open at all.

  Majorelle was struggling in her heart. After struggling for a while, Majorelle decided to give up on herself and breathe this air. Majorelle felt the security around her.

  This sense of security was brought to me by Murphy and Tony. Knowing that Murphy and Tony had come to my side and could bring me back safely, Major Kelly began to fall into a deep sleep at this time.

  Because I was too nervous just now and lacked oxygen, my expression was tense. As long as I relaxed, I somehow fell into a state of sleep.

  In fact, this state of sleep is not what I want to enter, it is just that I have been deprived of oxygen for too long, and my brain has not been working just now. At this time, when I slowly recover, my body is affected by the brain's Controlled Ji.

  Murphy put his hand in front of Majorelle's nose, exploring Majorelle's breathing, to see if Majorelle's breathing was normal now, because Majorelle's body was hot, which meant Major Kelly is still fine.

  How to look at this hole, how could there be a hole in the middle of the cliff?Then Murphy looked down and saw the transmitter of Majorelle. The transmitter was very old, and this Major was able to repair it and transmit the signal.

  This is to prove that Major Kelly had such good luck falling under the cliff, and she could still meet this cave. It was already very good to meet this cave. I didn't expect to be able to find this transmitter.

  Murphy tried to walk inside to see what was going on inside. After walking inside for a while, he found that it had come to an end. He knew that someone must want to take advantage of this place, but it was already a long time ago.

  It doesn't look like it was just discovered. If it was just discovered, there will definitely be the smell of explosives in it. After all, explosives are also needed here (so good Zhao), and Murphy's nose is a special inspiration. Although it was an explosive from a long time ago, Murphy could smell it, but Murphy could not smell it, indicating that it was all artificially mined.

  Tony has been watching Major there, and if something is wrong with Major, he will rush to rescue Major.

  "How about it? What's in it? It's amazing to find out that there is a cave in this place, and Major Kelly's luck is simply too good."

  Tony thought it was a little incredible that there was such a cave on top of this cliff, which could allow Major Kelly to hide.

  "There's nothing in it. This one has been abandoned for a long time. It doesn't mean that the caves that are made now have no value. We have to leave this place quickly. After all, the snow outside is getting heavier and heavier.".

Chapter 266

  Chapter 265 Difficulties

  "Yeah, otherwise we will all be trapped here, we need to find a way, and that ferocious beast is around here."

  Murphy was thinking about how to deal with those ferocious and ferocious beasts when he went out for a while. Those ferocious beasts were all around this place, and not far from here. On the top of the mountain in the daytime, he found that ferocious area. beast.

  At this moment, they should all appear around this area, and now the two of them are still carrying Major Kaili. Major Kaili is now in this coma. I don't know how long this state will last, so I should bring him back to the base first. Say it again.

  "Yeah, I can feel Murphy now. These ferocious beasts seem to be on the top of the cliff. After all, this cave is not very far from the top of the cliff, and I can feel their howling right above."

  Tony also clearly felt the danger of the surrounding area, especially after the avalanche, the mountains have already revealed their original color.

  There must be a lot of danger in this place, especially in this dark night, the sky is already dark, and the situation outside can be seen from the inside of this snow cave.


  At this moment, there was still no response from Major. Major was always in this state, and there was nothing they could do. After all, there was nothing on her body that could heal Major.

  It can only be cured after bringing Majorelle back to the base. This place can only bring them danger, so let's bring Majorelle back to the base quickly.

  Annina has been observing the situation here in the base. They have now completely reunited, but Meijiankai is still dangerous now. After all, Meijiankai lacks oxygen and is now in a coma.

  All of these Anina know, because Anina also encountered such a situation when she was training when she was a child, but as long as she breathes fresh air and takes a good rest, she will quickly return to her original state. .

  But Anina baldly observed why so many things suddenly appeared on the cliff. This thing is obviously those ferocious beasts.

  Although Anina has never seen these ferocious beasts, the top of this computer has been marked by Murphy, but there are some small things, what are those things, that is, around this ferocious beast, and there are some mixed Mixed in here, it doesn't look like a human being.

  This place in the Carlus Mountains is simply too hateful, why are there so many messy things, if humans are better to deal with, these are the things that are not easy to deal with, and they don't have many weapons on them.

  "Murphy, it seems that you can't walk on the cliff. Now the edge of the cliff has been occupied by these ferocious beasts, and there are some who can't see what it is. They participated in it, but they are not humans."

  Anina quickly reported this to Murphy. After all, Murphy and the others were in danger now, so she should tell them about it quickly, and let them not walk on the top of the cliff, but walk under the cliff.

  If they had been told a few seconds later, they might have come out of the hole and walked up the cliff. As soon as they appeared, and if they had not taken protective measures, those ferocious beasts would seek them. Come to find them, especially Major Kayleigh, who hasn't been wearing a ghillie suit yet, and Majorelle's ghillie suit has been damaged beyond recognition.

  "He has no signs of spreading out, but the signs of spreading out have not gone far, and they are also increasing."

  Anina keeps reminding Murphy of new news so that Murphy can make the right decision.

  "Murphy, is there only one way we can go under the cliff now? I just walked forward tentatively. The snow there is very thick, and it is especially soft."

  When Tony was looking for Major Kelly just now, he walked forward for a while. The snow there is very thick, and it is easy to step on the air with one foot. Be careful everywhere, it will delay the time to return to the base.

  At this moment, Murphy looked at Major Kelly, who was lying on the ground, and then looked at the computer and watched the signal from Anina to him, and carefully studied their route to use what route to return to the base. Foresight of these ferocious beasts?

  "Murphy will let me fly out to pick you up, I will." Anina volunteered here to fly out, and then Murphy and the others.

  Anina has long learned to fly a plane, and this plane is simply too simple for him, and he can get started directly without having to understand it.

  If they go out to pick them up by themselves, won't they return to this base soon?You don't need to be exposed to those dangers at all.

  Now the situation outside is getting more and more urgent, and the wind and snow are also relatively large. The snow caused by these winds is enough to make everyone unable to see the road ahead. These are all Anina secretly watching the outside with the monitoring equipment inside the base. Case.

  Murphy knew that Chaofen would fly a plane since she was a child, but she could never let Anina go out of that base. After all, there were many situations outside that Anina was unfamiliar with, and she couldn't leave the monitoring equipment.

  After all, Murphy and the others still need Anina to keep an eye on the surrounding situation, but after Little Kiss Murphy came out, they didn't bring so much equipment.

  It was a bit heavy to wear all of them, and it was a waste of time to observe these, so Murphy let Anina stay at the base to do these things.

  If Anina comes out, who should go to see if there is any situation. Although Anina's idea is still very good, it cannot be implemented exactly. If it is implemented, there will still be a lot of trouble in the future.

  "Murphy is a good idea, just like the last time Major Kelly came out to pick us up, didn't we avoid those ferocious beasts very quickly?"

  Tony felt that this suggestion was very good. After all, just like the last time, everyone quickly escaped from those ferocious beasts, and they didn't need to be entangled with them. It was a waste of their time.

  Tony didn't say that he wasted his time, mainly because he was afraid of wasting Major Kelly's time, and now Major Kelly is in this coma. .

Chapter 267

  Chapter 266 Choosing the Road

  Moreover, this situation is not particularly good, and there are no measures to keep warm on the body, so we must speed up the pace.

  Although he has given his clothes to Major Kelly, it is still not warm enough, and other dangers are likely to occur at this time, so Tony still agrees with Anina's suggestion, but after seeing Murphy hear it hesitant.

  Tony decided to start talking about his thoughts, and then wanted Murphy to make a quick decision, not to hesitate there. Tony knew that Murphy was hesitant.

  If Murphy hadn't hesitated, wouldn't she have replied to Anina directly? Murphy has always done things neatly and made decisions very quickly, so why did she procrastinate this time.

  Murphy must have other ideas, and he is not sure if he is doing it right. Tony felt that if he said this idea, Murphy would be firm.

  Tony's remarks completely interrupted Murphy's train of thought. Murphy was thinking about all kinds of possible things just now, and now he doesn't know what happened to him. Sometimes making a decision will bring a lot of hesitation. Maybe it's right There are too many worries about everyone's safety, so that's why there are too many worries.

  "Annina, you should stay in the base, don't come out to pick us up, after all, you still need to do some things for us in the base, if you leave the base, then if we need it, we should How to do?"

  "Well, Murphy, I know, then I will plan the route for you now, and then send you all these routes, you can see which way you go back~ Come back."

  Anina knew that Murphy was rejecting her, and she also knew what Murphy's intention was. After all, she still had to look at these things. If she didn't look at these things, she didn't know what would happen.

  And now Escheret is still outside the Callus Mountains, and it is also dangerous to go to the border outside the Callus Mountains. If Esqilet can't contact Murphy, it is still Find the location by yourself.

  Although Esquilet is proficient in everything, what if something goes wrong outside the Callus Mountains?Don't you still need to contact yourself?In case something is something that can happen.

  "Murphy, why did you reject Anina? Isn't it a good idea? The equipment we have now is not very powerful, and Anina also said that there is something in it that I don't know, and now it's on my shoulders. And carry a Major Kelly."

  Tony felt that Murphy's decision was a bit inappropriate, and wanted to know what Murphy thought?

  "Tony, if Anina comes out, what if there is something wrong with Esquilette? Although our equipment is not very powerful, I am still very confident in dealing with these."

  As soon as Tony heard Murphy say that he was still very confident in dealing with these, he must be [-]% prepared. If there was no [-]% preparation, Murphy would not have said that, and Tony's heart instantly calmed down.

  After all, he has been attacked by the venom of these ferocious beasts. This venom is too uncomfortable for him. Now Tony feels goosebumps all over his body when he thinks about it.

  I don't want to be harmed by these panda monsters again. These monsters with strong chests are simply too abhorrent, and I feel that I am a little afraid of them now.

  "So what should we do now?" Tony said to Murphy.

  After careful consideration, Murphy decided to go under the cliff. After all, the chance of encountering these ferocious beasts under the cliff is still very small. If these ferocious beasts come down, they will fall into the soft snow.

  After all, the weight of these ferocious beasts is very large. If they fall into this soft snow, they will fall into it. If they want to get out, they also need a lot of struggle.

  This normal time is enough time for them to escape, unless there is a possibility that these ferocious beasts are connected, and then go to the bottom of this cliff, then there will be fewer of these ferocious beasts.

  If they deal with it, they still have a lot of chances of winning, and this time Murphy came out with a lot of explosives on him, and these explosives are enough to deal with them.

· · Flowers · ·

  These explosives were originally intended to deal with the Hulk and their base. The reason why they heard that there was a discovery in the east of the Carlus Mountains, Murphy thought they might leave something behind, so he brought the explosives with him.

  When Murphy originally got there, Murphy felt that these things were a bit redundant, but looking at these things now, they are not redundant at all, and they are completely derived for use.

  "Tony, I'll go out first, and then you hand me Major Kelly."

  Murphy decided to go out to see the situation around him first, and if nothing happened, then let Tony and Major Kelly come out.

  His skills are much more agile than Tony's, and now there is a Major by his side, and this Major is enough for the two of them to carry for a while.

... .. 0

  Murphy was the first to climb out of the snow cave. He observed around the snow cave and found that there was no danger. This time was just the time for the two of them to come out.

  "Tony, hurry up, give me Majorelle quickly."

  Murphy felt that the speed must be increased at this time, and only this could allow them to leave here safely. After all, this is also the closest place to the edge of the cliff.

  Murphy is not afraid of those ferocious monsters, but just thinks that they are too difficult to deal with. This difficulty makes him very uncomfortable. Different, this thing is getting more and more, and it is getting more and more difficult.

  Murphy felt that he had time to deal with these difficult things, so he might as well choose another direction to go back to the base, unless he wanted to face these ferocious monsters head-on.

  Difficult things really make me feel too uncomfortable, these things are annoying when I look at them, let alone face them head-on.

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