These things are like Reinigester, entangled behind him, and I don't know if these things can ask me about the scent of my body, as long as I appear, these things appear where.Ding.

Chapter 268

  Chapter 267 Weather Changes

  Murphy felt that he should go back and improve his odor-removing spray. This spray may be a little malfunctioning now. If it wasn't malfunctioning, how could these ferocious beasts gather on the edge of this cliff?

  Tony carried Major Kelly, and then handed it to Murphy along the hole. Murphy carried Major Kelly on his shoulders, and Tony quickly climbed out of the hole.

  When Tony climbed out of the cave, he found that the snowstorm outside was not that big. How could he look inside and see how big the snowstorm outside was.

  Why is it that after coming out, it feels as if it is snowing in their place, while other places are calm. The Callus Mountains are simply too magical, the weather is so magical, and they are all in one piece. A piece of happening.

  At this moment, Tony was so angry that he wanted to swear. It would not be good if he felt that he was too excited at this time. Murphy felt that he might have some ideas, which would be bad.

  "Murphy, you give me Major, I'll carry Major, you lead the way."

  Tony thinks that Murphy should really hand over Majorelle to himself. After all, he is now empty-handed, and he doesn't need to look at the instrument to lead the way. Murphy still has a lot of things to do.

  It's not very convenient for Murphy to carry Majorelle. The weight of Majorelle is nothing to him. Although to Murphy, the weight of Majorelle is nothing, but Murphy's weight is nothing. Fei needs to do too much too.

  "Okay Tony, you carry Major Kelly first, and when we go out to this place in a while, the two of us will change back."

  "No, I can do it alone. Isn't the weight of Majorelle the weight of a heavy weapon? It's nothing at all, it just needs attention."

  It's not that you need to pay attention. After all, this is a living person, and it is not a heavy weapon. Such a living person is carrying it on his shoulders. If he is not careful, it is easy to bump it.

  This is what Murphy said. After all, he was afraid that Tony would be careless and then bumped Major Kelly, then it would be more than worth the loss.

  It's not to say that you can't trust Tony, but in this place, it's all soft snow, and there are still many hard stones exposed.

  "Let's go now, this place is just too bad to stay away from this place of right and wrong."

  Murphy was leading the way in front. Tony followed behind Murphy and stepped on Murphy's footprints. He had to step on Murphy's footprints without landing a step, because Murphy's footprints were hard and could withstand two people. weight.

  If it doesn't go well one day, it will sink. Now the moonlight is still very bright, just like the day. I don't know what happened today, or their luck is better.

  The moon here is really round and big, and the wind and snow have stopped where they went out, as if it was ready for them.

  There are dissatisfied stars in the sky now, but now is not the time to look at these stars and the moon, it is time to leave here quickly, otherwise it will be easy to be trapped by these ferocious beasts.

  The howling sound of this ferocious beast is still echoing in the sky. This howling sound has destroyed the beauty of the moment.

  Soon Tony followed Murphy's footsteps to the edge of the cliff. There was no road on the edge of the cliff, and he still needed to climb to the top of the cliff.

  "Tony, I'll use the rope to go up now, and you'll catch up below."

  Murphy first climbed to the top of the cliff and found that there was no danger on it, and then let Tony pass the rope. The two cooperated to get Major Kelly up, and everyone went to the top of the cliff in unison.

  There is still a certain distance from the base, and you should be more careful at this time. After all, it is no longer on the top of the cliff, and there are many dangerous factors on it.

  After walking for a while, Murphy, through his own instrument, found that there were a few dots in front of these dots, which were those ferocious beasts, but there was nowhere to hide, and he could only confront them head-on.

  Murphy stopped there, Tony didn't know why Murphy stopped there suddenly, "What happened to Murphy? Is there danger ahead..."

  "Yeah, it seems that we can't avoid those ferocious beasts, and we still need to face them head-on. You give me Majorelle."

  "It's alright Murphy, don't worry, I can still handle Major Kelly, it's alright."

  Tony knew that Murphy was worried about himself. After all, he had to avoid those ferocious beasts. He should deal with those ferocious beasts with all his heart. If he handed Major Kelly to Murphy, then Murphy would be more dangerous. Yet?

  "The two of us don't give in. You quickly give me Majorelle, and then you turn the fire barrel to the maximum firepower. There are not many simple and ferocious beasts, just a few bits and pieces."

  Since Tony heard that Murphy has said this, he will no longer be humble. If he continues to be humble, it will only waste everyone's time, and the more time is wasted, the more ferocious beasts will be copied. Now to solve the trouble quickly.

  Finally came to the front of this ferocious beast. It doesn't look like that much, but it is much less than what I met before, and these are all very easy to solve. Tony rushed to the front to deal with these Murphys. Following Tony, after all, he also needs someone to protect him.

  These ferocious beasts were also discovered. The three of them opened the bloody door and came directly to the three of them, and this time these ferocious beasts seemed to have grown bigger again. Murphy knew that this must have been caused by Rainey. Jester's biochemical toxicity is purified. If it wasn't for evolution, how could these beasts become so big?

  Tony fiercely shot these ferocious beasts there. These ferocious beasts began to dodge as soon as they saw the fire, but some of those who did not dodge hit the muzzle of the gun and fell to the ground.

  Murphy quickly took out the things on his body that collected the blood of these ferocious beasts, and began to collect the blood of a ferocious beast that fell to the ground.

  As long as Murphy finds that they have purified Murphy once, they must collect these things. .

Chapter 269

  Chapter 268 Waking Up

  After I go back, I will study it and see if there are any tricks that can be dealt with.

  Soon Tony stood out from the front, "Murphy handed me Majorelle."

  Murphy quickly poured Major Kelly into Tony's hands, turned around and continued to deal with the ferocious beasts, and then the two of them started to turn on the sled function on their feet.

  Starting to move forward quickly, the administrator got rid of the few remaining ferocious beasts as soon as possible, and finally got rid of those things.

  At this moment, it is getting closer and closer to the base.

  At this moment, Murphy and Tony have both seen the door, and both of them are very excited now. After all, this strange day has finally passed, and Murphy quickly pressed the door switch button on his hand.

  Anina watched in the base that they were getting closer and closer to the base, and hurried downstairs to meet them. Anina quickly ran to the door of the base, which was now completely open.

  Anina stood there and saw the figures of the two of them approaching here at an accelerated 12. The consumption quickly flashed to the side. Tony and Murphy had already entered the base, and the door closed quickly.

  It is impossible to let these ferocious beasts track here. If these ferocious beasts follow here, it will easily reveal the location of their base.

  Murphy and Tony used the fastest speed, and it was beyond their control range. They had to advance their speed. If they didn't advance their speed, it would be easy for those beasts to track them.

  Anina pushed over a bed, and Murphy put Major Kelly on the bed, Anina looked at Major Kelly lying there, and Major Kelly was lying there with a very peaceful face at the moment.

  Murphy quickly ran upstairs to get a pink potion and put it directly into Major Kelly's mouth.

  "Annina, look at Major Kelly. He will wake up soon. The two of us will go over there and take off the equipment."

  "Okay, don't worry, I'll watch Major Kelly here, the two of you go to the two of you."

  Tony looked at Major Kelly lying on the bed. He was safe now. The things on his body were simply too heavy, and he was carrying Major Kelly all the way. He hurriedly went to relax and put the weight on himself put everything down.

  The two simply packed up and ate something. After all, they didn't eat at all during the day. Although they ate those compressed things, they still lacked it in their bodies.

  You need to replenish your stamina quickly. If you don't replenish your stamina quickly, it is easy to get sick. It is not a place where you can't get sick in the Karlus Mountains. If you get sick, it will be very difficult.

  After Tony and Murphy simply packed up, they went back to the bottom to take a look at Major Kelly's current situation.

  Murphy took a look at the situation of Major, and felt that there was no problem with Major now, but why hasn't Major has woken up yet?

  "Murphy, didn't you say that Majorelle would wake up soon? But Majorelle hasn't woken up yet, what's the matter? Did you not give him enough food just now? "

  Anina saw Murphy go, and after she came over, she stepped up and asked Murphy what happened to Major Kayleigh now, and why hasn't she woken up yet?Have been back for half a day.

  Tony also looked at Murphy for unknown reasons, because he didn't understand this, and could only rely on Murphy. He would still be able to simply wrap Tony, and the rest would not be.

  Murphy walked up to Major and took a closer look. The dose was just right. It seems that Major must have been too nervous just now and let her brain not get a good rest. Now Major Kelly's brain must be well rested.

  There is nothing wrong with this, as long as Major Kaylee's own brain reacts, it will wake up immediately, and Major Kaylee's eyes just moved slightly, this is already in Murphy's eyes, Murphy's eyes But very sharp.

  "Don't worry, he will wake up soon, no more than ten Anina, or you can check ten."

  Anina listened suspiciously to what Murphy said. She had not woken up for so long after coming back. Murphy glanced at it and said that she could wake up by checking ten numbers?

  But Anina still did as Murphy told herself and did as Murphy wanted.

  Sure enough, when the 10th number came out of Anina's mouth, Major opened her eyes, Anina was very excited and said to Major, "Finally woke up, you are scared. I'm dead, do you know how worried I am? With such a big avalanche, you miraculously survived."

  "I thought we were the last this morning, I'm just so excited, Majorelle is so good."

  Anina jumped up on the ground happily. Murphy looked at Anina and felt that she was still a child. She was so excited. She couldn't blame Anina for being so excited. After all, Majorelle was the only 320 in the base. It's normal for women to get along well.

  Before Anina came, Murphy also wondered whether there would be any differences if the two women met. After all, quarrels are easy to occur where there are women. I didn't expect the two of them to get along so well.

  It's completely beyond my imagination. Maybe it's the person that Major Keili is easy to get along with. Originally, I thought that this person was not very easy to get along with.

  Murphy's point of view is based on Tony's point of view, which is different from his own. Murphy can see what kind of person Major Kelly is at a glance.

  Murphy's eyes are very sharp and unique. As long as it is someone Murphy likes, then Murphy must be the right one, and he can definitely see this person clearly.

  And this person's advantages Murphy will magnify this shortcoming, Murphy can also correct it, as long as the people who are with Murphy will be transformed by Murphy and said to be perfect.

  Just like when Tony was just with Murphy, Tony's temper was also very grumpy, but after being with Murphy, he was completely convinced and convinced with Murphy, and nothing was so grumpy anymore.

  And there is Esquilette, who was originally like this. .

Chapter 270

  Chapter 269 Experience the process

  After all, he was also a leader in the original team. After arriving at Murphy, he was not convinced at first. Later, after Murphy began to slowly change, he also changed his appearance and became more calm.

  Major Kelly sat up straight and shook her heavy head. Due to the lack of oxygen, her head grew a little bit, and now it is very painful, and she feels very thirsty and hungry now.

  "Annina, can you get me something to eat? I'm very thirsty and hungry now."

  "Okay, I'll go get it right now. You can rest here now, don't move around, you haven't fully recovered yet."

  Anina ran away happily, and hurried to prepare food and drink for Major Kelly, for fear that Major Kelly would feel hungry if she was slower.

  Now that everyone is at peace with each other, and there is nothing to do, today is simply too thrilling during the day, to let the Hulk do such a move to hurt everyone.

  Murphy was very angry, but he was angry, and he didn't find any clues about the Hulk. This Hulk was simply too difficult to deal with.

  But it's hard to deal with, and these are nothing to Murphy. Murphy will definitely find the Hulk, but it's just that the Hulk is good at changing places now, and it's not easy to find.

  There is nothing wrong with seeing Major Kelly now, there is nothing serious now, I can't see what I can eat and drink, I have just experienced those things, but I have to say Major Kelly, but it is really Fuda Big life.

  Murphy and Tony changed their clothes and went to see Majorelle sitting there now, and Anina was busy over there, helping Majorelle get some food approaching, her body The consumption is also too high.

  Major Kelly heard the voices of Murphy and Tony talking as they walked, and then turned to see Tony and Murphy wanting to thank them both, after all, they might be a corpse without them. Well, these are all possible things, and the two of them have not given up on themselves, just such a child is looking for himself.

  When Major Kelly was in a coma, all the images of Tony and Murphy appeared in her mind. When they came to save her, she saw them for the first time. That kind of image has always been unforgettable. in your own mind.

  Majorelle was finally able to understand what others said. When you met the moment of non-danger, your savior appeared, and you will never forget the picture at that time in front of your eyes.

  When I saw the two of them, I felt that my nerves had been relaxed, and I completely believed that the two of them would definitely bring me out of here.

  I have completely handed my life into the hands of Tony and Murphy, and I really trust them. I believe that as long as they are there, there is no problem that cannot be solved.

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