"Didn't you also say that I wasn't there at that time? Isn't there me now? I don't care, I'll go out with you tomorrow anyway, and I won't go if Esquire is here, how dangerous that place is Yes, unpredictable."

  "You can rest assured, Major Kelly, I have no problem with Tony, you can rest assured about this, you are monitoring us with Anina in the base, and if there is any problem, you still drive a helicopter to pick it up. us."

  Murphy knew that Major Kelly was sincere, and wanted to go out with them to do tasks, but also worried about them. This is also a normal thing to happen. A woman's heart is very meticulous, which is more careful than a gentleman's heart. too much.

  "Okay, the three of you hurry up, go back to rest after chatting, Tony and Major, don't you two gesturing there, the two of you are gesturing when there is nothing to do."

  When Tony and Major Kelly were talking just now, they had withdrawn the stance they wanted to fight, and now the two of them started again. Murphy decided to interrupt the two of them and let them both go back to rest quickly. .

  "Let's spare you today and see how I clean up you in a few days. Murphy won't let me show you some color today, then I'll let you go."

  Major Kelly said provocatively to Tony, after all, Murphy let them rest today and let the two of them make a good gesture. If the two of them were to make a good gesture, Major Kelly believed that she could still fight. Got Tony's.

  Since the last time, Major Kelly has begun to figure out Tony's routine, and she can completely figure out what kind of thing she is, and when she goes out to do tasks many times, Tony's routine has already been used. I figured it out.

  I'm afraid that I can't beat a tall and mighty man like him, and his Achilles' heel is in his own hands.

  You don't need to care about the figure that hooks up with the mighty body, it looks scary there, but it's actually nothing special...  

  "I let you go before. Don't be fooled by my disguise. You can see that I won't be merciful to you at that time. You should rest as well, and I will go back to wash and sleep."

  Tony thinks it's better to let Major Kelly have a good rest. After all, today is also a very torment. A little Major Kelly is in that dark cave. Under the condition of lack of oxygen, anyone will have a sense of fear.

  Major Kelly is just a strong person on the surface, maybe she also has a heart of fear, and even a big man in that kind of place will come up with some strange things when he is extremely hypoxic. Come on, these are all possible things, and the brain nerves will not be under their own control under extreme tension.

  Let him have a good rest, even if Major Kelly had done it to him just now, he would not fight back with Major Kelly.

  It's been a while now, and I'm still thinking about a showdown with Major Kelly, this time is really not the right time.

  Anina stayed by the side and didn't speak. In fact, Anina was always thinking about things in her heart, and Murphy could see that. Anina was usually chatty and talkative, but it was quiet at this time, which showed that there must be something in his heart.

  It's just that Murphy didn't ask. He just glanced in Anina's direction for a 1.2 when he was talking to Tony and Majorelle, and looked at them with a smile, but there was definitely something in his heart.

  These could not be hidden from Murphy's sharp eyes, but Murphy didn't want to ask Anina what kind of thing it was, making Anina so entangled.

  Because Murphy didn't need to ask, he knew exactly what Anina was thinking. He must still be thinking about contacting his father to see if there were any ghosts in his company.

  This matter cannot be brought up on her own initiative, and it is still necessary for Anina and Murphy to remove the request to contact her father.

  After Murphy and Tony finished talking, they turned around and left. Tony returned to his room. After all, he was very tired today and wanted to rest earlier. .

Chapter 274

  Chapter 273 The same worry

  Only enough rest can win a battle, but the body is the capital of winning a battle.

  Murphy came to his laboratory, took out his own equipment, supplemented his physical strength, made his appearance younger, and prevented himself from aging so fast.

  After that, Murphy rested for a while, and then returned to the monitoring room, trying to observe the situation of Esquilette. After all, it is night here and day there.

  Although these two places are not too far apart, there is a time difference, and the time difference is also very large.

  It's not that I'm worried, Esquire, it's just that the border line is too dangerous, and these weapons are still being transported in the war between the two countries, which is not a small matter.

  I don't hope there will be any more mistakes in the middle, because there are too many things that happened today, and everyone's nerves are starting to tense. If there is any trouble with Esquire, then it is really It was a frustrating day.

  Murphy was crackling on the computer, trying to find the location of Ace 12 Chilet, to see where Escheret was now, whether he had already sent those weapons to the borderline .

  How do I look at the world where there are still five hours to teach these martial arts weapons, I believe that Escherett is already on the road now.

  After all, his base is still very close to the border line. The reason why he chose that place is because it is more convenient to transport these weapons.

  And they also have to transport their own biochemical toxicity. These biochemical toxicity are packed in bottles and cans. As long as they can be transported on the border without people, no one will find them at all.

  Especially everyone has the function of camouflage. As long as everyone has been disguised, they will not be discovered by the other party at all.

  For Murphy, this little bit of technology is simply too trivial, it is as simple as drinking porridge with side dishes.

  After Murphy finished the operation, he found that Esquilette was still in the base and was not moving. What kind of thing was this? According to the time, Esquilet should have gone by now. on the borderline.

  After thinking about it, Murphy decided to contact the effect. Murphy still has a lot of things to think about. He felt that if he contacted Escherett, Escherett might feel that he would not trust him.

  But Murphy didn't think that way at all. He just saw that Escherett hadn't left the base, and he didn't know what happened.

  Murphy shook his head, how could he have such a strange idea, thinking that Escherett would feel that he did not trust it, it is impossible for such a thing to happen among them, is there something wrong with his biochemical toxicity?

  It affects the thoughts in his head, which is impossible. Murphy is also very confident in what he has researched to keep his appearance from aging.

  Tony came to the outside of the monitoring room and watched Murphy busy there and didn't know what Murphy was busy with. Shouldn't it be a good rest now, everyone has been tired for a day.

  Tony didn't knock on the door and went directly into it. Murphy heard the sound of these footsteps and knew it was Tony's, because Tony's footsteps were very characteristic, and Murphy's ears were very flexible.

  "Tony, why don't you rest?"

  "Aren't you the same without rest? Let me see what you are doing?"

  "What can I do, I still study our base and make our base more solid."

  "I can't sleep either, maybe I'm more worried about Esquire."

  Tony is actually worried about this Esquilette. Although he encountered these things today and encountered a terrifying avalanche, he still thinks about Esquilet in his heart now, so it is very dangerous on the border. .

  If it is Esquilette, if they are caught by accident, then they have many means of torturing people, and they are all particularly cruel. How does Tony know this?Because Tony has done things like this before.

  No matter how strong a person is, he can't stand being treated so cruelly by them. I just pray that Esquilet will not make any mistakes, even the slightest mistake can't appear.

  Tony also thought it was pretty good-looking, why did that person choose to be in that place, but it was a very dangerous place, and no one wanted to go there.

  "Murphy, why don't we have a drink."

  In Tony's heart, a bottle of wine is a bottle of wine to relieve stress. Tony likes a drink very much at ordinary times, and at this time, he feels that a drink can relax himself.

  Today, I just worry about Major, thinking that it may be that Major was permanently left in Xiaowei's place. I didn't expect that Major was so strong and survived. It's a miracle.

  "Okay, we can't sleep anyway, let's have a drink, and wait until the news comes from Ascillet, and then we'll go back to rest."

  "I've never seen Murphy. Who are you worried about? I'm going to be jealous 323."

  Tony poured a glass of wine for Murphy, and the two of them clinked the glasses and drank it. Tony continued to pour Murphy a glass of wine, and then said that he was jealous, worrying less about himself, no more worried than Esquire.

  "If it was you today, I'd be worried too, because it's very dangerous on that borderline, and you came out from there, don't you know?"

  "Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. I feel oh, this is the hardest time I've ever had in my life. This Hulk is simply too cunning, and he's very skilled at doing things."

  Murphy shook the wine glass in his hand, and then said to Tony, "I think so too, the Hulk is very difficult to deal with, otherwise how can all countries be devastated."

  "If he is not difficult to deal with, if he is caught by which country, do we still have such a high commission? Where do we make money? Although Hulk is very cunning, but to me it is not at all. What kind of."

  "You know that we calculate the money according to the sky. This is different from the past. We settle our commissions according to the task, but this time we calculate the money according to the sky. Otherwise, how could I do this? Dawdling, the Hulk has long been caught by us."

Chapter 275

  Chapter 274

  "It turned out to be such a thing, then don't worry, we can have fun here at will. It's not a matter of minutes to catch the Hulk."

  "That won't work, we still need to act."

  Murphy felt that this must be done like this, to let them know that they are also trying hard to find, not just playing, but Murphy has always had a lot in his heart.

  Although Hulk is very cunning and does a lot of outrageous things, he still just wants to play with him, that is, in a secret contest to see who can win who, although Hulk's motivation has not been touched yet. clear.

  But if you want to search carefully, you can still find it, but you just don't want to find it so fast, and you still want to rectify Renijist.

  Doesn't this Renijester want to compete with himself?Then let him come, if he doesn't abuse Renijist to the extreme, then he will have trouble with himself in the future.

  Just after he let Renijeste go once before, Renijeste began to hold a grudge against himself, and felt that he looked down on him a little, if he abused Renijeste to the extreme at that time. , there is no such situation today.

  Let Renijester make trouble here. If there were no children making trouble in the middle, how could I meet those ferocious beasts, and those ferocious beasts also have the function of infinite replication.

  Murphy hates this infinite copy the most. He has studied this infinite copy before, and it is very troublesome if it is not developed to solve it.

  Now that Renegester is using himself, he never thought that Renegester would be able to cooperate with the Hulk. This is something he never expected, but this is still happening now.

  Reinigester is also really able to find it. He actually found the Hulk. It seems that Reinigester has a lot of gossip, which cannot be small.

  "You know what? It's dangerous enough today. I thought Majorelle would stay here forever, and there's no hope. ¨"

  Tony was still thinking this way when he talked about today's events. After all, he really thought this way at the time and felt that there was no hope, and he could only search for Major Kelly's body.

  Others really don't hold much hope for him. After all, after experiencing an avalanche, he found that the avalanche was beyond his imagination.

  Murphy didn't think so. Murphy felt that Major Kelly was still somewhat capable of fighting and could still protect herself, although the parachute did not open today.

  But Major can still protect herself, otherwise Trontos wouldn't recommend Major to come here, if Trontos didn't understand Major's skills, how could she let Major Kelly came to this dangerous place?

  He also doesn't know that the Carlus Mountains is so dangerous, and there are so many things happening, it is impossible for his children to come here and suffer. Although he wants to learn something from himself, he is also guaranteeing himself. under the premise of life safety.

  "Fortunately, it's good that there is no danger today, and it's the first time I've seen such a big avalanche."

  Tony recalled what he had experienced before, and he really had never experienced an avalanche, and this was his first time.

  "Although it's not the first time I've experienced this kind of knowledge, it's the first time I've been buried under my own people."

  "Come and have a drink with the two of us. I wish Major Kelly's life and there is no danger. Moreover, a machine that can send signals was found in that cave. This is already a fortune in misfortune."

  "You're absolutely right about this, Murphy, I don't think the blessing of Majorelle is something that ordinary people can have."

  Tony and Murphy were drinking wine and chatting happily, discussing what happened these days, and summed it up one by one.

  At the same time, they are also waiting for the news from Esqilet, waiting for the news from Esqilet, and the two people can rest in peace. They feel that as long as there is no news from Esqilet for one minute, both feel There is no way to rest.


  After taking a bath, Major Keili lay on the bed, thinking about what happened today, it was too scary today, but fortunately she is now lying on the warm bed.

  "Majorelle, you know? I'm scared to death today. If it were someone else, I believe I wouldn't have such a big reaction."

  ".¨But the first friend I made when I came to the Carlus Mountains, we must not have any kind of problem, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

  Anina was talking about her thoughts at that time today. She was really frightened at the time, and she couldn't get in touch with anyone. In the end, she was able to contact Esquire, which comforted her heart.

  "Thank you Anina for your concern, you know? I was in that dark cave today, and I think I might stay here forever."

  "But then I thought about it, I know that Murphy and you guys will not give up on me and will definitely come to find me, so I will give myself a firm message, you know? When I am hypoxic At that moment, and before they showed up, I felt like I was done."

  "I thought my life was over, but it's a pleasure to meet you. At first I was unhappy when I came to the Kallu (Okay) Mountains, but now I feel like I've come to this place It's really worth it."

  "I'm different from you. I still like this place in the Calrus Mountains, and I especially like Murphy's weapons. I like these weapons very much. I think they are very advanced. That's why I came here. Purpose."

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