Major Kelly also nodded, and felt that she agreed with Anina's point of view. After all, she had also used Murphy's weapons, which were relatively light and powerful.

  As long as he encounters any kind of thing, Murphy can easily resolve it, as if nothing is so difficult for Murphy.

  It will solve any problem perfectly. Things are as bad as Tony's injury. Murphy seems to be able to resolve it easily, and he also understands the biochemical toxicity.Gong.

Chapter 276

  Chapter 275 The Father of Biochemistry

  Although Murphy is known as the father of biochemistry in this world, he has never seen it before, but when he watched him treat Murphy's injuries from the biochemical gas, he knew how powerful Murphy was. The extent of it, because I have heard before that as long as it is injured by biochemical toxicity, it will not be cured.

  I still know a little about these things, but Murphy has treated Tony so easily, and Tony is now completely healthy, and there is nothing unusual.

  It's as if the body was not affected by that biochemical toxicity at all, as if it didn't happen to others at all.

  "Yeah, I don't think this set has learned a lot from them for nothing, and it can be used in the future."

  "Major Kelly, rest early. Tomorrow is a new day. I believe that such a dangerous thing will not happen in the future tasks. If it happens again, you must protect yourself."

  "Although I can't face the danger like you do in the base, I will also do a good job of guaranteeing you in the rear. Please believe me."

  "Anna, I believe that you will guarantee us in the rear, and we 327 will also believe in you, just like what you did today is very good."

  Major Kelly felt that Anina had done enough today. Although Anina didn't know how to contact her this time, she successfully contacted Escherett and asked Escherlet to contact her, which was also right. Because Anina has just come to this base, many things are unfamiliar, this is also a normal thing.

  "But I still feel that there are many shortcomings in what I have done. I still have a lot of things to be familiar with. I plan to go to bed earlier today, and I won't watch anything tomorrow. I have to study hard."

  "Okay, then you can rest early, then get up early tomorrow and study hard."

  Anina felt the need to study hard, and found that after coming to this base, she found that there were many things that she did not know.

  After Murphy briefly taught himself, although it was easy for him to get started, there are still details that he has not yet understood, because Murphy's things are too delicate.

  Also, they don't know the secret language between them. If they knew this secret language, would they still waste time deciphering it today?

  I already knew that it was Major Kelly who sent them a distress message, so that Major Kelly could be rescued earlier, would she still need to stay in that dark place for so long?

  This matter has always been in Anina's heart. Although no one said anything, Anina's heart has always been unhappy.

  Everyone thinks that such a thing is understandable. After all, Anina just came here, but Anina thinks it is incomprehensible, because she should have known about these things, but she didn't ask.

  The three of them are very busy, and Murphy's time to teach himself is also very short, but he should ask what he doesn't know or what he has doubts, Murphy will tell himself, but he doesn't ask, always feel like you can.

  But just saying that he was too confident and let himself delay the time to rescue Major Kelly, he felt very sorry for that.

  Also, Anina felt the need to contact her father to check if someone was doing a ghost there on her satellite.

  This time Murphy is also back. Ask Murphy when you have time. Now that Majorelle has fallen asleep, if she makes a sound, Majorelle will definitely wake up.


  Murphy and Tony were drinking there, waiting for news from Ascillet.

  In fact, Escherett really encountered difficulties there. When Escherlet was driving a truck to unload these weapons, a group of people in uniforms came. These people are official at first sight. of.

  But Escherett was not nervous, and was busy checking his vehicle on the spot, forging that there was a problem with his own vehicle.

  It is absolutely impossible for them to get in the car to check. If they do, they will be in trouble. This car has a weapon on it.

  At this time, one of them walked up and asked Esquilette, "How did you drive your car here? It's in here, don't you know? What's on your car?"

  Esquilette's hands were already oily now, and then he grabbed me and wiped it, then took out the cigarette on his body and prepared to give this person a cigarette. There was a group of people standing behind this person, There is still a distance from this person.

  Esqilet knew that it seemed that this person must be a leader. There were many officials stationed in this place, all of whom were protecting the border, and they could be regarded as some elite soldiers.

  They are not easy to deal with. The things that happen on the border are all kinds of strange things, and I know something about it before, so I still need to be very careful about this. What haven't they seen?

  "Your hands are so dirty, I can't smoke your cigarette, put it back quickly."

  Esquilette hurriedly put the cigarette back. In fact, this cigarette is the lowest grade of tobacco, and maybe these people don't look down on it, so Esquilet is just to cover himself.

  "I ran out of the place, and then the car broke down here. I met you when I was about to get down to repair the car. I was transporting marine fish."

  "Sea fish?"

  "Yes, it's sea fish, the kind of sea fish that is discarded as feed."

  Escherett specifically said that this was a sea area that was abandoned and used as feed, indicating that the things in this container were very smelly.

  What these people see is that they have just finished resting and are preparing to change the guard. They will not come to check their cars at all, and they will stay far away when they smell this stench.

  It's to make them feel that this thing is ugly and they can't get close to him. If they get close to him, they will be infected with his odor, and he makes himself extremely sick.

  Let them feel this way in hearing, don't people have this kind of feeling?As long as you have an auditory awareness of your sense of smell, you will immediately feel the smell.

  After all, the sense of smell is also controlled by the brain, as long as your subconscious mind is controlled. .

Chapter 277

  Chapter 276 Being Tracked

  Then nothing else is a problem at all, Esquilet just has such confidence that he can control them.

  "Open the box and let's take a look."

  In fact, Escheret could see this official from his eyes, but he just said it in his mouth, and he didn't really need to hit the box at all.

  It's just to see if Esquilette dares to take action. If some people have poor psychological quality, they will run away. I feel that this official must have found out what he should not do.

  But this is simply too easy for Esquire, can Esqilet experience this test?Then there are really too many things that Esquire has experienced, which is really nothing.

  "Okay, but you have to stay away. This stench is simply too bad. I'm telling the truth."

  Esqilet said while walking to the back of the container to open the container, but the official kept silent, Esqilet felt that it was necessary to fight.

  Esqilet opened the lock behind the container, and just as he was about to open the door, Esqilet had always been very calm. He felt that there was nothing to be so calm, so that he felt that he had no problem.

  In fact, it's just a blindfold. Esqilet has too much understanding of the psychology of these officials. When he said about those sea fish just now, it has a dodging action. This dodging action proves that he hates the smell. , he wouldn't really let himself open the door. If he opened the door by himself, the odor would soon approach him, so he just wanted to test himself.

  It's just such a trivial matter that he wants to panic himself. It's simply impossible. The storms and waves he has experienced are - much more than this.

  At this moment, Esquilet had opened a gap in the back door, but Esquilet's movements were very slow, and he also pretended to be disgusting.

  Just when the door at the back was about to open, slightly larger than before, the official suddenly made a voice.

  "Okay, close it quickly, and it will stink here later. I don't like the smell of that sea fish."

  "Get out of here, you know? Get your car fixed, get out of here, get out of here, this is not the place you should be."

  "I know I know but I got out of the place and there's something wrong with the car, I'll fix it right away and get out of the place."

  The officer took out the gun in his hand and fiddled with it in his hand. If you don't finish embroidering quickly and leave, if I come over later and find you here, then I'll be welcome.

  Esquilette whispered to the official, "I will definitely leave here within 5 minutes, and I won't cause you any trouble."

  The official didn't speak, turned around and led the people to the upper border.

  Aschret hummed a song in his mouth, and then closed the door. In fact, there was no smell of stinky fish at all, just let him smell a psychological hint.

  But Esquire knew that he couldn't be in this place anymore, it was already unsafe here, if he came back soon and the weapons were not taken away successfully, he would be discovered.

  Aschret immediately drove to the next location, which was also given to him by Murphy before, because the delivery location was going to change at any time.

  This broken place is so dangerous, and there will be this character at any time. If you put these things down, you need to find an opportunity. If there is no good opportunity, you will not be able to put down these weapons at all.

  Escherett instantly moved to the next location, and this time, instead of getting off the car, he directly activated the support function and threw the container to the ground.

  Esquire felt that there was no need to put them on the ground one by one. If they were to be put on the ground one by one, it would be very obvious. It would be better to just throw the container on the ground.

  Esqilet hurriedly drove away. In fact, Esqilet knew that since he came to this place, a person had been following him on a motorcycle.

· · Flowers · ·

  Esquilet had already discovered it long ago, and Escherlet had prevented such a thing from happening when he left the base, for fear that the other party would find him and then look for his face, and he had already made a disguise.

  The current face is completely different from Esquilette's original face. Esquilet's face has the face of another person. As long as this layer of skin is removed, no one will know. What is Asclet's true face?

  "Murphy, Murphy, I've put that shipment in there, I'm being followed now, I need to get rid of him."

  Tony and Murphy have been waiting for the source of Esquilet. This time, they finally heard Esquilet's voice. They knew that Esquilet had successfully put down those weapons. Just put down that weapon. , there is nothing unsafe.


  Even if they are caught, it is not a combination of stolen goods. There is no such group of weapons in their hands, so how can it be regarded as a transfer of weapons?This is simply an unfounded statement, so now Esquilette is safe.

  Murphy listened to Esquilette saying that he was being followed. This is really nothing, just a simple follow-up. If you want to get rid of them, it is really too simple.

  "Okay, I see, good luck."

  Murphy turned the chair and came to his computer, and instantly turned on the computer screen, which had the position sent by Escherett.

  Murphy looked for multiple routes for Ascillet on it, and each of these routes was able to get rid of those motorcycles that followed Ascillet.

  "Yeah, it looks like you really need to wish me luck, these motorcycles are tough, I've dumped them two streets and haven't dumped them and, there seem to be a lot more."

  "Asqilet, you are right, there are quite a few. It seems that you have to spend a lot of trouble. The old friend is really well prepared."

  Murphy looked at Escherett and the ones following behind. The vehicle knew that this old friend had really made a lot of preparations. He just wanted to sigh about himself. Could it be that this old friend did not know that he had already posted it. Is it your own taboo? Ding.

Chapter 278

  Those who still want to follow him don't know if he is a little too immature. Why is this old friend who used to be at peace with him now, and he is playing these tricks.

  Murphy recalled it in his mind and knew that it must be because of Lehman Kevin, which made this old friend feel a little unreliable and began to doubt himself.

  But what Murphy can be sure of is that he really didn't want to start with this old friend. He felt that this old friend has been working with him quite well, but if he said this, he was really disgusted. , is really something to consider.

  "No matter how well-prepared, I will get rid of it. As long as you send the route, you don't need to worry about the rest. After I return to the base, I will contact you."

  "Why, Esquire, are you capable of this? Are you delaying our chat when you want to get rid of them?" Tony began to joke here, thinking that it's just such a little thing, there's no need to stop it Stop chatting?

  "Tony, you are still alive. I thought you were buried in that avalanche today. I didn't expect you to come back alive. I wish you a long life."

  When Esquire said this, he was actually mad at Tony and wanted Tony to know that he was in trouble right now, and he still wanted to chat with him?

  Tony really overestimated his ability. Although he still has this ability, he still doesn't want to be too distracted.

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