"Of course I can come back alive. Don't I still miss you in my heart? Otherwise, I might really stay in that Xuefeng."

  "Thank you for wishing me a long life, come back quickly, you know I need you."

  Tony was joking with Esquire here again. He felt that it was time to make a joke so that everyone could relax.

  "Okay, I know, I'm going to get rid of them all now."

  Escherett feels that he still needs to get rid of these difficult motorcycles. These motorcycles are simply too annoying. They follow him, and they are not far from him. His family members also follow their family members. Convenience, speed, they also follow convenience, speed, if it goes on like this, they will be very troublesome.

  In fact, Murphy also knew that these must have been taken by the old friend, but he didn't think that he should call the old friend.

  There is absolutely no need to waste those words with that old friend, and he won't do anything dangerous to Esquire, he just wants his people to cooperate with him, and he doesn't have any elite soldiers. Strong general, no one can compare to Tony Escherett.

  Old friends don't even think about whether Tony and Esquire can go with the two of them?Even if they offered a higher price, Tony and Escherett wouldn't go because someone had tried it before.

  Neither Tony nor Esquire did not leave themselves to tempt them with money, nor did they sell their positions, nor did they make any basis to sell their words.

  I also trust Tony and Esquire very much. After working together for a long time, everyone has feelings. It's not that money can be tempted.

  Sometimes this old friend thinks too naively, and naively thinks that he is a bit ridiculous. The supreme commander of a country can actually do such a funny thing.

  "Ascillet, I have sent you the location now, and there are various routes, but I found that there are quite a few of them."

  Murphy found that there were indeed a lot of them on the map, and he was able to connect to Esquilette through satellite video. The situation at that time could clearly see the situation behind it and the front, back, left and right, and found that there were many people following him.

  If Esqilet wants to get rid of these people, it is also a very troublesome thing. Now the front and back are very empty, and there is no way to get rid of them. You need to find a hidden place to get rid of them. .

  The current location of Escheret is still a certain distance from the city. There is no way to get rid of them at this distance, and there are no obstructions. Esqilet is driving, and this vehicle is not a barrier. , as long as you get off this car, the people next to you will see it too...

  This old friend has really made a perfect preparation. Maybe he has already thought about everything that he can think of to happen, so he has arranged so many people, although it is not enough to do anything to Aschlet. What a threat, but it also makes people feel uncomfortable doing it.

  "I also found that there are quite a few of them, but it really makes me uncomfortable when they do this. What's going on with Murphy, it's good to solve them in this place."

  Esquire felt that it was necessary to use force to deal with those who were following him. There was no need to hide from them here. Even in such an open place, there was nowhere to hide, too.

  Although they didn't do anything to hurt him, Escheret felt that this would delay his trip. If it weren't for them, maybe they would have returned to the base now and would be able to return to Karl soon. That place in the Luz Mountains.

  Although Escheret didn't like that place in the Callus Mountains, but there were friends of his own there, and they encountered an avalanche today. At such a dangerous moment, he was not by their 1.2 side, nor did he get up. to help them.

  Escherett felt that he was still very sorry. After all, he didn't have enough people to leave them. When he was in danger, he couldn't be separated at all. If he couldn't contact Murphy today.

  Tony doesn't have any equipment on his body. If he finds Major Kelly, it will take a lot of effort, and there is no way to start. He can only run the snow with his bare hands. How long will it take?

  If I had been there at the time, I would have had one more person. Even if Murphy could not be reached, I would have been able to help them.

  You can't point at Murphy for everything. He doesn't have anything, just waiting for everyone's call. Murphy is also very busy and can't find Murphy for everything. .

Chapter 279

  Murphy knew that Esquilette was going to use force, and they were solved. This was not far from the border line. If there was a shootout at this time, then it would be easy to know there.

  The sound of gunshots can easily lead to war. It is not possible to make gunshots casually. Although there is a silencer, this silencer does not mean that the other party has it.

  If you hear gunshots on the border line, you can't ignore it, and you will definitely come here to check the situation. If the other party leaves any evidence, it is easy for the two countries to go to war.

  Therefore, when the first sound of robbery is issued, you must be fully prepared. There are too many things that cannot be affected, so it is easy to investigate their heads and find some trouble for yourself.

  Their own people absolutely cannot issue the first shot. If the first shot is issued, they will also make the first shot.

  12 "Asqilet can't be solved by force at this time. Let's wait until we leave this border. It's easy to cause war between the two countries at this time, and we can't cause such a big trouble."

  In fact, Murphy didn't say that he was afraid of things and felt that he caused trouble, but that there were already a lot of things in the Karlus Mountains, if it caused external situations.

  Then the two sides attacked them, but some of them were busy at this time and could have time to rest. If there was a war between the two countries, and it also affected themselves, then where would everyone have time to rest? Not all Are you always busy?And also pay attention to the situation at the base.

  They will definitely find their own base, and then come to attack themselves, because it was caused by their own people, and the two countries are at war, and they will never give up to besiege themselves, then everyone will be in trouble, and the external situation is not good. , can't act so rashly.

  What Murphy has always implemented is to do one thing well and then do another thing. Don't let yourself be too tired. If you are too tired, your face will age faster.

  "Okay, Murphy, I know, let's talk about it when we get out of this boundary line, if they are still so difficult, then I won't be merciful, I want to deal with them one by one. "

  Esquire just thinks they are too annoying, so he just follows him from left to right. Behind his car, Escherette doesn't like this feeling very much, Escherlet just likes that kind of feeling. .

  No one has the feeling of following him, and then he can deal with them one by one, so that they will no longer follow, and I am walking on this wide road by myself, what a good mood at this time. Ah, with all these troubles, I can't even see the scenery next to me.

  Aschret answered Murphy and looked at the routes sent by Murphy. Aschret looked at these routes and searched carefully one by one, and finally found a bridge hole on one route. This bridge hole said long It's not too long or too short, if you can let yourself get a disguise, it's good to go this way.

  "Murphy, let's take a guess. Which way do you think Esquilette will go? I guess he will go into the city and get rid of these annoying motorcycles."

  Murphy carefully studied the route again, and felt that it was impossible for Esquilette to go into the city. Although it was easy to get rid of them in the city, it was also easy for them to follow him and not find them. The people in the city are very special. There are a lot of them, and just pretending to be oneself does not have the function of being close to the eyes, and it is impossible to find it at all.

  They are invisible in the crowd, unless they have been following them for too long, they will be able to find their faces, and they will be able to find out from their eyes. If they follow them for a while, they will not be able to see it, so Esquire will not walk, Escherette will walk on the edge of this city.

  Murphy also saw the route with the bridge hole. Murphy thought of Esquire's plan in his mind, and felt that Esquire would definitely go, this route with prying.

  "Tony, I don't think what you said is wrong at all, Esquilet will not choose Esquilet in the city, he will definitely choose this route with a bridge hole, this bridge hole, but it's long enough to hit him. cover."

  "I don't think it can be that bridge hole. Even if it is covered, what can Asclet do in the bridge hole? Unless he stays in the bridge hole and those who follow him, how can they not find him in the bridge hole? Woolen cloth."

  Tony felt that if he stayed in the bridge hole, it would not be easy to be discovered, which was simply impossible, unless Escheret had any special skills.

  Another is that Esquilette is always with him, what skills does Esquilet have that he may not know?Could it be that Escheret has something to hide from him?

  It's impossible, Escherett is hiding something from anyone, and it's impossible to hide something from himself and Murphy. It must be that his head can't keep up with their thinking, and he needs to update it.

  "Then we'll wait and see, you see how it goes, if I lose, then I promise you a new type of weapon, what you want, I'll give you what it looks like, if you lose If so, then wait until the equipment for those planes comes back, you can assemble those planes, and I'll give you the design drawings."

  Murphy knew that assembling an airplane was a labor-intensive job, and it was also a very meticulous job. Tony didn't like to do such meticulous work, so it could be considered as such. Torment Tony.

  This appearance can also allow Tony to exercise his patience. As long as he has patience, he can be stable when fighting, and he can't be in a hurry when it is time to start a war.

  "Damn it, Murphy, you are too ruthless to come up with such a vicious trick to deal with me. You know I can't do meticulous work, yet you still leave such meticulous work to me."

  When Tony heard Murphy say this, he instantly felt that he really slapped himself in the face just now. He shouldn't have made that request. He made a bet with Murphy, knowing that he only lost or not, but he still wanted to bet with him, feeling that there was always A victorious victory over Murphy. .

Chapter 280

  Chapter 279 Fiasco

  But Tony did it once, but every time he didn't succeed, Tony still wouldn't give up, feeling that there would still be such a chance.

  Every time I lose miserably, I hope I don’t lose miserably this time, I must win over Murphy, and I pray that Escherett must not choose that route, but must choose the city.

  Murphy did not answer Tony's words, but stared at the picture of Escherett on the screen with Tony. The picture of Escherett was still driving, and there was a fork in the road ahead. This fork That's the one that can decide which route Esquire takes.

  Escillet did not hear what Tony and Murphy said, because when Tony said this, he turned off the transmission device, so that Escherett could not hear it. If he wanted Ace If Chilet heard that, the choice that Escheret made would be swayed from side to side.

  This choice is Escherlet's true choice. It is not affected by Tony and Murphy. Tony also has his own selfishness. In case Escherlet and Murphy reach an agreement, come bullying yourself.

  Tony stood up, very excitedly staring at the supervisors on the screen together, thinking that the winner will be decided soon, this time is the most nervous, if this time if he wins Murphy.

  Then it was the first time in history that he had won against Murphy, and he was so excited that he imagined the expression he would make when he beat Murphy.

  Murphy calmly touched his chin and stared at the screen, but he was not as excited as Tony was. Murphy also knew that Tony would not be better than him, because he knew Asclete too well. , knowing that Esquilette will definitely get rid of them.

  Esqilet drove the vehicle to the fork in front of the fork. One was inside the city, and the other was under the bridge. Without hesitation, Esqilet chose to go under the bridge. Below the bridge hole, it is beneficial to hide yourself.

  Just now, when Esqilet sent himself the route, he saw that this route was very suitable for him, and he had already selected the route.

  Esquilette turned to the fork without hesitation. The side with the bridge hole, Tony's face was blue at this time, why couldn't this Esquilet go back as he wanted?

  It's over, this time such a daunting task has fallen on him again, and it is all to blame for this Esquilet. If Esquilet had chosen the route of that city firmly, how could he have done such a daunting task things?

  "How about Tony? Do you want to bet on me again this time?"

  "You will only lose if you bet with me, and then every time you want to bet with yourself, you are really getting more and more courageous, aren't you?"

  Tony doesn't want to talk anymore at this moment, this Escherett really can't let himself win once, how can it be so difficult for you to win Murphy once?

  "I don't want to talk to you anymore at this moment. Although I know that the chances of winning you are not high, I will still bet with you next time I have a chance. I will win you once after all."

  Murphy knew that Tony would be like this. Tony said this every time, and every time he continued to bet with himself, he wanted to win himself once.

  Murphy picked up the walkie-talkie and said to Ascillet, "Ascillet, you know? I just made a bet with Murphy that you didn't let me win, I think you should take the route in the city. Too much, so you can get rid of them, you actually chose that bridge hole, how empty it is."

  Aschret heard it, and it came from the walkie-talkie. Tony understood the angry words. It turned out that he and Murphy had never spoken.

  Those people are all riding motorcycles, and they don't have a chance of winning in a crowded place. The more crowded they are, the more they can hide themselves. Only in an open place they can't hide.

  "Haha, Tony, you can't blame me either. You still blame yourself for this matter. Don't you know how to take a closer look at the route? Don't you think about how difficult it is to hide yourself in the city?"

  "You don't need to talk now. You can concentrate on your own business now. I don't want to talk to you anymore. I'm going to rest."

  At this moment, there was only Esquilette's laughter coming from the receiver.

  After putting down the walkie-talkie, Tony turned around and left the monitoring room. He was about to go back to rest. He didn't want to talk nonsense with them here. Now that he knew Escillet's route, there was nothing to worry about.

  Murphy looked at Tony's retreating back. Tony was really too pitiful to take on such a arduous task, knowing that Tony just didn't like doing such meticulous work.

  ".¨Aiscillet, if you were here, you looked at Tony's expression, Tony's face would turn green?"

  Murphy said to Ascillet with a laugh here.

  "Haha, I can already think of what Tony's face looks like here. I don't need you to say it, I have already imagined it in my mind."

  "What kind of bet did the two of you make this time? It's what Tony needs to do, what kind of thing, how can you be so angry with Tony."

  Esquilette is still very curious about what kind of bet Murphy made with Tony to actually make Tony (well) so angry that he didn't wait until he was safe before going to rest.

  "Originally, I didn't want to make a bet with Tony, but it was Tony who had to bet with me. I had no choice but to do what he wanted. I asked him to come back to assemble the plane, and also to assemble those small parts."

  As soon as Aschret heard Murphy say this, he had already imagined that Tony would frown when assembling those tiny parts, and he would keep mumbling to himself, How reluctantly.

  "Murphy, you are too cruel to let Tony do such meticulous work. You know Tony will go crazy."

  "I don't want to, but Tony has to bet with me, and I can't help it. The bet I made with him was that I would design a new type of weapon for him, which only belongs to him. Who knew he would be so active Yeah." Ear.

Chapter 281

  Chapter 280 Don't Tempt Me

  Murphy felt that he couldn't blame others, it was just that Tony always wanted to win himself, just wanted to win himself. He didn't expect that he would fall into this bet again and lose to him again. I know that my profit is not big.

  And I am willing to bet myself that if I were myself, I would never do such a stupid thing. Tony hates doing these small jobs. This time I don't need Tony to do anything, just need Tony to assemble these parts. Okay, that's fine, Tony must have been outraged when he asked Tony to do these things.

  "It's also Tony's fault. Do you still have to bet with you after losing so many times? Look how good I am, I never bet with you, I know I can't win against you, so I don't try to be brave. ."

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