I always knew that I was no match for Murphy, so I never sat and bet with Murphy. If Murphy took the initiative to bet with me, I would not fall into Murphy's routine.

  I have already been tricked by Murphy before, and I am doing things I am reluctant to do, and Murphy's questions are particularly difficult, so I only want Murphy to give myself a chance to bet. , he will escape perfectly, and he will not give Murphy this chance at all, who like Tony wants to go to the window by himself.

  "Asqilet, if you say that, then you are really not as good as Tony Tony, even if you are more frustrated and brave, but you choose to escape, you are wrong, we will make a bet when you come back, to How long can Tony take to assemble this plane, do you think it will work?"

  Murphy decided to take a bet with Escherett, and knew that Escherett would not bet with him, but this was too simple, and he just let Escherett get involved.

  "I'm not going to bet you, I'm not going to guess, just let Tony do things like that himself, if I lose, you'll let me do things I don't want to do, because your problem is simply It's too hard."

  If Murphy and Esquilette both laughed out loud after saying this, Murphy would know that Esquire would not bet against him.

  This is a proposition to send. The winner and loser have already been decided, and Esqilet will definitely win him, but Esqilet still dare not bet with himself, and Esqilet chose to escape.

  In fact, as long as Esqilet answers for a while, Esqilet will win, because Esqilet also knows Tony very well, although Tony is reluctant to do such meticulous work.

  But Tony will feel that as long as he solves it quickly, he will not have to trouble himself. If he does these things slowly, it may take how long.

  If you finish it quickly, you will get it all done in a short time, and you don't need to waste those extra time.

  With that extra time, I still want to rest and play with my new weapons for a while. When Tony doesn't have time, he is willing to dismantle and reassemble these weapons, all looking for their weaknesses.

  "Look, you chose to escape again. Don't you understand Tony? If you guess right, I'll give you what you want. You can see it this way."

  Murphy's temptation to Esquilette once again was to let Esquilette guess, but Esquilet didn't want to guess what kind of temptation it was, and he didn't want it no matter what it gave him. Maybe Murphy had something else. What about conspiracy?

  "Murphy, don't tempt me, I won't guess, since I know I can guess right, but I don't guess, don't tempt me, tempt me, maybe there's something else after that What about things?"

  Esquilette knows Murphy too well. This person is that as long as he seduces him, he can never be fooled. Maybe something will happen later.

  You can't resist the temptation like Tony. As long as Murphy seduces Tony with a new weapon, Tony will be fooled. He can't be like Tony.

  Escherlet quickly came to the bottom of the bridge hole, Escherlet quickly changed his clothes and put on the invisibility cloak, which could make himself invisible under the bridge hole.

  "Murphy, I'm going under the bridge soon, you take over the program of this vehicle."

  Escheret handed over the program of this vehicle to Murphy, and let Murphy drive it remotely. This car only drives the car remotely. After Escherlet jumped out, the car could still drive normally. Driving in front of him, he stayed in this bridge hole, and he didn't come out of this cave until after the motorcycles and vehicles following him had passed.

  Tony doesn't know if it's really stupid or fake, it's not better than in the city, it's much hidden, how could there be unmanned driving in the city?

  Although this place is still a little far from the city, Escheret will think of the last person's motorcycle, and after grabbing this motorcycle, he will ride this motorcycle to the direction of the city and return to his base.

  "Okay, hurry up and change your clothes. I've already taken this over. You can prepare now. There are still [-] meters left, so you should seize the opportunity."

  Murphy is already sitting here, the final countdown is over, and everything depends on Escherett. Murphy knows that this old friend must feel that he has seen Escherett's true face now.

  No matter whether it is possible to catch Esquilet, whether it can be successfully connected with Esquilet, and get on, as long as you know the face of the little Ougou, you can find Esquilet through facial recognition, but he It may not have been thought that Esquilette's face had already been made, and it was impossible to find out what Esquilette's true face was like by hiding it.

  At this moment, the vehicle had reached the underside of the bridge hole. Aschret jumped off the vehicle while they were still a certain distance away, and Murphy had taken over the vehicle.

  Escherett stood by the wall and turned on the stealth function. These vehicles and those motorcycles that tracked him passed by him and didn't find him at all, but they were simply too dense. I didn't give myself a chance to start. .

Chapter 282

  Chapter 281

  "Ascillet, I will destroy this car after passing five kilometers ahead. There is no danger in your vicinity now, and you can come out with confidence."

  "Murphy, do you know? They didn't give me a chance at all. I'm standing here alone now. I'd have known that I would choose another route. It's so far from the city, how should I go back."

  "Asqilet, it's up to you. I can't help you with this. I'm too far away from you, so who made you start so slow~?"

  Murphy is laughing in this, actually, I can't blame Escheret for being slow, because they are too dense, if Escherlet grabs one of their motorcycles, then they will all send - Existing.

  I don't know what this old friend was thinking, and he actually tracked them so close. No wonder they needed their own help when they were fighting. Just by their own words, they couldn't win any battles at all.

  "Murphy, you are still laughing at me, but don't forget, there are other vehicles passing by here, and I can take other vehicles."

  Esqilet knew that although this place was sparsely populated, it would still be irregular. There were vehicles passing by, so he could still return to the city.

  "Okay Murphy, I won't contact you now. I'm safe now. I'll quickly go back to the base and wait there. I'll contact you, and then send me everything you need."

  "Okay, I'll send it to you in a while, and you can find a way for the rest."

  Murphy and Esquilette ended the conversation. They are both busy with each other now. Esquilette has completed its task, and now it is known that Esquilet is safe. As long as Get back to the base safely and get those things back.

  Murphy stood up and stretched, and then walked back to his lounge. Today, everything was arranged, and the scary day passed like this.

  I feel that since I came here, everything has happened the same day by day, especially when I caught up with this natural disaster avalanche. Although this avalanche is a natural disaster created by man, it is still very serious.

  Murphy felt that it was not time for him to think so much. Now he could only rest well and wait for Esquilette to return to the base. Let's talk about everything tomorrow, as long as you have a good rest today.

  Esquilette stood there alone, not a single vehicle came over at this moment, but if he walked back by himself at this time, it would take a long time, and it was a waste of energy, so it would be better to just wait here.

  Previously, the vehicles here were away from you and passed by one by one. Why did you wait for the vehicles to come over this time, but there were no more?

  Escherett felt that he was not so back, why did he let himself catch up? Why are there so few vehicles at this time?When I came here, the vehicles were constantly shuttling, but now it is like this.

  Escherett felt that he was a little desperate. If he had known that he would just chat with Murphy for a while, let Murphy check whether there are still vehicles passing by here. What's the point of waiting like this.

  But Esquire didn't intend to disturb Murphy, because he knew that Murphy was very tired today, and now he is going to rest, so he should wait here by himself.

  Aschret was just squatting on the ground to take a rest, when a car appeared and drove over from a distance.Aschret quickly climbed to the bridge pier. The car had to pass through this bridge hole. If he greeted him in this dark environment, he would definitely not stop.

  There is no street light here, it's dark, who dares to stop here, in case someone thinks he is a robber, Escherett doesn't plan to call him directly, if he keeps calling him, then the death is over. , I might have to wait for how long.

  It's better to climb up on the roof of his car quietly, and then jump out of the car when he is popular. Esquilet has already decided on his own arrangement.

· · Flowers · ·

  Aschret finally got his wish and climbed to the top of the car. This time, he could finally calm down, and he didn't have to wait there alone.


  Murphy just lay down and rested on the bed, ready to take a good rest. Just as he was about to close his eyes, the alarm bell of the base rang and Murphy sat up instantly.

  What happened to this, how can you remember it?Could it be that they discovered their own bases, this is impossible, these bases are strictly protected.

  And no signal will leak out. It is impossible for them to find their own base based on the signal. After all, what is going on? I don’t understand it now, so I hurried to the monitoring room to have a look. .

... 0

  Murphy left, and after going out of his lounge, he saw Tony, Anina, and Majorelle appearing outside and a few people ran into the monitoring room together.

  Murphy and Anina quickly got to the chairs of the monitor, ready to see what was going on on the monitor. Why did the alarm bell suddenly come to mind?

  The other two, Tony and Major Kelly, had put on their combat uniforms, and had already carried their weapons on their shoulders. At this time, they were ready for battle.

  Tony and Major Kelly stood there firmly. As long as Murphy gave an order, the two were ready to rush out at any time. After coming here in the Callus Mountains for so long, the alarm in the base sounded for the first time. Well, once again it was Anina who never thought about it after she broke the alarm.

  Murphy activated the monitoring equipment, which could clearly see the scene around the base, while Anina checked where the alarm system was remembered and where the alarm system was touched.

  It was already late at night, who would come to this place?What are they doing here?Only polar bears will appear here, but the name of the scene touched by the polar bear is not the sound, which is obviously the sound made by humans touching this intelligence system.Ding.

Chapter 283

  Chapter 282 Sudden Ringtones

  Anina had already arranged this system when she set up the system. After all, there are many polar bears here, and it is also very close to the area where polar bears live.

  Polar bears can come to them at any time and touch their alarm bells, and if the North Star always touches the alarm bells, they don't have to do anything else for the day but check the alarm system.

  Or did he have foresight and changed that system. As long as the polar bears touched it, the sound of the bell would be different. Could these polar bears have also been evolved by the biochemical toxicity of Renijester?

  Murphy knew that no one would come to this place when they were normal, but everyone knew that the polar bear habitat was very dangerous and would not come here at all, but as soon as the bell rang, he let himself very worried.

  Murphy quickly checked the surrounding situation, and did not find any suspicious characters appearing here.

  Now Murphy doesn't know what it is, and he doesn't see any suspicious people around.

  "Murphy, have you found anything now? I don't find anything here, and the alarm sound is not polar bears at all, because I set the polar bear's voice not like this."

  Anina decided to ask Murphy what she found, because she didn't find anything at all, she just looked at the alarm system, and the alarm system was remembered from the rear, not directly opposite their base at all.

  Anina didn't say anything about this, because Anina knew it, Murphy would know it, and there was no need to tell him about it.

  "I haven't found anything yet. Did they also enable the stealth function? This is still uncertain, and I still need to go out and observe."

  Murphy now doesn't care if they also have the function of stealth, because the function of stealth is not mentioned by many people all over the world. Those who do it alone may also be because you are the kind of people who are just mistaken. By mistake, when they came here, they would never have found out that their base was here.

  Because the nearby signal has been blocked.How can they find this place? Murphy is hesitant to go out and have a look. If he goes out to take a look, will they be discovered because of this?

  "What did you say? Do you think they also have stealth functions?" Anina was not sure what Murphy said, because Anina didn't know anything about it.

  Anina has never been in touch with this aspect of things at all, so she doesn't understand, she just asks a lot, while Tony and Major Keili have been standing in the back without speaking, they are just preparing at all times, knowing that there are many people around now. It's easy to disturb Murphy's thoughts when talking here, because when they came here for the first time before such a situation occurred, they had always been very safe here, and this situation had never happened at all.This is the first time this has happened, so it is normal for everyone to be nervous.

  "Yeah, there are many people in the world who can use the stealth function. It's not that I am the only one. This technology is not my patent. The second is that there are only three people in the world who can do it, and I am one of them."

  Anina understood the reason for this. It turns out that the ability to stealth is not that only Murphy can do it, there are two other people, so who are the other two?Anina still has many questions in her heart.

  "Annina, you're still pretty sure right now, aren't you pretty sure it wasn't made by polar bears at all?"

  Murphy is not actually questioning Anina, but just wants to ask Anina if she is sure, because there will be mistakes after all, after all, it is normal for the system to have errors unlike the human system.

  "Annina, I'm not questioning you, it's just that this thing happens from time to time, because the magnetic field here in the Carlus Mountains can easily affect the recognition of the system."

  Murphy felt compelled to explain to Anina that she could not think too much, because Anina would feel like asking him this question was not trusting him, especially Anina, who is still here now, what happened before Two other things, Anina has built up her self-confidence. If she asks this question, it will be bad for Anina to think too much...  

  "Yeah, Anina, don't think too much. The magnetic field in this place is too strong. When I first came to this place, I was affected by this magnetic field."

  In order to alleviate the embarrassment now, Major Kaili also said that when she first came here, she was very confident in herself when she first came here, and then when she went out, her watch was hit by the magnetic field here. If it is affected, it is impossible to locate it at all.

  Majorelle was actually afraid of Anina thinking too much, because Anina had a lot of situations since she came here, but it wasn't because of Anina, it was all for other reasons.

  I can't make Anina think too much. Everyone feels that everyone is rejecting him. In fact, everyone doesn't reject him at all, but they all treat the people who help them.

  "Don't worry, I know you may be thinking too much and think that I may have misunderstood something. I won't. I also know that the magnetic field in the Callus Mountains is very strong."

  "I am still very confident in my system, and I can rest assured that there will be no mistakes, and the 1.2 I set is based on the polar bear's plush and body temperature."

  Anina is also set based on big data, and the data is clearly written on it. The weight of the polar bear, the body temperature of the polar bear, and the plush of the polar bear, what kind of structure has been entered, and there will be no mistakes. of.

  Murphy knew that Anina couldn't be wrong, because although Anina destroyed the alarm system on the first day, Anina would be very careful when she did things, and Murphy could feel Annie. Na's caution.

  So to explain to Anina on purpose, Murphy felt the need to explain a person specially, because Anina thought too much, if Anina thought too much, it would be difficult to carry out in the future work. .

Chapter 284

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