Chapter 283 Be Careful

  Anina will be more careful, and she can't let go of anything. Now Anina, who was already like this, Murphy was hesitating.

  If she said it to Anina, would Anina want to do it, but she decided to say it directly to Anina. Murphy felt that speaking out directly was much better than hesitating, and it could make Anina understand.

  Murphy is a person who considers everything well. His life experience is there, and he has never seen anything.

  Murphy has already explained this to Anina, and knows that Anina understands it. Don't pay attention to these issues now. Now focus on what the situation is outside. Through the observation just now, I didn't find anything special outside. No one was seen, and no vehicle was seen.

  "Murphy, what should we do now?"

  Tony couldn't hold it anymore at this moment. He didn't know what Murphy was waiting for here, and he didn't look at Murphy or what was happening there. He just stared at the computer screen and didn't see what he was doing.

 12 I don't know what I think, but I still can't control it, I ask what I want to ask myself.

  "Tony is not the time to clean the lights, we still need to observe carefully, maybe they are also using the stealth function, if we only need to open the door of this base, even if it is a small door, they will be aware of it. ."

  Murphy just took this into account and didn't let everyone act rashly and wait here. After all, he really didn't observe anything, and he shot a lot of things, and he didn't shoot anything that could touch the alarm system?

  "Then we say we're waiting here? Then aren't we like shrinking turtles?"

  Tony began to be a little anxious, he had already installed all the equipment, and Tony knew that even if they went out, those people would not be able to beat them.

  I don't know what Murphy is hesitating there, just solve them quickly and it's over, there is no need to think and think about it here.

  Tony felt that Murphy was thinking too much and thought a lot. Why didn't he think about it, he just hid here like a tortoise.

  Although Murphy had already explained it to himself, Tony still felt that there was no need to terrify them. Since they had already come here, it would be good to catch them.

  "Tony, when did you become so unstable and anxious?"

  "I'm not in a hurry, I just think that if they are near us, then we must catch them before we can ensure the safety of our own people."

  "Tony, but have you ever thought that we also can't expose ourselves. If I don't go out now, if they find us, they will transmit the signal soon."

  Murphy explained to Tony again. It's not that Tony doesn't understand, but he doesn't know what Tony is today. It's just such a hurry. Are you stimulated today?

  "Murphy, I know all this. I didn't know what happened just now. I suddenly couldn't control myself. Could it be that I was relapsed by the venom of that beast."

  Murphy felt that recurrence was impossible. Did Tony accidentally get hurt when he was fighting those beasts when he came back?This is impossible. If you get hurt, you will have scars on your body.

  Is it the recurrence of the previous biochemical toxicity?Murphy is very confident in his antidote. This is impossible to happen. Maybe after being affected by the poison before, it affects the nerves, but when there is an emergency, the nerves will be tense. of.

  "Tony, don't worry, nothing like that will happen at all, maybe you are too nervous today, just relax, you haven't seen any big scenes, maybe you came to the vicinity of our base, You are more worried about everyone's safety, which is normal."

  While Murphy and Tony have been discussing what to do next, Anina and Major Kelly have been researching something over there, and Murphy has not bothered with them, after all, it is for the good of the base.

  Anina was crackling on the computer, as if searching for something.

  "Murphy, you see I have a new discovery."

  While Tony and Murphy were talking over there, they heard Anina calling out all their new discoveries, and they hurried over.

  Want to see Anina, what kind of discovery made Anina so excited.

  "Murphy, you see that Tony was delayed just now. Tony has been telling you this. Did you not look at the ground just now?"

  Murphy recalled, it was like this just now. I have been observing the external situation just now, and I did not find anything special about the external environment. Then Tony was saying this to himself, and he kept replying to Tony, what he said. Without looking carefully for the external situation, Murphy felt that no matter how powerful he was, he was not as careful as a woman.


  I just watched to see if there was anything around, and then I didn't see if there were any footprints on the snow.

  "Annina, how can you blame me for the delay? I was just in a hurry just now. Tell me, what do you find?"

  Tony quickly pulled the topic over and couldn't let Anina say that he was delaying Murphy, how could he still understand that he was indeed delaying Murphy just now.

  But everyone has to understand that their anxiety is completely understandable.

  "Annina can't blame Murphy. I was too careless just now. I didn't observe the ground. I just observed it for 4 weeks. Tell me, what did you find?"

  "Murphy, didn't you just say that they might be wearing an invisibility cloak? We haven't seen anything in the invisibility cloak yet, but there will be traces on the ground."

  Murphy lay down in front of the computer and carefully looked at the screen to see if they had left traces, which he completely ignored just now.

  In fact, I can't blame Murphy for ignoring it. There will be traces on the snow. When Murphy tested the invisibility cloak before, he found that there would be traces on the ground, so Murphy had to deal with it. And it is very meticulously handled. .

Chapter 285

  Chapter 284

  The invisibility cloaks they wear don't leave traces on the ground, so I think others might think about it too.

  After all, Murphy is still very excited about this. He can't feel that he is better than others in everything. Murphy also admires the abilities of others.

  In this world, no one can look down on anyone who can't think that what they have designed can't be designed by others, so this appearance will make oneself proud.

  "Annina, bring the camera closer to me and see, this is the trace of something."

  Murphy decided to take a closer look. The moving distance was a little far, and he couldn't tell whether it was the marks left by the wheels or the marks left by the skis, so he could observe what kind of person he was.

  When Anina pulled the close up, Murphy could see that it was the mark of the wheel.

  "They are really amazing. They actually hide the vehicles. The seats are really perfect, but the only thing is that they didn't hide the wheels."

  Tony also came forward to observe the car carefully, but Tony thought that the traces of the wheel were so familiar?Then Tony recalled the situation during the day in his mind, and called out to Major again, "Major Kelly, look at the traces of this wheel, are you familiar with it?"

  Tony doesn't care now, for sure, he wants Major Kelly to be more sure, after all, this is also about everyone's safety.

  "Tony, in fact, I have observed it just now, and I feel very familiar, but I did not say it, because I am not sure now that you say it, I am sure now, as long as the two of us agree, that is correct."

  It's all at this time, everyone is paying attention to their own comfort, and they don't dare to talk casually at this time. Only when things are more certain, they dare to say it, and they can't mislead Murphy's judgment ability.

  If they made a mistake, if Murphy made a wrong judgment, it would be easy to expose their base. If they came here, they might not be running for them, so they would blow up their base by themselves. ?

  It turned out to be like this. These vehicles are those vehicles that appeared during the day. Why did they not do the hidden function during the day, but did it at night?

  "Annina continues to follow the traces left by these wheels to see what they are trying to do after all.¨?"

  Murphy searched on the computer to see if they were also searching on the computer to see if there was an electronic signal here?

  If they were also searching for electronic signals on the computer, Murphy would definitely be able to perceive it.

  It proves that they came here to search for Murphy and their base, and see where Murphy and the others are hiding. If they don't look for it, it means that they came here not for the purpose of looking for their base. There is something else to do.

  After Murphy searched around, he found that there was no signal from them, which was enough to prove that they didn't find their base at all, and they encountered the alarm system by mistake, and they didn't find it. I ran into the alarm system and didn't recognize it.

  It seems that their equipment is not as good as theirs, and those alarm systems are not recognized at all.

  In this way, I still want to compare myself with myself, and I don't care what kind of strength they have. Hulk also has better hidden ability, which also allows his own people to find their weakness.

  "Murphy, what do you think they can do here? Isn't this the habitat of polar bears?"

  "Yeah, I haven't figured out what they're doing in this polar bear habitat, but it's safe to say they didn't spot us at all."

  Murphy knew that he had stabilized just now, and Tony was right. He didn't let Tony go out so impulsive. If Tony went out just now, they would definitely find out that they were here.

  "Then I was really impulsive just now. If I had gone out just now, wouldn't they just find us here? Didn't we just expose ourselves?"

  Tony is also regretting his actions just now. If he just rushed out just now, wouldn't the place of their base be exposed, wouldn't this be a self-inflicted trap?

  Murphy knew that the place he had chosen was a good one, because this is the habitat of polar bears, and no one would think that the base would be placed in this place.

  Polar bears are also a particularly dangerous one, and everyone will not take the risk to live near polar bears, and live with polar bears for a long time.

  Murphy chose this place because of this, and he chose this place carefully, instead of continuing to go deeper into the Callus Mountains, just to choose this place.

  What Murphy didn't understand was, did they come to this place to choose their base?It's still very close to those tourist attractions.

  Some people come to this place in the Callus Mountains just to see polar bears, so many resorts are located near this place, and they are not particularly far away from themselves.

  "Murphy, you see that they have already headed towards the polar bear's habitat. What are they going to do there? Do they want to arrest the polar bear, or do they want to change the Tanabata festival? As for the place, it can’t be built near us.”

  Anina watched that the route they were driving was always heading towards the polar bear habitat. Could it be that they were trying to catch polar bears.

 (Okay) If it wasn't for the purpose of catching polar ice bears, then they would definitely choose to build a base on their side. Hulk couldn't be so stupid to build a base at the base, and being next to them would be self-inflicted. ?

  Then they would be too stupid. Hulk was good at hiding before. If he appeared with them this time, wouldn't he be caught easily?

  Anina's current thoughts are also the thoughts of the other three people. Everyone has thought of going together now, and they all think it is possible. Otherwise, what would they do when they came to this polar bear habitat?Polar bears are protected animals, is there any use in catching them back?

  Just like what Murphy thought, what you think is good will also be good for others, and what you don't like may be good for others. different. .

Chapter 286

  Chapter 285 Hesitation

  I think this polar bear habitat is the best place to hide, maybe Hulk and the others can also think of going with them.

  "Annina, it's not impossible. Maybe Hulk thinks the same as me, but I think the distance is not too big."

  "Murphy, why do you think it's unlikely? If that's the case, wouldn't they just throw themselves into the net? That saves us having to spend time here."

  "Asquilet doesn't need to come back, just wait there and join us, and we can go out, the broken place of the Carlus Mountains."

  Tony thinks that this is the best of both worlds. Isn't it a good thing? Everyone waits for Hulk to come to the door and then grab Hulk and go back for a deal.

  Since then, everyone has stayed away from this place in the Carlus Mountains. This place in the Carlus Mountains is simply too bad. Since coming to this place, I have never encountered a good thing.

  Not long after I arrived, I was injured, injured by that ferocious beast, and then besieged by those ferocious beasts beside the cliff, and then encountered a natural disaster avalanche.

  Since he came here, Tony felt that he didn't encounter any good things, but some bad 333 things were surrounding him.

  If there is a chance, I will leave this place quickly, but I don’t stay here, maybe here, but I have no life to leave this place in the Callus Mountains for a long time.

  "Tony, you think beautifully. Is Hulk so easy to catch? If he can be caught so easily, why would anyone come to us?"

  Murphy knew it, and thought that Tony was really whimsical. If Hulk was so easy to catch, he would have caught him long ago. Is it still so hard?The Hulk has been avoided by the Hulk once and for all. Will he take the initiative to send it to the door this time?

  It's not that stupid to think the Hulk, unless she can show up after the base is built.

  "People always make mistakes. When the Hulk has no mistakes, maybe he made a mistake this time and came to us."

  "Murphy, you sometimes say that people always make mistakes, in case we catch up with his mistakes this time."

  Like Anina, Murphy has been staring at the screen on the monitor, watching the talents who stayed on the snow, and they have also reached the polar bear's habitat.

  At this moment, after they stopped for two or three minutes, the polar bears started to mess up.

  Polar bears live here in groups, and they all live here. At this time, there are foreign people, and most of the polar bears stand up and howl there.

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