"Murphy, are you trying to avenge the two of us? Brother is here to thank you.".

Chapter 294

  Chapter 293 Don't Make People Doubt

  Tony said the words of thanks. In fact, there is no need to thank everyone. It's just that Tony still said this thank you. At this moment, Anina was there intercepting their signals.

  "Why are their signals encrypted so much? It's hard to find them. Fortunately, I'm prepared, and now I've blocked their signals."

  Anina has blocked all their signals, and blocked all the signals on both sides. She is caught in the middle, and she can receive any sound from either side, so as not to be exposed.

  "It's up to you, Tony, you can get in touch with them now."

  "Wait a minute, Anina, don't let Tony contact them, I haven't gotten these polar bears away yet, and they've come this way now, I'm going to get these polar bears away quickly, they're good to go While chasing these polar bears, I'm going to put bombs under their cars."

  Murphy is not ready here, but Anina is ready. I have to say that 12 Anina is fast enough today, actually ahead of Murphy.

  "Annina is fine. This time she helped Murphy go beyond that. Now I look at you with another attitude of mine."

  "Tony, tell me what attitude you used to see me before, is it because I broke the alarm system, do you think I can't do anything?"

  Tony really thought so at the time, just looking at his appearance, he felt like a child, and when he came here, he destroyed that thing.

  "You're right. When you came, I thought you were a child, and you destroyed the early warning system. I thought you couldn't do anything."

  "Through this time, and the fact that I was trapped there with Major Kelly before, I felt that I should look at you differently. You are definitely not as simple as you seem on the surface."

  "That's good, you will see me a lot in the future."

  Murphy entered the inside of the polar bear and started shaking his polar bear's heavy body. The polar bear didn't know what was going on. He stood up and howled, and then all the other polar bears also stood up. ran away.

  After those people watched the polar bears run away, they also started to speed up their trees and chased those white papers. How could their speed catch up with the polar bears? Their equipment was not as good as what they had thrown away before.

  Murphy turned and went back to their vehicle, placing time bombs under both of their vehicles, enough to leave their base and detonating far away.

  Murphy had sent Anina a position before, and asked Anina to intercept this position directly into their system, and let them follow this position to that place away from the ski resort, and also away from their base, which is a very special Empty place.

  Although that place is far from their base, if they want to enter the Callus Mountains, they must pass there, so that if their car explodes there, Hulk will not suspect himself even if he knows it.

  Although I still don't know where the Hulk's base is, and I don't know where they are going back, I can only choose that place, which is the safest place.

  "Annina is now ready to intercept their signal and notify them."

  Murphy had already done all the things he should do at this time, so he quickly informed Anina and asked Anina to intercept their serial numbers, although Anina had intercepted those signals before herself.

  But I haven't finished Anina, I still have to cut off the signal. If they take up their signal for a long time, they will find out. This is the easiest. If they can't find it, then their hiding place Didn't you just find it long ago?

  Do you need to waste so much time here? I have already left this place in the Karlus Mountains.

  This was the first time that Anina was faster than herself. Although she wasted time, it was still very short.

  "Okay, I see, Murphy, I've cut off the signal now, and now it's up to Tony's. After Tony finishes contacting, we'll watch it emit the colors of the rainbow."

  The reason why Anina released it in rainbow colors was the problem with Murphy's bomb, because Murphy put colorful powder in the bomb. As long as these vehicles exploded, the sky would instantly appear colorful.

  When Majorelle showed herself to visit Murphy's arsenal, she was very curious, so she asked about the function of each new type of weapon, and Majorelle also talked to herself about each one.

  The Majors are special and have the patience to follow Anina's story, and every detail is followed by Anina, because when Major came, Murphy told the Majors one by one.

  You must be familiar with these weapons when you come here. You need to be familiar with each weapon. If you go out, you might bring which weapon you will bring. The purpose of each 340 weapon is different. They must say familiar.

  Although Anina just stays in the base and doesn't need these, but it is also a precaution. If their base is discovered one day, if the four of Murphy Escherett are not at the base If so, Anina will have to protect herself.

  This probability is simply too small and too small, it is simply something that cannot happen, but you still need to learn these things, nothing is [-]%.

  Who can say what will happen tomorrow? No matter how confident you are in yourself, sometimes there will be loopholes, so you should be more careful about everything.

  "Annina, I have already contacted, and now I am waiting for them to take the bait. I have communicated with them just now, and they believe what I say so much that they don't hear my voice at all. Murphy is a voice changer. nice."

  Tony used the voice changer made by Murphy. Although none of them had seen the Hulk in person, they had heard the Hulk's short voice, which was made through this short voice. The sound and color are similar, and those who are not particularly sharp can't hear it. .

Chapter 295

  Chapter 294

  These brainless people actually believed it so easily. Have they met Hulk?Or that they have never heard Hulk's voice at all, they are just in the name of Hulk, and the sound production is still somewhat flawed, but these people still can't hear it.

  It turned out that this group of people were all ruthless characters, and their heads must be enough. They actually let themselves look at them highly. Could it be that they didn't see through such a simple thing.

  When Anina was connecting the other party's line just now, they kept telling them to hurry up, go back quickly, so as to catch a few polar bears, why did it take so long, it suddenly changed the signal, they all not found.

  This can't be blamed on themselves. If they found out, they would react. They were so stupid that they didn't react, and they could only leave their lives here in the Karlus Mountains.

  This is really the retribution they deserve. Who let them be so bad to them, whether they found themselves or not, it was their fault that they did such harm and they stayed there for so long.

  "Don't be angry about this, I'm fine. When you were talking just now, I didn't hear any voice in there. Otherwise, you can try and listen to Murphy's voice."

  "Wait Tony, wait for me to finish this, and then follow the way Murphy speaks, I'll listen to what you have to say."

  Anina also wants to give it a try, to see if this can [-]% identify the sound and see if there are any flaws. If there are no flaws, I will go back and get a set of this myself and make some Funny things, Anina is happy when she thinks about it. It is also a good thing to go back to deceive her friends. She can also deceive her father and make her father fooled.

  In fact, Anina mainly wanted to deceive her father. Anina's father always looked at him as being too strict. As long as he wanted something, his father could buy him and give it to him, but he couldn't let him. Do something dangerous.

  Especially when I came to the Karlus Mountains, my father did not agree to it. It was only after a lot of ironic persuasion that my father agreed. Moreover, my father had heard of Murphy, and when he heard that he was coming to talk to Murphy What he has learned, his father still supports himself halfway.

  If I go out in the future, can I use Murphy as an excuse?

  Father wouldn't ask Murphy anyway, isn't this the best of both worlds?

  There is no Murphy's voice in the voice changer at home. This voice changer can recognize Murphy's voice, and I can use it when I go back.

  "Okay, then you hurry up and tell Murphy and observe the situation over there. ¨."

  "Did Murphy Murphy receive it? We have finished it here, and now we are waiting for the show."

  Anina also doesn't know if Murphy can receive it now, because Murphy will turn off the receiver when he goes out, just to prevent them from finding Murphy, because as long as there is a transmission, there will be signal waves.

  There is a law between them, that is, whether the other party hears or not, they must report to the other party, and they must explain the situation to the other party.

  Murphy here actually didn't hear what Anina said, because Murphy turned off the signal receivers, because it was too close to them now for this signal to appear.

  If the signal appears, if they find out and leave Xiaowei's place, they have already started timing, and they have already walked according to their expected time.

  Murphy watched a commotion over there, those polar bears began to spread out, Murphy knew that they must be driving back now, Anina and the others have already completed what they should do.

  Otherwise, the direction of the polar bear's running is not this way at all. They are chasing the polar bear there. Now after they run back, the polar bears next to them are also scared.

  Murphy can tell from this that they have now received the signal from Tony impersonating the Hulk, and now they should be retreating, even those polar bears have been ignored, it seems that Tony said very much. is anxious.

  These people were really sacrificed by Hulk. What kind of benefits did Hulk give them?make them work so hard.

  They dare to catch such a ferocious animal as polar bear, and it is also a national protected animal. They are desperate to do what they want to do.

  Murphy stepped back to the side and backed up to a small snow slope far away from the vehicles. Standing on this snow slope, you could see the tire tracks left by those vehicles.

  Being able to see by the tire tracks if they were moving, if they were still here, and what Murphy was seeing at the moment was that these vehicles were starting to turn in the snow, which was enough to prove that they were now going back and forth. .

  After Murphy observed for a while, the vehicles had gone far, and Murphy was ready to return to the base. These polar bears are now safe.

  As long as these polar bears are safe, then their base is safe, and they will not come to this place again.

  If the Hulk wants to send the next wave of people to this place, he will always supervise his return and install an early warning system in this polar bear place.

  The polar bear's base is the largest in the Carlus Mountains, and its base is just on the side with the road and the side by the sea (alright).

  If they come here by boat, they will not be able to find out on the base. When they go back, they have to install an early warning system under the drainage. As long as they enter the sea of ​​this place, they will also be there. forewarned.

  Murphy thinks that the place he likes, the Hulk and the others may also like it, and now they have all come to the polar bear habitat, which is enough to prove that the Hulk has now observed the minister here in the Callus Mountains.

  If it wasn't for the Hulk to observe here, then it must be Reinigester. Those ferocious beasts were created by Reinigester, maybe they would attack these polar bears.

  Then I told the Hulk what happened here, and the Hulk paid attention to this side, otherwise they would have found out that it had been so long when they first entered the Callus Mountains. .

Chapter 296

  Chapter 295 Sound Imitation

  They just came here, which is enough to prove that Reinigester played a big role in this.

  Murphy thinks that Renegester is a real person. He can't do enough, and he has more than enough failures. It's okay to compare himself with himself. How can he compare himself at this moment? Ke has already been caught by himself, and is he still using it to withstand the cold here in this place in the Carlus Mountains?

  There are still a lot of things outside waiting for me to do, I can't leave the half of the Carlus Mountains now, if I want to leave the half of the Carlus Mountains.

  He can't solve any danger they have here, and he can't solve it outside. He still stays here and waits for everything to be over before leaving the Carlus Mountains.

  I haven't reached the center of the Carlus Mountains yet, and I don't know what the situation will be in the center of the Carlus Mountains. Now the situation is appearing in front of me.

  Although they have been solved one by one, I still don't know enough about what the middle of the Karlus Mountains will look like.

  Murphy is ready to return to the base at this moment, because it is meaningless to stay here. They have gone far away now. When they return to the base, it is estimated that they have not arrived by 340. They will set the bomb time for them, after all It is also very difficult to walk in the snow.

  Especially when their vehicle was observed, the speed of walking is not very fast.

  "Annina Anina, what are you doing now? Do you think Tony is the most handsome in the base?"

  Anina asked Tony to use Murphy's voice just now, and use this voice changer to test it out to see if it really resembles Tony's voice.

  Although Murphy did not reply, both Tony and Anina knew in their hearts that Murphy had completed what he should do now, and should be returning to the base, and now they have nothing to do with them. If so, Murphy will definitely inform them now.

  "Tony's voice is so similar, it's like it came out of Murphy's mouth, exactly the same, come on, let me try your voice and let the two Tonys communicate."

  "Tony Tony Anina, I just said that Tony is the most handsome person in this base, Tony, did you hear me?"

  Anina pretended to be in Tony's business and was communicating with Tony. Tony listened to his voice and said it from the inside. It was exactly the same.

  "Annina, are you asking me to talk to myself? Before you came, we didn't try this at all. I thought it was naive. Why is it interesting to play with you now."

  Before Anina didn't come.

  Tony didn't bother to deal with these things before Anina came. If there was time, it would be better to play with all kinds of new weapons designed by Murphy, who was playing with pistols. Those were enough to disassemble for a while. Time to get these things.

  Today, I actually played such a childish game with Anina. Although childish, it was quite fun.

  "What are you two doing? I seem to have heard the conversation of several people here. Why did I hear my own voice just now?"

  Tony and Anina had a lot of fun there, and they both forgot when Murphy came back. When Murphy came in, they didn't hear it, and they were completely immersed in the mind of playing this thing.

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