When Murphy spoke to the two of them, the two of them realized that Murphy had returned to the base so quickly.

  Anina suddenly remembered that the time she had just spent playing, how did it pass so quickly, and she didn't have time to look at those vehicles, where are they now?

  "Murphy, you're back, when did you come in? Neither of us heard it, just playing with this thing here."

  Tony showed Murphy what was in his hand. Murphy seemed to be this voice-changing thing. What's so funny about this thing? It made the two of them have such a good time, and he forgot to observe those vehicles arriving. Where is it, do you still want to see rainbow-colored, like fireworks?

  "If I don't come back, is it Anina, you're going to miss that rainbow-colored fireworks, haven't you seen it before? I was so excited to see it just now, now I'm playing with Tony, put these All forgotten."

  Anina stuck out her tongue, she really forgot about it just now, thinking about whose voice the voice-changing system is going to become.

  "Look, they are almost at the designated location."

  Anina Tony Murphy stood there and pressed the three people, looking forward to the rainbow picture that appeared there.

  There is a lot of pigment powder in there, and these pigment powders explode in the sky to form a rainbow of colors.

  Anina looked at the countdown, and finally counted down. At the last second, the sky exploded instantly. The colorful Anina looked at the colorful explosions, just like fireworks. Although they were not fireworks, they could be seen during the day. Visible paint, but also beautiful.

  "Fantastic Murphy, it's the first time I've ever seen something like this, especially with some snow next to it, it's just so beautiful."

  Anina was excitedly watching and talking about herself, she had never seen something so beautiful, especially something like fireworks in the daytime.

  "It's good to be beautiful. I'll give you a chance to put your favorite color inside, and put it again when you go out."

  "Okay, okay, I'm happy, I'm happy, I hope it's tomorrow, what do you think? The faster the better."

  "Let's see if we have time tomorrow. There is nothing to do now. Let's go back to rest. We are safe now."

  Murphy feels that everyone can relax their vigilance now, everyone can go back to rest now, and now I'm waiting for the news from Esquire. I don't need Tony and Anina, both of them need to stay here, alone. Here it is.

  Anina and Tony did not stay here too much, and the two also went back to rest. Only Murphy was left here.

  Murphy observed the surrounding situation again here. If there is no situation, it is time for him to rest.

  Suddenly Murphy seemed to remember something, Murphy decided to turn around the situation in his other base here. .

Chapter 297

  Chapter 296 Rainbow Colors

  It's already been this time, let's see if Esquilet has also returned to the base. Who told Esquilet to have no vehicles in that open place, he can only wait until there are vehicles and use the power of the outside world to return. To the inside of the city, and then transferred to the base inside.

  This also takes a lot of work, and I don't know how Escherett is now, whether he has returned to the base, Murphy thinks it's okay to take a look, or that Escherett has already Back at the base, it is also possible to rest there, and now I can chat with Ascillet.

  In fact, chatting and not chatting are secondary. The most important thing is to ask whether Escheret has returned to the base and whether the precious goldfish he raised is still alive?

  Murphy usually also has a hobby, that is, he likes to keep fish. He keeps some precious goldfish in his base, some of which are unknown goldfish markets. precious.

  Even though these are just some goldfish, they will also be useful at critical moments. These goldfish can be used by themselves as if they can understand their own words.

  It took a little longer to come out this time, and I didn't have time to take care of them. I just set a time for them. When the time comes, I will change the water for them once, and then feed them food once the time comes.

  It seems that these drizzles have been ignored recently. Generally, I didn't take a look at how they are now. Since I came to the Carlus Mountains, I have been busy and have no leisure time at all. It seems that I even have a rest. no time.

  Everyone is busy, doing all kinds of things, and I don't have any spare time to take a look at these crucian carp. How are they dead or alive~?

  After all, sometimes in the city there will be a power outage, or something unexpected.

  Although they have already thought of these things and are ready to charge, they cannot completely think of other things happening.

  At this moment, Murphy felt that he was very relaxed now, and suddenly thought of the goldfish he left in that base, or he would have forgotten them all.

  Murphy sat there, quickly turned on the computer screen, tapped and then entered the password in front of the computer, this is the program password to enter his other base.

  Only Murphy himself knew this password. After Murphy entered it, he could see the current situation in their base.

  Murphy just cut the picture into it, and then quickly turned to the goldfish, and wanted to see how the goldfish were now.

  Murphy softened the camera and looked around, so that he could see a little more clearly. The camera that Murphy pressed on the fish tank in this base was [-] degrees without dead ends.

  It can illuminate every corner of the fish tank in all directions, even the corners below the fish tank can be clearly seen.

  When I installed this myself, Tony laughed at me and said to myself that he was as meticulous as a child to these people, and he didn't look at other things so meticulously. These goldfish are real, just like his own children. take care of them.

  Although they didn't live very well when they were first raised, after a series of improvements, many fish were gone on the market, and others couldn't see them, so Murphy cherished them even more. it.

  After watching a movie, Murphy found that his goldfish was still alive and well, and everything was normal except for a ball floating in the water.

  These are based on being able to see the ball, holding the ball in the mouth here and playing there.

  Murphy knew at a glance that this must be Escherett's masterpiece, because they are all in the Callus Mountains now, and no one has ever been to the base. Only Escherett is now going back to the base alone.

  Who else could it be besides him, Esquilet must think that these goldfish are too stupid here, so let's get a small toy to play with them.

  Murphy took a closer look, isn't this the toy of his golden retriever, this Escherett doesn't even want to buy another toy for these goldfish.

· · Flowers · ·

  Just when Murphy was thinking about these things, he only heard voices in the group, because their monitoring equipment also had voices and could talk to the people inside.

  Murphy immediately turned off the muffler system to prevent the little bit of sound on his side from being transmitted to the other side. What if it wasn't for Escherett, and if it were a bad guy?There are also many people who are against themselves.

  Especially since their base was built in the city, maybe others thought it was an abandoned place and came here.

  Murphy listened carefully and heard the sound of pressing the password. This is Escheret, because only Escheret knew after returning here. The location of the password is the location of this password. It was very secret on the door, only the three of them knew about Tony and Esquire, and no one else knew about it.

.... 0

  So Murphy is still certain that this must be Esquilette, and there are no outsiders at all.

  After Esqilet entered the base, he turned on the lights in the base. The lights were very dazzling, and Esqilet covered his eyes.

  Murphy is watching these movements of Esquilette from here. Is this light so bright?He actually covered his eyes.

  "Where have you been, Esquilette? After you came back, your eyes are so afraid of light, and you see how dirty your body is. Are you rolling on the ground?"

  Murphy looked at the dirt on Aschret's body. The dirt seemed to have been scratched on the ground. Where did it go?Murphy was curious.

  As soon as Escherett returned to the base, after turning on the light, he found out why the light was so dazzling. Maybe it was because it was too dark outside. When he saw the light, he felt particularly dazzling, especially for the light. In other words, this light designed by Murphy is simply too bright.

  When Aschret was rubbing his eyes, he heard Murphy talking, how could this Murphy switch to this system?Ding.

Chapter 298

  Chapter 297 The time difference between day and night

  There is a time difference between the two places of them. Although the time difference is not big, it should be later than himself.

  Esquilette also knows what they are doing today. Everyone must be very tired. Murphy is still not resting at this point. He is still looking at himself here. Is he waiting for himself?

  "Murphy, you are not resting at this time, what are you doing here watching me? Do you miss me even if you don't see me for a minute?"

  "Aiscillet, you're thinking too much about this, I'm not looking at you, I'm sitting here today with nothing to do, I suddenly think of my goldfish, I feel like I haven't seen them for a long time ."

  "Oh, so you want to see your goldfish. Didn't you notice any changes in them? Didn't you see a toy there? I didn't sterilize them, so I just put them in."

  In fact, Escherlet had sterilized the ball, but just wanted to scare Murphy. Escherlet knew that Murphy liked these goldfish, and they were just like his own children.

  This time in the Carlus Mountains was so busy that Murphy had forgotten about his goldfish, which he had never seen before.

  This is the first time that Murphy has forgotten these goldfish and let himself catch up. These goldfish have caught up with Murphy's treasure.

  "Asquilet, I'll give you one more courage, and you won't throw ineffective toys directly into the fish tank."

  "Do you still want to lie to me with such a literal statement? Do you know what's in my goldfish tank? There is a special medicine in it. As long as it is mixed in, the bacteria will change color."

  In fact, Murphy didn't mix any medicine into the fish tank at all. Even if there are bacteria, it can't change color. He just thought of this and told Escherett. Escherlet dared to take it. This deceived himself, in fact, he wanted to test Esqilet. He also knew that Esqilet knew these things based on their importance to himself, and Esqilet would not do that. These fish cannot be tolerated. A little bit of bacteria, if there were bacteria, they would all die of lack of oxygen.

  Otherwise, if these fish were not so fragile, I wouldn't be able to take care of them so well.

  Many of them are carefully cultivated by themselves, and these are not available on the market, and some are not suitable for the current water quality. These waters are specially prepared by themselves.

  But the bacteria-killing water change was something he just came up with, and Murphy felt compelled to make it a reality so that he could prevent his fish from being harmed.

  But Esquire was fooled by Murphy, thinking that Murphy really did this little trick of his own, and did not deceive Murphy, and Escherlet took the initiative to admit it.

  "Murphy didn't deceive you. I thought you could believe that you added something to it."

  Murphy knew that Escherett was lying to himself. He just used a trick, and Escherett took the initiative to admit that he was lying to himself just now.

  It seems that Esquire is still too young to believe in himself so much, thinking that he really does that and can't deceive himself, just like Tony is always willing to bet with himself, every time he loses.

  "Haha, Esquilette, you are also fooled. Just now I just thought that it was impossible for you to do that. I was just trying to test you."

  It was only then that Escherett realized that it was Murphy who was lying to him, or that his own navigation recommended that he thought he could confuse Murphy. Now it seems that he is completely under Murphy. Live Murphy.

  How did I start to be the same as Tony? Tony, who has been defeated many times, is willing to bet with Murphy, and he is willing to lie to Murphy, but every time Murphy can see through it, it is the same as betting with Tony that every time he loses of.

  It is absolutely pointless to play like this, and Escherett will no longer deceive Murphy, and this time he has not deceived Murphy for a long time.

  But this is only in his spare time, and Asclete does this. If he is at work, Asclete will never deceive Murphy.

  It is still possible to distinguish what is important and what is not important, especially in their industry...  

  "Murphy, I think it's boring for you to do this. Can't you let me and Tony win once? Let you guess every time."

  "How can you make us feel bad? We both feel that our IQs are too weak in front of you. You are wrong, you should give us two points."

  Esquire just felt that Murphy should let the two of them order. The two of them were in front of Murphy, they were like children, their IQ was completely behind Murphy, and everything was for Murphy to make suggestions.

  "Then who asked the two of you to always compare with me, one is always betting with me, the other is always talking to me, so can't I guess it?"

  What Murphy said is not wrong. The two of them have this characteristic. Tony has been defeated many times. This man, Te, accepted it when he saw it, and he had never won against him, but Escheret no longer liked to lie and deceived himself. This time, he hadn't lied to himself for a long time.

  Murphy also almost fell for Ascillet, but after thinking about it in Murphy's mind, she felt that Ascillet would not do that.

  Esquilette knows what to do and what not to do, just like Tony, both of them know the 1.2 importance of this opportunity to themselves, so they will not do things that hurt them.

  The two of them also know how much they like those goldfish, how could the two of them do those hurtful things?

  "Aiscillet, I asked you just now, why did you get so much dirt on your body?"

  Murphy had already asked Escherett this question just now, but Escherlet, instead of answering directly, turned to another place, and mentioned the goldfish at once, probably because he felt that the question was unimportant. , or forgot to answer myself.

  If Murphy hadn't asked himself this question again, Escherett would have forgotten to answer Murphy, just thinking about what to say about the toy ball in the fish tank. .

Chapter 299

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