Chapter 298 The sour taste

  It's not that I don't want to answer, it's just that the topic was diverted and I forgot to answer.

  Escherett looked down at his body. His body was covered in mud, making it extremely dirty. When he arrived in the city just now, others looked at him the same way, and they might think he was a beggar. Well, no one cares and no one asks, that's why it's so dirty.

  "Murphy, don't mention it, I might as well go into the city and find some other way to avoid those who follow me."

  Esqilet regretted his choice now. There are no other vehicles. Usually there are a lot of those vehicles. I don't know what the idea is today. .

  Finally, a car came over, but it was still a vehicle pulling dirt and garbage. The car was very long, but after waiting for a long time, there was no car coming, and I could only take this car and come back, but I couldn't let the driver. Knowing that he secretly got into his car.

  "Murphy, don't mention it, I feel sick in retrospect now."

  Murphy was very curious, what happened to this Esquire 12?Why did I get muddy after I came back, and said I felt a little disgusting, what happened?

  Let Esquilette look like this, looking at Esquilet's expression, it feels as if something very disgusting has happened.

  "Then tell me quickly, let me laugh, and listen to what happened to you. Today, I encountered too many things, and I am very unhappy. You should tell me a joke."

  "You can tell from your expression that you're in a bad mood, right? Ascillet."

  "You still want to hear a joke about Murphy. I don't know what I think today. Although it is the best way to choose this road, I regret it a little now. I think I should choose the road in the city."

  "I don't know what happened to this place today. There are so few vehicles. Do you know what car I took to come back? Take a guess."

  Escherett felt that it was necessary to let Murphy be a god, and see if Murphy could guess correctly. Although his body was full of dirt, he didn't touch the garbage. Can Murphy guess it? ?

  When Murphy heard that this was Escherett's problem for himself, he let himself guess, and guessed that he really couldn't tell what car he was in, but it was just a bit of dirt on his body.

  If it's bad, it's hard to guess, because there are so many cars pulling dirt, and there are many kinds of dirt cars, and I'm not in front of Escherett, so I can't look so carefully.

  "I'll admit defeat in Esquilette, so let's just say it directly, I won't guess, I'll lose to you."

  Murphy knew that Escherett just listened to such words, so that Murphy couldn't guess, couldn't guess, which proved that Murphy also didn't understand and couldn't see the place.

  "Well, I'll tell you reluctantly, I actually encountered a vehicle pulling mud and garbage, and then I got on it. Do you know how sour I smell now?"

  After saying these words, Esquilette pretended to smell the smell on his body, he didn't know how to describe it.

  In fact, Esquilette's action is just a fake action. The smell that Esquilet doesn't want to smell is simply too pungent. You don't need to smell it carefully, you can smell it get.

  Esquilette felt that his body was particularly disgusting. It was not what Murphy had said to him just now that he had gone to take a bath.

  After Murphy listened to Esquilette, she felt as if she could smell Esquilette's body through the screen.

  "When you finish saying this, I can feel the sour smell of garbage in my nostrils."

  "Aiscillet, you haven't gone to take a bath yet, what are you talking about here, you are still standing in front of my fish tank."

  After Escherlet entered the room just now, the two of them were chatting about the goldfish and the fish tank. Escherlet also forgot what was on him and walked over. The two were talking, Ai Skylet involuntarily walked in front of the goldfish tank. Fortunately, Escherlet's hand did not touch the goldfish tank. It was a hand that had a lot of bacteria, and it could easily affect those goldfish.

  "What am I doing here, either I came into the house, or are you talking to me? Otherwise, I would have gone to take a shower long ago, and I am still enduring it here for so long."

  Murphy thought for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case. As soon as Escherett entered the house, he couldn't walk in the direction of the bathroom, so he stopped him by himself.

  In fact, the confidant can't blame Esquilet, didn't he delay Esquilet's progress?

  "Ascillet, then go in and wash up quickly, I'll wait for you."

  Murphy's waiting for Esquilette meant that when Esquilet came back, he needed to bring something with him.

  "Okay, Murphy, I'll be out soon, otherwise I can't stand the smell on me."

  After saying these words, Escheret hurriedly went to wash off all the smell on his body. The time for this smell to have been smoked from 343 is simply too long.

  The more I thought about it, the more disgusting it became. It was already unimaginable.


  Murphy watched from here that Esquilette had gone to take a bath. Murphy had nothing to do, just looked at the goldfish.

  The more Murphy looked at these, the more the goldfish liked it. It was necessary to study some new species in it when they went back. These rare things are no longer available on the market, and only I have these things.

  Murphy suddenly remembered that when he lied to Escherett just now, he said that there was a potion in it. If the potion had bacteria, it would change color. This idea appeared in Murphy's mind again. , Murphy felt the need to get this thing right now.

  Then I thought about it, and I felt that if I got these things now, I wouldn't be able to take them back, and I couldn't go back now, and it would be a waste of time, so I might as well wait until I go back.

  "Murphy, you're still here." Aschret had cleaned up as quickly as he could, the dirt on his body and the sour smell.

  After Esquilette came out, the first thing he asked was if Murphy was there, if Murphy thought he would wait too long, and then went to rest. .

Chapter 300

  Chapter 299

  Murphy said just now that he would wait for himself.

  After Escherlet asked this sentence, he waited for a long time without waiting for Murphy's answer.

  "Murphy, if you don't speak, I'll have to rest. Did you say wait for me just now?"

  As a result, he tried to call Murphy again, and Escherett knew that even if he was sleeping, how could Murphy hear what he said through the message.

  After Murphy returned to the laboratory, he heard Esquilette screaming over there. He just went out for a while to see if the things he wanted to use were all here. It took a long time to think about it. To be able to return to the base, it is too early to get those things.

  "I'm back, Esquire, who said I didn't wait for you, but I've been waiting for you, I just went out for a while."

  "What did you do? Let me guess if you went to prepare the anti-bacterial thing for goldfish."

  Aschret guessed that he couldn't call, Murphy Murphy must have made preparations, it knew Murphy too well, and the hobby and concern for this goldfish was more important than anything else.

  "Yes, I just wanted to prepare, but I didn't think it was necessary. I can't go back there now, and I can't take it back even after I finish it. It's better to do it when I go back."

  "By the way, Aschret, how are my goldfish? Did you add some food to them? Although I have enough left, it might take a long time to stay in this place in the Callus Mountains. Add points."

  Murphy is also not sure how long he can stay in the Carlus Mountains. Maybe he will fight a protracted battle in the Carlus Mountains again. Hulk has been here for several days without a relay. Time has passed, and nothing has been discovered, and it cannot be said that there is nothing to be found, but his subordinates have been discovered.

  How long will I need to stay here, I don't have a certain number, and I don't know when I will be a leader.

  "Don't worry, I will definitely do all of Murphy's work to keep them alive. By the way, send me the list, and I will start preparing to go back. ¨."

  Escherlet asked Murphy to send back the list of the modified aircraft, which contained the things Murphy needed. Don't waste too much time here.

  I originally thought of staying here for one more day, but after hearing from Anina that Major Kelly and Tony had met Avalanche and couldn't get in touch, Murphy's own heart was also nervous. If he was there, he could still help. Everyone's busy.

  I was a little helpless about everything that happened outside, and their manpower was not enough, so I still needed to hurry back to the base.

  "I have already transmitted it to you just now, wait for you to take a look, don't come back in such a hurry."

  Murphy felt that Esquilette didn't need to come back in such a hurry at all. Now that he had already left the Carlus Mountains, he should adjust it outside and return to the Carlus Mountains.

  After all, it is easy to get depressed after staying here for a long time. It is very boring to stay in this colorless world like yourself. There are white pieces everywhere.

  Wouldn't it be tempting to go out and look at the feasting and feasting outside?Don't want to spend more time outside?Murphy also understood Esquilette's mood. Knowing that Esquilette was worried, everyone wanted to come back quickly.

  Escherett also heard about it today, and they were also very anxious about the avalanche. Murphy can understand, but things have been resolved, and it is not impossible for Escherlet to stay outside.

  "Murphy, I don't have the mood to stay outside now. Ever since I heard what happened to you today, I feel that it is necessary for me to go back right now."

  "It's all settled now, it doesn't matter, I'm going to go to that place tomorrow to have a look."

  "Today their men came near our base."

  Esquilette was still quite puzzled, how could their group go to the vicinity of the base?How can it be found?

  "How did they find it there? How did you know it was the Hulk's."

  "Because it's their people who made the avalanche today, Tony and Majorelle remember their tire marks."

  Aschret understood, it turned out to be like this, it turns out that they all remember their tire marks, that is, they must be right.

  ".¨Then what are they going to do there? What else can there be except polar bears in that place? It is impossible for them to discover our base, just with their technology."

  Esquire was very disdainful, and felt that their technology was simply inferior to their own, and there was no need to worry too much.

  "Yeah, they couldn't find me at all with their technology. They walked past our base and sounded the alarm."

  Aschret knew, it turned out to be like this. They walked past the base and found them only after the alarm was sounded. No, how could they find them after the alarm was sounded?Shouldn't it be discovered when they should enter their range?

  "How did the alarm sound to find out? It shouldn't be, Murphy, I thought about it in my mind just now, smoothed it out, I don't think it should be."

  In fact, Murphy knew what Escherret said, but what Escherlet said should not be true (okay, okay), because they have a video surveillance system, and I don't know what's wrong. didn't work.

  Maybe it's because of their wearing invisibility cloaks that they made the vehicles invisible, so it took a long time to find them, but Anina and the three of them found out their tire marks. just saw it.

  "This was only discovered when their tires were exposed. They used the invisible function to make the car invisible."

  Murphy's words confuse Esquilette even more. Isn't the invisible function only they can do?So why the other party has appeared now, and if you look for them in the future, will it be more troublesome?

  Always pay attention to the situation around you, as well as the dynamics around you. Maybe they are wearing invisibility cloaks beside them, and they may not notice it. .

Chapter 301

  Chapter 300 Discussion

  When both parties are wearing invisibility cloaks, who can notice each other? Everyone's line of sight can't be seen, because one already has a code, and only people with the same code can see it, and people with different codes are looking at each other. missing.

  Esquilette still knew this, because Murphy had told him about these things before, and the two of them discussed this matter when the Invisibility Cloak was designed.

  "My God, aren't we going to be even more difficult in the future? Have they also learned the stealth technology now? Fortunately, they didn't hide all the tires."

  Escherett felt that today was still fortunate. If they had hidden their tires, how could they have been found? It was just to wake up the early warning system, and couldn't find where they were?How can we deal with them?

  "I also think that today is also very fortunate. If we rashly go out to this base to look for them, what kind of situation will happen today."

  "As soon as the door is opened, they will feel it, and I checked their signal today. They are not coming for us today."

  "Then what did they go to that place? Could it be with those polar bears, 343, what use are polar bears to them?"

  Escherett thought about it in his mind, and felt that polar bears were of no great use to them. Polar bears could not be eaten, nor could they be brought back to watch polar bears, but what kind of things can they use polar bears to do to protect animals? ?Unless it is for viewing purposes, nothing else matters.

  Esqilet really didn't expect that they were not in the base for the past two days, so many things happened, each of which was quite thrilling, and the group of people actually found the vicinity of the base.

  Although they didn't go to the base, they may like that place when they get to the base, because that place is the safest place, especially where there are polar bears, where no one will notice.

  Although there is Murphy in the base, everything can be solved, but if force is used, the three of them alone cannot. Anina has no fighting power at all.

  Like what happened today, they can't be allowed to happen again. If the backup system is not enabled to contact Murphy today, the consequences are really unimaginable.

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