The two people were talking about these useless nonsense, and they were studying the problem of this look here.

  No one got to the point. In fact, Murphy was waiting for Anina to speak, but Anina never said anything since she came in.

  Murphy felt that there was no need to wait for this Annina. If she waited for this Annina, she might have to grumble. When will everyone wake up.

  Although there is nothing to hide from everyone about this matter, Anina may have her own ideas.

  "Okay, let's end this topic now, Anina, what do you have to do with me?"

  Murphy just wanted Anina to say it out of his mouth, but it didn't make any sense. ..

  Some things are still embarrassing to discuss with them. To talk is to let Anina say what she wants to say, so that in the future cooperation can be more harmonious. If there is something, just open your mouth and say it, don’t put it in your heart In other words, I dare not say it, for fear that everyone will have other ideas.

  Just like just now, when Anina was dealing with this laboratory, even if Tony was by her side, she could stop herself and tell herself, and it was normal to have something to say to herself.

  "Okay, then I'll just say it directly, didn't I say I want to contact my father? Then you asked me to wait for you to come back, I want you to help me get in touch."

  Anina felt that after saying these words, her body and mind relaxed all of a sudden, and she felt that she had said everything she wanted to say.

  When I went out just now, Murphy didn't mention this matter, and I felt that Murphy might have forgotten about this matter, because there were too many things about Murphy.

  "It turned out to be this matter. Well, I'll connect you. It's just fine for Anina to say something generously in the future."

  "Actually, I also wanted to say something when Tony was here. I'm not ashamed, I just thought you might be too busy and forgot about this, so I didn't say 1.2."

  Anina actually said this on purpose, just to find an excuse for herself, but Murphy did not expose him, but was busy helping Anina connect to the external line.

  Although he can not listen to what Anina and his father say, but the line connecting the outside is what he needs to contact in person.

  Murphy and his father are actually the same, and they are both figures that are valued by various countries, so if they contact each other, each country will be alarmed.

  They will all feel that how the two of them are connected, whether they are going to initiate something, all countries will be nervous, so in order to prevent all countries from getting nervous, it is necessary to avoid taboos and choose one that no one knows about. line, contact individually.

  In fact, the two of them have been in touch before. .

Chapter 304

  Chapter 303 Monitoring

  It's just that everyone doesn't know it. He doesn't have a separate line, and only the two of them can get in touch with this line.

  It is also necessary to be more careful everywhere. Maybe there is a mistake in any link, then all the efforts mentioned before will be for nothing.

  "Anna, wait a moment, wait until I adjust the line, and then you can talk to your father on the phone. I believe you should know what's going on here."

  Murphy felt that there was no need to make it so clear to Anina, because Anina should also know that his father and himself were also in trouble, and they could not be monitored by others.

  There is no need to explain it to Anina. He should be able to understand this. In fact, there are some things that everyone knows well, so there is no need to explain them in such detail.

  Even if Murphy didn't say it, Anina felt that she understood these things in her heart, because his father was also in a special industry, and the satellites in the sky were not meant to be made by anyone. Both sides.

  They can't be made aware of their father's company. If there is an inner ghost, it will easily affect the views of other countries on their father, and then their father will be attacked by more people.

  When my own father started this company, many people thought that their father was not pleasing to the eye and felt that their father had delayed their opportunity to make money. In fact, this industry is not that everyone can do it.

  When Murphy asked herself to wait for him to come back, when she called her father again, when she contacted her father about these matters, Anina knew that there must be something in it.

  Because Anina had seen her father when she was at home, and when she called others, she had to go through several layers of unlock codes before they could get in touch with each other, and these were all secret.

  "Okay, I know, I'll wait for you to know what's going on here, Murphy, you can rest assured."

  Murphy was there cracking the program, which is only available now, this one can't be used the second time, it's easy to be exposed the second time, even Anina's father doesn't. can be exposed.

  Murphy made this program well, but it has a hidden function. After using it once, it completely fails, and it can't be used for the second time. If you want to make a phone call on the spot, you need to get a new program.

  Although it looks a bit complicated and feels a little troublesome, in order to ensure everyone's safety and have no worries, it is necessary to re-do the procedure for each contact that can only be done in this way.

  "Annina, you can use this program now to make a private call to your father. Don't worry, this program can only be used once. When you hang up, you can't use this program again."

  "By the way, you can make private calls, or you can make calls to workers. I just wanted to tell you what I mean, and to get to know you, that is to say, he is very safe, you can rest assured."

  Murphy felt that this program must be explained to Anina, that is to let Anina call his father without any worries, contact his father, and he will not monitor others or monitor the program, and the program will fail. Understand.

  Let Anina see her sincerity. In case Anina has her own thoughts and is embarrassed to tell herself, Murphy will solve Anina's embarrassment.

  It can be said that Murphy's mind is so meticulous, thinking of places that others can't think of, in fact, he doesn't mean to listen to Anina, speak, just for everyone's safety, can't let Anina feel that she is As if listening to him.

  That's not good, and I don't need to monitor the conversation between them, because he is also communicating with his father about things on the satellite. If the communication is good, it will be beneficial to him.

  After all, I can also use Anina's satellites. I used Anina quietly before, and the instruments of his satellites were not discovered by their family, but this time I used it in a fair and open manner after I cooperated with Anina.

  When I used it before, I also communicated with his father. Sometimes it was a troublesome distance to use it quietly. Of course, it will not be used after this time.

  "Murphy, I think you may think too much. You may think that I will not trust you or that I am afraid of you eavesdropping or something. In fact, I really didn't think so."

  "Even when you asked me to wait for you to come back before contacting my father, I never thought that you were supervising me."

  Anina understands these things very well, but Anina really didn't think about it. In order to supervise herself, Murphy never thought that he trusted Murphy in particular.

  Since he came to this place in the Callus Mountains, you can see that Murphy treats his friends. He is a very sincere person. He just treats those bad people very hard.

  When I heard about Murphy before, I said that Murphy is a particularly unsympathetic person, just a person who focuses on 347 money, and doesn't care about friends or not, but in reality, it is completely wrong.

  Anyway, what the outside world said about him is particularly bad, it is simply a good review, and it is very rare.

  But Anina had her own ideas, and felt that this was simply impossible, because after communicating with Murphy, she felt that Murphy was not that kind of person.

  After I came to the Callus Mountains, I slowly got in touch with Murphy, and found that Murphy was better than what I knew in my heart, and it didn't have anything to do with what they said at all.

  Sometimes you really need to have your own judgment. You shouldn't be what others say, instead of observing it yourself.

  Especially when I saw Murphy treat his friends, he was very generous to them, and he was very kind to them.

  There is no way to let them do some things like a leader. Sometimes Murphy does not let them do some things, and he does it by himself.

  Never let Tony and Ascleter do it alone, and try to let them both rest when they can rest. Murphy must think that he may think too much and love to explain to himself. .

Chapter 305

  Chapter 304 Mutual Communication

  In fact, there is really no need to explain it to myself, I can understand the things between them.

  If you can't understand these things, how can she be her father's good daughter? She is her father's only daughter, and she will leave everything to herself in the future.

  My father and Murphy know each other, and sometimes they are connected. I also know Murphy through my father, so I have a lot of fantasies about him, and I want to be able to one day. Seeing him, this time I really saw him.

  "Murphy, I think you still don't know me. I still see things very clearly, and I can still distinguish between public and private."

  "I also understand your intention. I didn't think too much about it at all. I don't think there are so many problems between us. It's just that we have just met and don't know each other very well."

  Anina blamed all these, that is to say, they didn't know each other too well. They just met. She and Murphy hadn't met not long ago. Doing things Murphy taught himself a lot.

  Here, I also let myself see a lot of equipment that I have not seen before, as well as some weapons, especially Murphy's test items using biochemical toxicity.

  Especially if Murphy doesn't do some illegal things, it proves that Murphy still has his own principles. He always does things he likes, and never does things he doesn't like. It's not like some people do it for money. Anything can be done.

  Anina despises such people, especially her father, who is also connected with some other people like Murphy. Those people really are, and they can do anything for money.

  There is absolutely no principle with Murphy. Although everyone is running for money, Murphy's principle can still be seen by himself, and as long as it is done by the other party and he is not satisfied, Murphy will give up and can get High-paying things.

  Anina felt that she really admired Murphy more and more, especially when Murphy made a decision today, she felt that Murphy was really handsome.

  And that is Tony. Tony desperately went to save Majorelle, although Majorelle joined them later, but after they were together, they became a team, no one gave up, and didn't say you were New here, I don't have to save you at all, just take care of myself.

  But they didn't give up the joke, just like Tony said, if Major Kelly dies, she will also carry the body of Major Kelly back. There are others, maybe Major Kelly has frozen to death there, no one will care about him.

  And even if Majorelle sends a signal, others may not look for Major, because the difficulty there is simply too great.I have never experienced an avalanche, but I still know the severity of the avalanche, and I understand a little bit.

  "Annina, from the moment you came here, I felt that I knew you enough, don't think we don't believe you, in fact, everyone believes in you very much, don't feel pressured, don't Remember those things you did before, those things were nothing at all. ¨."

  Murphy felt that it was necessary to tell Anina about the previous incident again. Maybe Anina still had a gap in her heart, and she felt like she had done something wrong and always remembered it in her heart.

  In fact, Anina doesn't need to have those burdens at all, and everyone doesn't remember those things. Although Tony might be unhappy when he said it out today, Murphy also wanted to explain to Tony that Tony is just some unintentional words. , he is like this, and he said it casually.

  He doesn't care about it at all, it's not like Esquilet at all, Esquilet, that person just takes everything to heart, even if he has any dissatisfaction, he takes it to heart, but apart from talking to himself. outside.

  If there is any dissatisfaction with him, Escherett will definitely say it in time, and this is limited to Murphy alone.

  "I know I'm a little grumpy. I've told you about this several times, but I can see from your eyes that you dodge a little when you're doing things."

  What Anina thought was that she was indeed like this, because she destroyed the alarm system for the first time, although she had repaired it.

  But in my heart, I still feel that I just came here and destroyed their things, and I didn't help much, I directly destroyed the things first, and the later remedy, I even felt sorry in my heart, Murphy had already told himself Having said it once, Anina also thinks that they treat her sincerely, but sometimes when she does things, she still thinks of the first time she screwed up.

  Anina knew that she should control her emotions. She couldn't let herself keep thinking about what happened before, and let her eyes dodge a little so that Murphy could see it.

  In fact, those things, like what Murphy said, are nothing at all, just that they came to an unfamiliar place and felt that they had done something wrong and made everyone laugh.

  Seeing that no one has ever laughed at him, everyone treats him as if nothing happened at all, but he thinks too much by himself.

  "Oh, I haven't paid attention to that matter for a long time. In fact, I'm not dodging, so you can rest assured (Ok Zhao) Well, I won't in the future. Who hasn't done something wrong? What, are you right? As long as you make good repairs in the later stage, it will be fine."

  Anina knows that not everything can be saved, but she can only say so now, because there is no other way to ease the embarrassment before.

  "Yes, it can be remedied, but you still need to be more careful. It's fine if you don't think too much, but there is not every chance to remedy it. You have to remember this."

  Even if Murphy doesn't say it, Xiaofen knows that there are so many opportunities to remedy it. If you do something wrong, you are doing it wrong. If you can correct it, then how can you make a mistake?

  "Murphy, you don't need to say this, I also know it, I already have signs, this time I really taught myself a lesson.".

Chapter 306

  Chapter 305 Father's Hesitation

  Once again, Anina and Murphy had a chat, and said what they should say in their hearts. Anina also understood. What Murphy meant was to warn herself not to think too much. Do things seriously.

  "Annina, I have already connected, and the rest is up to you."

  Murphy felt that he had nothing to tell Anina anymore, and that there were no obstacles, so he could rest assured.

  Murphy's purpose is to prevent Anina from misunderstanding, as long as Anina is not misunderstood, everything is easy to handle.

  "Okay, I see, I'll call my father's private number now."

  Anina didn't hesitate to enter her father's private number on it. She didn't notice that Murphy didn't look this way at all. When Anina pressed the play button, Murphy stood up and turned around. went out.

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