Anina knows that this has no monitoring function at all. Murphy trusts herself, and she cannot do anything against Murphy, and she is not that kind of person.

  "Murphy, what are you doing? You're fine in this room, and I don't have any secrets to tell my father about 347. Besides, you should stay here."

  Anina stopped, and Murphy, who had already walked to the door, felt that there was nothing wrong with Murphy staying in there. Murphy trusted herself so much, why did she distrust Murphy? What secrets to say, just to say whether the company at home has a ghost.

  I had noticed this when I came here a long time ago, and I wanted my father to check it, but it was just because the matter was delayed, there was no time to check it.

  Now I am in the Carlus Mountains, and I have no ability to check the family's affairs, and some things still need my father to do it at home.

  When I knew that there was an error in the map, I knew that there must be a ghost in it, otherwise it would not be like that. This Hulk is still quite powerful, and he actually bought everyone in his family and company.

  "Annina, I just went out and spent a little time here, don't worry, don't you remember what we said just now?"

  After saying this, Murphy turned around and walked out, feeling that there was no need to stay here, which made Anina feel a little burdened. It was obvious that she was not firm. He said that her son was still here, isn't it? Does it make you think too much of the rhythm?

  Murphy is not the kind of person who says one thing with his hands and does another with his hands. As long as he says something, he will be one with his heart and hands. How can he say one thing and do another?

  Anina watched Murphy go away. After she went out, she no longer insisted on it. She also knew that if she kept Murphy, Murphy would not stay here. Murphy's thoughts, Anina understood very well.

  Anina dialed her father's personal phone number, then chatted with her father for a while, communicated, and finally finished all the things she wanted to say. After coming here, she was thinking about this matter. .

  This time it was finally resolved, and my father would be seriously investigating it over there, and he would also fix the loopholes on the satellite so that they could get correct images here.

  Originally, my father was a little hesitant to let Anina come here. After all, it is very dangerous here. When Anina came here, she told her father about what she met here, and what she met here. However, my father felt that Anina also got some exercise and learned a lot here.

  I started to support Anina at Murphy's side. I knew that Murphy was a very powerful character, and I also knew Murphy's intention to protect everyone. Anina's father was more at ease. Anina stayed here. .

  Anina's father hurriedly went to investigate whether there really was a ghost, or whether their server was damaged, all of which required him to investigate a little bit.

  After the two agreed on the time, they hung up the phone. The two agreed on the time for Anina's father to tell Anina what the result was after the investigation was done.

  If Anina's father wants to contact Anina, he needs cooperation from many parties, which will be very troublesome. After making an appointment with Anina, just let Anina contact him directly from there.

  Anina's father also knew that the phone that Anina could make from here was Murphy's trust in them. When Anina's father saw someone dialing his private number, and the number was not displayed on it, he knew It must be Anina.

  I didn't let my subordinates do this investigation and positioning at all, and I didn't think it was necessary, as long as Anina had nothing to do.

  After Anina and her father exchanged greetings again, Anina hung up the phone, looking at the time on the watch, she had been chatting with her father for more than half an hour.

  Anina sat there and took a long breath, feeling that she was really relieved and she had accomplished what she wanted to accomplish.

  Murphy seemed to have pinpointed the time. He walked in from the outside and watched Anina. He sat there knowing that Anina had already said everything she wanted to say, and when she went back, she knew that Anina was an impatient personality. It's not easy to live for so long.

  As Murphy walked in, he said to Anina, "How is it? After talking with her father on the phone, did Anina feel a lot more relaxed and said everything she wanted to say?"

  "Speaking of which, I have already asked him to start investigating from the inside. This is a knot in my heart. My father is so good to the people in the company, and there may be a ghost inside."

  Anina wondered who might have betrayed the insider information?Anina's father is very kind to everyone around him. Only those around the husband and wife can do this. The employees below can't do this at all.

  There are still such people being used, don't they know how to be grateful?His own father supported them all, and some of them did this.

  "Have you heard the story of the farmer and the snake, isn't that what it looks like? No one will follow a person [-]% of the time."

  Anina thought what Murphy meant when he said, "Aren't even Ascillet and Tony to be trusted?".

Chapter 307

  Chapter 306 The Most Trusted Person

  In fact, Murphy really doesn't mean this. He trusts Esquilette and Tony the most. There is nothing more worthy of his trust than the two of them.

  "Annina, you're in a good mood, aren't you? You're looking for loopholes in my words, right?"

  This little devil, when he is in a good mood, he is really different from before. Before when he spoke, he refuted very little, but now he knows how to start refuting himself.

  "Murphy, then how do you know that Tony and Esquire will not betray you, and that they will do things that you may not expect, things that must not happen to the two of them, the two of them. It's all done, so what should I do?"

  When Anina asked this question, Murphy didn't hesitate at all, and felt that there was no need for him, but hesitantly answered Anina directly, "This thing will never happen to the two of them, we You can't understand the three of them."

  Anina thought about it for a while, Murphy's words are indeed like this, you can see from them, the kind of eyes between the three of them, and the tacit understanding between the three of them is someone else's replacement No.

  When I came here, I could feel the aura between the three of them. I also believed in Tony and Esquire, and would not do anything to hurt Murphy, nor would Murphy go. hurt both of them.

  "I really envy you so much. You can do this. How come there are no such people around me? I think the people around me are all interested in my family~family."

  Anina recalled what happened when she was a child. Since she was a child, others have looked at his family. They think his family is very good, and they can use him to make friends with him. At that time, Anina didn't notice it. What, it was only after the uncle got older that he discovered everyone's views on himself.

  "Annina, you are still young. It doesn't mean that when you are in a hurry, you will experience more and more things slowly, and you will discover something, and you will have your own good friends."

  "Hope that's right Murphy, my father said he'd lend us the satellite, now it's alright, don't use it secretly."

  I have been using it secretly these few days, because I have no authority, and my father did not delegate authority to me, just to prevent myself from participating in more things, so once my father gave me the authority, and I can use it casually. .

  But it is also necessary for the father to find the inner ghost before he can use the things here. Otherwise, the inner ghost can easily be noticed, so wouldn't it be the same as if he did not report to his father?

  "Okay, I know, just leave these things to you."

  Murphy didn't want to really get involved in these things, just leave it to Anina to do it alone. Anyway, Anina stayed in the base alone, or else their company lost some confidential documents, then it would be fine. Don't blame yourself.

  It's better to be careful about what happens. Although it is impossible to touch their confidential documents, if it really happens, how can you say it?Let Anina figure it out by herself.

  It's impossible for Anina to steal the documents from her own family. That's impossible. If she stole it, how could she tell her father that there was a ghost in the house?

  Anina didn't think too much. He didn't know what Murphy was thinking at all. He simply thought that Murphy just let him stay at the base to do these things, and they didn't stay here, and there was no need to follow They say this.


  After a good night's sleep in the base, Escheret woke up and prepared everything and put it on the plane that he drove.

  There is no more sour smell on my body, but I have washed it several times to wash away the sour smell. If this happens again next time, let Tony come out, I don't want to do it anymore. experienced something like this.

  When Escheret thought about such a thing, he felt very disgusting in his heart. He let his own smell really linger in his head. There was no smell, and he could feel the smell, just in his own. around.

· · Flowers · ·

  Murphy prepared everything and prepared everything. In a short free time, Esquire brought some candy to Tony.

  Escheret was very considerate to prepare their things, knowing that it was very difficult to want anything in the Karlus Mountains.

  Although Murphy can do everything, it is troublesome to do these things. If you have time, let's study the plan carefully, take it back from here, and change what they need. Xiaoguo didn't ask them, just follow the Do it with your own ideas.

  When Esqilet was ready, he started to contact the base, because he couldn't fly back to the base rashly and still needed to locate himself below.


  "Annina, Anina, good evening."

  Because there is a time difference of several hours between the two places, it was just late at night when Esquilet went back from here to there. At that time, it was the dead of night, when everyone relaxed their vigilance.

  Only in the middle of the night can people let go of their spirits. Whether they are sleepy or not, they can relax their nerves. This is the structure of the human body.

  This time is the best time to fly from here to there.

  "Good evening, is Esquilette ready? Are you ready to come back? Your speed is simply too fast, it feels like you just left."

  "Don't you know Anina? I've been gone for two days, and you still say I'm fast. Do you dislike me for being slow? I doubt that what you said is an antonym."

  In fact, what Anina said is not an antonym at all, but I really feel that Esquilette's speed is very fast, especially when they say that it is such a dangerous place on the border, it is so fast The speed is about to go back, isn't that fast?

  "Asquilet, you may have thought too much, but I don't mean to dislike your slowness. I know the danger of what you are doing, yet you have finished it so quickly." Ding.

Chapter 308

  Chapter 307 Return to Base

  But I don't know what Escheret is doing. I only know what they said on the border. Murphy didn't tell them, and Anina didn't ask. This may also be the case. Only the three of them, Ashleytte Tony and Murphy, know.

  Sometimes it's like this, don't know what you shouldn't know, you don't need to ask too much about others.

  "Didn't I want to get back to you quickly? Listening to Murphy's story about what happened before, how could such wonderful things be without me."

  Anina understood. It turned out that it was Escherett who heard Murphy tell what happened before. The bomb was very beautiful after it exploded, and it bloomed colorfully on the snow-capped snow.

  "Yeah, then come back quickly, I have sent you the route back, keep in touch at any time."

  Anina sent the route to Escherett, and she monitored the surrounding movements to see if there was any danger in Chizhou, so that Escherett could avoid it in time.

  "Annina, what are you doing? Why are you here so early?"

  Murphy, Tony and Major, all three walked in, and everyone in the monitoring room was already tidying up.

  Just now, the three of them briefly discussed what happened yesterday, and made a summary of what happened yesterday. After all, things need a summary book, which direction should they look for.

  Since they encountered an avalanche before, they did not continue their search in the east of the Carlus Mountains. This time, Murphy felt that it was necessary to study the east of the Carlus Mountains carefully.

  Since Anina had a special night of rest yesterday, everyone had already rested a long time ago. After Anina spoke with her father on the phone, she went back to this place without taking a long rest.

  "Yeah, if I don't come, Esquilet will contact us so early. I can't receive it yet. Esquilet is going back now."

  "Aiscillet, okay, it's very fast, and it's going to come back."

  Tony was quite excited when he heard the news. Esquilette was back and he could still have someone to talk to. Murphy was busy in the laboratory every day, and as long as he didn't go out, he was busy with his own affairs.

  Could it be that I can still be around the two of them every day, chatting with the two of them?

  After Esqilet came back, he would have Esqilet by his side, and he would not be so lonely. Although Esqilet had only been gone for two days, he still felt that Esqilet was by his side. It seemed like he had walked for a long time.

  "How can I see you laughing like a fool, why are you so excited when Esquilette is back."

  Major Kelly looked at Escherett with contempt. When Escherlet spoke just now, the smile between his eyebrows made him feel that Tony was laughing like a fool. I don't know what he was thinking.

  Just one Esquilette can make him so excited, what else can he not be excited about?

  "Majorelle, you don't understand this, Murphy is busy every day, and when Aschret comes back, the two of us can still chat when we have nothing to do, make gestures, and have a relationship with you two women. What to talk about."

  "You want to talk to the two of us, but the two of us don't want to talk to you yet. There are so many things every day, how can there be time to chat, it feels like you are very relaxed."

  "Yes, I have always been very relaxed. As long as you are not by my side, I feel very relaxed. As soon as you go out, I will save you. I have saved you twice."

  What Escheret said is also true. When he went out for the first time, he met that ferocious beast. Escherlet was injured by the venom of that fierce beast. After going out again, nothing happened. This time Another avalanche.

  Anyway, after going out with Majorelle, I encountered so many troubles, and I felt as if my life with Majorelle was not the same.

  "Looking at what you said, it's like I brought you these troubles, and I don't want these things to happen. I'm still trapped there, and I almost stayed there."

  Murphy and Major Kelly looked at each other. When the two of them were arguing just now, the two of them kept staring at the two of them. The two of them are now quarreling again. Is it already reconciled?

  Since Tony rescued Majorelle, Majorelle's thanks to the two of them have resolved all the previous matters. The words between the two of them are still very touching. Why does it seem like this time? What happened just yesterday, why did it suddenly change back to the way it was before?

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