Major Kelly didn't thank Tony anymore. It was her own business. Tony wasn't there either. She felt like Major Kelly was living there, and the two began to quarrel again...  

  "The two of us should not look at the two of them, and let the two of them quarrel. It seems that the two people yesterday were not the two of them."

  "Murphy, I think you're quite right. What we saw yesterday seemed to be the two of them in person."

  This person is really changing too fast. Yesterday and today are completely two people, especially in the two people, Major Kelly and Tony.

  "Asquilet has already taken off, and the speed is fast enough. Looking at its travel route, do you still return according to the original route?"

  Since Murphy was not here just now, Anina felt that she could make a decision, and there was no need to wait for Murphy to come back to study the 1.2 research route.

  Anina landed on her own satellite, chose the fastest route, and sent it to Esquilet. She no longer followed the previous route, which led them to meet the Hulk. their gang.

  "No, I have changed the route for Esquilet, and the rest of the route is decided by Esquilet. Only this is when I reach the edge of the Callus Mountains. did it."

  Murphy is a little unclear, so I don't understand what Anina and Escheret are doing?Why did you make a separate route?Shouldn't Anina have done it alone?

  "Why did the two of you figure out a route? What's going on with Esquilette over there.".

Chapter 309

  Chapter 308 Change the route

  "When Aschret called me, he had already found the route there, so I found him the route in the Callus Mountains."

  Murphy sat down and opened Esquilette's travel route. Murphy observed it for a while and felt that this route was also good, and there was nothing wrong with it, but there was a border line in the middle.

  Although this route is a straight line to the nearest distance to the Carlus Mountains, I don’t know if this boundary line can safely pass the permission of my own plane, and can it pass through their airspace?

  It is only with permission to pass through the airspace of other countries. It doesn't mean that Murphy, who can pass through as easily as he wants, has obtained permission from many countries, but he really forgot and never got it.

  Murphy didn't understand a little. Why did Escherett come back in such a hurry. He has already solved all the problems. Escherlet is still very anxious. He came back because he was afraid that everyone would be in danger. He couldn't feel it. be by their side.

  "Aiscillet, why did you choose this route? Although this route 12 is closer than the previous route, it needs to pass through the border. This border has a holiday with me."

  Murphy remembered that he had a conflict with the border of this country, so he said that his plane was in the sky, and he did not know whether they would attack Esquilette.

  Anyway, I had given them a good meal before, so that they would not have a good life.

  "Having a holiday with you doesn't mean you have a holiday with me. Don't worry, I have already studied it, you can just wait for me to go back."

  Escherett is still very confident. They have already finished saying hello, and Murphy is not needed at all. They are also asking themselves why they are flying Murphy's plane. past.

  Now that Esquire has already said so, Murphy will no longer say anything, because Esqilet must do things carefully and will not do things impulsive.

  So as long as Esquilette has confidence, that's totally fine.

  They can't interfere in too many things, and some things still need to be decided by themselves.

  "What's the matter? Murphy, why did Asclet choose this route."

  "Why you and Majorelle have already quarreled, have you figured out who lost and who won?"

  "Okay Murphy, don't make fun of me, the two of you. Of course, I gave birth to Major. Can you tell me?"

  "Yeah, Tony, I can't talk to you, but can I beat you before the two of us didn't talk about it? Come back and have a try, so there will be time for us to test our skills."

  Anina has been so excited all of a sudden, how could she forget about it?I also want to see how Major Kelly defeated Tony, Tony is so majestic.

  "Okay, okay, I've heard about this money. I want to see how you beat Tony."

  Tony's face is dark at this moment. Why did Anina hear about it when she came here? Whoever said it with such a big mouth, it must be Major Kelly who has a big mouth. She told this matter before. I only let the child go when I was injured, but this time, I absolutely can't let the child go, and I can't treat him like a woman.

  "Annina, don't watch the fun, don't think it's a big deal, the two of them will really fight after a while."

  Murphy was very excited to watch Anina from the side. If the two of them fought here, what would happen that day, maybe when the two of them fought?

  Don't look at Major Kelly as a woman, but that stamina really catches up with a man. Don't look at her stature so shrunk, it's still very hard for Tony to beat her.

  Now Tony's body is not injured and both arms are fine. Maybe this time when the two of them are going to fight, it's better not to be at this stage.

  The effect has not yet returned to the base safely. If the two of them fight here, they will waste their physical strength. What if something unexpected happens on Escherett's side?

  "Annina is not the time when you should pay attention. You should always pay attention to Esquilette's developments. It is not time for the two of them to compete against each other."

  "Okay, the two of you don't fight for face there. Now is not the time for the two of you to compete against each other. When Aschret comes back, the two of you will compete in a showdown, and everyone will give it to the two of you. Be a judge."

  Majorelle and Tony were still quarreling there, who was stronger than who, who was better in kung fu, and who didn't let each other down.

  If Murphy didn't interrupt the two of them, maybe when the two of them were going to quarrel until the two of them were quarreling there. From the time they came to the Karlus Mountains, the two of them kept quarreling, and they also quarreled. Not sure what the two of them have to argue about.

  I thought that the two of them were just what happened yesterday, that the two of them have reconciled and will not quarrel anymore, but they found that the two of them are still like this and it will never end.

  "Well, today I'll give Murphy a face and I'll let you go, Tony. When I'm not busy, see if I can beat you to the ground."

  Major Kelly felt that she couldn't say enough about Tony, but she definitely couldn't lose to Tony in terms of momentum.

  It would be a shame to lose to him. It would be unreasonable for a woman to lose to a man on her lips.

  "If you have something to do with Majorelle, just come here. You don't have to give Murphy a face. I'll see if you can beat me this time. I was injured before. You can see me this time."

  Murphy gave the two of them a look, and the two of them looked at Murphy's eyes, knowing that Murphy would not let them talk in the group, and the two of them also closed their mouths.

  Everyone stopped talking like this, each was busy with his own business, and Tony went to play with his pistols. When he had nothing to do, he liked to disassemble and disassemble these weapons.

  Tony just likes to fiddle with it in an infinite loop. He feels that one day when he arrives at a place and that place is full of parts, he can quickly install a pistol for his own use.

  Majorelle walked aside and sat there, watching them boredly with nothing to do. .

Chapter 310

  Chapter 309

  Now everyone is paying attention to Esqilet's developments. As long as Esqilet returns to the base, it will be safe.

  If you hadn't sent Esquilet out to this place in the Calrus Mountains, the traces of those people would not have been found. Maybe where did the traces of those people come from? Very dazzling.

  Aschret was driving his plane leisurely in the sky, whistling in his mouth. He was about to return to the place in the Callus Mountains, and he was very happy to see them. Although Karl The place in the Lusi Mountains is very boring, but with their group together, everyone is safe and together, it is a thing that can make you happy.

  "Aiscillet, why are you in such a good mood? Don't you find it boring to go back to this boring place?"

  "How nice is the flowery world outside, did you feel good during the few days you stayed in the city?"

  Murphy listened to Esquilette whistling and asked Esquilette, this Esquilette actually returned to this place, and was still so happy.

  Murphy was in a hurry to go back. After going back, he looked at his goldfish and gave him a good vacation. It felt like he hadn't had a chance to relax for a long time.

  For such a long time, Murphy has been busy doing one thing after another, and each thing is particularly tricky. He didn't give himself the opportunity to take a vacation, so he was always there and busy.

  Although I always tell myself to rest when I'm done with this thing, as long as it's time to rest, there will be things that interest me.

  Just like the case of Hulk, Hulk is very famous internationally, and he is very good at hiding himself. If he hides, it will be very difficult to find, so they contacted them and asked them to find them. Hulk didn't expect Hulk to have news.

  In the middle of the sudden appearance of Renijester, these are all challenging for him. Hulk has news. In the middle, Reinigester suddenly appeared. These are all challenging for him.

  Reinigester is because he can use biochemical toxicity like himself, and he is always comparing himself with himself. It is a bit unreasonable not to take it seriously. His ranking is second only to himself in the world.

  Murphy felt that he had to give Renijester a look at the Hulk's world event, let Renijester stay away from him and stop provoking himself. He can't compare to himself and is still talking to himself. Such provocations are wasting each other's time, and I don't have the time to play with her anymore.

  "Of course I'm happy. As long as I'm with you, I think it's a happy thing. Although the flowery world outside is also very charming, I still want to go back there. ¨."

  What Aschret can say is the truth, and there is no falsehood in it at all. As a result, this person is relatively honest, not the glib person.

  "By the way, Murphy, when you were crossing the border just now, the model on your plane was strafed by the country below, and then you asked me on the question-and-answer machine."

  It's just that some countries know that there is such a person, his plane is just registered with them, and he has had conflicts with them, so he said that the plane was recorded. If Te hadn't chosen this route in advance, he would definitely not let Esquilet take this route. If a shell hits the plane, Esquilet will be doomed. .

  "What did they ask you about? Are you asking if I'm still alive? Or is it the plane you bought."

  Murphy has already thought of these words they asked, and there will be no good words to ask his own group of people, making himself miserable.

  How could it be possible to kindly ask if you are living well? You must be asking yourself if you are living in a miserable life now, not as good as them, and they will start to be happy.

  As soon as Aschret said Murphy, he could guess. If he wanted to know what they said, none of them were good words, and there were no good words for him.

  "Murphy, you didn't guess right, they actually wanted to seek cooperation with you, and then I said that you sold this plane to me, and I couldn't contact you."

  When Esquire heard this, he was still very curious. How could they want to cooperate with Murphy? There had been such a serious conflict before, and it was impossible to cooperate with them.

  Did they have any intention to entrap Murphy?Esquilette didn't dare to reply to them, but said haha, saying that he bought Murphy's plane and didn't know this person.

  They didn't continue to ask questions, and they didn't inquire about other things. This matter just passed by.

  But it is still necessary to tell Murphy about this matter, so that Murphy can know that there is such a thing, and it is impossible to say nothing to Murphy just because he refused it.

  ".¨Have they come up with some new tricks again? I really don't understand them. Your answer is right, just ignore them."

  There is no need to sit and entangle with them too much. If it wasn't for the route chosen by Escherett, Murphy was not prepared to let him go, and such a thing would never happen there, and the contact did not want to contact him.

  "Murphy, aren't we going out now? Are we waiting here today?"

(Good Lee's)

  It's a bit boring to stay there. It's just so empty. Waiting here will delay everyone's progress. It's better to go out and look for it. If you find it, won't everyone be so troublesome? ?

  The original plan was that Murphy thought that everyone should go out and go to the east of the Carlus Mountains to find it. Yesterday, they had already discovered there, and thought that place might be their hiding place.

  Even if it wasn't their hiding place, it would be found there, and Murphy had a hunch that he might find something useful there.

  Everyone had already discussed it just now, but Murphy didn't give everyone an order for a long time, and could only wait here.

  Major Kelly couldn't hold back a little bit, and wanted to wait for Murphy's order, and then it was better to go out than stay here. .

Chapter 311

  Chapter 310 The Body Is Important

  "Major Kelly, I decided to adjust for another day today, because you were trapped there yesterday and suffered from severe hypoxia, so your body still needs to recover for a day, don't rush out, and come back after taking Esquilette. Let's talk later."

  "It's okay, Murphy, don't delay everyone's progress because of me. I have no problem with my health now. If it was because of me, if all those people ran away, how could we catch the Hulk."

  Although Major Kelly's body is still a little uncomfortable, it's only a little uncomfortable. She can't delay everyone's progress because of her own body, so that everyone has no way to find the Hulk.

  Yesterday was already a bit of a sign, and they all felt that they would definitely leave traces there, and they were going to go out to find them. If they hadn't been trapped there, maybe everyone would have gone to that place to find them last night. If it is delayed, Anina will feel very sorry that she cannot delay things because of herself.

  I feel that I feel a little bit of self-blame. At that critical moment, the parachute didn't open, and I don't know what I was thinking at the time. I didn't do a simple thing like 350 well, and what was the difficulty.

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