The feeling of being trapped there, and the fact that Tony and Murphy are so anxious to find themselves, fortunately, their luck is relatively good.

  I came across an abandoned cave, and that cave was quite strange. It actually left a manual transmitter. If there was no manual transmitter, I might have to stay there for a while, and the consequences would be really unimaginable.

  I have already said enough to thank them, and I feel that it is meaningless to say more, as long as I understand it in my heart.

  "Don't worry, I know these things in my heart. Don't feel burdened. Let's adjust it for another day and then let's go out together when Esquilette returns."

  When many people are together, there is still a person to take care of them. No matter who is where, one person can’t get in touch with the other person, and they can still be contacted. Many people are more powerful.

  "Isn't Murphy's original plan not like this? Why did the plan suddenly change?"

  Major Kelly felt that Murphy had changed her original plan because she had changed her original plan. What she said this morning was not like this at all. It must be because of her body. Murphy was afraid that her body would not work, so she said it was temporarily changed. After planning, Major Kelly felt even more sorry.

  After I came back from outside, I didn't see Major Kaili herself, and I didn't pay too much attention to Major Kaylee. I only knew that Majorelle went to rest, and in the morning, she was also dazed, and she didn't either. Notice the look on Majorelle's face.

  Just now when he and Escherett were arguing, he noticed that Major Kelly's face was not as rosy as before, nor as good as before, so Murphy was still a little worried. hypoxia also occurs.

  It's very dangerous to experience hypoxia again if Major doesn't get back to her original form.

  If you encounter hypoxia outside, it is better for everyone to adjust in the base and go out after a day. Although it is possible for them to run away, the traces they leave must be able to find something special. This point You can rest assured.

  Murphy thinks that women are very attentive and do things very carefully, but now they feel that women are sometimes a little troublesome and think too much. Just like Anina, I have to take care of them. Emotions, they can't be disappointed. When Anina communicated with her father, she was afraid that Anina would think too much. Now that the situation of Majorelle has appeared again, I have to take into account their feelings. .

  Sometimes it is a good thing for a woman to be around, and sometimes a woman is really a troublesome feeling, but it is much more convenient not to be with a man.

  Their thoughts are more special than men's thoughts, and they think particularly carefully. Men are just careless and don't think about them at all.

  "I also changed my mind temporarily. Isn't this a temporary change of route by Esquire? It changed the route. I feel a little unsafe, so I think everyone should not go there."

  Murphy pushed everything on Escherett. In fact, Escherlet chose this route, and he really felt unsafe, and it wasn't that he just said it out of thin air. based on facts.

  If they all go out and are not in the base, if Esquilette encounters any trouble, they still have to come back here, then the distance is far, especially when Esquilet is still flying in the sky , There are many uncertain factors, and there is no legal time to come here.

  If the encounter with Major was like that, wouldn't it stay there? Fortunately, Tony was always near Major and was able to find out where Major was in time, while Aschret was In the opposite direction, Esquilette is flying in the sky and encounters a dangerous situation. Esquilet can deviate from the route and go to another route.

  "Now report my position, I have now reached the edge of the Carlus Mountains, everyone can welcome me right away, I can come back right away."

  Escheret felt that he had seen the very edge of the Callus Mountains, but there were two worlds from this side, the other side was white, the grass here was withered and yellow, and there was no snow at all. The polarization is still quite large.

  Esquilet thought the scenery here was pretty good. When he came back before, he didn't notice the bottom at all, and he entered the Karlus Mountains in a daze.

  On the day I came out, I looked at the situation next to me, but I didn't look at the situation below.

  I don't have time to watch such a beautiful scenery. This time I saw a place where polarization is so severe. I didn't expect it to be a beautiful scenery.

  Anina has been keeping an eye on Ascillet's travel route, which is still very safe, and there is no problem.

  When Esquire was looking down, he suddenly realized how could there be a ski resort in that place? It's a very special ski resort in such a remote place, not all of them are in the place not far from their base. ?Why did this place appear? .

Chapter 312

  Chapter 311 Big Bang

  Just when Esquilet was thinking about this idea, he suddenly heard a loud noise. Since Esquilet was flying at a low altitude when he arrived here, he heard this sound clearly.

  This is how the same thing?Why is the sound so loud, nothing seems to have changed when looking down. When Esquilet turned his head to look down at the other half, he found that there was smoke rising from the mountain over there.

  Suddenly there was another loud noise, and it landed next to the place where it had fallen. Esquilette hurriedly pulled up the plane and raised the altitude. This place is not safe~.

  Aschret deviates from the original route, Murphy and the others don't know what happened, they just watched Aschret deviated from the route number-number.

  "Murphy, the route you came to see Ascillet has shifted."

  After Anina found out that Escherett's route was deviating, she hurriedly came to Xiaobao. Some decisions could not be made by herself, or she called Murphy to see if it was the case.

  Murphy frowned, looked at Escherett's deviated course seriously above, and then observed that Escherett was still rising, and Escherett might have encountered trouble.

  "Aiscillet, what's the matter, how come you have deviated from the course and increased the altitude."

  Murphy urgently called Esquilet to let Esquilet know what happened, causing Esquilet to suddenly deviate from the course.

  Tony sat on the side and heard what Murphy said, and the beast began to get nervous. Is there any trouble in Esquilette?

  Tony also came to the front of the monitor and looked at the huge screen. Esquilet had now seriously deviated from the course and raised the altitude. After Murphy called Esquilet, Esquilet did not answer. .

  "Ascillet, can't you hear me now?"

  Although the route that Murphy looked at deviates from Escherett and has increased its altitude, the plane is still safe, and the indicator light is still on green, and there is no problem.

  This proves that Esqilet is safe. Esqilet did not answer his own words in time. It may be that there is no problem with dealing with the troublesome plane there. What kind of trouble can he encounter?

  Murphy also didn't understand very much, and now he can only know what kind of trouble Esquilet has encountered after waiting for Esquilet's reply.

  It's not that Escherlet didn't hear Murphy's call, but he didn't have time to reply to what Murphy said. Escherlet felt that the cannonball seemed to be heading towards his side, and Escherlet was deviating. route, to avoid them in time.

  If this is hit by one of their cannonballs, then he really comes back with so many things in vain, even though he can parachute.

  "Murphy, I encountered a cannonball. When I was on the edge, I saw something similar to a ski resort. I thought it was a ski resort. I didn't expect them to be there like a target, shooting cannonballs on the mountain."

  "The reason why I deviated from the direction was to avoid them. If I didn't dodge in time, all those shells would fall on the plane."

  Everyone’s hearts were also put in their stomachs, as long as Esquilette was safe, and although they veered off the course, as long as they crossed here, there should be no problem.

  "That's good, as long as you are safe, you can always pay attention to whether they are shooting at the plane, or if you think they are shooting at the mountain."

  Murphy felt that there should be something strange here. Escherett was flying over the ground just now, and he could show it here. Did they shoot there before Escherett was gone? Woolen cloth?It wasn't that Ascillet couldn't feel it, there was the sound of shooting in front of him.

  The Escheret plane is now deviating from the course and has left there, but the sound of the cannonballs is still shooting in the direction of Escherett.

  Esquilette sensed according to what Murphy said, as if the projectiles fired were following behind him, why?

  It was as if he was driving himself away, he didn't want to design his own plane at all, but it was designed behind him, and each shell seemed to be very close to his own plane.

· · Flowers · ·

  Some of Aschret can't figure it out, what's going on?

  If they're going to get involved directly on the plane, it's a cannonball thing, what do they mean by chasing themselves?

  Are they trying to drive themselves out of their place?

  Esquilette did not fly directly from this place, but hovered here to test what these shells were like.

  "Murphy, I found that these shells were all around the perimeter of the plane, and they didn't mean to aim at the plane at all, just like they were driving me away."

  Esquire reported to Murphy what he had discovered, and wanted to ask Murphy what he should do now, should he know who these people are here.

...... 0

  It is understood that no one else will appear here in the Carlus Mountains. Is it also a Hulk person, if the Hulk person had not shot down his plane earlier?

  Do you still need to chase after yourself?That's not to say that no matter who's plane has to be shot down, as long as the plane that comes to this place will cause danger to them, can they let every plane go in a low-key way?

  If they let every plane passing by here in a low-key manner, maybe which plane will find their base and they will be able to clean up all of them. These people are definitely not Hulk people.

  "Murphy, I don't think these people are Hulk people. I don't know if my analysis is accurate, but my hunch tells me that these people are not Hulk people."

  Murphy listened to the analysis of the Escheretts. In fact, he thought the same just now. If the Hulk and the others discovered Escherett's plane, wouldn't it be a cannonball?

  There is no way to drive Esquire to leave this place. Why didn't he intercept the signal to communicate with Esquire?

  Who are these people?These are all questions, and it is not suitable for me to go to that place to have a look now. Since I am not a Hulk, there is no need to understand them.

  What Aschrett meant, those shells hit the back of their planes.Ding.

Chapter 313

  Chapter 312

  It has the meaning of expelling Ashley, so what do they mean?It's actually driving him away, why don't you use the radio?To use cannonballs to show off one's might.

  "Call 166, call the ground tower on 166."

  While Esquire was watching the situation, he received a message from the radio. No. 166 was the number on their plane. Where did this wireless tower come from?

  The towers on the ground are calling. Could it be that these people who drove themselves with artillery shells were calling for themselves?

  This group of people is really interesting. Why don't they call themselves directly with the radio, but use cannonballs to scare themselves here. As far as their cannonballs have anything to scare them, they don't care about their cannonballs, that power , you can see that the power of their shells is so small just by looking at the hole on the top of the mountain.

  They didn't create an avalanche on the hillside, which shows how small the energy of their artillery shells is.

  Esquilette should hesitate whether to answer them, whether answering them is a good thing or a bad thing, I don't know yet, if answering them will expose themselves.

  So I thought I discussed it with Murphy, and then answered them, and flew around here to see what they were going to do.

  Anyway, they didn't mean to shoot themselves down, that is, if they shoot down their own plane, they can also use parachuting to get out of the plane quickly, then the plane will be blinded, and the things they prepared can be loaded on it.

  How can they be easily destroyed by them, so don't you prepare everything in vain?

  The radio here was still calling, and Escherett didn't answer. I was going to ask Murphy if he should answer. We've already arrived at the Callus Mountains. Murphy can hear his plane. The sound of the radio.

  Why didn't Murphy answer himself?Asclet decided to ask Murphy.

  "Murphy Murphy, do you hear me? The radio is calling me."

  In fact, Murphy had already heard Esquire, the voice of Esquire from the radio in the plane, and Murphy was also considering whether to answer them, and whether to let Esqilet hurry up. Evacuate to a nearby location.

  Although Esquire has deviated from the route and cannot return to the normal route, Anina has already figured out the route, Anina has sent it to Esqilet's navigation, Ace Chiret can completely follow a new route and come back.

  Murphy was thinking about this voice in his mind. Although this voice was processed, Murphy savoured in his mind what this voice was.

  I feel that this voice is a little familiar. Although it has been processed, there are some words in his original voice.

  "I heard Aschret, and I also heard him calling you continuously, then you can answer him. Under the condition of ensuring your safety, go down to see what's going on around you."

  Murphy has his own intentions. He wants to see what kind of people are here. He originally thought that as long as people who are not Hulk are here, they don't need to pay attention to him. Anyway, it has nothing to do with himself. If they can't come, they don't have to deal with them in their place, just as if they don't exist.

  When they were about to tell Esquilet to evacuate, they actually started calling Esquilet by radio. Originally, I was thinking about why I didn't use the radio to call Esquilet, because Esquilet stopped. There, after too long, did they start calling Escheret?

  Murphy doesn't know if this is the reason, so he will try to answer them. They don't dare to do anything to Esquilette or Esquilette. Just one cannonball bombed Aschret's plane, why waste so many cannonballs?

  In this place, the Carlus Mountains, although they are on the edge of the Carlus Mountains, if they want to transport artillery shells here, it is also a big project. Although the power of the artillery shells is not very strong, its weight is there.

  Every plane or every vehicle has its carrying energy, and the cannonballs he just released are enough for a plane to carry. Terrain, looking at their terrain is not too big...  

  Looking at the photo, only the graphics are there, it should be just built, and it has just been built not long ago.

  Being able to transport these shells means that they must have their way here.

  "Okay, I see. It may be that I transmitted the photo back just as an outline. I will take a closer look this time."

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