Chapter 351

  Chapter 350 Looking for loopholes

  "Yes, this happened to Esquilet, so you can just ask Esquilet, and I can't say if you ask me. Okay, you can quickly clean up here. Well, I'm going back to work"

  After Murphy said this, he turned around and walked away. He didn't give Tony a chance to ask himself. He couldn't give him such a chance, otherwise he would not finish asking himself.

  I don't have this spare time to give them a chance to fight each other. Tony felt a little frustrated in Esquilette's words just now. It may be that Tony wants to find the loopholes of Esquilette here, and then let Esquiret Reiter frustrated

  It's like this between the two of them, it's always like this, if you push me down, I'll have to pay you back. The two of them are like children.

  The two of them are almost half a hundred years old together. What they didn't expect is that they are still so naive when they are together. When they go out, they do things vigorously and resolutely. , When the two of them compete with each other, they really feel that they are just a child.

  Murphy felt that he was much younger when he was with them. Otherwise, he could only use biochemical drugs to maintain his youthful appearance, or else he was really different in age when he was with them. Too much.

  Like a cat strangling his cheeks, his cheeks are still quite well preserved, otherwise they will really see how old they are, and they will definitely feel that they have an elixir of life.

  "Look at you, okay, I won't ask you, I'll ask Esquire."

  "Asklet, tell me, did you encounter something outside? Did you fall into the cesspool?"

  Tony felt that it had already appeared in front of his eyes. That picture was simply too funny. Esquire was struggling in it, and then his whole body was covered with that stench, and Tony wanted to laugh.

  "Tony, do you know that you are very boring like this, and your imagination is too rich. Your imagination should not live in this place at all."

  "Then where do you think I should live? Am I imaginative? I don't think I imagined it, but it actually happened to you, haha."

  "I don't have time to accompany you here to sit and play boring games, hurry up and clean up all your things, you have already done enough things for you, now if you don't hurry up to clean up, you really need to Been here for a long, long time."

  After saying these words, Escheret left directly. Originally, Escherlet wanted to help Tony stay here and clean up all these things, which had its own reasons.

  Because if I don't take so many parts, I don't need to clean up like this. Watching Tony clean up alone, he feels very tired, so I'd better help him, but now he keeps asking himself these things. question.

  The mood that originally wanted to help him has now been completely disturbed by him, so he can only walk away, not to say that he does not help him, but because of his own reasons, he does not help him. .

Chapter 352

  Chapter 351 Goodbye

  In fact, he is also helping him, isn't that helping him assemble this invisible fighter?If this fighter hadn't been assembled, he might still be busy here, and he wouldn't even be able to assemble half of the plane.

  "No, isn't that what our friendship is like? Don't you help me clean up before leaving? Did you just abandon me like this?"

  "Yeah, bye."

  After Escherlet said this, he turned around and left without any hesitation. Tony reluctantly looked at Escherlet's back as he went out. This was not helping him.

  When he turned around and came back, he saw Major Kelly and Anina standing there too, and he felt pretty good. At least these two ladies could help him faster, although the two of them couldn't move. Things, but at the very least you can help yourself to arrange them - things are okay too.

  "Thank you so much for you two ladies. You can see that the two of them are not gentlemen at all, and they just left like this."

  Tony looked at the two of them with a very warm and ingratiating smile, and it felt like he saw a life-saver, otherwise, when are there so many small parts, when will I be able to clean them up?

  Originally, when no one helped me, I felt that my work efficiency was quite fast, but when someone helped me, I still felt as if I was very dependent. How do I feel?

  The begging and pitiful look that Major Kelly looked at Tony, she had always disliked it before, but since he saved her, she still felt that it was pleasing to the eye.

  At the very least, when he encounters a crisis, he does not give up on himself, but he is still there for himself as he looks back, and he is not afraid of a second danger.

  "But we didn't want to help you either. I think you may be thinking too much."

  "Yes, the two of us are about to leave. We didn't mean to go there to help you."

  Tony really thought too much about this, and now these two ladies have to help themselves, there is no way, it can only come by themselves.

  "Well, it's also that you two ladies can't do anything for me. You were very grateful when you helped me install this plane."

· · Flowers · ·

  Tony showed a pitiful look. Major Kelly and Xiaofen glanced at each other. Both of them had a decision in their hearts. Knowing Tony, what does this mean?

  The two of them also decided to help him. At the very least, it wasn't any heavy work. Tony just picked up these things. There were a lot of small things, so it was a little more troublesome to clean up, but he was not tired.

...... 0

  "Then we really left. If you say thank you, maybe we can stay here. You don't say thank you at all."

  "Didn't I thank you two before?"

  "Didn't you say thank you for helping you install this stealth fighter? You didn't say thank you for helping you pack your things. It's a one-size-fits-all matter, okay?"

  Major Kelly felt that she still needed to slap Tony at this time, otherwise, Tony didn't know what was going on. Don't this matter all need one yard to one yard?Ding.

Chapter 353

  Chapter 352 Investigation

  Tony knew that Major Kelly must have come to trouble him. Did he really forget how he saved him before?Now he's starting to beat himself up like that again.

  "Hey, my dear friends, can you please help me? I am very grateful. If there is something wrong, I am willing to serve you as well."

  While speaking like this, Tony made a gentleman's gesture and knelt on the ground in half, making it the same as the Huang family ceremony, and it was a very solemn ceremony.

  Both Majorelle and Anina were amused by Tony's funny expression. In fact, the two of them didn't say they really wanted to leave, they just wanted to come here to help. Anyway, the two of them have nothing to do now Things, now that I am idle, I might as well go out and do some activities.

  Especially in this icy base, isn't it a good thing to be able to move around?You don't have to stay in the same room all the time. Even if the relationship between two people is so good, there will be times when the topic is over, isn't it?

  We can all be happier together.

  Especially since there are so many dangers in this place. If there are not so many things, wouldn't it be a great thing to go skiing now?

  In fact, Anina and Major Kelly have the same hobby, that is, alpine skiing. The surrounding mountains are steep and steep, especially for such advanced and exciting activities. This is the best place.

  But because there are too many danger factors outside, they can only be trapped inside the base.

  "Okay, we don't have to give this gift at all. We don't want to leave at all, we just want to tease you. Let's clean up quickly."

  After that, everyone started to take action. Tony just didn't like doing these small jobs, especially packing things. He felt that these things should actually be done by women, and a big man should not do these things. You should go out and face the enemy.

  But Tony's idea may be a bit macho, but in this environment, there are very few women, and finally there are two people, Majorelle and Anina, who are treated like precious protected animals of. ..

  "Then all I can say is that I am grateful."


  Murphy returned to the laboratory, and he still needed to study whose base the place outside the Carlus Mountains was, and why did his old friend appear here?

  Now we have to figure out, who is this old friend now, or is it his partner, even though he is not a partner?It is also said that he sold him weapons, but why did he appear here?

  This also needs to be understood, and he is an international military man, how can he appear in this place in the Carlus Mountains, and the shells they use are those with no power at all 1.2.

  If it had a little bit of power, it would have been very easy. It would have knocked down the plane that Aschret was flying, and they were just practicing there.

  There is no other activity at all, or they haven't come to the activity yet, which I haven't figured out yet. .

Chapter 354

  Chapter 353 Anina's Father

  Murphy turned on the satellite positioning. This satellite positioning belonged to Anina, which was transmitted by her father later, and she was busy all the time, so she did not open the positioning map for a look.

  After opening it, Murphy carefully observed and found that this is not the satellite positioning map of the Carlus Mountains?

  Murphy opened another satellite positioning map on another computer. This satellite positioning map is the one used before. This is Anina. Before talking to his father, he found the two positioning maps. There is a big difference.

  Murphy guessed from the beginning that there must be a difference between this.

  Because 12 has been affected by the magnetic field here since he came here, the positioning here has not been so accurate. The specific size of Xiaowei has not yet been made clear, but it just made Anina go to the edge of the east, where is Tropical, but the two southwest edges have not yet been investigated, where exactly.

  If you want to catch the Hulk, you must investigate the entire Carlus Mountains very clearly. Before this, I hadn't done so much homework.

  Because when I decided to build a base in the Carlus Mountains, I felt that this place was a snow-capped mountain, and it was possible to do experiments here, especially since the popularity of the place is particularly cold and hot, there will be no humans at all, and I chose this place to be very close to polar bears, and ordinary humans would not come here.

  Unless researchers can come to study polar bears, they will come here, and the rest of the ordinary people or people with scheming will not come here.

  Because the polar bear is also an extremely ferocious animal, no one wants to do anything in this place. His aggressiveness is particularly strong, so he can only choose this place to build this base.

  Maybe this is his own anti-human operation. When Esquilette and Tony came to this place, they both thought it was great that they chose this place. No one would have thought of choosing such a place. , Even if the two of them knew themselves so well, they never thought that they would build the base in this place, and what they didn't expect was that it was actually used.

  At that time, due to the rush of time, I didn't want to find out how big the Carlus Mountain Range was and what shape it was. I didn't think about it, because I was just on the edge. You don't need to explore things yourself. What I didn't expect is that Hulk actually came here just like he thought.

  This may also be because Hulk has a lot of similarity indexes with himself, so the next task of his 380 is to catch Hulk and see if Hulk is a person who is very similar to himself. There are too few people who are very similar to themselves.

  The positioning map sent by Anina's father has summed up the whole of the Carlus Mountains, and it is the kind that is particularly detailed and colored. It seems that Anina's father is quite attentive.

  Anina's father may also know that his daughter is in such a dangerous place. He must do a good job of positioning and mark all the nearby situations. .

Chapter 355

  Chapter 354 Abandoning Tony

  Any dangerous places on it, any Pythagoreans, etc., are all marked.

  It seems that his father is very worried about his daughter. It is the best plan to come to Anina to work with him. He actually asked his father to do so meticulously. If his daughter is not here, I believe Anina's father will not be here either. I will do so carefully.

  Escherlet also came to Murphy. Escherlet came to Murphy by himself after he left the warehouse below. Anyway, he had nothing else to do. Going back to rest is also a rest, it is better to come and see See what Murphy does, and what can help Murphy do.

  Although some things are not as good as Murphy, I can help a little if I can simply help. My IQ can’t catch up with Murphy, but my hands-on ability can still catch up with Murphy, so I say when Murphy is busy. It's still possible.

  Murphy can't do everything alone. Murphy is too tired. There are only 5 people in this base. Only Murphy does everything. It's a bit unfair. Everyone gets it. Prizes are all the same.

  Murphy is like this to them. No matter what task they do, the bonuses they get are always divided equally. It doesn't mean that if you think you do more things, you will get more points. Murphy has never been like this. of.

  "What are you doing? Is there anything I can do. ¨?"

  Escherlet spoke directly when he entered the room, Murphy turned his swivel chair around and watched Escherlet walk in, but Escherlet was alone.

  "Looks like you gave it up to Tony."

  Murphy saw that Escherett came alone and knew that Escherlet must have abandoned Tony. Otherwise, if Escherlet came here, Tony would definitely follow, absolutely not. will go elsewhere.

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