Especially a gossip like Tony, who wants to get involved no matter what, and wants to get involved.

  "Yeah, of course, it was abandoned for him, but there are only some small parts left. He can clean up those by himself, and he should also be punished, or he will always think about winning the bet and winning that."

  Esquire said directly, Tony's weakness, Tony just felt that it was too boring and boring here, and always wanted to make a bet with others, and then he felt an exciting feeling.

  Everyone knows that this place is too boring, especially if you can't go out of the base, only inside the base, this small space is covered with white snow, and there is no color at all, so it is easy to cause fatigue. The feeling, this Tony is always looking here and there, looking for someone to talk to.

  ".¨Haha, yes, (good money is good) he is so boring, and he is also in this place, so boring."

  "Yeah, this place doesn't even have a drinking place. If there is a drinking place, I guess you are the only one here in this base now."

  Esquilette thought about this place, is there a place to drink or a place to play, everyone has already gone out, do you still need to stay here? .

Chapter 356

  Chapter 355

  There is no one in this base for a long time, and they must have sneaked out. When they are not doing tasks, everyone wants to relax their mood. Only Murphy himself may be sitting here studying his biochemistry. toxicity.

  Who wants to stay in this boring place?Especially if Murphy designs a new type of weapon, everyone can sit here for a while and play with the new type of weapons, but these new types of weapons have already been fiddled with, and there is nothing to fiddle with, so say Everyone felt very bored.

  "Isn't it true, this place has finally trapped you all here, or else, all of you have already run away at this time, can you still stay here?"

  "By the way, you 383 can go to that ski resort. Isn't there a place to drink in that ski resort? There are so many beautiful and handsome guys and so on."

  Murphy suddenly thought of so many ski resorts, so many ski resorts that they had passed by before, and they didn't mean that they had never entered.

  It's just that there may be people who ambushing Hulk, and even if it is people who ambushing Hulk, what can it be?They won't be exposed there, and they can also get some useful information, which is also possible.

  "I'd better forget it or don't go to that place, let's just stay here honestly."

  Esquilette flinched a little. In fact, it wasn't that he was afraid of that place, but he just felt that the place wasn't any good, and the wine he drank wasn't what he liked, so some of the time was not as good as him. Just stay here for a while, it's boring to be boring.

  "I'll stay here. Although I'm very nervous when I come back after going out, I want to relax."

  Murphy felt that what Esquilette said was indeed like this, and You Qi was attacked after he came back. Although the attack had no effect on him, what is certain now is that another group of dangerous people has come. .

  "I thought of it here, you know? The leader of that group of characters might be that old friend."

  Esquilette turned in his mind, isn't that old friend the one that Xiaomeng asked him to give him the weapon?How can it be here?Murphy couldn't possibly be unaware of their positioning.

  "I still have some doubts. It's impossible for you not to know his location. When you talked to him before, the location shouldn't be here, right?"

  "Is his position at that time really here, and it is very far away from us, that is, on the other side of the border between the two countries."

  "Then I don't understand, why did they come here to build a base? Their base is not too high-end, I think it's just put there like a guise."

  Murphy listened to Esquilette's analysis. Esquilette's analysis was the same as his own. It turned out that he thought they might be training their own soldiers here.

  But Murphy has another idea, that is, they are competing for bases here, but they are just diverting other people's eyes, turning their eyes to this place, and then they attack the other party from other places. .

Chapter 357

  Chapter 356 The latest positioning map

  But for some reason, they had to choose this place in the Carlus Mountains.

  "This is the same as what I chose with you, but I think they must have their purpose in choosing this place in the Carlus Mountains, otherwise they would not choose this place."

  At this time, the two of them were all immersed in contemplation. The two of them were thinking about what kind of thing would make them choose the place in the Callus Mountains. The Callus Mountains is actually quite a strange place. It is located in In the borders of the three countries, it's just that their place is controversial. Each country feels that this place is not its own, so it is said that this place has become a border of no matter what.

  Otherwise, how could there be so many wanted criminals here?They appear here because they feel that no country can control this place, so they seem to be able to settle down here, but these people are all brought by Hulk, otherwise they would not be able to know this place. .

  In fact, when Murphy does something, it does not mean that all of them make up their minds alone, and sometimes they need to consult with them.

  After all, when we discuss together, we can come up with better solutions and come up with more ideas. It's not that we can think of everything just by thinking about it alone.

  "Murphy, do you think they were attracted by the Hulk. As long as there is a war here, there will be chaos here. If there is chaos here, he can hide here for a long time, right?"

  It is not incorrect to say that there are people in Esquire. Murphy also agrees with Esqilet's idea. At that time, he and Esqilet were thinking about going together.

  "That's what I thought too, but I don't know what reason Hulk drew them to this place, but I haven't heard of the character Hulk from an old friend's mouth, and he didn't reveal anything. ."

  "What I am very convinced now is that Hulk must know that I am also in this place in the Carlus Mountains. He is very attentive now, and he is always bringing people here."

  "It's just that more people came here, causing chaos here. There are more and more people, especially if you look at that ski resort, which is now being built more and more."

· · Flowers · ·

  Murphy stared at the satellite positioning map on the computer. This satellite positioning map is clearly marked. There are several ski resorts under construction. This also means that Hulk is trying to attract more people here. Only when there are more people here can he be beneficial for hiding.


  This made it somewhat difficult to arrest him. I liked his intelligence quite a bit. I felt that he had his own ideas and wanted to attract more people to cover for him.

  "Then why did he attract troops here? Is it just to start a war?"

  "Yeah, he is just to provoke a war. You see, this is the latest satellite positioning map."

  As soon as Esquire heard this, how come there is a new satellite positioning map?

  Even when you go out to perform tasks, the compass in your hand is affected by the magnetic field here.Ding.

Chapter 358

  Chapter 357

  Escherett looked at this latest satellite positioning map, it was so good, it was so clear, and every mark on it was marked clearly, it was just too perfect, it was In the future tasks, it will play a very important role, and it will be much better than before.

  If I went out before this, I was really worried, I was afraid that I would lose my way.

  Especially in the Callus Mountains, this place is all snow-capped mountains. It is easy to lose the direction in this snow-capped one, and it is easy to feel dizzy after watching the snow for a long time. These are all easy to get lost.

  It is very careful and careful here. It is good now. With such a clear satellite positioning map, it can also be confirmed that this place must be very accurate. It will not be affected by the magnetic field here.

  "I'm dying of exhaustion."

  Esqilet was really caught up in this clear satellite positioning map, and he didn't observe the situation next to him at all. He didn't expect that he had been watching for such a long time, because after coming here, it just felt like this place. It is the same as being disconnected from the outside world, and the magnetic field is particularly strong.

  After clicking out, many advanced equipments are not used at all, because it is easy to deviate due to the influence of the magnetic field here. After this one thing is deviated, it is no longer used when using other things. , I feel that there are deviations, and if I use it myself, there will be errors, so it is all handled here according to the ancient method.

  This ancient method of letting myself deal with myself like this is really enough, it's a little too uncomfortable for myself.

  Esqilet felt as if he was a rural person entering the city, and seeing this thing was very new, because he knew that this thing was indeed very precious. cherish.

  And the positioning map of this satellite is actually marked so finely that it can be seen clearly and very carefully.

  I didn't pay any attention to Tony next to me. I felt that he was not important now. No matter what he was like, I couldn't disturb myself. Look at the positioning map of this satellite...  

  "What's the matter? Didn't you see me? I'm so tired, yet you just ignore me like that."

  Tony put on a pitiful look here, as if he was already tired.

  "We didn't ignore you at all. Didn't I see everything you talked to me?"

  There, Escherett looked at every corner of the screen on the computer attentively, and looked at it very carefully. Xiao Mao Ze sat in the huge swivel chair with one hand on his chin and watched here. Tony just entered. At that time, Murphy turned around and kept looking at Tony, and then Tony walked directly over 1.2, sat on the opposite chair, and said that he was exhausted, but he really didn't see how tired he was.

  "You guys are leisurely here, but you know I'm really tired. Can't you help to the end if you help?"

  Tony really went through a lot of hardships when he was shaking here, and all those things were packed up, and they were neatly summarized. .

Chapter 359

  Chapter 358 Two Women Helping

  In fact, this is not all his own credit, there is still the help of Anina and Major Kelly.

  Tony only now thinks that having a woman by her side is really a very good thing, especially the storage ability of a woman is simply too powerful. Anina and Majorelle were there, and they were neatly organized. Yes, I am only responsible for moving things.

  The rest of the things were done by the two of them. When I proposed to put them in that small room, I felt that I couldn't put so many things at all. What I didn't expect was that Major Kelly took the initiative to say so. The small room can also put all these things down 12 times. At the time, I didn’t believe it. What I didn’t expect was that in the end, all of them were actually put down, and they were placed neatly. That little door was closed.

  At that time, I was very surprised. I felt that women were really amazing. They were able to put so many things in such a small space, and they were still so neat, which surprised me.

  If I was alone, I guess I couldn't finish it by now. I was still thinking about how I could put so many things in that small space. Fortunately, they helped me.

  After the two of them cleaned up, they also went back to clean up their own hygiene, because there was simply too much dust there. Don't look at the snow, the dust here is still not small.

  But they didn't clean up, they came to Murphy's monitoring room, wanting to show off themselves, but they were covered in ashes, but they felt comfortable and comfortable sitting here.

  "Then you can't blame us. Who made you lose the bet? Are you right? This is something you should have done by yourself, but we all helped."

  "Otherwise, I can help you recall your memories. How did the two of us bet at that time, and what was the scene like at that time?"

  Murphy felt that this Tony was really cheap and good-natured, and he knew that Anina and Major Kelly would definitely stay until the end to help him clean up those things.

  It's nothing that Esquire left, Anina and Majorelle were left there, and if the two of them left, Tony would have stubbornly let them stay there to help.

  Especially as Tony who knows Tony very well, it is really frustrating to do some things, especially cleaning things, it is easy to lose things in this matter, so he also hates to clean up these little things, he Will definitely get someone to help.

  I also know Esquilette. The reason why Esqui 387 Leiter can leave is that Tony will definitely let Anina and Major Keili stay. Besides, Anina and Major Keili will also stay. Come down to help, and what's the use of leaving so many people there?

  "No need, no need, this is really a terrible memory, I don't want to remember it anymore, can I make a request with you?"

  Murphy thought for a while in his mind, can Tony make this small request? There are just too many requests in Tony's head. If he promises him one thing, he may say the first. Two things come. .

Chapter 360

  Chapter 359 Tony's Trap

  This must be considered clearly, especially if he can't fall into Tony's trap, this Tony is eccentric, so to speak.

  "I told you first, I made a request myself, but I can't immediately say the second request along with the first request after making a request like you did before."

  Murphy felt that this sentence must be made clear in advance, otherwise Tony would really make a lot of demands. If he promised him one thing, he would be able to say the second thing immediately.

  "Don't worry, my designation is a request, that is, when you bet in the future, can you stop letting me do these small things?"

  "Why do you still want to bet me, you are really a Xiaoqiang who can't be defeated."

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