"Then you are learning fast enough. I didn't notice the two of them chatting over there just now. I only know that the two of you are chatting very hot. What I didn't expect is that your mind is still there. Over there, it seems that I also need to practice more."

  Xiaoben felt that he had to follow the practice, otherwise, wouldn't he be behind?

  It can be seen that Major Kaili is learning fast enough. After Murphy said that, Major Kaili has already used it, but Major Kaili's ability is really undeniable.

  "This is not in a hurry. You can accept it slowly. When you go out to accept the task, you must remember this, otherwise we will be hurt."

  Murphy feels that there is no need to worry about this matter. This matter is entirely dependent on their own ability to accept. Seeing six ways and listening to all directions, this is not something that can be done at once, but the brain needs to run at a high speed. of.

  "This ferocious creature doesn't have any chips at all, it just hypnotizes their nerves, you know, nerve hypnosis means that they have a leader in them, and they will follow this The leader comes to act.".

Chapter 390

  Chapter 389: Being Hypnotized

  Don't look at these little animals, these little animals are led by a leader, and the little animal who leads them is hidden here, but they are concentrated, and the caller in their language is out of order, so it is said that they have nothing at all. No chips, some just say a leader.

  "When this spirit fox was outside, they lived in groups, and after they got here, they lived in groups, and after being infected by biochemical toxicity, their leaders looked just like them, except that the leader had been infected by biochemical toxicity. Reinigester was hypnotized and they couldn't leave the area."

  Esquire thought about it, isn't this very easy to do?Then their leader is here, so wouldn't it be enough to just kill their leader?What are you doing with so much trouble?

  "Then can't we just find their leader directly? Isn't it a very easy thing to solve... ¨."

  What did Major Kelly think about this Esquire?If it can be so simple, then Murphy can't solve it directly, can there be no way to take these ferocious creatures now?

  "Didn't you think that if Murphy had a way to deal with them, it would have been solved sooner rather than later, and it would have taken so much effort?"

  Aschret listened and thought about it, it seemed that the same thing happened. If Murphy could solve it, it would have already been solved. It seems that this is also a very difficult problem, and Murphy has solved it very difficultly.

  "It seems like this is the case, you see what's going on with my reaction now, why haven't I reacted?"

  "Yeah, if it can be solved, wouldn't it be solved long ago? The point is that we can't find his leader now, and they are all the same, and there is no chip on them, and we can't detect it. When hypnotized, we can't find it at all."

  In fact, hypnotized people are not the same as human beings. If human beings are hypnotized, their eyes will be straight, and there is another characteristic, that is, they are like falling asleep, but these ferocious beasts are different. They will transform.

  This is something that I have only recently researched, so I am also trying to figure out a solution. Otherwise, what are you busy with all day?Aren't you busy with what to do?

  "It seems that we still need to wait. We are used to it now, and we are all fearless. As long as we avoid them, as long as we don't allow them to copy indefinitely, there is no problem."

  This is Esqilet's own idea. Esqilet feels that as long as they don't copy infinitely, there is nothing to fear, and it doesn't matter.

  ".¨This is something that can't be avoided at all, okay? They already have a mind of their own, so (Zhao) can't avoid it at all, so we still have to confront them head-on. of."

  The idea of ​​​​playing is completely different from the idea of ​​​​Aescherret. Escherette may be thinking now. If he bypasses these ferocious beasts, it may be better, but Major Kelly is not like this. want.

  Because Murphy has said it before, they have their own consciousness as if they were hypnotized. .

Chapter 391

  Chapter 390 Indoctrination

  And Reinigester has already instilled this meaning into their minds, so it is unavoidable that they will attack humans.

  At this time, they should face them directly. It is impossible to escape. Even if they escape, they will catch up. Moreover, they also have their own fields, and these fields are also the places where they must go. , so there is no way to avoid it.

  "Major Kelly is right, in fact it is like this, so we still need to think of other ways to do 417. I have been thinking about this way and I will tell you when it is formed. ."

  In fact, Murphy has been studying how to deal with these ferocious beasts. These ferocious beasts are simply too annoying. He also thought of a lot of ways. What he didn't expect was that this ferocious beast could make him stumped.

  It's just that this savage beast is a little too difficult to deal with. If you want to avoid it, you can't dodge it at all.

  They have been implanted with a system that will automatically attack humans, but they will not leave their area, which the Hulk has already set up.

  It will not go to those ski resorts or places of balance of power at all, but their range of activities. The range of this ferocious beast may be the place where Hulk hides.

  For this matter, his initial thoughts still need to be further verified, because these ferocious beasts can give him good cover.

  I am also trying to find their weaknesses, but I have not found their weaknesses so far, so I still have to continue to deal with these difficult beasts, and on the east side of the Carlus Mountains, I have now found those on that hillside. The habitat of ferocious beasts.

  They are there during the day, and they will walk around at night. There must be something hidden in this place, and you have to check it yourself.

  Also, because Major Kelly was buried under the snow of the avalanche, it also delayed her progress. After everything was ready, she still needed to go there to take a look.

  This time I explained so much to them, but also to let them pay attention to protecting themselves, and that they must pay attention to the situation next to them, and can't be careless, and the snow on this mountain can collapse at any time.

  In particular, the snow in some places is very fragile, and the accumulation has been very heavy all the year round. As long as you exert a little strength, the snow in this place will collapse, and avalanches will occur again.

  This avalanche is a very dangerous thing. In the snow-capped mountains, this avalanche is particularly important to pay attention to. There are also many other aspects to pay attention to. This is completely different from the external environment.

  There are too many factors of nature, and there are many unknown factors here. The Callus Mountains are still very mysterious.

  "That's great, as long as you think of a way, it's okay, if it keeps going like this.

Chapter 392

  Chapter 391 Rainier Jester

  Escheret hates those ferocious beasts very much. He knows that he thinks so, and everyone may think the same as his own, but he just doesn't know that apart from these ferocious beasts, the people in the Carlus Mountains. Will there be anything else in the place?

  Especially now that Renegester is by the Hulk, he will definitely come up with various ways to create some biochemical animals, especially after the genes of these animals have been changed, these animals will be completely changed from before. It looks like this is very likely to come out, so I think it will definitely happen later.

  "What you said is very likely to appear, especially for people like Reinigester, he will definitely try to hinder us, especially this ferocious beast, Reinigester must be constantly on the move. update, because he knows that I will definitely be able to surpass him, so he must be constantly researching."

  Murphy knew that this Renegester always wanted to win himself, so he was constantly updating his biochemical toxicity, so that he could use these poisons to mutate in those animals, and then use them animals to treat themselves -.

  He has already known this for a long time, so he must be trying to create other troubles waiting for him now. This Renegester is completely blinded by jealousy. It's a little out of control - he's jealous.

  He is always trying to meet him, but he fails every time. This time, he will definitely try to win himself. No matter what method he uses, it seems that this Renegester just wants to kill himself. Otherwise, he wouldn't have made it for this ferocious beast, and the energy of infinite replication was applied to this ferocious beast.

  But the energy of this wireless copy is inexplicable, and you can use it yourself. Do you want to let yourself get some ferocious beasts to follow along with these ferocious beasts?

  This Murphy doesn't want to do Reinigester like this now. It's really reckless to do such a thing, but he is different. He thinks about the consequences, because that will make the world mess up. Yes, this infinitely replicating energy has no solution at all, and now these ferocious beasts will multiply more and more.

· · Flowers · ·

  "Then what should we do now? Do we just sit back and wait? Or do we have other plans?"

  "We still need to keep groping, and we will talk about it after we have found some clues, because there are too many people from countries around here, and people from these countries gather here, I don't know why, so we don't just The point is to target Hulk and now to target these people and investigate."


  "The key is to investigate why they came here, and what they want to do when they come here, because there are too many uncertain factors in this place, the Callus Mountains, why they choose this place, we all It needs to be investigated.”

  He is still very cautious in doing things, and if there is a little trouble, he has to investigate it clearly, and he cannot be careless.Ding.

Chapter 393

  Chapter 392 The magnetic field is the same in many places

  Because I don't want my people to be hurt in any way, even though my weapons are the most advanced, and all the things I use are the best, but I can't beat those who are willing, isn't it?One's own things must be constantly updated before they can deal with those who have a heart.

  "It's amazing that the earth has such a mountain range. I didn't know there was such a place before."

  Anina watched all the positioning of her satellites at home when she had nothing to do, but she did not notice that there was a place called the Carlus Mountains. Murphy told her that there was a place called the Carlus Mountains after contacting Murphy. Yes, otherwise I really didn't notice the existence of this place before.

  The place is like an adventure. Yes, there are too many mysteries waiting for everyone to discover. I don’t know why this opponent chose this place. Maybe it’s because this place is too mysterious.

  "Actually, you don't know, there are many, many mysterious places like this, but you don't know enough about it. Don't think that your home is a satellite, you can see every corner of the earth, but there are some places. Often you don't notice it."

  Aschret thought so much in his heart. Don't look at Anina's home with a lot of satellites, but it doesn't mean that all places can be located. It's like he didn't find the Calrus Mountains before. This place is the same.

  "I really do not deny what you said, and I do admit that some places cannot be irradiated and cannot be positioned. It is because of the influence of the magnetic field, and sometimes satellites will be affected."

  Another is what Anina didn't say, that is, in such a desolate place, who would be positioned here, and there is no commercial value here, because my father is doing things with commercial value, just like what people do. That said, if there is no benefit, who will be able to pay attention?

  I just didn't say this sentence, as if my father maximized his interests. In fact, who is not like this, who is not concerned about his own interests?

  The positioning of a satellite requires a very, very large investment. If there is no return on this investment, who would do it like this?

  I am different from my father. I am just a pure hobby, and I didn't notice this place when I searched on it...  

  "Annina is right, there are too many places on the earth with a large magnetic field, and there is a bigger market than this place. Wouldn't it be bigger than it is now?"

  "The satellite positioning map we are seeing now is also in the experimental stage. The other one is this, and 1.2 is not all of the Carlus Mountains. The magnetic field inside is still very influential."

  Esquilette just read half of this satellite image, and he still hasn't read the other half. When he looks at it carefully, he may find that there are still many places that have not been marked. It is also blurry, which proves that it is still affected by the magnetic field and cannot be seen clearly. .

Chapter 394

  Chapter 393 Blurred Photos

  "It turned out to have half the resolution, so half the resolution is already very good. It seems that this satellite is still very advanced."

  "This is much stronger than the one we used before. At least we can see some clear positioning. The previous clear positioning was blurred, so it's already very good."

  Escherett finally understood that when he looked at the satellite positioning map, he saw it was so clear and the markings were so accurate, and he still felt that this time it was really good.

  There is such a clear and clear satellite positioning map to complete the task, it is really a no-brainer. What I didn't expect is that Anina actually said that it was an experimental satellite, and the satellite in this experimental stage is not a problem, but I didn't expect it. The thing is that there is something else behind this.

  That's what Murphy said about the satellite positioning map. I only read half of it, and I can't blame myself. I watched half of it because I was looking at the satellite positioning map above, and this Tony came in and talked to myself. Noisy, and then scrambled for a position with myself to watch this satellite positioning map.

  When I finally got a chance to watch it, this Major and Anina came in again, so I didn't see it behind me, and I didn't know what it looked like. What I didn't expect was that the back was also blurry. of.

  Now I have no interest in watching the next one, because Murphy has already said that the place is also affected by the magnetic field, whether I see it or not.It's a foregone conclusion, so don't make yourself boring. If you continue to watch this, it will affect your mood.

  I was quite excited. What I didn't expect was that after I finished speaking, my mood immediately dropped. This time, I needed to rely on the unclear positioning map.

  But there is no way to do this. No matter how you can ensure your own safety, that's fine. Now you can't ask too much in this place in the Carlus Mountains. Even if you ask too much, this place can reach the Without that requirement, Murphy is also very embarrassed now.

  Because there are many forces of nature in this place that human beings are helpless, so there is no way to do it. You can only go out like this when you want to go out. You must be careful.

  There is also the satellite positioning map of this half, which is very good now, and it is so clear that the military locations, the specific locations of those ski resorts, and the places that have been registered Very clearly marked.

 417 These are enough according to my current thinking, because after this area is found first, the other area can be developed, and the other area is affected by the magnetic field. After this area of ​​Dingding is completed, that area The satellite positioning has already come out.

  Anina's father is so powerful, and he will be able to find it out quickly, so it must be no problem to cheer yourself up in your own heart.

  Another thing is that even if it's Anina, if her father doesn't figure it out, Murphy will definitely have another way, just the ingenuity of Murphy. .

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