Chapter 395

  Chapter 394 Disappointment

  Is there anything else that could stump him?Nothing like this will happen.

  Esquilette sat there thinking for a while and then stood up directly. He turned around and went to the sports equipment next to him to exercise.

  "What's the matter? Don't you keep watching?"

  Murphy watched Esquilette stand up, and everyone looked at Esquilette, who just started exercising with the sports equipment.

  "What's the use of not looking at it, anyway, it's all vague, and it's the same as the previous positions, and looking back will affect my mood. Looking at the clear position in front, my mood is It's very good."

  "So, I don't want to watch it after this. When Anina's father sends another picture, I will continue to watch it. At that time, it should be very clear in the second half."

  Murphy could see that Escherett was actually quite disappointed, because he was very excited when he looked at this satellite positioning map before, and when he mentioned that the latter was not so clear, he started Not so many words.And when they were chatting, he kept staring at the satellite positioning map, but at the clear one. He didn't even move the unclear side, and he didn't even touch the mouse on the table. , this is enough to prove that he does not want to look behind, he feels that when he sees the back, it will affect his mood.

  Not to mention looking at his mood, just listening to himself has already affected his mood. When he is in a bad mood, he loves to exercise. The sports equipment in this room is all prepared for him.

  I just think that sometimes if he is in a bad mood, can he still go out to the exercise room to exercise?It's better to exercise in this room. We can discuss it when we have something to do. When he gets there, he still needs to be connected to the monitoring equipment. It's not so convenient to talk. It's better to talk face-to-face.

  I have taken great care of Esquilette and Tony because I know them too well, so when I designed this base, I designed it according to their preferences, just thinking that everyone can be comfortable They work together, but what I didn't expect is that there will be a problem of two women in this base. This is something I really didn't expect.

  One was recommended to him by Trontoss, who said that Major Kelly was very capable and could adapt very quickly no matter what the environment was in. What I didn’t expect was that he was really the one who adapts very quickly. The other one is Anina. This Anina is purely mutual. He also wants to visit his base, and he also wants to use his identity. After all, his father's satellites in the sky are all their homes. of.

  So the follow-up arrangement still needs to take care of the two ladies, Murphy. I feel that I really need to take care of everything now, whether it is eating, drinking, sleeping or anything else, I need to make careful arrangements by myself. of.

  "Don't worry, my father will definitely develop his satellite at the fastest speed. He is also very curious about this place, especially the magnetic field of this place. He also wants to conquer this magnetic field. ¨.".

Chapter 396

  Chapter 395 Research Team

  "Our research team is working overtime on research and development. I believe this will come out soon, so don't worry about it, there must be good news."

  When Anina communicated with her father before, she had already talked about the issue of the workplace in this place in the Carluth Mountains. My father didn't know that there was this Carluth in this place in the Carluth Mountains on this earth. Mountain place.

  But on a small island in the North Pole, this small island looks very inconspicuous. It looks like this on the satellite, but in fact it is very large. It is connected to the mainland, the North Pole, and four Therefore, the seasons of these four 420 places are distinct. This side of the Callus Mountains is a cold winter, and that side is a tropical rain forest.

  Because the side I went to also belonged to the Carlus Mountains, I said that I told my father what I had seen. My father was also very interested in this. One such mountain range had never been noticed at all.

  Maybe the reason why my father didn't notice it is because this is in the North Pole of the North Pole. This place is very cold, so the positioning is not particularly clear, because the satellites don't pay attention to this place.

  Because there are very few local satellites, people pay less attention to it. It can be said that it is because there are not many resources in places with few human beings. When locating satellites, they cannot locate this place. So I can't see it for this reason.

  Anina knows her father very well. As long as her father is interested in this place, she will use all her strength to target this place. Now she knows that her father is very interested in this place because of the workplace in this place. The magnetic field in this place is very powerful.Therefore, it will take some time to conquer the magnetic field, and if this magnetic field is conquered, then it can be said that this is also very influential internationally.

  "Then we are waiting for the good news from your father. I believe the results will come soon."

  "Yes, I hope that is the best, just like me, if I say I am interested in one thing, then I will definitely work overtime to do it quickly."

  Esquilette continued to paint over there. In fact, he wanted to ease the current atmosphere. He knew what he meant by saying that, maybe he was a little unhappy. In fact, he knew that Anina's father was here too. I have done a lot, but I may be a little emotional. It is wrong to do so. I also want to ease the embarrassing atmosphere now. This is also to talk about myself. If you are right about one thing If you are interested in love, then focus on this matter wholeheartedly and don’t think about anything else. You just want to study this well and use it for yourself. I believe his father will be like this. Many men do things with I am the same, and when I come across something I like, I wholeheartedly want to develop it. .

Chapter 397

  Chapter 396 Men's Desire to Conquer

  Men's desire to conquer is very strong. I believe other men should be the same as me. Anyway, I don't know what most people look like, but I know Tony, but he is the same as me.

  "Don't worry, my father has already started to work on this thing there now, and the results will definitely appear soon, everyone should cheer up."

  "Yeah, why is it so slow for Tony to change his clothes? What did he change into? It's been so long that he hasn't finished changing."

  Anina was already anxious when she saw the direction of the door. Looking at the direction of the door, there was still no movement.

  Why hasn't it been replaced for so long?Did this changeover take that long?I don't understand this a little bit, so I don't know how it can turn into, it takes so long.

  "Yeah, it seems like a long time has passed, and he still hasn't appeared. How can he wear it for such a long time if he is on a mission?"

  Aschret was exercising on the sports equipment, and then looked at the watch on his hand, it was only ten minutes later, how could they feel that so long had passed.

  "Don't you all look at your watch when you talk? It's only ten minutes later, and a big man like him is going to be transformed into a woman. Ten minutes is not enough."

  What was sitting on the swivel chair, leaning on his chin with one hand and looking at the direction of the door, and then listening to Escherett, turned his head to look at the computer's instrument in ten minutes, and it really showed that Tony went out. In less than ten minutes, Xiaoguo said that ten minutes is still a little too much. It's not even ten minutes at all. The two women started to get anxious. Maybe they just wanted to see if they could change. It's like this. It's like this when waiting. I think the time is very long.

  "Is it really only ten minutes? Why do I feel like a long time has passed."

  Anina looked at the watch on the wall. There are a lot of watches in this room, because you need to race against time when doing things. The time must not be wrong, so the watch in this room is special. many.

· · Flowers · ·

  "I feel the same as you, and it feels like a long time has passed. What I didn't expect is that only ten minutes have passed, so maybe there is no communication between us in these ten minutes, so I said It seems time is slow."

.... .. 0

  They just said a few words here, so they didn't communicate much, and they felt that time passed very slowly.

  "Such a big man, he can't finish it in ten minutes, wait another ten minutes, it is estimated that he will appear at this door, and then give you a glimpse."

  Aschret knows Tony's Tony very well. If it was normal, ten minutes would be enough, but these ten minutes did not appear.

  This means that he is still dressing himself up there because he doesn't want to show a little flaw in front of Majorelle and Anina, for fear that he will make mistakes and lose face in front of them.Ding.

Chapter 398

  Chapter 397 Jokes

  If only the three big men were here in the base, how could Tony take so long to dress himself up, didn't he just appear in front of him long ago?

  It doesn't take so long, it's just that in this base, there are 5 of them now, especially with the presence of Majorelle and Anina, who are also looking at Tony for the first time. In cross-dressing, and it was a slight mistake when Tony was dressed casually.

  Wouldn't this Major and Anina be laughing at Tony?In fact, a joke is just a way of joking.

  But Tony definitely doesn't allow such a thing to happen, especially when everyone tells jokes sometimes, they don't even notice the other party's mood.

  Although they are in a good relationship now, it does not mean that if something happens in the future.

  When Major Kelly talked about this matter, Tony would feel that he was talking about how great his dress was at the time, even Murphy didn't recognize it, and he didn't recognize it either.

  If he made a little mistake this time, it would be easy to hit the three of them in the face, and Tony wouldn't let any of his mistakes hit the three of them in the face.

  "Do we need our help at this point? If we need our help, can we go and see now? How can a big man use a woman like us to make up meticulously?"

  Maybe I didn't wait for Tony for a long time. Although it was only a few minutes, I felt as if a long time had passed. Personally, it is very powerful, but can the makeup skills be better than their women?Wouldn't it be better if I could help Tony?

  I wanted to see it myself, but in fact, I was just anxious to see it and help Tony make up, it was just an excuse.

  "Yes, do we need our help in this matter? Did he also wear makeup when he changed clothes before? Can your men's aesthetics be the same as our women's aesthetics?"

  Majorelle thinks that a man's aesthetics and a woman's aesthetics are completely two different things. Sometimes when a man thinks that this woman is very beautiful, the woman next to him doesn't mean to be jealous, it's just that From a woman's point of view, I don't think she is very beautiful...

  Therefore, I also want to help Tony very much. The two busy women both want to help Tony very much. Murphy, looking at these two women, in fact, these two women are just looking for a glimpse of Tony. What is the makeup look like.

  "The two of you should sit down for 1.2 and take a break. This Tony will be healed soon, so you two don't need to worry too much. If the two of you help, how can you tell? How can a person pretend to be in disguise? Isn't it?"

  Murphy upsets the minds of both Majorelle and Anina. .

Chapter 399

  Chapter 398 Lost meaning

  If they were to help, how could it be proved that the two of them could see that if one of them wanted to disguise, what kind of disguise could he pretend to be?

  So the two of them don't need to help at all, they can just wait quietly for Tony to come out by himself.

  Murphy knew that this time only what he thought in his heart was to let the three of them, namely Esquilette, Major Kaili, and Anina, the three of them can really see, if one of them came out. What kind of disguise can disguise look like, that is, such a tall 12-year-old man can disguise himself as a woman, and when the disguise is very similar, they can tell at a glance that it is a man's disguise, or that he is a woman. I have such a mind.

  The problem we are facing now is that Anina and Majorelle are not talking about studying at all, but about watching the fun. They just want to see how Tony can become. What it looks like, I have to correct the thinking of the two of them.

  You can't have such an idea. If you have such an idea, isn't your original intention to let them go against it?This kind of thinking is absolutely impossible, so Murphy disrupted the thinking of the two of them in time.

  "I don't mean for you to watch the fun, I just mean for you to learn here, what disguise can look like, you may have seen it before, but Tony's tall figure can disguise so small, this is enough to prove How powerful is camouflage."

  Well, what he said this time was a very serious Murphy. After this seriousness, everyone lost their voices, especially Anina and Major Kelly, who were no longer in such a hurry.

  Knowing that Murphy interrupted their thoughts, and knowing that Murphy could see the thoughts of the two of them, what they didn’t expect was that Murphy pointed out to the two of them so straightforwardly that it might be them The two were too impatient, they just wanted to see Tony's appearance.

  In fact, I just want to see Tony's appearance. The other idea is really put it in the second place. This time Murphy corrected them in time to let them know that watching the fun is the second place, and the first place is They need to be made aware of what a person can look like in disguise.

  Both Anina and Major Carey didn't dare to make a sound. They looked at Murphy's serious face. They both waited there quietly. It was the first time they saw Murphy's face here. Serious 420, I have never seen him look so serious before.

  Escherett looked at Murphy Escherett always knew what Murphy meant, but these two women still had the heart to watch the fun. If they had the heart to watch the fun, Murphy would Dressing in casual clothes that would never let Tony go to cross-dressing is not something that can be done at once, but also requires a lot of care and patience.

  The two women were a little too obvious to watch the fun, so Murphy stopped them in time. .

Chapter 400

  Chapter 399

  Don't let them have this idea, and look at it with a normal heart. It's not to let them watch the fun and find faults, but to let them know that a person can become like this by disguising.

  "You may have seen it before, but this time Tony's casual clothes may have a greater discovery. I hope you can cherish this opportunity, otherwise it will be a waste of Tony's mind."

  Murphy continued, not to let them have a heart to watch the fun, and then to find a heart to find faults, so that they know what angle they should look at.

  Esquire, I think why is it a bit embarrassing at this time, I'd better ease the atmosphere, otherwise, it's not good if this awkward atmosphere continues.

  Murphy wasn't actually teaching the two ladies, but he was just letting them both understand.

  When Murphy was very strict, they couldn't see it. If Murphy was angry, he and Tony would hide very far away. The extent of the distance can be imagined. hide in another country.

  "Well, you said that if there is a dessert here at this time, I guess Tony's speed will still be very, very fast. ¨."

  Otherwise, after I said this, I gave Anina a look instantly, Anina understood, this is to ease the current atmosphere, although this Murphy is a little serious, but this time must be different. The topic of this, otherwise this Murphy might say something else, and it doesn't feel good to be disciplined.

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