"It's possible, why does he like desserts so much? I don't understand why a man likes desserts so much, can you explain it? Esquire."

  Esquire thought for a while, but he actually didn't know why. Tony liked sweets so much. Maybe he said that eating sweets would bring him a good mood, and he probably thought so.

  "I feel like a woman like you, I think desserts will make you feel good, don't you always shout about losing weight, you can't eat desserts when you lose weight, so if you don't have desserts, you will feel uncomfortable, as long as you eat them Sweet things will be happy, maybe just like you."

  ".¨What you said is very reasonable. When we women lose weight, they are sweet things, but they don't eat anything at all."

  Anina thought that when she lost weight at the time, she really didn't eat desserts at all, she could only watch him drooling quietly, and she was quite depressed, maybe it was less sweet. Or maybe you're missing something you like to eat.

  I will be in a very bad mood. After I eat it in my mouth, I will find that my mood is instantly bright. Sometimes when I am in a bad mood, I eat something sweet or something I like to eat. thing, I feel very beautiful.

  Murphy has been sitting there without speaking, and Major Kelly also pointed as if he was thinking about something there, and at this time, Escheret and Anina have been chatting here, talking about something that doesn't matter. topic of.

Chapter 401

  Chapter 400 The eyes are bright

  If the four of them just sit here quietly and don't say anything, the atmosphere will be so awkward, let's talk about something, this is what the guy and Anina are thinking in their hearts.

  So the two of them are talking about topics that are impossible to talk about at all, and they are looking for topics to chat there.

  I was thinking in my heart, why didn't this Tony show up yet?When is this Tony going to be?Everyone has run out of topics now, and they have already said what they need to say. Among the four, the cat's words are particularly few, and the usual words are the least.

  If there is nothing to do, he just sits there quietly and studies his own projects, and even more so for Meijerkel. Said that only himself and Esquilette were here, in order to ease the embarrassment, we chatted here for a few days.

  "It's been so long, why hasn't he appeared yet? My mouth is dry now."

  Anina felt that what he was talking to Escheret was dry mouth, chatting here and there, as if they had already talked about everything in the world.

  I don't even know where to go, and it's almost time for them to be born. There really is no more topic. They don't live in the same city, and they don't live in the same place. There are very few common topics between them, and another one is how much common topics can a woman and a man have.

  "Isn't it? Me too. I'm waiting for the moment the door opens. I believe I'm very excited when the door opens."

  Escherett stared at the door closely, hoping that the door would suddenly open now, and Tony would appear in the direction of the door. At this time, the atmosphere in the room could be eased. Otherwise, the atmosphere felt a little depressing.

  I have never found such a time before, and I don't know what happened this time. Everyone is very depressed. I have never encountered such a situation before.

  "This is what I think with you. I really don't have any expectations now, I just expect him to appear in front of our eyes quickly."

  "I hope that when he appears in front of my eyes, the first time I see him, I feel that we have a new member in our base."

  Anina's mind is now full of pictures of Tony appearing, and Tony's pictures must be beautiful.

  "I believe you must feel that way, because I had the same idea the first time, but you can say that, I'm not exaggerating, he must be very different."

  "I believe you very much in this. I know that if Tony doesn't make adequate preparations, he won't come out."

  Anina knew that Tony must have been fully prepared in it. If he didn't make enough preparations, he wouldn't be able to come out, and he would feel very ashamed when he came out.

  I still know him quite well at this point. Like everyone else, he wants to save face. .

Chapter 402

  Chapter 401 Murphy's Temper

  Everyone is here chatting idle and chatting about why this Tony hasn't appeared yet. This Tony's speed is simply too slow. Everyone is waiting very impatiently. Now, even if it's Major Kelly and Anina. I was very impatient and didn't dare to say it, for fear that what if Murphy was not happy here?

  Everyone was very afraid of Murphy, especially before Murphy became serious, but they didn't realize that Murphy could have such a serious side. This time, Major Kelly and Anina really realized it.

  Although Murphy became serious, it was the right thing for him to be serious. He was just a little too playful with Major Kelly, so it was normal for Murphy to become serious.

  He is a leader in this base, and a leader should look like a leader. When dealing with things, he can't joke with everyone. If he jokes with everyone, everyone will not be serious when it is time to be serious, so That said, Murphy himself knew that.

  In fact, Murphy himself didn't want to be serious, but there was no way. If it wasn't serious, Anina and Majorelle might have come up with some ideas - come on.

  The most important thing for everyone now is to look at what kind of disguise, and then learn to disguise oneself and disguise oneself well. When entering those military places, one can disguise oneself very well.

  Now this place in Xiaobei is getting more and more chaotic. What I didn't expect is that there are so many countries gathered here in the past few days. This is something I didn't expect.

  Moreover, their speed is very fast. It has only been two days since Esqilet went out, and they have already built all the bases, and they can already practice there.

  I really didn't pay too much attention to that side. I felt that there were some ski resorts there, and nothing else could appear. What I didn't expect was the place I didn't pay attention to, but there was a mistake there.

  This Hulk really did a lot of things that surprised him, and the fact that Renegester could appear here is something he didn't expect.

· · Flowers · ·

  Originally, I thought that Reinigester was just letting jealousy blind him. Reinigester's own evaluation is that he is still very talented. His research in this area is really worth it. One of the best, but because he was too jealous of himself, he said he couldn't see himself clearly.


  This kind of jealousy of myself, I really want to tell him that there is no need to be jealous of myself like this. The fields of the two of them are completely different, so there is no need to do so. This also belongs to hurting each other. Especially when he does something like this, it is likely to affect a lot of people.

  Biochemical toxicity is not a joke, but the power is very huge, so if this thing is not done properly, it will affect many places.

  I am very clear about this, but I also hope that Reinigester must be prepared for this, so that it can not cause more consequences.Ding.

Chapter 403

  Chapter 402 Close Contact

  If he does this against himself, he has a way to deal with it. If he uses this method against others, then there will really be some unimaginable consequences.

  "By the way, there is one more question I want to share with you. When you go out to do tasks tomorrow, everyone needs to be separated. You must keep in touch at any time. When you need to close the intercom, you must advance Say hello."

  Murphy thought of a problem, which is the problem he encountered before. He turned off the intercom before, just to not disturb those ferocious beasts, so when he said that he turned off, this Tony and Major Kelly appeared. If there is a problem, I did not contact myself in time. This is my own mistake.

  "It's like yesterday. It's my fault that I made such a mistake yesterday. If I had been contacted in time, I might have been able to rescue Major Kelly earlier."

  "That's why I told everyone, why we should say hello to everyone before closing. I also temporarily decided to close before closing, and such a problem occurred unexpectedly."

  Murphy had such a problem just a few seconds after it was turned off. What I didn't expect was that the problem was so big that it almost cost Mejkelle his life. Li came back intact. If there was something wrong with Major Kelly, how would she explain it to Trontus?

  "It's not your problem either. I think this problem is still with Tony. Why didn't he call for emergency contact?"

  Esquire felt that these problems did not lie with Murphy. It was normal for Murphy to turn off the contact information on his body at any time, but each of them had an emergency contact information.

  This Anina and Major Kelly may not know, but the three of them do, so why didn't Tony have direct contact at that time?When Anina contacted her, she activated the emergency contact system to contact Murphy.

  "This is still my problem. I didn't explain it clearly to everyone when I went out, so this problem is all on me..."

  "Murphy is really not on you, it's just my problem. If I don't care about it, just like you said to observe the situation around you at any time, every snow block needs to be observed. , didn't you say it? Look around and listen to all directions."

  Major Kelly felt that this still had her own problems. She blamed herself for not observing carefully enough, and when she detonated the bomb, she did not think that it would cause an avalanche. This is a common sense problem. There is such a mistake in this little common sense.

  "When the explosion happened for the first time, I should have had a 1.2 hunch that something like this would happen. I didn't have a hunch, so it was all my fault."

  "Okay, now that this matter has passed, everyone must remember that you must activate the emergency contact method, or go to the group to add a location before closing the method, and wait for this location to be known to others. where are you..

Chapter 404

  Chapter 403 Always be vigilant

  You can also know that you have shut down the system, so that everyone can find it when there is a problem. "

  Murphy felt that it was impossible to investigate whoever had the problem now. Anyway, it was his own problem that was the biggest, because as a leader, he didn't tell them all of this when he came here again.

  Everyone went out to do the task directly. Maybe it was because they had been working with Tony and Esquilette for too long, so they had already experienced each other when they said anything. I knew a lot about it, and I didn’t need to talk about it too much at all. .

  But the addition of Majorelle and Anina made me a little overlooked. They don't know these 12, so they don't know how to contact themselves when they encounter danger. This is really their own. They can't be blamed for their mistakes, it's just that they were too negligent.

  When I was thinking about the problem just now, I thought of this, and I must make this matter clear to Major Kelly and Anina, so that I must contact myself in time when a problem occurs.

  "Annina has done a very good job of this. Anina knows that he can contact Esquilet when he can't get in touch. As long as he can contact Esquilet, all problems will be resolved."

  "Murphy, are you helping me be a child? Of course I know that I have to contact Esquilette, so I can't contact anyone else, so I can only contact him, otherwise I just came to this base. , I'm really helpless."

  To share the situation at that time, I really didn't know what to do at that time. After watching the avalanche occurred in the area of ​​Tony and Major Kelly, I lost the signal of the two of them instantly.

  I have called many times, and I have not been able to contact him, so I was really nervous at the time and didn't know what to do. If I went out to find it, it would not be a solution. Not as capable as them.

  And if there is any trouble after going out, wouldn't it make everyone more troublesome?So I said that I was very anxious in the base at the time. Later, I really had no choice. I should contact Escherett and let Escherlet see if there is any way to contact Murphy.

  The moment I contacted Esqilet, I instantly felt like I had a reassurance in my heart. At least I contacted a person. This person is very familiar with the base of Xiaobei. So I said that I was not so nervous at that time, and I was able to deal with some troublesome things correctly.

  "Then you contact me. You 423 are really in the contact team. If you contact Murphy, you will not be able to contact me at all. You are in the base and have lost contact with the outside world."

  "Isn't it? At that time, I could only contact you. I was really nervous at that time. I didn't know what happened to Tony and Majorelle."

  Everyone talked about what happened when the avalanche happened, and everyone also talked about their feelings for each other at that time. This was the time before the first official meeting after the avalanche, and everyone was in a hurry. .

Chapter 405

  Chapter 404: Murphy, You Are Eccentric

  Moreover, Major Keili also had to recover her strength. Everyone didn’t say a word, and then they all started to go back to their own business. Later, Escherett went out of the base and was no longer in the base, so everyone didn’t have time. of get together.

  After getting together this time, Murphy suddenly talked about this topic, and everyone talked about this topic.

  "Murphy, you can rest assured this time. This time I am very experienced. This will not happen again. I will definitely judge in advance."

  Major Kelly is very confident. She feels that if she goes out to do the task this time, she must be very confident in herself, and she must obey Murphy when she observes.

  "Then I believe in you very much. Don't do this kind of thing again. Life is the most important thing. Only by protecting yourself can you complete the next task. ¨."

  Murphy has shared this matter with everyone, and Murphy is still here thinking about what he has not warned them about, and he must let them pay attention.

  Tony and Escherett were quite at ease, and there was nothing worthy of their attention, but the only thing they worried about was Major Kelly, because Major Kelly went out to do missions with them, so Saying this about myself is all told to Major Kelly.

  But Anina is different. Anina will always stay in the base to sit on their logistical support tasks, so there is no need to worry about Anina's comfort at all, as long as the Hulk and the others can't find their base, That's the safest place to be.

  Even this base is very confident, because in the habitat of polar bears, the habitat of polar bears is full of icebergs, and there is no plain at all, so this place is not suitable for building bases or ski resorts at all. And there are such dangerous animals.

  The polar bear is a very dangerous animal. Even though it looks white, it looks cute, but it is the most dangerous animal.

  When I built the base here at that time, I just took a fancy to doing something, so I built the base here, and it must not be discovered by the Hulk and the others.

  ".¨Okay, we know, you can rest assured, it will definitely be remembered in our hearts."

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